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D&D Adventurers League Open Call for Designers

Have some great ideas for adventures? "Want to hear all the great stories your friends will tell about the time they played that amazing adventure you designed for the D&D Adventurers League? Then take the first step towards being a D&D Adventurer’s League adventure designer! Check out the instructions in the Open Call for Adventure Designers and send your submission to Resource Manager, Bill Benham at submissions@dndadventurersleague.org. We will be accepting submissions for this open call until February 28th."

Have some great ideas for adventures? "Want to hear all the great stories your friends will tell about the time they played that amazing adventure you designed for the D&D Adventurers League? Then take the first step towards being a D&D Adventurer’s League adventure designer! Check out the instructions in the Open Call for Adventure Designers and send your submission to Resource Manager, Bill Benham at submissions@dndadventurersleague.org. We will be accepting submissions for this open call until February 28th."

Only 8 days left, but still plenty of time to get your entries in! You do not have to have publishing credits, but it helps! More details here. It doesn't say how much it pays, but be sure to read What's A Freelancer RPG Writer Worth? before you apply!


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Anyone else enter this? If so, have you heard back yet, or at least know what constitutes a reasonable time frame in which to expect to?

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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Anyone else enter this? If so, have you heard back yet, or at least know what constitutes a reasonable time frame in which to expect to?
Sadly, Real Life (the tribulations of organizing 200+ tables at a Con) kept me from completing my entries. Maybe next time! (No, scratch that -- the requirements will likely be different...)

Prince Atom

I put my name in the Goblet of Fire!

(They're never going to pick me.)

The instructions I got said they'd let the people they chose know within 2 to 4 weeks. Didn't say anything about us losers. I guess if it gets to be April and we haven't heard, we can presume we didn't make it.

Prince Atom

I know this is a bit last minute, but is anyone else noticing a weird problem with that Word template where it wants to capitalize words like "if" and "it"? I'm finding that any word that starts with I may get incorrectly "corrected" to capitalize the I. It doesn't always do it and it's not even consistent about which words it happens to, but it happens about 75% of the time, I would say.

At first I assumed this was an overenthusiastic version of automatically changing "i" to "I" (though that word should never appear in an Adventurer's League scenario as far as I'm concerned, except in dialogue). But there is nothing in the autocorrect settings that would explain this, and I don't have the problem in any other Word documents, only ones based on this specific template. It must be something screwy about the template, then, but what?

EDIT: Now it's also decided that when I hit the spacebar, I sometimes want one space and sometimes two, with no discernible pattern. Again, no such problem in any other Word documents, only ones based on this template.

I noticed the I thing, myself, but I assumed it was the keyboard? I was typing on a borrowed computer because I don't have Word on my machine and I didn't like the way OpenOffice was interpreting the template.

I also have the habit of double-spacing when I start a new sentence. I went back through and took out all those double spaces before I submitted, and I remember thinking, I sure put in a lot of triple spaces without realizing it. But that was only at the start of sentences, never in the middle, so I don't know if I was replicating your spacebar issue.


I learned several important things doing this:

A. It's hard distilling your thoughts into a one page scenario.
B. Doing it 24 hours before submission isn't the smartest move.
C. Writing a scenario in English, when it isn't your native language, is hard.

My main lesson from this experiance is to start writing well in advance without paying close attention to space and than use at least a week to editing and paring it down into a page, also, take the time to realy come up with ideas, after I sent my submissions and had time to think I realized that I had some great secondary ideas that were better than what I sent... But well hindsight is 20/20.


Prince Atom

Oh yes, Blackwarder, I think I learned a bit about writing succinctly on this project.

When they say, "kill your darlings," they mean it. I had to lose so many of my ideas because of space.


First Post
There's an update:

We had A LOT of submissions at the very last minute, so while we had triaged those who were early, we're still wading through the submissions. Unfortunately stuff for Origins and Gen Con are do in the next few days and the new season is starting... so it will likely take the 2-4 weeks we originally suggested (closer to 4 is quite likely).

Greg Marks
DnDAL Associate Resource Manager
Mar 06, 2015

Prince Atom

Well, on the one hand, that's great news -- people are enthusiastic about the new edition.

On the other hand, the odds just went way down. :/


First Post
Some entrants are now reporting that they've received the official call, so keep watching your inboxes, folks.

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