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Cold truths (Part 1: The Missing Duke) OOC


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The Generations War, 150 years of bloody conflict, is finally over. The newly created kingdom of Melinar, built from the remnants of Messar, an inland kingdom, and Ovamar, a coastal kingdom, is finally at an uneasy peace. Not because the hatred of the two peoples has lessened, but because they now face a common enemy: starvation.
For the last decade or so, no-one really knows for sure how long (they were all too busy killing each other), the summers have noticably shortened and gotten cooler, while the winters have gotten longer and harsher.
Messar, once a major exporter of wild game and meat is now faced with the reality that there is no game to be had. Nearly every animal larger than a cat has fled to the south, drawing hunters out of the area, taking food and lucrative exports with them. Citizens are now forced to draw what food they can from the badly polluted Veltir River, though even that yeilds little to no edible food.
To the west, over the Devinsa mountains, lies the shores of the great Ovara ocean, the highway and lifes-blood of Ovamar. With the cooling of the seasons, though, the once-teeming shoals are now empty, their denizens fled to warmer and deeper waters. The once-plentiful fishing fleets of Ovamar are now dwindled to a few stubborn captains who continue to hunt the deeps for their prey.
In the newly cristened capitol of Lendon, famine walks the streets like a physical presence. Even if there were not nearly continuous outbreaks of violence, the city watch would be hard pressed to keep up with the thieving, looting and deaths from the same.
These are troubled times in Messar. Violence, famine, and unveiled hatred between the two peoples are all rampant, everyone blames everyone else and the common man can only pray to the Gods to deliver them out of these dark times. Sadly, for the most part, the Gods have their own problems.
As his first "official" act, Prince Lenric has called a ducal counsel to decide what this fragile kingdom can do about these issues and all but one of the Dukes has replied. The one is Duke Baerd, who's keep lies on the northern border of the kingdom. Since the city watch has it's hands full, the prince has offered 200 silver pieces, the equivalent of over 6 months regular wages, to anyone willing to venture to the Dukes' keep and see why he has not responded...


Players guide
For this game, here are the basics that I feel a new player would need to know. If you need info that is not here, let me know and I will do my best to provide it.

* Every character needs to be created using a 28 point-buy as described in the 3rd ed DMG.
* For the first adventure in this series, absolutely NO elven, half elven, half-orc or dwarven character will be accepted. There are standing game-world reasons for this.
* Starting at 1st level, max HP.
* Every character sheet should include:
A character guideline or concept;
A basic phyical description and;
A brief bio or history. Think of what this person might tell you in the first 5 to 10 minutes of conversation...
If you WANT to fully detail the characters background and "life story", go ahead but please do so separately from the main character sheet.
* For the time being, I am using the Mundane calendar. I have not taken the time or effort yet to create a custom calendar for this world.


What I expect from a player:
* Don't "abandon" your character. If you don't feel you can finish the adventure, I understand. Life happens. Let me know BEFOREHAND, if possible, and I'll try to get someone else to take over the character.
* Help "keep the magic going". By this I mean try to avoid Metagame thinking. Use what your character knows and has, if they don' t know something or don't have something and WANT to know it or have it, use your character's knowlege to figure out how to get what it is you want and roleplay it. Ask questions (in or out of character as needed), look around you, etc. This person (your character) is suposed to be a living, breathing person. Treat them as such.

What I expect players to expect from ME:
* I will do everything I can to give you all the information, tools and support you need.
* I will be as fair as possible when rolling dice, however I reserve the right to "fudge" either for OR against the players if I deem it situation appropriate.
* I will do everything I can to help you "keep the magic going". Including giving good, atmospheric descriptions, keeping "in character" and maintaing this site.

Dwarves and Elves have disowned the Humans and Orcs havent even been heard of since before the Generations war started. So, that leaves Humans, Halflings and Gnomes as playable races. At least for now...

Humans exist virtually anywhere there is usable land, living in cities and towns or on individual farms. Humans are the jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none that you would expect. Former Messarians hate the former Ovamarians and, quite predictably, the reverse is just as true.

Halflings, too, exist virtually anywhere there is usable land. Living in cities alongside the Humans and the equal to their larger companions in every profession but those where physical strenth is a requirement. Most of the Halfling population lived in the inlands and, therefore will side with former Messarians in arguments. There are a few scatteres Halfling-only villages, but they don't usually last long since the ocupants usually long for some exitement.

Gnomes tend stay away from Humans and keep to themselves. They were particualrly hit hard by the war since the land now known as The Blood Plains was once their homeland. Gnomes tend to be a bit bitter about the war and any adults will rail on about "those blasted giants" and how they "destroyed our home." However, the younger gnomes, as with most races, don't see what all the fuss was about since theres now lots of homes to be had for cheap. as long as you don't mind the smell.

* House Rules *

Short term care:
Healing magic is available but rare and expensive in this setting. "Providing short term care means spending ten minutes cleaning & sewing up wounds, applying poultices and so on". After each combat in which a creature was wounded, up to one character may give them short-term care **Iif they (the injured creature) still have at least 1 hp**. If the DC 15 Heal check is successful, the patient regains 1 hp per character level + Con modifier in hit points, minimum 1 hp.
In calm and suitable conditions a character may 'take 10' on the heal roll. A character may also 'take 20' on the heal roll, taking 200 minutes.

Plot Points:
I always wondered how to deal with situations that I thought merited experience points but weren't covered by any of the existing rules. So, I've decide to use Plot Points. These are given typically for creative play, ideas and such and build at a rate of 2 Plot Points to 1 regular experience point.
Example 1: A character surprises a baddie and dispathes him in "normal" combat. This would result in straight experience points.
Example 2: A character is surprised and does not have his "real" weapon available, he improvises one and proceeds to subdue or kill the baddie. This situation would result in not only experience points, but plot points as well for improvising the weapon and using it effectively.
Example 3: A group of adventurers is delving in an abandoned crypt and set off a pit trap. There is not enough of a ledge to walk acroos and they cannot find a way to close the trap or a way around it. One of the characters comes up with the idea of using the wooden sarcophogas lids as a makshift bridge and the group proceed to figure out a plausible way to make it workable. This would result in Plot points exclusivly, for the idea, figuring out a way to make it work and the teamwork needed to execute the idea.

For even more info, see the website or send mail to mps42 AT email DOT com or mips42 AT iwon.com.

Rogues Gallery
In Character
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I'm interested. Haven't played a rogue in a while, so I'm leaning in that direction, but I'm open for anything. What level? What books are you allowing?


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I posted that at about 10pm last night and brain was rapidly switching to "off". :)

3e core rules +Tome & Blood to start with (thats what I own) if you want to bring something else in I would need the info on it.

All players start at first level, max HP.


First Post
I'm interested! A ranger sounds like it would fit in with this plot thread. I'll see if I can make it work on 28 points. Should we post here, or will there be a RG?



First Post
taitzu52 said:
I'm interested! A ranger sounds like it would fit in with this plot thread. I'll see if I can make it work on 28 points. Should we post here, or will there be a RG?

:confused: I Don't recognize the "rg" acronym but there IS a "game thread" in "playing the game".
Either post character concept here or send email, whichever is easier.

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