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"'Twarn't the money. It was this." Jinx removes the dagger he took from the bandit leader and places the sheathed weapon as discretely and non-chalantly as possible on the table. "Worth a pretty penny, I should think. Were it mine, I'd not want to part with it, but it rightfully belongs to all of us now...at least 'til it's decided otherwise." Jinx leans in and whispers, "And, by the look of his fury, I'd rather not assume it mine without the blessing of 'Our Lord Sir Merrick,' if you take my meaning. Him and that gladiator...look about ready to peel your skin off as soon's look at you!"
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When Zirat joins Aeron waiting in the common room of the inn, the cleric remains silent for a long time. After a bit, Aeron turns to Zirat, looks him up and down and says, "New armor? Let us hope it will make my healing less necessary. Please excuse me." Wincing from the pain of his wounds, the cleric stands and approaches Deren and Jinx.

"Might I join you? Forgive my bluntness, but I daresay that you two will make better company," Aeron says in a low tone. "I'm concerned about what happened today. Do either of you know anything I don't about this moathouse, or do we need to wait for our 'interview' with our friend to learn anything new?"

Dog Moon

Deren opens his mouth to respond, but quickly closes it as Aeron approaches. Although not one of the two previously spoke of by Jinx, Deren feels it best not to mention things with other members of the group within hearing range.

Deren motions for a chair, offering Aeron the chance to join them. After Aeron speaks, Deren shakes his head unknowingly. "I don't know any more about it than you do," he says. "I think we need to wait, though I doubt he will know much more about the moathouse than what we know. Those with the correct knowledge will no doubt keep their lips sealed. Those without that knowledge will feed us rumors and miscellaneous information which may or may not be accurate." Deren sighs in frustration. "Apparently I shouldn't have hit their leader quite so hard. He should know information that we don't have. I guess we'll have to return and see who else we can wring informatin from , eh?"


Aeron takes a seat, wincing again as he does so. "It was not your fault that you used what force was necessary. Of course, if our more... martial friends had not run in charging, perhaps it would not have been necessary. We might yet be able to coax the faithful of St. Cuthbert to aid us in speaking with the dead, however I am not terribly hopeful in that respect."

The cleric lets out an audible sigh. "Alas, I fear that we have lost much. Those that we brought back alive probably know little. Those that likely were hiding in the moathouse will surely flee before we can return. But, with Pelor's blessing, a path will open for us." Aeron looks intently at Deren and Jinx. "I trust that, should we find such a path, you two can help me steer our more direct companions along it..."

Wanting to make his small self helpful, Jinx knocks a gnarled pair of knuckles against the side of his head just above his ear as he thinks. Comparing what was told to him back in the Free City of this mission against what he saw today at the moathouse, Jinx frowns.

Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +9. Knowledge (history) +8.

Shrugging but still continuing to think in the back recesses of his mind, the gnome replies to Aeron. "I've seen worse behavior from bands of street thugs. But, still, to see it from a knight is a bit disconcerting. He is a knight, isn't he? With the 'Sirs' flying left and right, I had him pegged for such." Jinx turns a bit green and, in an effort to quell his roiling stomach, upends his tankard of ale. Finding the vessel empty, the gnome frowns at the cup then puts it back on the table. "It's not the tacital method of approach this day that concerns me as much as the method of...disposal...shall we say." Jinx's eyes flit nervously around the room. "I'd hate to swim it again, knowing what we now do about what's left to rot in there. If you take my meaning." The wheedling little gnome clasps two hands together and, wringing them, continues. "The champion of Zirat, now he's a big sort. Flatten me right into the dust, that one could. I say, how long have you known one another ere coming here?" Jinx's eyes glance over the priest's affects, assessing them for worth.


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CanadienneBacon said:
Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +9. Knowledge (history) +8.

Jinx' knowledge of architecture tells him that the moathouse was certainly designed to be an easily defendable position, much like a small castle. It is obvious to his trained eye that the place was beseiged and assaulted at some point in the not to distant past, which accounts for the moathouse's current condition. To his best estimate, the moathouse itself was built only twenty or thirty years ago, and has sat destroyed for probably ten years of that time.

Unfortunately, Jinx is not familiar with the actual history of the moathouse.


Sir Merrick comes down and joins Zirat at his meal, engaging him in conversation about the champion's new armor. He seems a bit impatient however and when Thomas comes out he catches the manservant's eye, eager to get this "interview" process over with and share information with Krane. The man was supposed to be good at gathering information and Merrick wanted him to interrogate the prisoners as well as see what he had discovered during the day. As well, knowing there are bandits in the moathouse might lead the man to ask the right questions to elicit more information.

A trickle of thoughts filter into the forefront of Jinx's head. In slow, careful tones, obviously thinking out each word, the gnome follows a new tack of conversation. "In considering it, gentlesir and hobbit, that edifice we encountered today seems a small fortress...a fact which I'm sure hasn't escaped your attention. I put it's foundation at perhaps 20 or 30 years old; in fact, despite its current condition, which seems to my eye to be the byproduct of a rather severe beseigement and consequent bombarding, the whole building seems fairly new. It's in a sorry shambles, though...having sat in that marsh in that condition for likely ten or more years." Jinx pauses thoughtfully. "I shouldn't wonder that the foundation itself is in poor condition. Going below, we might find ourselves in the middle of a watery grave, or a cave-in. Mere speculation, of course." The little gnome coughs. "I might like to have spelunking equipment of one variety or another before we return."

At sight of Sir Merrick, Jinx gets up from the table and removes himself to the bar. With a nod to Ostler, Jinx inquires, "What of Lord Crane? Like the others, I'm here for an interview with His Lordship." Jinx stiffles an inward groan. "Is he available, and if he is, may we be seen?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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