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After Jebediah has conducted interviews with the five interested parties, Thomas approaches the motley group sitting at one large table, looking around the group with hard flat eyes the large manservant speaks in a loud cultured voice "Goodman Ostler has lead me to believe that your group is looking for work, if that is so then Lord Krane is ready to receive you now, please leave your weapons with Goodman Ostler, I'll then conduct you all into the interviewing room"

Assuming that everyone does as suggested Thomas leads the way to the assigned room, after searching everyone throughly for concealed weapons he then lets the group enter the cramp room and closes the door behind him.


Looking up from his notes Jebediah smiles warmly at the group, "My friends please be seated I have much to discuss with you" Jebediah then swiftly brings the group up to date with all of the information he's learned so far (as per my character sheet)

"It seems to me that we have a few leads to follow, firstly both Mytch the Miller and Gremag the trader are both high on my suspect list, especially since Laugo the teamster believes that the traders can't be trusted, secondly I was unable to speak to Terjon Chief Cleric of St Cuthbert, Jaroo the Druid, Radker the Potter, and the Stonemason so any of these could also be agents for the Temple, and finally Jasc the wainwright suspects that Jaroo is evil and has bewitched those who follow the old faith, and Marty the leatherworker claims to have seen an a large demon-like creature with twisted horns, a serpentine tail that wields a Greataxe"

"The information from both Jasc and Marty seems to be the most unreliable, but it may pay to check it out further"

"Also I have hopefully ruffled enough feathers that I'm expecting an assassination attempt upon myself tonight, as such Lord Burne has agreed to sneak in two of his guardsmen to watch over me after sundown, so hopefully any agents of the temple will show their hand shortly, but you might want to sleep with your weapons at hand in case Thomas or I require assistance"

OOC: Thomas searches and removes all weapons before allowing anyone to be interviewed by 'Lord Krane', also any info that Jebediah gets from the interviews he also shares with the rest of the group.

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"You've had a most busy day," Aeron states with appreciation. "Allow me to tell you about ours." The cleric of Pelor recounts the transpirings of the day. While his retelling is clearly meant to be objective, it is also clear that he does not like how things happened at the moathouse. "In any case, he concludes, "the captives are in custody. It may be wise for you to speak with them."

"As for your discoveries, first I suggest that you not be overly conclusory about the traders given the teamsters musings. There could easily be business reasons that might explain any ill will between them. Certainly do not discount any suspicion of them, but note that there may be ulterior motives at work.

"Second, suspicians of this Jaroo may likely stem from simple religious fervor. I have great respect for religions, even those other than my own. However, some zealots do not. It could be as simple as that.

"Burne is a mage, you say. Do you know what Rufus does? Or, perhaps, why they live here? I don't imagine there is much need for a resident sage in these parts

"Lastly, is this moathouse that we visited the actual Temple of Elemental Evil, or otherwise connected?"

Having given his opnion and asked his questions, Aeron slumps in his chair. The cleric is clearly not feeling well.


"You have done well Krane. I now want to know whether our captured bandits came from Nulb and what more they could tell us of that place. There very well may be temple agents or spies in this town, but I doubt they could get an assassination attempt off within one day, so I believe we may be disappointed by a peaceful night's sleep tonight."

"However from what our captives said, there are others within the moathouse. The path of duty seems clear. We must return there and deal with whoever is left lairing beneath those ruins. Any we are able to capture alive may be able to inform us more. Once the prophet is reimbued with divine power at the dawn and presuming no attacks during the night I suggest we return to the Moathouse ruins straight away. They may have fled or remained and fortified, but even if they fled I doubt they could erase all their traces and we may frind some clues therein."


First Post


Thomas quickly ushers in the first of the interviews, and Jebediah gets to work asking his questions and such. There are five adventurer types that show up to express their interest:

Spugnois: Spugnois appears to be a mage of some sort, though he tells you that he is a scholar interested only in studying magical writings and such. He has come to the area to search for old scrolls and books, as he had heard rumors that there were many rare magics used by the Temple in its heyday. He claims that he has learned that a Wizard inhabited the ruined Moathouse outside of the village, and that he is planning on searching it soon. He appears to be telling the truth.

Zert: Zert is a well-built warrior type, clad in scale armor. He claims to know nothing of the Temple, and says that he is simply looking for work as a man-at-arms. He says that he is a veteran of many wars and such that have been fought over the last decade, and has always worked as a mercenary of sorts. Jebediah can tell that this man is outright lying, and that he knows much more about the Temple than he is letting on.

Kobort: Companion of Turuko (below), Kobort is a huge, lumbering warrior in banded armor. He knows little of the Temple beyond simple rumors, and he and his companion are simply looking for work. He doesn’t appear to be lying, although he answers many of your questions by telling you to speak with Turuko, who would know more about that sort of thing.

Turuko: A short, slim man of Baklunish origin, Turuko dresses in simple robes. He professes no love of combat, but says that it is how he and his companion Kobort have made their living. They had come to Hommlet upon hearing rumors of bandits and such in the area, hoping to find work as guards or mercenaries. He can tell you only the basic background of the Temple, although he hints that he may know more. However, he says that it is unwise to speak of such subjects until you know who you can and can’t trust. He appears to be telling the truth in his statements.

Elmo: Elmo is a tall and well-built man dressed in dirty leathers, with greasy brown locks and dull eyes. He smells of alcohol, and by the way he staggers upon entering the room, Jebediah has a suspicion that he may already be drunk. His speech is slow and halting, and he gives the impression of lacking somewhat in intelligence. Elmo claims to be a mercenary looking for work, and explains that he has lived in Hommlet his whole life. When questioned about the Temple, he tells Jebediah that much evil still lurks in the Temple ruins, and that if you are truly interested in the history of the place, you should investigate the ruins themselves. He warns you that none have ever returned from exploring the remains of the place, though, and that you should be extremely careful. After the interview ends, Jebediah is stuck with the impression that the man is much more intelligent then he is letting on, and that the drinking is possibly a ruse of some type.

If you would have asked these folk any other specific questions and such, let me know and I will provide the answers.


Zirat - Champion of kord

Trying to lower Jebediah's worry about assassination, the gladiator turns to the historian, and tap on his new armor
Don't worry lad, you are surrounded with good, armored, skilled, courageous and heroic friends.
he turns to the others
As for the moathouse, If there are more scums over there.
We'll deal with them tomorrow.

Jinx melds in the far wall of the room and quietly listens to all said with keen interest, his gnommish mind working to chew at the fragments of information presented on all sides. As Jebediah relates the information he learned from Burne, Jinx's dark eyes shine with interest. Removing the dagger taken from the bandit leader and examining the blade and hilt yet again, Jinx looks at the weapon with new interest and an eye for the occult.

Knowledge (arcana) +9. Is there anything particular about the dagger that would indicate it is associated with fire, water, air, or earth?

Frowning in thought at the dagger, Jinx looks up. Those men today at the moathouse...they wore black, did they not? Jinx silently racks his memory to recall whether there was perhaps anything noteworthy regarding the bandits' manner of dress.

Trying to recall whether they all wore black or if they wore other colors, and whether this now seems important or if it particularly stands out in memory.


First Post
The dagger appears to be just a very fine steel dagger, sharp and extremely well balanced. The hilt is wrapped in black leather for grip, but the blade does not bear any types of marks or symbols.

You can recall that the bandits all wore studded leather armor of black coloration, and that their leader wore a black tabbard over his chainmail. You don't recall their garments bearing any other markings or distinctive symbols.

Jinx keeps mum and stays to the back of the room, behind the others. Privately deciding to himself that should the opportunity present itself, he'd like to have a second look at the captives and their effects, Jinx carefully re-stashes the steel dagger and continues to pay attention to everything said by the others. All the while, Jinx's beady eyes flit from person to person, taking stock of everyone's belongings...his sight lingering on items of obvious worth or gaudiness.


First Post
Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
Trying to lower Jebediah's worry about assassination, the gladiator turns to the historian, and tap on his new armor
Don't worry lad, you are surrounded with good, armored, skilled, courageous and heroic friends.
he turns to the others
As for the moathouse, If there are more scums over there.
We'll deal with them tomorrow.
Looking up at the big man Jebediah begins speaking with a wry smile on his handsome face "You misunderstand me Zirat, I'm not concerned about being assassinated, I'll be concerned if no one try to assassinate me, as that would mean that all of my efforts have been wasted."

"But as you say, I won't be sleeping alone tonight, even if I don't have any visitors, I'm sure if I continue to snoop around someone will pay me a visit sooner than later"
looking around Jebediah meets eye contact with his fellow adventurers

"Now regarding this moathouse, I believe that it was an outpost of the Temple in it's heyday, so those 'bandits' you discovered will be working either directly or indirectly for the Temple, as such I think I'll have to hire a 'likely' group of adventurers to help me explore the underground ruins"

"Also I have a few leads from my interviews today, I believe that Zert, a fellow patron of the welcome wench, knows much more than he's letting on, infact I'd be surprised if he wasn't an agent for the Temple, as such tomorrow I will contact him and hire him to help explore the moathouse, once we have him out of town, we can surprise and overwhelm him, then we can have a little heart to heart conversation with out dear friend Zert"

"So to begin with we'll have to keep up the masquerade, when I call a stop for lunch at around 3 PM we'll make our move against him, also I'll be playing the part of a foolish lord, so don't expect to get underway before lunchtime, also I'll make arrangements with Lord Burne for us to have access to some private holding cells, that way we can store anyone of interest we find"

Looking around to see if there is anything else to add, if not Jebediah composes a message for Zert and hands it to Thomas to get it delivered, after ordering a dinner to be served in his room Jebediah retires for the evening.

Letter to Zert:[sblock]
My dear friend Zert, I have need of your services to aid me in my investigation into the history and ruins of this 'Temple of Evil', please be ready to leave at first light.

Also as discussed previously you will be paid a retainer of 20gp per day as well as getting a 5% share of any items that are found.

Yours Sincerely

Lord Jebediah Krane[/sblock]

OOC: Jebediah makes discreet enquires as to where Zert is sleeping, also before entering his room he sends in Thomas to check the room to make sure everything is safe. Then two hours after dark Jebediah lowers a rope out of his window to allow the two soldiers to discreetly enter his room. BTW lets assume that Jebediah and Lord Burne agreed on using a catch phrase so that Jebediah knows that the soldiers are genuine.


First Post
It only takes Jebediah a few moments of time and a few whispered words to Goodman Gundigoot to find out the Zert is sleeping at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, just down the hall from Krane's own room.

Voidrunner's Codex

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