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Planescape Converting Planescape monsters

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First Post
A few tiny typos, Shade:

Like most mephits, mineral mephits bite and claw, implementing their breath weapon when it is available.
Mineral mephits have no bite attack. Should probably change this line to "In combat, mineral mephits use their claws, implementing their breath weapon when it is available."

The Special Qualities show Fast Healing 2, but the description is for Fast Healing 1 ;) (should be 1)

The rest looks great :)


Monster Junkie
Climate/Terrain: Quasiplane of Steam
Freq: Uncommon
Org: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Air
Int: Average (8-9)
Treasure: Nil
Align: Neutral
# App: 1d3
AC 1 (6 out of water)
Movement: Sw 48 (3 out of water)
HD: 8
THAC0: 13
# Att: 1
Dmg/Att: 3d6
SA: Scalding
SD: Struck only by +1 or better weapons, immunities
MR: Nil
Size: L (12' tall)
Morale: Average (8)
XP: 4,000

Now here's a stretch--a body needs a wide-open mind to follow along. A few scholars and philosophies think that, long ago, the Inner Planes had a different configuration. They say that the four Elemental PLanes were arranged in a different order, which produced different Paraelemental PLanes than those that folks're familiar with. For example, the planes of Earth and Air mixed to create a very different Paraelemental (not Quasielemental) Plane of Dust -- one full of choking, swirling sandstorms rather than disintegration and decay. Furthermore, the planes of Fire and Water shared a border, creating the Paraelemental Plane of Steam.

Well, this alternate plane of Steam was supposedly made up of super-heated, infinitely deep ocean that boiled continuously, sending steam up off its surface into an endless sky filled with water vapor. And, bloods say, riding along the surface of this bubbling sea were the wavefires - boiling water elementals, more or less.

Now the wavefires exist, there's no doubting that. See, graybeards who hold to the "alternate planes" theory claim that the Inner Planes rearranged themselves (or were rearranged - but by whom or what?) eons ago, resulting in the patterns so well known today. Most everything that lived in the previous configuration passed from existence, but the wavefires somehow made the transition into the present multiverse.

Fact is, the controversial scholars point to the wavefires as proof of their claim--and the only proof, at that. They say that the mere existence of the strange creatures validates their theory. But it's more of a leap than a tumble, a body's got to admit. Sure, the wavefires don't seem to fit well with what's known about the quasiplane of Steam, but does that necessarily mean that they come from an alternate Steam that no longer exists? Isn't it more likely that some berks just don't know as much about the quasiplane as they'd like to think? What kind of gullies do these so-called philosophers take folks for anyway?

Know this: If a blood can tumble to the angle or percentage these corny-catchers might get from perpetuating such a lie, he's come to the real dark of the matter.

Combat: The wavefire is as straightforward a combatant as they come. With its great swimming speed, it rushes upon its foes and bashes them with a forceful, boiling wave of water. Those struck by the wave suffer 3d6 points of damage and must make a saving throw versus breath weapon. A sod who fails his roll sustains an additional 2d6 points of damage from the scalding temperature of the water. A successful save indicates that the victim suffers only half the extra damage (1d6 points).

The wavefire's excellent Armor Class comes partly from its fluid form and partly from its great speed. If the creature somehow suddenly finds itself in a nonwatery environment (say, if a canny spellslinger teleports it elsewhere), its movement rate slows to 3 and its AC falls to 6.

Wavefires can be struck only by weapons of +1 or greater enchantment, and they're immune to heat and fire. Spells such as part water or lower water have no effect on them. A cold-based attack, however, such as a cone of cold, inflicts twice its normal damage on a wavefire, as it lowers the creature's temperature and robs it of its essence. Such attacks also reduce the wavefire's movement by half for 1d3 rounds.

Habitat/Society: As most any berk knows, the quasiplane of Steam is a cool, damp, misty place. The wavefire, however, is hot to the point of boiling and "swims" thorugh the mists of the plane with speed and ferocity. They seem angry and alien creatures, out of place even in what appears to be their native environment (unless the previously mentioned sages are correct, of course). Rarely, the creatures apear on the Elemental Plane of Water, but they don't stay long--the cooler temperatures of the liquid there would eventually overcome and slay them.

Inner-planar travelers report having spotted small paks of wavefires flowing through the quasiplane of Steam, working in concert. Such groupings are almost always short-lived, however. Competition for food is so severe that, sooner or later, a wavefire must fend for itself. In other words, it tries to succeed instead of, rather than addition to, its brethren.

Wavefires rarely interact with the few other creatures that live on Steam. The quasielementals and mephits usually give the boiling masses of water a wide berth, but little actual respect. The wavefires don't seem to mind this treatment--in fact, they hardly notice the other natives at all.

The wavefire craves dry air, which it absorbs into its scalding mass. And since the lungs of most visitors to the quasiplane of Steam contain dry air (at least, dry by the plane's standards), they're an obvious source of sustenance for the creature. Other than seeking such prey, however, the wavefire spends its time searching for bubbles of pure air that've leaked onto the plane.

In the finaly analysis, though, are the so-called graybeards right? Could there have been at one time different Inner Planes with a dfferent configuration? Well, sure--with all the oddities that already exist in the multiverse, it seems that anything's possible. What's really hard to swallow, though, is that the only basis for the theory is the existence of the wavefire -- one single creature that doesn't seem to fit into the environment of its plane. Most folks don't call that sound analysis so much as storytelling.

Source: Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III.
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First Post
Shade said:
I could buy that. The definition of the elemental type states it is composed of a single element, being water in this case, so that fits. It's just really hot water :)

Wavefires can be struck only by weapons of +1 or greater enchantment, and they're immune to heat and fire. Spells such as part water or lower water have no effect on them. A cold-based attack, however, such as a cone of cold, inflicts twice its normal damage on a wavefire, as it lowers the creature's temperature and robs it of its essence. Such attacks also reduce the wavefire's movement by half for 1d3 rounds.

An elemental, with the water and fire subtypes. Fun!
Immune to Fire, vulnerable to cold. Cold attacks also slow them for 1d3 rounds (if they fail their save?)
Spells with the water descriptor do not affect them.
DR x/magic


Monster Junkie
Here are the stats for Large fire and water elementals:

Water: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Fire: Str 14, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11

It is a bit smarter than typical Large elementals, though (Int 8-9), but even the smarter greater and elder elementals have the same Wis 11, Cha 11, so we could retain those.

It lines up perfectly with Large elementals in terms of Hit Dice, so advancement should be easy:

9-15 HD (Large); 16-35 HD (Huge); 36-63 HD (Gargantuan); 64+ HD (Colossal)

The Gargantuan and Colossal ranges come from monoliths and primal elementals. We could cap it at Huge, and leave the monoliths and primals as separate entities for someone to create someday.


First Post
So for stats, say:
Str 18, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11

Keep the advancement line, but cap it at Huge.

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