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Crimson Tide- Silver Marshes Campaign


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Angry to hear the news of the Malarite attacks, Lance calms himself, trying to remember that all of this is not completely the fault of those individuals in the cult-they have simply given into a temptation. At Dorn's words he offers, "A disease is present, but remember that these Malarites are simply the host. No doubt ending their threat will be require some force of arms, but remember that there is always the chance for redemption in these dark souls. I'm sure we will see how best to handle the situation though when we have a better chance to observe it."

[sblock]And thus begins your journey with a semi-pacifist bard. ;)[/sblock]

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Crimson Tide

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Prof Yeti said:
"Malarites" The word is spit out with such venom most at the table are caught off guard. Shaking his head Dorn continues, "If they are involved then the situation is indeed desperate. Were or spell-shifter it is of no matter. They will grow like a disease till everything and everyone is infected with their blood lust." As he talks a grim expression crosses his face, even down to his eyes. "We can easily pose as an adventuring band, but we will need horses."

"Quaervarr is thirty miles to the north of Silverymoon if you follow the Trade Route. The Route will branch slightly to the west as you enter the outskirts of the Murkwoods and Quaervarr will be easily seen shortly thereafter. You may take mounts from the stable we keep, but I must warn you it has been many seasons since our horses have worn a saddle of any kind.

As the young bard spoke of searching for a peaceful end, the Moonmistress' smile returned briefly as she spoke.

"I do pray that some may be returned to the light, but if their hearts have been given fully to the darkness, do not blame yourself for their choices.


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Rhaine listens to the priestess's words attentively. When she has finished, the sorceress rises. "All right, then -- what are we waiting for? Let's be off!"

Prof Yeti

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Dorn Grimaxe - Dwarven Ranger/Fighter

Speaking to the group gathered around the table Down states, "I agree with Rhaine, it is time to be off. The longer we wait the more innocents will be endangered." But turning back to lock eyes with the High Priestess, "Thank you for the offer of horses but to complete the disguise I had hoped for mounts that did not carry the brand of the Silvery Moon. Not knowing where the Malarites have agents I think it best we do not advertise just yet."

Crimson Tide

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Prof Yeti said:
Speaking to the group gathered around the table Down states, "I agree with Rhaine, it is time to be off. The longer we wait the more innocents will be endangered." But turning back to lock eyes with the High Priestess, "Thank you for the offer of horses but to complete the disguise I had hoped for mounts that did not carry the brand of the Silvery Moon. Not knowing where the Malarites have agents I think it best we do not advertise just yet."

"Then allow the church to draft a letter of credit for the mounts you do select. I will get that now, as well as the items the Court has donated for your trip. I shall not be long."

Walking to the door, Moonmistress Lurialar opens it and turns to face them once again.

"Again I ask that none of you discuss what you have learned outside of your own counsel once you leave the temple. As Sergeant Grimaxe has wisely said, one never knows where the children of the beast lurk."

Seemingly gliding out the door, the high priestess walks away leaving you alone in the room.


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Jack looks around the room at his companions and starts out hesitantly "...So...Cultists. A whole big thing in Quervarr. I'm for finding them and cutting parts off until they cease to be a threat. How're yer tracking skills? I'm a decent tracker, but these guys sound like they could be pretty skilled in the woods..."

Prof Yeti

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Dorn Grimaxe - Dwarven Ranger/Fighter

A grin creeping back into Dorn' countenance, "I have to say your plan sounds a good one. We may want to add a bit. But at its heart I personally like that plan." His head sweeping from side to side to want for any comments from the others. "Though a bit rusty my skills are passable. Between the two of us we should have little problem. It is all a matter of faith. But from what little I know of the Malarites you are right they prefer the woods so as to emulate the beasts. But we must be aware that they will no doubt have spies in town as they will see that as a hunt as well."


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Lance quietly contemplated the others' words as they form a basic plan. These were like many other adventures, anxious to solve problems with their blades. Of course there was nothing wrong with that, so long as their blades stood behind a righteous cause, but personally he never got too excited about the fight.

In any case, the basic idea of posing as adventurers seemed perfectly reasonable and suitable for their purpose. "It seems we are mostly ready then. We can form a better plan when we have had the chance to see the situation first hand, but for now travelling as a band of adventures will be fine. When the High Priestess returns with the letters of credit I say we start on our way. Dorn is right, our delay could endager the common folk of Quaervarr.

A twinkle comes to his eye as he adds, "Of course if we are to pass as a band of adventurers, we'll need a name, and perhaps a tune to go along with it." After a momentary pause to think something up, Lance continues, "How about the 'Wolves of Winter's Watch'? Winter's Watch is an old keep north of Neverwinter, empty at the momet. As for the wolves part, by the sounds of it, we won't have a hard time fitting that bill."

Lance looks content for a moment, but suddenly says "No, no, that won't work. Considering the particular evil we will be fighting, calling ourselves wolves would be no good at all. Maybe the 'Company of Searching Friends' would be better? Properly enigmatic and our goals could be nothing more that searching the land for treasure and excitment. Lance begins to whistle a tune, and in short time he puts words to it...

Following a frozen road, these travellers they go forth
Worn and torn they carry on, not knowing what's ahead
Looking for some treasure lost they travel 'cross the north
Though most nights all the treasure found is but a loaf of bread.

Still these souls they won't give in they won't turn back around
Their gain may seem like little to the curious watching mind
But to these brave companions there's wealth in what they've found
When you don't know what you're looking for, everything's a find!

[sblock]Lance really doesn't care if we call ourselves anything, he's just doing this kind of thing for shits and giggles. So don't let this hold us up, cause if everyone else is ready to go, he is too.[/sblock]
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"Maybe if we're he Wolves that...Wolves...Winter watching...anyway, if we're those wolf guys, the cult will reveal themselves too us. Instead of finding them, and introducing them to the weapons we carry, they find us, and we introduce them to the weapons we carry."

Jack zones out for a minute before adding,

"I think that is something that looks a little like a strategy. I never thought of one of those before.."

Prof Yeti

First Post
Dorn Grimaxe - Dwarven Ranger/Fighter

"Well I think you are both on the right track, and I really like the ideas. And my normal inclination would be more along Jacks line. But after my years in the city I have grown to understand the need for investigation, so we might need a neutral name." The smile on his face getting a little bigger, "The Company of Searching Friends may send the wrong message to the Malarites. They see themselves as the top animal. If we appear weak or have a less than strong moniker they will see us as weak." At this he straightens in his chair. "The Company of the Wolves of Winters Watch while stronger may incite them to test us far to quickly as a challenge to the head position. Neither is good as we will need to investigate and find all their members. I would suggest something such as the Company of Travelers. Not the most inspiring but also neither agitating or inciting."

Voidrunner's Codex

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