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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn IX

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Rystil Arden

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"It is only natural that the gods have great plans for those with a grand destiny. Some day, Ashnar will be something great, and the gods foresaw this. They never choose to bring back an old man who died in his bed of old age after living a life of no meaning, for that would indeed be unnatural. A hero's treatment is what comes of being special, of chasing your destiny and all you deserve with full vim and zeal. It is our duty to follow our dreams and improve ourselves to reach the grand destinies the gods have foresen for us," Aletheia suggests, her smile taking in all those at the inn, for in her eyes, all of them are heroes, or at least potential heroes.

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jkason said:
Eanos raises his mug, though he also raises his eyebrows. "You've not heard, then? The clerics of Monemvassia called down the powers of their god and actually raised Ashnar from the dead!" The monk stares off into the middle distance as his voice falls quieter. "Imagine the fiery test one must face to die and return. Surely Ayratha strengthens one's mettle tenfold through something like that..."

Eanos shakes his head. "Still, Ashnar's sacrifice was not small; he came through the ordeal changed, and lost a measure of his magics. He still deserves a powerful toast from us!" So saying, Eanos clanks his drink against Mordik's and downs a good portion of it.

Mordik seems stunned, I never knew 'twas even possible! Thought that kin'a thing was jus' in stories... Mordik takes a thoughtful drink.

Aletheia said:
It is only natural that the gods have great plans for those with a grand destiny. Some day, Ashnar will be something great, and the gods foresaw this. They never choose to bring back an old man who died in his bed of old age after living a life of no meaning, for that would indeed be unnatural.
But does he get a say i'what happens then? Mordik adds with tears and some spite, Did any gods save me family when I was orphaned? [smallcaps]no.[/smallcaps] If they could save'm and they don't they might a'well ha'killed em offright...

Mordik holds back more tears and sniffles once loudly...He realizes his outburst, Erm..I'll go get a new drink... As he walks to the bar he wipes his eyes past the waitress he gets an ale direct from the barkeep instead.
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Rystil Arden

First Post
"No, that's not it--the gods do not kill those we love," Aletheia says, her voice full of compassion, "They are not all powerful--our world still has free will. That is also why a man like Ashnar who has a great destiny can still die. The gods know that each does not have full control over the way of the world--Ashnar's foes are the ones that killed him, but twas the gods who allowed him to return to right the scales, to continue towards his destiny"

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion takes Aletheia's words to heart. "Yes... I believe I agree with you. I feel that I have many things to do before I die. Were a bear to kill me for food, I would accept my fate and embrace my next life. But if I were defeated in battle by another sentient creature over a moral disagreement, or even in a fight against an unintelligent aberration... I would want to continue living and balancing the scales of the world. Yes, I agree. Well spoken, milady. Haryalle nólë pella lle loae."

Quarion frowns at the dwarf as he goes up to the bar. "The last thing that dwarf needs is another drink. It was my understanding that dwarves hold their alcohol better than most. He has had but a few drinks, and already he is stumbling and crying. I have had little respect for most of the dwarves I have met, but they at least had some semblance of honor and poise."

Elven Translation:
You possess wisdom beyond your years.


"No, that's not it--the gods do not kill those we love, they are not all powerful--our world still has free will. That is also why a man like Ashnar who has a great destiny can still die. The gods know that each does not have full control over the way of the world--Ashnar's foes are the ones that killed him, but twas the gods who allowed him to return to right the scales, to continue towards his destiny"

Troi shakes his head at this. "Ya sure 'bout that? Wi' th' thing wi' th' gods, an' all that. I dunno if I buy it. Th' things I've seen... I mean, believe what ya will, but I'd much rather live a life wi'out th' gods interferin', y'know? Like th' mortalists say, better ta light our own candle than ta wait fer th' gods ta take away th' darkness."

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Aletheia smiles and nods slightly out of respect.*

"Mere quente Quenderin," she replies, with a near-perfect Elven accent and a faint ironic smile.

Elven Translation:
I wish I spoke Elven


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GnomeWorks said:
Troi shakes his head at this. "Ya sure 'bout that? Wi' th' thing wi' th' gods, an' all that. I dunno if I buy it. Th' things I've seen... I mean, believe what ya will, but I'd much rather live a life wi'out th' gods interferin', y'know? Like th' mortalists say, better ta light our own candle than ta wait fer th' gods ta take away th' darkness."

Mordik walks back to his chair solemnly. Aye. Ain' nobody gettin nuthin without workin for it.

Quarion frowns at the dwarf as he goes up to the bar. "The last thing that dwarf needs is another drink. It was my understanding that dwarves hold their alcohol better than most. He has had but a few drinks, and already he is stumbling and crying. I have had little respect for most of the dwarves I have met, but they at least had some semblance of honor and poise."
And ye can shove yer poise. I said when I come in: I ain't no politician. I'm a fixer, not a talker. You need a trap fixed or made, you need a warlord cut up while someone else plays a distraction, I can do it. You want someone to talk up and down the right way, it ain' me!

[sblock=ooc re:ashnar and M4]
I'm glad to know his character made it out. It always sucks when a couple bad rolls drops you. I missed near the end there after he died. And to think, Mordik could be a knight right now. haha[/sblock]


"And ye can shove yer poise. I said when I come in: I ain't no politician. I'm a fixer, not a talker. You need a trap fixed or made, you need a warlord cut up while someone else plays a distraction, I can do it. You want someone to talk up and down the right way, it ain' me!"

Troi nods. "We've all got our strengths. Some of us're good wi' a blade; others're good wi' th' talkin'." He turns to Quarion. "Ánëlmer nírer illi arwa. Lanámoer felmer sië naraca."

Elven translation:
We have all shed tears. Do not judge emotions so harshly.
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Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

Quarion sighs, chastised once again. "Mi taurë, avá sánanarmo ai nienalle. Nauva roitaro ar mac'ro lle, nén ar ilqua. Mi taurë, eressë voritulca." He holds up a hand, indicating that he is not finished. "Nan ávamin mi taurë sinarë." He stands and addresses Mordik. "Dwarf, I have been rude. I am Quarion Holimion, a druid of the forest as you suggested. I apologize for my harsh words, they were unwarranted. I spoke of having no honor, not realizing that in saying it, I had no honor myself. Forgive me, Mordik." He bows deeply.

Elven Translation:
In the forest, the wolf does not care if you cry. He will hunt you and kill you, tears and all. In the forest, only the strong survive. ... But I am not in the forest anymore.

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