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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn IX

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jkason said:
A broad-shouldered human enters the Inn, clothed in earth tones that might suggest him a woodsman if not for the more exotic weaponry he wears.

"Eanos is my name," he says, introducing himself as is customary before ordering a small bite to eat.

"I see my long wandering gave you plenty of time to beat me back, Quarion," he says to the elf, then gives a sideways glance and a smile to the scarred dwarf.

"And you've stayed in one piece, I see, Mordik."

Eanos! It's been a while, yeah!? How'd everythin' go when I came down wi' that deathly ill? I'm sorry about not being able to finish up that job but we found out a lot for em anyways, eh?

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Eanos, human monk

Rae ArdGaoth said:
"Speaking of fine company... You know this dwarf?" With a sour look on his face, he nods toward the drunken Mordik.

Eanos nods, suppressing a chuckle at the elf's response to the rough dwarf.

"Mordik was with me on my first adventure," he admits. "A murder mystery which turned out to have far greater implications than we'd ever have expected."

NakuruSai said:
Eanos! It's been a while, yeah!? How'd everythin' go when I came down wi' that deathly ill? I'm sorry about not being able to finish up that job but we found out a lot for em anyways, eh?

"We were sorry to have missed you," Eanos says "Your dwarven vision would have been quite a boon near the end, as we found ourselves trapped in dark tunnels beneath a volcano, with no light of our own for quite some time and only a single dwarf among our number. My ears are good, but navigating by sound is hardly preferable."


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Quarion said:
"Speaking of fine company... You know this dwarf?" With a sour look on his face, he nods toward the drunken Mordik.
Eanos said:
nods, suppressing a chuckle at the elf's response to the rough dwarf.

"Mordik was with me on my first adventure," he admits. "A murder mystery which turned out to have far greater implications than we'd ever have expected."

Addressing the elf Mordik says, Aye, me and Eanos go a bit back. Then noticing the elf's face...Wha's..didja get a snootful of unripe wine or sumthin?

Mordik drags his index finger along his scar seemingly deep in thought...I'm glad tah hear you made it a'right. Sad that we lost someone on that run though. Mordik frowns, he shouts [smallcaps]For Ashnar![/smallcaps] and downs his ale and gets another.


"But then some things just ain't meant to be."

Troi nods, a flash of irritation crossing his face as the dwarf slaps him across the back.

"...mebbe...an animal trainer? or somethin?"

Troi shakes his head. "Nah. I kin deal wi' animals, I s'pose, but it's not all I do, y'know? Ya could call me a ranger, I s'pose."


First Post
Troi said:
Nah. I kin deal wi' animals, I s'pose, but it's not all I do, y'know? Ya could call me a ranger, I s'pose
Ah. Well then - table full'a woodsmen, Mordik nods at Troi and Quarion, I prefer the city m'self. Bears and poisonous berries ain' my idea of good times..

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Knight Otu said:
(Scott, I can't quite remember right now - did you send the character judges an email?)

OOC: I thought I did...I can't remember right now. As my occupation is of the building trades I seem to lapse on remembering facts pertaining to entertainment (role playing) and concentrate on those ugly realities such as the national electrical code (regretfully).

Eanos said:
"Eanos is my name," he says, introducing himself as is customary before ordering a small bite to eat.


*belch*"velcome mein herr" the northlander raises his mug to the monk now entering and then takes a good swig of his ale.

At the salute by the dwarf to the fallen comrade, he raises his mug again and downs his ale . He looks for the Frau and orders again, "Ah! Frau, bita, een andere drank opnieuw tevreden...er, anazer drink please, und food if en zee keep up vith das persens here!"

*hic, belch*

(OOC: as of 0900, 14 march 2007 i have submitted a copy of pendrake just to make sure it got sent...i have a copy of the e-mail just incase i need to resend it.

DeWar's Scotch
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First Post
Eanos, human monk

NakuruSai said:
I'm glad tah hear you made it a'right. Sad that we lost someone on that run though. Mordik frowns, he shouts [smallcaps]For Ashnar![/smallcaps] and downs his ale and gets another.

Eanos raises his mug, though he also raises his eyebrows. "You've not heard, then? The clerics of Monemvassia called down the powers of their god and actually raised Ashnar from the dead!" The monk stares off into the middle distance as his voice falls quieter. "Imagine the fiery test one must face to die and return. Surely Ayratha strengthens one's mettle tenfold through something like that..."

Eanos shakes his head. "Still, Ashnar's sacrifice was not small; he came through the ordeal changed, and lost a measure of his magics. He still deserves a powerful toast from us!" So saying, Eanos clanks his drink against Mordik's and downs a good portion of it.

Rae ArdGaoth

"The gods raised your friend from the dead? How unnatural. What a harrowing experience it must have been..." Quarion is thoughtful, debating silently with himself whether he approves of the practice of resurrection or finds it to be against the laws of nature.

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