Creating Rock Dragons.

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Monster Junkie
How about if we do it like this?

Fiery Cone (Sp): An adult or older pyrite dragon can use this ability three times per day. This functions exactly like the cone of cold spell, except that it deals fire damage rather than cold damage.

Other Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—rage (juvenile or older); 1/day—nondetection (old or older), stoneskin (ancient or older), geas/quest (great wyrm).


First Post
Iron pyrite suggests magnetism so how about

Sense Direction (Ex): A pyrite dragon's inherent conection with the magnetic fields allows it the innate ability to know in which direction North lies.

or just a +10? bonus on the survival check to locate North.


Mistah J

First Post
I say just give it the direction sense, I mean.. any character only needs 5 ranks in Survival to be able to find North automatically. Really, that's not much of an ability - perhaps we could give it both? A direction sense and a racial bonus to Survival checks? possibly just a situational bonus since magnetic north probably doesn't help all that much when foraging for food.

I notice Shade put out nondetection, but what if the dragon had the ability to emulate either other alignments or just the Lawful Good alignment to really further the "faux-gold" idea? For instance, we could use misdirection and explain that these dragons like to have Holy Avengers or other "Lawful Good" magic items in their hoard to cast it on.


First Post
Mistah J said:
I say just give it the direction sense, I mean.. any character only needs 5 ranks in Survival to be able to find North automatically. Really, that's not much of an ability - perhaps we could give it both? A direction sense and a racial bonus to Survival checks? possibly just a situational bonus since magnetic north probably doesn't help all that much when foraging for food.
Yes, give the direction sense and a +5 circumstance bonus.

I notice Shade put out nondetection, but what if the dragon had the ability to emulate either other alignments or just the Lawful Good alignment to really further the "faux-gold" idea? For instance, we could use misdirection and explain that these dragons like to have Holy Avengers or other "Lawful Good" magic items in their hoard to cast it on.

Shade said:
Cool idea, Mistah J.
Yeah, great idea! :]

I would just go with the Lawful Good option. Perhaps we could call Lawful Good Emulation. What would it be Ex or Su?



First Post
Shade said:
How about if we do it like this?

Fiery Cone (Sp): An adult or older pyrite dragon can use this ability three times per day. This functions exactly like the cone of cold spell, except that it deals fire damage rather than cold damage.

Other Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—rage (juvenile or older); 1/day—nondetection (old or older), stoneskin (ancient or older), geas/quest (great wyrm).
I like this.

I also like the know direction ability, and a bonus to survival checks.

As for the "faux-gold" part, it is quite simple actully, there is a low-level spell called Undetectable Alignment, if the dragon gained the ability to cast that spell 3/day at the very young age, or perhaps even once per day per age category, it should cover that aspect quite nicely. No?

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