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Copperheads: Betrayal and Strange Runes and Burning Dead, oh my (short update 02/12)


Clockwork Golem
Thursday, August 24th, 508 AF

No-one sleeps easily.

Halgo is plagued with dreams of being lost in some place dank and dark, his memory plagued with holes and gaps that were once spells and arcane lore. He wanders the caves of his dream slowly, warily, his body as bloody and worn as his mind. THings come back to him in patches, and the reason for his loss became apparent. He resisted. Something... He's not sure what, but it was angry and it tore his mind apart like paper.

Geoffrey dreams of a new life, a place where he has forsaken St Cuthbert's church for something new, something darker. The loss of his face pains him, even in his dreams. He grovels before a new idol, filled with a love for this new god he canno't explain, and even as he worships he hates himself for being so willing to abandon his first faith.

Blarth dreams of dancing. Disturbing enough on its own for the half-orc, he finds himself in the midst of a ball. Masked couples dance around the room, and Blarth finds himself being swept along in the moment. Then, when the music stops, he reaches out to lift his partners mask and sees nothing. The entire crowd is faceless, and they are angry Blarth tried to see their features. Their dance grows wilder, dragging the half-orc bodily around the floor. He moves faster, constantly jerked left and right until his limbs snap and muscles tear.

Yip dreams of training, spending time in the centre of his comrades learning move after move he can use against the enemy. He is exhausted, trembling, repeating the same moves over and over until he gets them right. He cannot. Again and again his tutors find fault, and eventually they punish them. A failed punch nets a broken arm. A sloppy kick snaps his toes one by one. The Brotherhood has turned on him, hurt him, for its own good. Yip feels terribly, achingly alone. He wakes up shrieking.

The four companions gather in the taproom in the early hours of the morning, a few minutes before sunrise. All of them are tired, irritable. A light buzz at the back of their skull speaks of a headache growing, getting worse every second. Halgo looks at his companions as they come down the stairs, one by one.

"So, how'd you sleep?" he asks, although he knows the answer by looking. One by one, they attempt to explain their dreams.
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Well, after coming back to Story Hours, the next step was beginning a new one, and which other would I choose?

And I'm glad I did it. Wonderful story, Peter, wanting to read more!


Clockwork Golem
Thursday, August 24th, 508 AF, continued

Breakfast at the Bell and Clapper is a lavish affair. Bacon, eggs, fresh poridge and bread. There's even a choice between tea and good Khestian coffee. Most of the locals seem to choose the tea, but Goeffrey and Halgo both see a need for a clearer head and drink the largest mug of the bitter coffee that they can find.

The decision is made to wait for Othic before eating, and the wait is torturous. After four days on the road, the sizzling sounds from the kitchen are enough to whet everyone's appatite, and Yip is practically salivating over the table at the new and unfamiliar scents.

The better part of two hours pases before they give in and order a meal. The breakfast that's brought out before them is immense, more than enough to cover the boudless appatite of Blarth. The four companions dive in ravenously.

They are halfway through the meal when a young boy, about fourteen winters old, bursts through the doors of the taproom.
"Dead," he pants, obviously winded from a long run. "Mr Tokket, Mister Othic is dead."

A murmer of surprise runs through the crowd, and Tokket quickly leads the boy to a corner and gives him a cup of tea to calm his nerves. Everyone at the parties table looks at one another.

"We should help," Geoffrey says simply.
"We've got a job to do," Halgo argues. "Do we have time to go looking for a killer."
"We weren't given a time-frame," Geoffrey reasons, "And it'll take the better part of two weeks for the required priests to find their way to Hommlet anyway. I think we've got time. Besides, he was a polite old man, a friend. He deserves justice of some kind."

There's a silent agreement from Blarth and Yip, and even Halgo seems swayed by the arguement. They look down at the uneaten halves of their breakfasts, stomach's only partially sated, then stand and gather their weapons. They head accross the tavern just as Tokket rouses the boy from his seat.

"The Mayor lad," he orders the skinny youth. "Go tell the mayor. With all the trouble about, it's time he sent the watch to investigate something."

The boy nods, then sprints from the building. As one, the four companions leave after him.
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Clockwork Golem
Durhon said:
Geez whiz. Just reading the last entry and have realised how far behind this is!! LOL

Still going through the investagative motions, which slows things down somewhat. I'll start covering sessions quicker when we hit fighting and explorationg

Only another dozen posts or so, and I figure I'll have covered the first session. :D


Clockwork Golem
Thursday, August 24th, 508 AF, continued

Everyone followed the youth into the square of Bellhold. It's still early, but the sleep deprived townsfolk are already up and about their daily business. The square is a throng of peopl, all crowded around merchants and businesses that continue to opperate regardless.

A single young local has an easier task moving through the crowd than a quartet of adventurers, and it's only a few moments before he's reached the other side of the square and started explaining himself to the mayor and a tall, grim-featured figure that stands by the mayors side. Geoffrey spends a few futile moments trying to pick his through before giving up and skirting the crowds, leading everyone past the less busy merchant wagons.

One of the spots they pass is a wild-eyed man, his face unshaven and his clothes slovenly. He's gathered a small crowd, and seems to be preaching about the towns trouble. Keeping an eye on the youth, the group stops to listen for a few minutes. He notices their attention immediately, and the preachers wild sermon turns towards the group

"And here we have new friends," he yells. "WElcome friends, welcome. He will gladly take you as well. I was just explaining to these fine people here that we're all going to get swallowed. Yes, swallowed. Deep into the abyss, where we are kept and cared for by the one hates us. I can see him now...feel him..."

The man's mind is obviously cracked, and his rant continues for several minutes, with Halgo paying close attention for any ring of truth in the mad-mans word. He finds himself particularly interested when the crazed preacher talks of hearing voices in his head, never able to silence the whispers of some otherworldly presence.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Halgo comments to his companions as they move on.

By the time they reach the mayor, the youth has already finished the majority of his story. They here a few snippets of speach: "Ripped apart...Murdered...so much blood."

This is all Geoffrey needs to hear.

"Sir Mayor," he says, striding forward. "I'm Geoffrey, occolyte of St Cuthbert, and my companions and I would like to help."
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