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Curse of the Azure Bonds chapter 1: Tilverton


"Since we're planning on attending the wedding," Dominic sated, leaning forward. "We should probably think about how we're going to get in. Is it going to be a public wedding, or by invitation only? That'll be important to know. Because if it's by invitation, I might just be able to resolve the issue of us not being on the guest list."

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Eva of Sirrion

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Based on the amount of activity in town today, you can surmise the whole kingdom's been invited. The streets are crowded moreso than they were yesterday, the Windlord's Rest is booked solid and other inns and houses are filling up quickly. So being able to see the wedding won't be an issue. From where exactly you see it, however, may be a different story.


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“Well, now the Red Wizards are in the mix as well,” Dawn mentions when they read the notes in the book. “But we should focus on the wedding now. We will have enough time to worry about these runes still, I fear.”

“Let's find a good place to watch the festivities!” Dawn's worried expression turns into a typical halfling-cheery face, as she turns her attention on the upcoming wedding.

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Your meals are brought to you and Thungor offers his two coppers. That may take some doing. Most of the seats in ze temple will be reserved for ze royal and ze noble families. Ze rest of us shall have to watch from ze balcony or ze floor, if we're lucky enough to even get inside to view it!


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Ferrik of Rasheman

"I knew they were behind this! I will kick their butts and bash their heads!" breathing heavilly he calms down slightly at the reminder of their immediate goal.

"Maybe those evil Red Wizards will attack when there are so many of their leaders here, yes? Perhaps we could better keep an eye on them by offering our services to guard them in this house of weddings, yes?"
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"If we're going to get anywhere near the wedding, we'll need the right clothes. The proper courtier's clothes, may not get us in, but are regular adventuring garb will certainly keep us out. I still have a little coin left."

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Tilverton is home to several excellent tailors, so to save time you split up and go to pick out your wedding outfits individually. Alterations have to be made to the outfits chosen by Xi-Selorn and Dawn to accomodate their larger and smaller frames, and the finished works will be delivered to the Windlord's Rest by the end of the day.

Xi-Selorn and Dominic meet by the Gondarran temple to inquire about getting seats at the wedding. The sibbecai who greeted Dominic is there once again, and he goes to a knee on seeing the giant enter.

My greetings again master Dominic, and a most special welcome to you, Hu-Charad. He adresses Xi-Selorn in the formal name for his people. It is not often that we welcome a steward within our halls. The services of the Wonderbringer are at your disposal.

[sblock=ooc]the others may join them or can buy other supplies during the rest of the day as they will. Basically if there's anything anyone else wants to pick up before the wedding, now's the time. Again, apologies for the lack of postage. I left all my materials pertaining to this game at my parents' house last time I was there and haven't been able to get them until now.[/sblock]



"If anyone needs a loan to get fancy dress for the wedding let me know." After arranging for clothes, Charum will try to find out where traveling merchants spend their time. He wants to find those who know the roads in this region. Failing that he'll look for a cartographer or other expert.


Xi-Selorn acknowledges the Sibbecai's greeting formally. "Greetings and well met, it is good to see you well here in these halls and in your station of grace." Like most giants Xi still feels a fondness and responsibility for the jackal man race the Hu-Charad created and guided into their own among the races of the world. "I have come to ask a boon. I wish for me and my companions to be present and witness the upcoming wedding. What arrangements can be made?"

Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Traveling folk are in no small supply these days as people continue to filter into Tilverton in advance of the big event. Charum finds one who's seen a lot of the Dalelands in his day. He discusses your travel plans and has an idea, "Best be careful if you plan on taking Tilver's Gap. Hiipogriff matin' season this time o' year, it is, and the critters don't react well to folk trompin' through their nestin' grounds. Might be better served heading north through Shadow Gap to Shadowdale, then head via boat to Ashabenford and continue east from there. Shouldn't add more than a day to your journey all told."

Voidrunner's Codex

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