D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XIII: Warlock)


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Round XIII: Warlock Subclasses

There's SO MANY subclasses in 5E. At my last count, there was well over a hundred and twenty different classes and subclasses in the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons game, and still some folks insist we need more? Well, I don't know about that, but we're more interested in Quality over Quantity in these parts. Yes, we're on a mission to determine which one is the Survivor! And this time around, we are putting all fourteen of the Warlock subclasses under the magnifying glass. So dust off your anathemas and dig out the eldritch tomes, it's time for some of that Old Black Magic! The Survivor of this round will advance to the final round, where it will represent all Warlocks in the face-off against all other champions.

(Yes, I know that we've done a Survivor: Subclasses thread before, but that was a while ago and lots of new subclasses have been released since. Now there are so many of them, and probably fifteen more will be added by the time I finish typing this sentence. A Survivor thread of such size would be ridiculous.)

Round I, Artificers: Battle Smith
Round II, Barbarians: Path of the Totem Warrior
Round III, Bards: College of Lore
Round IV, Clerics: Tempest Domain
Round V, Druids: Circle of the Shepherd
Round VI, Fighters: Battle Master
Round VII, Monks: Way of the Kensei
Round VIII, Mystics: Order of the Immortal
Round IX, Paladins: Oath of the Ancients
Round X, Sorcerers: Divine Soul
Round XI, Rangers: Gloom Stalker
Round XII, Rogues: Thief

  • In this round, only the Warlock subclasses are presented.
  • Only the subclasses written by Wizards of the Coast qualify. No third-party entries!
  • Each entry starts with 20 points.
  • Every day, you vote for one subclass that you like, which gains 1 point. And then you vote for a different subclass, which loses 2 points. It is intentional that a negative vote is worth more than a positive vote - first, because it takes something extra to whittle these guys down to size. Second, because.
  • Mark your upvotes in green, and downvotes in red. Or just show them in bold text and use "+1" and "-2" to mark them, if colored text is too difficult on your browsing device.
  • It's easier if you just copy and paste the previous poster’s vote and change the numbers; the Quote function isn't the best for this.
  • You may vote only once per day in each category. This is an honor system, and we are all honorable gamers; please do not abuse it. If this means you vote once at night one day, and once the next morning - that's fine, but don't vote again until the following day. Rule of thumb: if your most recent vote post says "yesterday" in the time stamp, you can vote again.
  • This is just another Internet popularity contest and you do not have to explain an upvote or downvote, but feel free to do so...those explanations are where the fun is! And the more outlandish, petty, or nitpicky your reasons for voting, the better!
  • When downvotes reach 0 the subclass is removed from the list.
  • Finally, if an entry has one point left, then you have to make the choice to use all of your downvotes to eliminate it; there is no vote splitting. In addition, you can't upvote and downvote the same entry (no "see" votes). And you have to use BOTH YOUR UPVOTE AND DOWNVOTE if you vote.

Three important points that you must read before voting--
  1. This is just a popularity contest, and it's supposed to be fun. You can cast your votes for whatever reason you want; spite, malice, the devil making you do it, blood rites, ancient pacts, terrible whispers that only you can hear, and personal preference are all perfectly acceptable. But this is for enjoyment only. If you experience anger, hostility, or other evidence of Not Having Fun, you're doing it wrong.
  2. This week (and the next few weeks to come) will feature a list of character subclasses from the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Unearthed Arcana, Plane Shift, The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, and other places. Only the subclasses written and published by Wizards of the Coast are included.
  3. As always, the list is the list. If you have a complaint about the list, please direct it to //dev/null.
So. Onward to the contest!


Pact of the Archfey (Player's Handbook)
Pact of the Celestial (Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
Pact of the Fathomless (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
Pact of the Fiend (Player's Handbook)
Pact of the Genie (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
Pact of the Ghost in the Machine (Unearthed Arcana, "Modern Magic," 2015)
Pact of the Great Old One (Player's Handbook)
Pact of the Hexblade (Xanathar's Guide to Everything)
Pact of the Lurker in the Deep (Unearthed Arcana, "Sorcerer and Warlock," 2019)
Pact of the Raven Queen (Unearthed Arcana, "Warlock & Wizard," 2017)
Pact of the Seeker (Unearthed Arcana, "The Faithful," 2016)
Pact of the Undead (Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft)
Pact of the Undying (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)
Pact of the Undying Light (Unearthed Arcana, "Light Dark Underdark!," 2015)
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Pact of the Archfey 20
Pact of the Celestial 20
Pact of the Fathomless 20
Pact of the Fiend 20
Pact of the Genie 20
Pact of the Ghost in the Machine 20
Pact of the Great Old One 20 + 1 = 21
Pact of the Hexblade 20
Pact of the Lurker in the Deep 20
Pact of the Raven Queen 20
Pact of the Seeker 20
Pact of the Undead 20
Pact of the Undying 20
Pact of the Undying Light 20 - 2 = 18


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Archfey 20
Celestial 20
Fathomless 20+1=21
Fiend 20
Genie 20
Ghost in the Machine 20-2=18
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 20
Lurker in the Deep 20
Raven Queen 20
Seeker 20
Undead 20
Undying 20
Undying Light 18

And NO, "Undying" and "Undying Light" are not the same, and one is not the derivative of the other. The same goes for the "Raven Queen" vs. the "Hexblade" (in fact, they were both released side-by-side in the same UA back in the day, and only the Hexblade made it into print.) I know this won't stop some of you from arguing (again) about Unearthed Arcana content, but I felt I should get out ahead of this one. You should still downvote them, and for whatever reason you like; I just wanted to make sure everyone was well-informed.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Wow, first vote in a thread. A new one for me.

Cheers :)
It's my fault for being late; I had to include a disclaimer in my post before the anti-UA crowd started in with their usual argument. Lots of these subclasses have similar names and themes, and I'm hoping to avoid confusion. ;)


It's my fault for being late; I had to include a disclaimer in my post before the anti-UA crowd started in with their usual argument. Lots of these subclasses have similar names and themes, and I'm hoping to avoid confusion. ;-)
I did think it was strange that you had not voted in your own thread. But I grabbed the opportunity.

No problem at all. I will take what I can get. ;)

Cheers :)

Flights of Fancy

Candy is King
Archfey 20
Celestial 21
Fathomless 21
Fiend 20
Genie 18
Ghost in the Machine 18
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 20
Lurker in the Deep 20
Raven Queen 20
Seeker 20
Undead 20
Undying 20
Undying Light 18


Archfey 20
Celestial 22
Fathomless 21
Fiend 20
Genie 16
Ghost in the Machine 18
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 20
Lurker in the Deep 20
Raven Queen 20
Seeker 20
Undead 20
Undying 20
Undying Light 18


Archfey 20
Celestial 22
Fathomless 21+1=22 watery and creepy!
Fiend 20-2=18 I'm attacking the most basic option from the start!

Genie 16
Ghost in the Machine 18
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 20
Lurker in the Deep 20
Raven Queen 20
Seeker 20
Undead 20
Undying 20
Undying Light 18


Dragon Lover
Archfey 20
Celestial 22
Fathomless 22
Fiend 18
Genie 16
Ghost in the Machine 18
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 20
Lurker in the Deep 20
Raven Queen 20
Seeker 20
Undead 20+1=21
Undying 20
Undying Light 18-2=16

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