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Crossed Paths Part V


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Dhormium, glad that the night passed without any probles due to the current condition of the group, walks a few feet away from the others after his morning ablutions. Kneeling on the stone floor, he starts muttering under his breath, praying.

(OOC: Simply replace all 2nd and 3rd level spells with Lesser Restoration)

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Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus awakes, cold and stiff and grumpy. He feels like a wet rag that has been wrung out but left on the floor to dry damp.

He rolls to his feet with a soft groan and stretches out as best he can.

"So," he says quietly, "do we focus on finding this book that the sphinx wants or turn our attention to the gnolls and their little kingdom of horrors."

ooc: Manzanita: Has any of Marcus's strength returned? Does he have any oil left for his lantern? BTW, how does Mendicus know we lost our supplies on the surface? Were they missing the last time we went back to the camp? I need to reread the ic thread I think.


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Ability scores return at the rate of 1 pt per day. Thus, come 'morning' Tullius is down 5 str, Marcus down 1, Dhormium down 2.

When last the party returned to their camp at the surface, after their foray into the tribesman village, they found their camp completely looted by what appeared to be orcs. Thus the party now only has what it carries on its back. Oil reservers per CS are 5 flasks with Eldhannis, and 3 with Marcus. Each flask will burn for 6 hours, leaving, actually 48 hours of latern light left. Mendicus has 2 torches left, each of which will only burn for 1 hour.

Inez Hull

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"I believe the Sphinx holds our only egress from these tunnels. Let us return what she seeks and see what else we might find..."

Ehldannis busies himself packing his spellbook away and readying himself to travel. "I will speak to our new friend and see what he can tell us, but I think getting out of these tunnels, re-equipping and returning this man to his people should be our top proirity."

The elf shoulders his pack and then goes through a finicky procedure of ordering his robes comfortably. He then strides over to the slave who has accompanied Ecthgow and begins gesturing expansively whilst his voice raises in a chant of arcane syllables. [casts Tongues] He then proceeds to speak with the man in his own tongue, enquiring about the mans life and knowledge of the caves, plugging him for any knowledge of the tombs and treasures within.


Marcus of the Roma.

Marcus considers his remaining oil rations. 3 flasks*. That will last about ... less than a day.

After discussing the situation with the others, Marcus suggests that they work with just one lantern and keep the torches in reserve. Torches are often useful, he notes, for more than just light. He also suggests spreading the flasks around a bit, one with each person. Just in case.

"I think we should focus on finding this book that the sphinx is looking for, then get the hell out of this hole in the ground. Perhaps its just the eternal darkness. Perhaps that shadow took more from me than just physical strength. But I am feeling battered and worn. I'm not sure I have the strength to face taking on the gnoll kingdom at this point."

ooc: Actually, I haven't been updating my CS vis-a-vis consumables, so I think 3 flasks is a very generous estimate.

Everything is gone? Horses? Weapons? The lot? Wow. Those weapons were Marcus's retirement fund. Bummer.
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Tullius wakes up and starts to do some exercises. and stretching. Once done, he grabs his axe and do some movement with it, but they doesn't seem as fluid as usual. He put is at his belt and sits down, grabing his gladius that he starts to polish the pommel that represent Mars, god of war. He do this as Marcus starts to speak. He listen to him, continuing his task, but stop to reply to him.

"I would prefer to go for the Gnolls. I have a few thing to say to them. But I must tell that those shadows have sucken too much of my vitality. I still feels my axe heavy in my hand. That sickness is unatural, isn't anybody that would know a way to get rid of that. I mean, Ehldannis can summon fire and Dhormium can reinforce the muscles and enchant weapons, can't any of them be able to counter that effects?"


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Octar stay silents simply keeping an eye around. Ready for what he does best fight.

"Fighting the Gnoll would be interesting but Marcus and Tullius don't seem strong enough to face them, let's see what the other decides."


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Ehldannis' spell cast, he begins to speak with the old man. Both of them use the barking, yapping tongue of the gnolls.

Ehldannis [sblock]"I know nothing of this dark place!" the old man whimpers. "Where is the sun? I know nothing of treasure or tombs here. I only know the land of the beast-men...and the home where I once lived, long ago in the swamps. I was a young man when I was taken by the dogmen. Ever since I have labored in the land of the endless sun. I heard their goats, make cheese from the milk. Cook and clean for the cow-women. Work in the fields for the lizard and dog men. I've seen no treasure."[/sblock]


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Dhormium shakes his head sadly.

"I'm afraid I can do nothing at all to help with how you, or myself, for that matter, feel after encountering those shadows."

Grinning, he continues.

"Luckily, I'm a favored disciple of one who can, in fact, help. Come here."

OOC : Cast Lesser restoration on Tullius and myself.

"Anyone else?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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