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Curse of the Azure Bonds chapter 1: Tilverton

Isida Kep'Tukari

"We would be grateful for your help, and I know some of us would be very willing to put forth donations so that your temple may grow and prosper, even in the face of adversity," Sidra adds, knowing that books are expensive, even more so than the construction of this building, and the priests must be afire to rebuild their collection.

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Eva of Sirrion

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As he views the five tattoos, Vintal's countenance grows more and more worried. Finally as he reaches the end he goes downright pale. By all the books in the Library of All Knowledge, it can't be! Zooey, I need to see the Head Lirarian's book. Bring the original and one of the copies.

As the color returns to his face Vintal explains. I'm familiar with all of these markings, but the one second from the end is one of grave concern. I'll explain the others first.

The first is the mark of Moander, a dead god of corruption and decay.
He pauses, looking at Dominic, It doesn't appear to be news, at least to your associate. To what you may have already heard I'll only add that the cults of Moander that've sprung up from time to time have enjoyed desolating natural areas and corrupting plants to serve their foul purposes. You would do well to be prepared and ready to counteract such tactics if you come face-to-face with them.

The second sign is that of the Fire Knives, which was an assassins' guild that plagued this area about 15 years ago. They had their sights set on the royal family, but the Purple Dragons and War Wizards got wind of the plot and the guild was rounded up and put to death for their multitude of crimes against the crown. If this lot has reemerged, I can't imagine the trouble it'll cause for the princess!

The middle marking is a bit puzzling to me. At first it appeared to be the mark of Elminster, the famed Sage of Shadowdale, but looking closer there are smaller draconic phrases written within. Rather vulgar sayings in fact, words I wouldn't utter in the house of the Lord of Glyphs, or anyone else's houses, or anywhere in polite company for that matter. Very confusing, to say Elminster would be incensed if he saw his wizard's mark were defaced like this would be an understatement of massive proportions.

The last is a mark of the Zhentarim, the society of traders and thugs who rule Zhentil Keep. This isn't their common sign, so don't feel ashamed if you didn't recognize it at first. It's a more formal insignia used for official business and the like, but it's Zhentarim all the same.

The priest called Zooey, a petite human female, returns with the books Vintal asked for. He nods his thanks and continues. Now, back to the other marking. To start, I need to go back 25 years, when our late Head Librarian Myra was an adventurer in the city of Phlan, or New Phlan as they called it back then. She and her band were involved in the struggle to reclaim the city from the evil that had beset it for so long. An evil that, as she and her company found out, was more powerful than they could've imagined. The forces were led by an ancient servant of the dark gods who wielded magicks both terrible and fearsome to behold. I dare not speak his name, but will refer to him as T; you'll see his full name in the book. Head Librarian Myra bore the full brunt of one of his attacks and barely survived, and she wore the burns and scars of it for the rest of her days. But as it turns out, she and her companions did not defeat T fully back then. As Myra discovered when she read this book, T's essence lingered on, for they had not destroyed it completely. This book describes how T came into being, some of his powers, and most critically, what must be done in order to destroy him once and for all.

Vintal picks up what appears to be the original book. The information in this book is of vital importance, for if T were to return, as I fear seeing his mark on your arm portends, all of Faerun is in grave danger. When we found Head Librarian Myra's body, her leg had been pinned by a fallen plank of wood. She was curled in a ball clutching this book to her chest. She died preserving it, knowing the knowledge it contained would be needed when T returned. Now it appears the day has come. He presents you with both the original and the copy. Our first priority when we started rebuilding the House of Philosophy was to make copies of the book. We made two, one to go to our sister shrine in Suzail and one to be kept here. The original we would send to Iron Dragon Mountain in the Earthfast Mountains for safekeeping. But I believe you are in greater need of the book than our brethren in Suzail. Therefore, take the copy for yourselves, and I would ask that you bear the original to Iron Dragon Mountain. It is our greatest library and it will be kept so that all our children and their children will know of T and the threat he poses.

He looks at you. I know this is a lot to take in. What are your thoughts?



"The information you've given us is a lot to take in. I can't help wondering why we've been marked with it? Did our captors intend for us to stop this 'T'? If taking this book to your shire at Iron Dragon Mountain can help then I will be honored to serve, but I fear you've given us more questions than answers."


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Ferrik of Raseman

"What if it is just the opposite? What if the bad people who put these marks on us intended for us to help it? None of these marks are good, but I am glad none of them are the mark of the Red Wizards. As much a I would enjoy bashing their heads, I would not like the thought of them writing on our arms."


"Perhaps the marks refer to a group of people," Maesnir suggests. "A priest - or ex-priest, or hopeful follower - of Moander, an assassin, a wizard - who, for some reason, hates Elminster - a Zhentarim thug, and... someone else. The mastermind behind this villain's ressurection? Or - and I hope not so - the villain himself, already returned?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Then why mark us with their sigils? Are they so arrogant to want us to know their names? No... I think there's a deeper game at play here. Vintal, we will bring the book to your brothers, and hope that we may learn more answers along the way," Sidra says with a bow to the faen. She takes out five pieces of platinum from her newly-aquired belt pouch and pressed them into his hand. "For the glory of your god's house."


"So those are the surface meanings these symbols reveal. Four evils and slander against a sage. Can you tell us anything more about this type of rune magic? Would other loremasters of the rune god who reside in Iron Dragon Mountain potentially be able to provide us with more information on the magic of the runes themselves? How far is it to Iron Dragon Mountain?"

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Of the exact nature of the function of these runes, I could only offer you idle speculation, speculation you may have heard from other priests or sages you may have consulted. But as we say, repetition is the essence of studies. Therefore, I would speculate that these may be marks of quest spells or marks of justice, perhaps variants of these with proof against divination and removal. These also may serve as sort of magical bookmarks if you will, to enable one with scrying or teleportation magic verify your exact location. If that were the case, those who placed the marks may be able to spy on your actions, or worse, teleport themselves or other things to your location, or worse yet, bring you to wherever they are.

Of course your friend mentioned the Red Wizards, and they are known for the visual markings they use in their magicks, but that doesn't lead to any substantive conclusion. If only our Head Librarian were here she might have the knowledge you seek. But the High Scriveners at Iron Dragon Mountain would most certainly be able to find some information on these markings, with the amount of information they have at hand.

Vintal heads over to a desk and removes a clay tablet inscribed with Deneir's symbol. Passing it to you, he explains, Admittance to Iron Dragon Mountain is normally reserved for clergy, but this tablet will permit you to enter. Iron Dragon Mountain is in the Earthfast Mountains, streching across the southern reaches of The Vast, about 200 leagues from here to the east through the dales and across the Dragon Reach.


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“Thank you very much for your time and the knowledge you shared with us, and especially for the trust you put into us by handing us this most important task. We will do our best to not fail you and bring this book safely to the Iron Dragon Mountain.”

Eva of Sirrion

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Vintal shifts in his seat at Dawn's mention of trust. I must admit I'm not altogether sure this is the best course of action. Handing over a book of lore on the enemy T to those who bear his mark is an action of dubious wisdom at best. But there's no evidence you're under any compunction at present, and you seem like men and women of good heart forced into a bad situation, and I'm sure part of the intent of these marks is place uncertainty in you and make others hesitant in their decisions to help you. Considering all the possibilities, I prefer to follow my original impulse and not second-guess myself. He rises and bows. All my hopes and prayers shall be with you, and may the Lord of Glyphs watch over you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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