CN vs. N: Chaotic Neutral Victorious!


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If it weren't for all the adrenaline, Howlie would get tired from all that flying. He has somewhat over 30 rounds to go to catch up to the Nycter.

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CN is done with statues. How about an ancient ethereal dragon? That should squash Howlie's dreams of getting to the Hall of Fame! :eek:


A huge, pearlescent, brown-gray dragon comes trotting into the arena to 95N60E and breathes a line of force at Howlie. Howlie, being complacent due to his previous inept opponents, does not dodge at all (rolled 15 Ref save), taking 88 points of force damage. Howlie survives the massive damage (33 Fort save), and has 101 HP remaining.

Eteronovich takes Howlie's spot in the Hall of Fame! :)

Howlie is first in round 846.


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"And more ow!"

Howlie does a wingover, flies to 100n60e40z, breathes a maximized sonic boom down at Eteronovich, and then continues to 70n100e50z, heading south.


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Ah, indeed. Please replace "breathes a maximized sonic boom" with "casts Tasha's hideous laughter". If it works, Eteronovich will likely die of shame, if not the ensuing attacks.


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"Uh oh. My momma always told me not to go messin' with no ancient dragons."

Howlie banks around to 65n60e50z and tries his last hideous laughter, continuing to 85n20e50z, heading west.


Round 847

Closer, but still no one is laughing (CL check 14).

Eteronovich hovers up to 55N60E15Z and pummels Howlie with a line of force. Howlie does not dodge (Ref save 16), taking 76 points of force damage this time. Howlie cannot take two such blows so close together and dies from the massive damage (natural 1 Fort save). :eek:

First in round 848 for Chaotic Neutral is an adult sand dragon (Sandstorm). I do not have the stats for it, but that might not matter if it is planning on hiding underground.


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I have good news for you, PJSlavner. An adult sand dragon is the example sand dragon, so complete stats have already been provided. More good news: Sandy VI dives quickly underground, not wanting to face the bigger, clearly much more powerful ethereal dragon.

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