Clasically Modern (Hopefully) Kickin' Hivemind Thread

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The man with the probe
Frukathka said:
Must be a cushy job if you can lurk and work at the same time.
It can be, or it can suck royaly. It's either full speed overdrive, or extremely quiet. It pays the bills though.

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The man with the probe
Lady_Acoma said:
Is anyone else having the thing where nothing appears as a new message anymore unless it is posted while you are actually on site...meh, oh well. I wish I had cable or dish or something. I miss so many good things. :(
No, never had that problem. The biggest problem I've had is things being listed as a new message when it's not, and the First Unread link seems to not be working correctly for me anymore.


First Post
Review of DnD 2 -

Bad Guys had Bad Acting. Good Guys had OK Acting. Plot = Acceptable. Execution = Acceptable. Visuals = Good. Overall = Acceptable.


The man with the probe
Sounds like they could have done worse. I'll have to find a way to see it someday.

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Aeson said:
I'm sure you guys have missed me. I bet you didn't even know I was gone.

I have been out of state working. I was in Ohio last week and Pennsyvania this week and next week Virginia and maybe Floridia the next week. I really want to return to Georgia. I really like it here in PA. Some really neat old towns and mountains. I hate the roads. It looks like the roads were designed by a man on a 5 day drinking binge also there seems to be toll booths every 5 feet. Anyone know what happens when your EZpay stops paying? Our EZpay conked out on us last night and has yet to recharge even though money has been put in it. The Engineer riding with me insisted we just keep driving. I'm not going to get into any serious trouble for not paying a toll am I? I guess I shouldn't care too much its a company car.

In case you were wondering. I am driving an Engineer as he tests cell phone signals. We are spending between 10-14 hours a day, 6 days a week driving. I never knew how tiring driving could be. I'm glad it was only 7 hours today and a WHOLE day off tomorrow.

Can you hear me now? :p

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Aeson said:
Anyone planning to watch Dungeons & Dragons II tonight? I've seen it and its better than the first one. I know thats saying alot but it is actually much better. It's on Scifi at 9. I'm trying to decide if I'll watch it or AVP which I have also seen before. I may watch something I have on my laptop to watch on my trip. I'm thinking of watching Steamboy. Anyone seen it? Should I bother?

We got together as a group and watched it over at a friend's house. There was some silly comments thrown at it but it was better than the first one. The D&D commercials were cute and funny. Especially the "rules" one.... right before #2 was broken. And I'd seen #1 broken as well.


The man with the probe
Lady_Acoma said:
i don't get Sci Fi either...stupid antenna. :lol:

I don't even have an Antenna (Well, I do, but the cable broke so I can't hook it up to the TV downstairs.

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