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D&D 5E Companion thread to 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XIII: Warlock)


Here we go again! Companion to the Warlock survivor thread!

So the Warlock class is full of fun and creepy options and I decided this time I wouldn't worry too much about the UA options and just concentrate on getting Fiend out early, as it's the most basic option possible... maybe Hexblade too but I bet there will be lots of hate sent its way.

No sure what people have against the Genie? The Genie Bottle concept feel like a hoot to use :p

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Warlocks are my favorite arcane spellcasters by a wide margin. This class has the perfect balance of game mechanics and flavor for me. One of these days I am going to run a campaign where all magic in the world is gained and harnessed through pact magic.


The first warlock I ever played was the Hexblade, and it was everything I wanted in a "gish" character. It had a good suite of weapon and armor proficiencies and combat options without having to multiclass with Fighter, and all of the buff/debuff magic I needed without having to multiclass with cleric or bard. Being able to tear away a fallen creature's shadow and use it as an ally was a game-changer, too. It is my favorite 5E character ever, and it's in the Top Five characters of any edition I've ever played.

One of my "darlings" in this contest is going to be The Fathomless. I've never played a Fathomless yet, but that's just because my players haven't yet met one of the major villains in my campaign. :devil: I'm really excited to literally release the kraken on the players one of these days.

I've cooked up tons of custom patrons for my homebrew setting, actually. Here, let me share them with the room. Feel free to stuff them into your own campaign if you like; I had a lot of fun writing them.

If your character is a Warlock:
  • You are automatically proficient with the Arcana skill. There is no need to select it, and it doesn't count toward the number of skill proficiencies your character knows at 1st level.
  • You must choose a Patron from the list presented here, at 1st Level. If you don't see one that you like, let's chat about creating one.
  • You become proficient with that Patron’s weapon.
  • You add your proficiency bonus to all Intelligence checks related to your patron or your patron’s realm.
  • If you choose the Pact of the Blade, your pact weapon scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 if it’s in the form of your Patron’s weapon.
  • If you choose the Pact of the Chain, you have the Alert feat as long as your familiar is in the form of your Patron’s familiar and within 5 feet.
  • If you choose the Pact of the Tome, your patron provides you with the “tome” listed in their description (it isn’t always a book), and you may add spells to it at no cost.
You have entered a pact with a member of fey nobility known as the Archfey, a legendary creature of immense and mysterious power. As with the feudal systems of our own world, these lords and ladies are in a constant struggle with each other for territory and resources, as well as lesser concerns of insults, hard feelings, and jealousy. Mortals can be useful (or at least entertaining) in this struggle, and so it is not unheard of for certain Archfey to make bargains with mortals as a means of furthering their own agendas. In this campaign there are three Archfey who make pacts with mortals: Titania, Queen of the Summer Court; her sister and rival The Queen of Air and Darkness; and Herla, Lord of the Hunt.

Warlocks who form pacts with the Archfey follow the progression for The Archfey on page 108 of the Player’s Handbook.

Queen of the Seelie Court
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weapon: Scepter (mace)
Familiar: a calico cat
Tome: a white book filled with pressed flowers
Titania (tie-TAN-e-uh) is the patron of friendship and magic (especially enchantments) and the sister of The Queen of Air and Darkness. She most often appears to mortals as a beautiful female faerie, only three and a half feet in height, with gossamer wings, golden hair, pale skin, and penetrating blue eyes. She makes her presence known in the mortal world through motes of light, the smell of blossoms, and the sound of insects.

Queen of the Gloaming Court
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Weapon: Scepter (mace)
Familiar: a black cat
Tome: a moldy black book that is always crusted with frost.
The Queen of Air and Darkness is the patron of darkness, murder, and magic (especially illusions). Her long-lost true name is never spoken among the fey. When she wishes to be seen, she appears as a beautiful faerie with pale, angular features, black eyes, and a mane of black hair. She makes her presence known to mortals in a breeze of cold air, the movement of shadows, or terrible nightmares.

Lord of the Wild Hunt
Alignment: Neutral
Weapon: Spear
Familiar: a hunting hound
Tome: a bag of runestones
Herla (HAIR-la), the Lord of the Hunt, is the Archfey of the Beastlands, a vast wilderness where the cruel aspects of nature bleed into our world. He is a centaur, armed with a vine-covered spear and bearing a great hunting horn of white ivory. Stag antlers crown his head, and his eyes glow with a bright green light. He makes his presence known through the baying of hounds, the call of hunting horns, and the thunder of approaching hooves.

This Lord’s court is the Wild Hunt itself: a group of huntsmen, werewolves, centaurs, and poor souls they sweep up in their frenzy. He and his Hunt move between the Plane of Shadow, the Beastlands, and the most ancient forests of our world, so if he has a hidden seat of power, it could be nearly anywhere.
Your patron is an Archangel, a powerful being from the upper planes of Mount Celestia. Whether through destiny or providence, you have bound yourself to an ancient entity that resides in the planes of everlasting goodness and bliss. Your pact with that being allows you to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illuminates the Multiverse, and allows you to carry that light into the darkest parts of our world.

But be warned: in the lofty realms of Heaven, goodness does not always translate into kindness, and justice is not always tempered with mercy. The most righteous and pure of mortals in our world are still loathsome and wretched compared to the angels above. Of the multitudes of Heaven, only three Archangels of Mount Celestia will debase themselves low enough to form a pact with a mortal: Sathia, the Iron Angel; Morwel, the Brightest Star; and Raziel, the Burning Angel.

Warlocks who form pacts with beings from Mount Celestia follow the progression for The Celestial, as described on page 54 of “Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.”

The Iron Angel, The Lawgiver
Alignment: Lawful Good
Weapon: Greatsword
Familiar: a hawk
Tome: a heavy scroll wound on an iron spool
Archangel Sathia (SATH-e-uh) is the patron of righteous justice and absolute law. They are depicted as an androgynous, faceless human in plate armor, armed with a greatsword, and born aloft on 6 wings. Hard and unyielding as their nickname, The Iron Angel brings justice to those who have been wronged by mercilessly crushing those responsible. They make their presence known through metal: the sound of chimes or bells, the smell and taste of rust, etc.

The Brightest Star, The Bringer of Dawn
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weapon: Glaive
Familiar: a dove
Tome: a slender white scroll on a silver spindle
Archangel Morwel (MORE-well) is a vaguely human being with flowing red hair, their beauty otherworldly and awesome to behold. They are crowned with a halo of stars, and they playfully wield a shining glaive. They inspire like-minded mortals to beauty, creativity, and chaste love. They make their presence known through the sound or smell of rain, the blooming or wilting of flowers, and the taste of wine or vinegar.

The Burning Angel, The Crucible of Heaven, The Purifier
Alignment: Neutral Good
Weapon: Torch (treat as a club)
Familiar: a white owl
Tome: a thick scroll on a wooden spindle
Depicted as a phoenix, or as a beautiful winged human made entirely of flame, Archangel Raziel (RAZ-e-ell) is the patron of rebirth, purification, and cleansing fire. They make their presence known through flame: the flickering of candles and lamps, the smell of smoke or incense, or the crackling sounds of a fire.
Your patron is a dark and mysterious entity from The Fathomless Sea…the wide body of water at the center of the world, beneath the raging Maelstrom. Perhaps you bargained with this entity to save yourself from shipwreck or drowning. Or maybe you seek to control the sea itself as a quick path to wealth and power within the Merchant Guilds? While there are many dangerous and powerful creatures in the Fathomless Sea, only three of them will make deals with mortals in this campaign: Otaria, Slarkrethel, and Vog.

Warlocks who form pacts with the Shadowfell follow the progression for The Fathomless, from page 72 of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

The Angel of the Deep, the Fathomless Pearl, the Queen of Fathoms
Alignment: Neutral
Weapon: Bident (use stats for Trident)
Familiar: an albatross
Tome: a scroll of parchment, wound on a wooden spindle and decorated with pearl beads
Otaria (pronounced “oh TAR e uh”) is a triton archdruid of incredible power, who rules a vast aquatic kingdom south of the Maelstrom. When Otaria appears to mortals, she most often takes the form of an enormous blue whale with bioluminescent markings along her fins, a beautiful triton maiden with fins for hair, or a mermaid with the lower body of an octopus. She makes her presence known through the sound of seabirds, or the movements of air or water.

The Kraken God, King of the Trackless Depths
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Weapon: Tentacle (Whip)
Familiar: a slug or snail
Tome: a heavy black book, bound in sharkskin leather.
Slarkrethel (pronounced “SLARK ree thell”) is a kraken of immense size and power, who rules an underwater realm on the northern fringe of the Maelstrom. While he is still mortal, he aspires to greatness: his ultimate goal is apotheosis. From the dark waters and uncharted caves of his domain, he works tirelessly to ascend to godhood. When he wishes to be seen, he appears as an impossibly huge purple squid, miles long, with bright orange eyes. He communicates through the sound of dripping water or crashing waves, the appearance of tentacles in unlikely places, and the smell of seawater.

The Drowned, The Dreadnaught, The Ship of the Dead, Sea Devil, The Dead Captain, Old Scrattle, The Gray Lady, etc.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Weapon: Cutlass
Familiar: a hermit crab
Tome: an old ship’s logbook, with an unlabeled compass rose on the cover.
Vog (rhymes with “fog”) is a ghostly entity that formed from the souls of men who were lost at sea in the centuries following the Cataclysm. When it takes the form of a derelict, weatherbeaten ship or shipwreck, it is known as The Dreadnaught or the Ship of the Dead. When in human form, it appears as a skeleton or corpse dressed in sailor’s clothing, and is known as Sea Devil, the Dead Captain, or Old Scrattle. But most often, when it chooses to appear to mortals, it takes the form of a gray, luminescent fog that sailors call Vog or The Gray Lady. It rarely speaks, preferring to communicate through feelings and emotions: pangs of hunger or fear, the sensation of warm or icy water, a vague sense of calm or unease, etc.
Whether through desperation or coercion, you have bound your soul to a devil, one of the most cruel and cunning entities in the Multiverse. Your pact provides you with a quick path to great power, but at a terrible price. The Dukes of Hell are not fools, and you know that when your contract is up there will be a terrible price to pay.

But take heart, for mortals hold more power than they know. Mortals alone possess free will, the freedom to choose good over evil. The devils of Hell remember all too well how free will inspired Tiriel to war against Heaven, and how the free will of mortals destroyed Paradise. Truly, this freedom of will is all that holds our realm temptingly out of reach of both Heaven and Hell, making it both prized and feared. Only three of the Nine Lords of Hell would risk their station to bargain for a mortal soul: Baalzebul, Lord of the Flies; Levistus, the Frozen Prince; and Malagarde, the Hag Countess.

The Fiend Pact is described on page 109 of the Player’s Handbook.

Tiriel, Lord of the Flies, The Fallen
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Weapon: Falchion
Familiar: a flycatcher (a type of bird)
Tome: a yellowed, moldy scroll
Once, Baalzebul (BALE-zee-bull) was an Archangel of Celestia called Tiriel (TIER-ree-ell), but was cast down into Hell after a failed rebellion. There, they quickly rose through the ranks of devils, earning the nickname “The Lord of the Flies” because not even a fly could escape their web of intrigues. As punishment for their involvement in The Reckoning, and in mockery of their nickname, Asmodeus (as-mo-DAY-us) cursed Baalzebul’s angelic body into a grotesque, giant horsefly. They make their presence known through the presence or sound of flies.

The Frozen Prince
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Weapon: War pick
Familiar: a white cat
Tome: an elegant leather pocketbook
No one knows what Levistus (la-VISS-tuss) looks like, because the prince is frozen deep within an iceberg. Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell, imprisoned Levistus in ice for a terrible betrayal in ages past, and there he has remained. Though frozen, the mind of Levistus is free, and his plots run deep. He makes his presence known through strange whispers in dark corners, the smell of burning coal, and the presence of snow and ice where none should be.

The Hag Countess
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Weapon: Quarterstaff
Familiar: a rat
Tome: a sheaf of papers tied together with black twine
Currently the only noble of Hell that is not a devil, Malagarde (MAL-a-GUARD) is a night hag from the Feywild who advanced through the ranks of Hell by manipulation, deception, and trickery. Her fey blood is more than just a novelty; it makes her unpredictable and chaotic–and these are two concepts that devils cannot understand. She makes her presence known through the breaking of glass, the sound of laughter in empty rooms, and the smell of spoiling fruit.
The Jinn are elemental creatures of great age and power. In the western Marradi Archipelago they are known as the Yokai, in The Colonies they are called the Chalkydri, and here in the Southern Nations, they are known as the Jinn (plural for Genie). Though varied in their motives, they are all arrogant and highly competitive with each other, like four quarreling siblings. They will readily enter into pacts with mortals that will expand their reach into other planes, particularly the Prime Plane.

The Crashing Wave, The Water Fury
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapon: Trident
Familiar: a coral snake
Tome: a book with a water-damaged cover, with crusts of barnacles in places
Like the rolling of the tides and the flow of rivers, Kiora (pronounced “ky-OAR-uh”) is predictable and reliable…but also cold and unforgiving. Kiora appears to mortals as a large, standing wave of water with a vaguely humanoid shape. She makes her presence known through the smell of seawater, the sound of waves, and puddles or drips of water.

The Consuming Flame, The Fire Fury
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Weapon: Scimitar
Familiar: a scarab beetle
Tome: a book with a fire-damaged cover, with scorch marks in places
Of all the Djinn, Ragnis (pronounced “RAG-ness”) is the most prone to fits of rage and wanton destruction. He usually takes the form of a huge bonfire of yellow-hot flames. He has also been known to take the form of a phoenix, an efreet, or a snake made entirely of fire. His presence is known through the smell of smoke, the crackling sounds of fire, and the appearance of sparks or flames.

The Endless Sky, The Air Fury, The Azure King
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weapon: Scimitar
Familiar: a songbird
Tome: a leather book whose pages always seem to rustle from an unknown breeze
At his best, Stratos (pronounced “STRAT-toes”) is capricious and flighty…and at his worst, he is a thoughtless force of destruction and ruin. On the rare occasions that he wishes to be seen, he appears as a humanoid-shaped cloud of grey mist. He makes his presence known through small drafts and breezes, the sound of wind, and the rumble of distant thunder.

The Firmament, The Earth Fury
Alignment: Neutral
Weapon: Warhammer
Familiar: a mole
Tome: a leather book with a mud-stained cover, caked with dried earth in places.
Like the element that she was formed from, Tera (pronounced “TARE-uh”) is hard, unyielding, and stable. On the Material Plane, Tera usually takes the form of a roiling, churning mass of stone and soil. She has also been known to take the form of a stone giant, a clay golem, or a roughly humanoid-shaped mass of soil and rock. She makes her presence known through earth tremors that only you can feel, the smell of dust or soil, and the sound of falling stones.
Your patron is one of The Great Old Ones, mysterious entities whose nature is utterly foreign to the fabric of reality. It might come from a realm beyond time and space, or it could be one of the primordial elder gods known only in legends. Whatever form your patron takes, its motives are incomprehensible to mortals and gods alike, and its knowledge so immense and ancient that even the greatest libraries amount to barely a footnote in comparison. The Great Old Ones might be unaware of your existence or entirely indifferent to you, but the secrets you have learned allow you to draw power from it in ways you don’t fully understand.

In this campaign, there are three entities of this type that have taken an interest in the fabric of our reality. They are The Great Cthulhu, The Night Serpent, and That Which Lurks.

The Pact of the Great Old Ones is described on page 109 of the Player’s Handbook.

The One That Sleeps, The Slumbering One
Alignment: Unaligned
Weapon: a tentacle (treat as a whip)
Familiar: a strange creature that looks like a squid with the body of a snake
Tome: a multi-faceted purple crystal filled with glittering points of light
H. P. Lovecraft describes Cthulhu as "A monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery- looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind." This powerful being currently sleeps beneath the deepest part of the ocean, waiting for the stars to align and signal the Time of Devouring. It makes its presence known through disturbing visions, whispers, and sensations that only you can perceive (and only partially understand.)

Thing of Nightmares, The Devourer
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Weapon: the fang (dagger)
Familiar: a black viper
Tome: a black book filled with disturbing illustrations, but no text
The Night Serpent is a vile and evil Elder as old as humanity itself. Her cultists say she was created the first time a mortal creature had a nightmare, and took her form from that dream: a great serpent thousands of miles long, with a mouth that will eventually unhinge to swallow the world. She now roams the space between the stars, eating the nightmares of the living and awaiting the day when the stars align and signal the Time of Devouring. She makes her presence known through disturbing visions only you can see, and whispers only you can hear.

The Primordial
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapon: the flail
Familiar: a giant slug the size and color of a banana
Tome: a bag containing dozens of crystals of different sizes, colors, and shapes
A very ancient deity, That Which Lurks is rumored to have emerged from the primordial ooze itself. Over the ages, it has grown fat on the intellect and sanity of sentient beings, gorging itself on their thoughts and ideas. That Which Lurks appears as an amorphous, dark purple blob with many tentacles. It makes its presence known through moisture, dampness, and the smell of rot and mildew.
You have made your pact with a mysterious and powerful entity from the Shadowfell, a dark realm filled with twisted creatures, strange magic, and incorporeal undead. Creatures in this realm prize mortal souls for their own purposes: often as a means of escape from this bleak realm, or perhaps as sustenance or fuel for their dark powers. In this campaign there are three such entities in particular: Mask, the Master of Thieves; Nera, the Raven Queen; and Shar, Weaver of Shadow.

Warlocks who form pacts with the Shadowfell follow the progression for The Hexblade as described on page 55 of “Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.”

The Master of Thieves, The Lord of Shadows
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Weapon: Longsword
Familiar: a tarantula
Tome: a black leather book with black pages, the words within scribed in white ink
Mask fancies himself to be the god of shadows, crime, rogues, and thievery. While he is not a god, he is nonetheless a very powerful entity worshipped by thieves, assassins, graverobbers, and other mortals of ill repute. He is known for his constant scheming, his cool head, and his hatred of rivals--particularly the god Olidammara. When he wishes to be seen, he appears as a thin humanoid dressed in black leather armor, wearing a black velvet mask and carrying dual longswords. He makes his presence known through the flickering movement of shadows and the sound of footsteps in empty rooms.

The Queen of Death and Winter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weapon: War pick
Familiar: a raven, obviously
Tome: a black leather book with a raven embossed on the front
The Raven Queen was once a powerful mortal sorceress and queen named Nera (rhymes with “air-uh”). When she died, her soul came to Pluton (the realm of Nerull, the god of death). Impressed with her beauty and ambition, Nerull gave her form and enslaved her to be his wife. She eventually stole Nerull's power over shadows and specters, and used that power to overwhelm him and escape to the Shadowfell. There she waits, and plots her revenge. She makes her presence known to mortals through black feathers, gusts of cold wind, and the sound of crows.

Mistress of Night, Lady of Loss
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Weapon: a quarterstaff
Familiar: a bat
Tome: a matte black pocketbook, bound with a purple ribbon
Shar is one of the primordial entities that existed long before the creation of our world. In the chaos of the universe's creation, Shar pulled the darkness away from the light and wove it together to create the Shadowfell, the first shadows, and all incorporeal undead. It is said she can see everything that lay in darkness, or ever happened in the dark. Thus, she is associated with darkness, shadow, caverns, and secrets. She makes her presence known to mortals through the sound of bats, the echoes of dripping water, and the moaning of wind.
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Of course there will. It's my favorite. 100% expecting the usual "downvoting something I like to keep things interesting" pattern as well, which ensures that that thing loses.
A lot of that hate stems from the multiclassing implications more than anything else. It's too bad because it's otherwise a fine subclass.

I like the flavor of the Archfey, GOO, Genie, and Fathomless warlocks. I'm not holding my breathe for any of them to win though.


A lot of that hate stems from the multiclassing implications more than anything else. It's too bad because it's otherwise a fine subclass.
It's kinda unfair that a subclass would be negatively judged due to the broken multiclassing rules (that are technically optional!)


Dragon Lover
Warlocks is probably my second favorite class, just below Sorcerer. I've played so many Warlocks's too.

Sophia Tenabos, a Protector Aasimar Celestial Tomelock who's patron was a Solar of Ilmater.
Alabastor Calistar, a Human (half-dragon) Hexblade Bladelock who's patron was a Great Wyrm Silver Shadow Dragon (his own mother).
Hanna the Forsaken, a Dhampir Human Undead Tomelock who's patron was an ancient Nightwalker.
Korvirak the Vengeful, a Red Dragonborn Fiend Bladelock who's patron was Tiamat.
The Serenade, a Triton Fathomless Tomelock who's patron was an ancient Aboleth.

Overall I like the Undead Warlock the best but all five of the one's I have played I would be ok with winning.


The only Warlock I've ever gotten a chance to play was a Gnome Fey Bladelock in a one shot. I took the Fey pact to gain access to Sleep, because I spent more points into DEX and CHA so he could be more of a melee character (and always using Mage Armor with that one invocation) and I wanted as many spells that didn't use CHA as possible (Sleep, Shadow Blade, Mirror Image, I forgot the others...). I think my other invocation was Eldritch Sight because we were doing a mystery.

It was before the Fathomless and I themed him as a pirate who had fallen into the Wyrd Sea in the Feywild and made a pact with a fey from below the waves in order to survive!

The first fight we got into was against an enemy who had disguised himself as one of the suspect in the mystery and I just put him to sleep since the DM foolishly made it a solo fight :p

Later our Paladin was challenged to a duel by a four armed Suhagin and got SUPER unlucky and got knocked out in one friggin' turn. (I think the baddie rolled 20, 18 and some other high roll and one of his non-crit was max damage). It was kinda ridiculous... and the friggin' Barbarian in the party got TOO SCARED to solo the Suhagin so I had to send my tiny little Warlock with his magic Cutlass into battle. Mirror Image saved my bacon on that one because he started to roll very poorly and by the time the rest of the party finally took action to take on the rest of the guy's tride I still had some duplicates.

It was a very silly game but I wouldn't mind trying the character again, maybe with the Fathomless patron?

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