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Curse of House Thimbrall (orsal judging)

El Jefe

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Boog turned to Fredlar. "We won't be able to give your companions a proper burial", he confessed, "but if you'll give me a hand we can carry them away from the road so that at least passers-by won't be gawking at their remains."

With that, he advanced on the closest body, and began half-carrying, half-dragging the corpse away from the road, taking it to the side that appeared to have the highest ground.

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"i do not think it is safe to mearly let this mercanary wander freely" Keth finaly pipes in. (not being one for subtlety) "I think it best he acompany us for a while to keep him from reporting an infor... uuggh" the arrow in his chest keeping him from finishing his sentence, Keth sits to rest a while.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
"Oh, he'll be fine. Fredlar seems like a nice guy." Kamdar runs to help Boog, obviously not being able to help very much.


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[SBLOCK]OOC: :confused: looks I am missing a good story. I've skip a few post, like all the page 2 when I post my last one, after that, I was a bit confused... back to reality :p[/SBLOCK]

Ridik, coming back from his emotion, puts his weapon back to his side and walk over Jann. "Yes, I know some healing arts. It is among the knowledge we teach." He starts to watch over Jann and looks at the wounds. "Ok, looks pretty bad, but you'll survive. As time is counted, we will make things going a bit faster" He starts to speak some words, and while he finish his prayer, the wounds of Jann starts to close. (Spontaneous Casting, spend Shield of faith as Cure Light Wound>)

He then walk over Keth and looks at the arrow. He starts suddenly pull it off and says after. "It hurt a bit less when you don't know when I pull the arrow." He then start to pray again, but the wound stop to bleed but doesn't seems to close. "Sorry, the gift of Russna are good, but they are still limitated under my hand."(Spontaneous Casting, spend Light AND Read Magic as Cure Minor Wound>)

As he finish to looks at everyone, he walk over the dead thieves and whipser a prayer to the death to each one. "Now, I think foward is the best too. But we should stay cautious. My favors are very limitated, and I spend a lot to heal the wounded. I won't be able to apply such favor again for the day."


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Jann Hurst Half-Elf Sorceror1

"Many thanks to you, Ridik, and to your god as well, for the favor you have shown me. As I am capable of continuing now, I will happily go on with our task." Jann staggers a bit, but looks grimly determined to offer his aid.


<<Ridik casts Cure Light on Jann, healing 4 points. He also casts Cure Minor twice on Keth, healing 2 points>>

Party Status (please tell me if I missed anything):
Keth: 7/12 HP

Levin: 8/16 HP, 1/1 PP

Kamdar: 7/7 HP, Spells left- 0:3, 1:4

Jann: 4/5 HP, Spells left- 0:5, 1:3

Ridik: 10/10 HP, Spell Prepared-0: Guidance, Light, Read Magic, 1: Command, Shield of Faith, *Comprehend Language

Boog: 9/9 HP, 3/5 PP

ao'Thuir: 16/22 HP

As you collect the bodies and gear and continue to speak to Fredlar, you notice that the sun is beginning to set. As you still have a day's journey, you no there is no way that you can even get close before dark.

Loot (minus Fredlar's gear):
5 x leather armor
5 x shortswords
110 arrows in 5 quivers
120 sp
100 gp


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Kamdar looks at the sun getting lower and lower towards the earth, "It'll be dark soon. We should probably continue on until dark so we can get to our destination before it is dark, tomorrow." Assuming everyone is okay with another hour or two of travel, Kamdar will afterwards start looking for an appropriate camping place.

El Jefe

First Post
"A decision neglected is a decision made just the same", thought Boog to himself. It appeared that the party wouldn't send Fredlar away, nor render him incapable of harm. "Well, I suppose that when the charm wears off, we'll find out what he really thinks of us."

Feeling responsible for his new "friend", Boog continued to keep a close eye on Fredlar, although he hoped he wasn't being to obvious about it. With all the time spent dealing with the aftermath of the ambush, he expected the charm to wear off not long before they arrived at their campsite for the evening, whereever that would be.


First Post
Jann Hurst Half-Elf Sorceror1

"Well, since Levin and ao'Thuir are still in somewhat worse shape than the rest of us, I propose that they be given all the rest they need. I'll happily take any shift, because as long as there is any light to speak of, even a campfire, my eyes will be effective." Jann looks concerned for those members of the team who are still bleeding.

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