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(Cydra) Hatching Chaos


Kaerick downs the last of his mug of beer, enjoying the harsh bite of the brew, and then when the mention of Delga as a moral compass arises he merely snarls a chuckle and returns to the food. Once these things have passed he looks around, not feeling entirely at home within the confines of walls he'll slip in out of the surroundings, exploring and mentally measuring every cold hard inch. Sleep rarely on his mind.

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Let's Eat!

Orbius gets up to go to bed and puts a hand on Delga's hefty shoulder.

"Yes, as Lester said: Sleep on it. I'm sure you know of some way that we may aid you, but think it over and make sure we are able to do as much Good as possible. As per your companion, . . . as long as he is tame he may sleep wherever he likes, as may you. Just, please, don't let him eat anyone!"

Orbius wanders off to the small lake, casts a spell, and walks into the water . . .

In the morning, Lester wakes at dawn and casts 7 Heroes Feasts, . . . enough to fill the stomachs of all of his followers and friends, including Great Jaw. All eyes wander towards Delga, but no one says anything as they wait for him to speak on his own.

(***OoC - 38 followers, including all the PCs and their sidekick, yes, . . . that means Great Jaw, too, and Lester's best followers eat a maximized Heroes Feast***)


First Post
Delga enjoys the food, and watches as Great Jaw hefts huge amounts of food into his jaws. Chuckling he scratches Great Jaws under the chin, like a giant dog, and g Great Jaw stretchshes his neck down, accepting the affectionionate gesture.

When it seems that all have eaten and are comfortable Delga stands.

"Friends, last night you asked if I knew of any adventure that would let us show off our abilities. I don't know if it qualifies as an adventure, or how much opportunity it will offer to show what we are capable of, but it will provide great good and help in the restoration of our land."

Smiling he picks up a glass of orange juice, sips, and then continues.

"Lester, you once were the companion to Rinaldo, the great Druid. He is missing yet the Mantle of Gaea is sorely needed to help heal the scars on our lands. Let us go forth and find Rinaldo and the mantle, bring him back here to Cydra to help us in our quest to rid the land of evil and to heal its scars."


Kaerick smirks at the comment of ridding the land of evil, raising whatever beverage he has at hand he toasts Delga, "to a sense of naivete! We might as well."

No time like the present!

Lesters raises his Sword of the Elements to the sky and shouts:

"No time like the present to get these things done! Let me just cast a spell and we'll be off on some fun."

Lester assumes a meditative trance for the next 10 minutes as he casts . . . Discern Location on Rinaldo.

the Jester

The day has started off with a gentle breeze and a light shower, which clears up by the time breakfast is done and you're discussing your path. The day smells promising to Kaerick's keen nose; a freshness is in the air. As Keyth idly glances at the clouds, mentally noting the passing of another day, he realizes with a shock that tomorrow is his birthday!

Great Jaw gives a huge, foul-smelling belch as you wait for Lester's spell to finish.

When Lester's spell takes effect, he is somewhat surprised to discover that it fails to find Rinardo.

***OOC: Lester, make an intelligence check. Anyone who wants to can make a Knowledge (arcana) check, assuming that Lester shares the spell's failure with you.***

A Planar Consultation

(OoC - Lester's Int. check = 2 + 1 = 3; Orbius Knowledge Check - 19 + 30 = 49).

"Not really that unexplainable," remarks Orbius as he looks toward Keyth for agreement. "The Mantle will shield him from our divinations. Talk amongst yourselves and strategize if you will. I'll be back after I get a few questions answered!"

Orbius teleports into his private sanctum and casts Contact other Plane.

(OoC - Orbius Int Check = 10 + 10 = 20. He reaches out to the highest power possible. I'll just list the question all at once.)

1) Whom have I contacted?
2) Where is Rinaldo?
3) Where was he last encountered by Delga's Druids?
4) What is the name of the last currently living person on Cydra that has seen Rinaldo?
5) What enemies of ours want to find Rinaldo?
6) What will the Druids do with the Mantle of Gea once they have it back?
7) How can the Mantle of Ghea be removed from Rinaldo without hurting either it or him?
8) Will retuning the Mantle of Ghea be more beneficial for Law or Chaos?
9) How is Lester's "Son" doing in his quest to become the biggest, baddest Chaos Creature out there?
10) What is the biggest current threat to the Temple of Elemental Good?

the Jester

1) Whom have I contacted?

2) Where is Rinaldo?

3) Where was he last encountered by Delga's Druids?
Orbius sees a flashing vision of himself doing some early spell research. This took place 13 years ago.

4) What is the name of the last currently living person on Cydra that has seen Rinaldo?

5) What enemies of ours want to find Rinaldo?

6) What will the Druids do with the Mantle of Gea once they have it back?

7) How can the Mantle of Ghea be removed from Rinaldo without hurting either it or him?

8) Will retuning the Mantle of Ghea be more beneficial for Law or Chaos?

9) How is Lester's "Son" doing in his quest to become the biggest, baddest Chaos Creature out there?

10) What is the biggest current threat to the Temple of Elemental Good?

Orbius sits back in a large leather chair and ponders his latest round of probing.

I need to know more, he thinks. I need to know more about Vylimar and this threat of fire to the Temple of Elemental Good is very disturbing!

He reaches out again to the highest power possible in an attempt to understand more.

1) Who is Vylimar?
2) Will he be able to help us find Rinardo?
3) Why was Rinardo hidden?
4) What is Rinardo's likely reaction when he finds out that we want the Mantle?
5) Who will wear the Mantle once we have retrieved it?
6) Why if fire the biggest threat to the Temple of Elemental Good?
7) Why were the Bleakists that Jeremy disposed of trying to attack to ToEG?
8) When will the next attack take place?
9) Who is Lester's biggest enemy right now?
10) Where is the best place for us to go to start our quest to find Rinardo?

(OoC - INt check roll = 12 + 10 = 22. Orbius reaches out to the highest plane possible.)

Meanwhile . . .

Lester inquires with Delga as to where he thinks they should start their quest.

the Jester

A Few Answers

1) Who is Vylimar?

2) Will he be able to help us find Rinardo?

3) Why was Rinardo hidden?

4) What is Rinardo's likely reaction when he finds out that we want the Mantle?

5) Who will wear the Mantle once we have retrieved it?

6) Why if fire the biggest threat to the Temple of Elemental Good?

7) Why were the Bleakists that Jeremy disposed of trying to attack to ToEG?

8) When will the next attack take place?

9) Who is Lester's biggest enemy right now?

10) Where is the best place for us to go to start our quest to find Rinardo?

Voidrunner's Codex

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