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D&D 3E/3.5 D&D Core 3.5/3.75 Homebrew Remake (with ideas from SWRPG SE, 4e and Pathfinder)

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First Post
I'd chop out some 3.5 bonuses if you can. 4th Ed uses just power, feat, item, and I think unnamed bonuses.... 3 or 4 types I guess.

Also, I'd price the bonuses like this:

+1 to +5 Vest of Natural Armor
Cost = bonus x bonus x 1500 gp

Force I would change closer to armor: some base amount, maybe 2 or 3, and then additional armor enhancement as per normal armor.
some base, then +1 to +5 Robe of Armor
Cost = bonus x bonus x 1000 gp

I would split up deflection and resistance still
+1 to +5 Ring of Deflection
Cost = bonus x bonus x 1500 gp

+1 to +5 Ring of Resistance
Cost = bonus x bonus x 1500 gp

(ex: Amulet of Mighty Fists) +1 to +5 bonus
Cost = bonus x bonus x 4000 gp

Cost = bonus x bonus x 2000 gp

Cost = bonus x bonus x 1000 gp [no change]

If we were to list the different aspects of a character and the bonuses that should apply, I would do things like this:

Level Ratio (maybe 1/2 or 1/3)
Stat (Dex or Int)
Armor Enhancement
Natural Armor

Level Ratio (maybe 1/2 or 1/3)
Class (say, Bard gets extra +1 Reflex & +1 Will)

Level Ratio (maybe 1/2 or 3/4)
Stat (Str or Dex)
(like maybe Fighter gets a +1 for all melee attacks)
Weapon (like the +2 or +3 you get in 4th Ed)
Weapon Enhancement

Class bonuses also play out in terms of Weapon & armor profs, so better profs for that class mean better bonuses gained. I guess, where as 4th Ed clearly separates powers (AKA spell) bonuses and item bonuses, 3.5 mashes them together and you could get a +4 Natural Armor bonus from a spell OR item.

Maybe a good generic formula would be...

Level Ratio (maybe 1/2 Level)
Stat Modifier
Class (maybe 1 to 3)

Base Item (maybe 1 to 3)
Enhanced Item (maybe 1 to 6)

Two additional bonuses (Ex: Deflection & Nat Armor, Resistance & Luck)


First Post
Hi, Bladesinger. Thanks for the feedback.

Let me explain the reasons (metanalysis) of my changes.

Let's start with the magic items:
First of all I wanted to eliminate some of the competitions of magic items for body slots. With my division now a character could get to a magic items collection such as this:

Head:      Helm of Wisdom                       (Wisdom)
Eyes:      Goggles of Intelligence        (Intelligence)
Neck:      Amulet of Mighty Fists  (unarmed enhancement)
Torso:     Vest pf Natural Armor         (natural armor)
Body:      Robe of Force Armor                   (armor)
Waist:     Belt of Constitution           (Constitution)
Shoulders: Cloak of Charisma                  (Charisma)
Arms:      Bracers of Strength                (Strength)
Hands:     Gloves of Dexterity               (Dexterity)
Finger 1:  Ring of Protection     (deflection and saves)
Finger 2:  Anything    (ex: Ring of Freedom of Movement)
Feet:      Anything                 (ex: Boots of Speed)

Now I can have, for example, a druid with improvement to Charisma and Saves; Str and Dex and Armor; Con and Wis and Natural Armor and Unarmed Attacks. Do you get the point?
(also I think there was no real reason for splitting Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Belt of Giant Strength; other than the Hammer of Thunderbolts)

About the prices:
I was reasoning that +1AC = +1Attack = +2Damage = +2DR = +1HP/level = +1Saves. Maybe I will lower the price for Natural Armor and Deflection because of this. Enchanting the Amulet of Mighty Fists would be like enchanting a double-weapon. Anyway, I liked your suggestion of "base + 1-5" for Robe of Force Armor.

About Saves:
My idea was to have a system where the range for base save bonuses is still +0 to +12 (1st to 20th level) even if multiclassing. That way, the DCs for saving throws against all the spells and monster special abilites could remain the same. The system hasn't changed very much. The big difference is that characters won't get ridiculously high base saves for multiclassing, nor will they get too low base saves (poor saves rise from +6 to +10 at 20th level).

About Skills:
My idea was to have a system where the range for skill ranks is still 0 to 23 (1st to 20th level). That way, the DCs for skill checks could remain the same. The system hasn't changed very much. The big difference is that tracking skill points is a lot easier, and leveling up multiclass characters faster. Also skill ranks are somewhat more ballanced now. Characters won't anymore have like 0 ranks on Knowledges and 23 ranks on social skills. Every skill improves at least a llittle over the 20 levels.

About AC and Base Attack Bonuses:
I don't really want to mess up too much with that. In my games at least, the original 3.5e system has worked well so far. Changing that would mean also a lot of changes to the more than a hundred monsters statistics, wich I'm not willing to write up. Anyhow, I am thinking about including a rule for a Defense Bonus (equal to 1/2 character level) that does not stack with armor bonuses (use only the higher bonus). This would help making characters like Conan (that fights even without a shirt for armor), and would also help DMs not having to toss magic armor to every minor NPC.

I like some of the ideas of 4th edition, but still want to use a system closer to the 3.5 edition. Anyway, thanks for the reply.
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First Post
03. Classes - 03 - Cleric


Alignment: A cleric’s alignment must be within one step of his deity’s (that is, it may be one step away on either the lawful–chaotic axis or the good–evil axis, but not both). A cleric may not be neutral unless his deity’s alignment is also neutral.

HP/Level: 5.

Class Save Bonuses: +1 Fort, +0 Refl, +2 Will.

Cleric Class Skills: Animal Handling, Concentration, Crafts, Knowledge (civilizations), Knowledge (mystical), Perception, Persuasion, Ride and Spellcrafts.

Domains and Class Skills: A cleric who chooses the Animal or Plant domain adds Knowledge (wilderness) to the cleric class skills listed above. A cleric who chooses the Knowledge domain adds all Knowledge skills to the list. A cleric who chooses the Travel domain adds Outliving to the list. A cleric who chooses the Trickery domain adds Performance and Stealth to the list. See Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells, below, for more information.

Skill Training Feats: Skill Training (Concentration), Skill Training (Knowledge (mystical)), Skill Training (Persuasion), Skill Training (Spellcrafts).

Proficiency Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse.

Table: The Cleric
								———————— Spells per Day1 ——–—————
Level	BAB		Special					0	1st	2nd	3rd	4th	5th	6th	7th	8th	9th
1st	+0		Aura, channel energy			3	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
2nd	+1		Lay on hands, eschew materials		4	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
3rd	+2		Mercy, divine health			4	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
4th	+3		Immunity to possession, exorcism	5	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
5th	+3		Bonus feat 				5	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—	—	—
6th	+4		Mercy					5	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—
7th	+5		Aura of courage				6	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—	—
8th	+6/+1		Bonus feat				6	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—	—
9th	+6/+1		Mercy					6	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—
10th	+7/+2		Aura of resolve				6	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—
11th	+8/+3		Bonus feat				6	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—
12th	+9/+4		Mercy					6	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—
13th	+9/+4		Aura of faith				6	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—
14th	+10/+5		Divine reach				6	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—
15th	+11/+6/+1	Mercy					6	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—
16th	+12/+7/+2	Aura of righteousness			6	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—
17th	+12/+7/+2	Bonus feat				6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1
18th	+13/+8/+3	Mercy					6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1
19th	+14/+9/+4	Holy champion				6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1
20th	+15/+10/+5	Bonus feat				6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	4+1	4+1

1 In addition to the stated number of spells per day for 1st- through 9th-level spells, a cleric gets a domain spell for each spell level, starting at 1st.
The “+1” in the entries on this table represents that spell. Domain spells are in addition to any bonus spells the cleric may receive for having a high Wisdom score.

Class Features

Other Proficiencies: Clerics are proficient with the favored weapon of their deity. A cleric who chooses the War domain receives the Weapon Focus feat related to his deity’s favored weapon as a bonus feat.

Bonus Languages: A cleric’s bonus language options include Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal (the languages of good, chaotic evil, and lawful evil outsiders, respectively). These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.

Spells: A cleric casts divine spells, which are drawn from the cleric spell list. However, his alignment may restrict him from casting certain spells opposed to his moral or ethical beliefs; see Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells, below. A cleric must choose and prepare his spells in advance (see below).
To prepare or cast a spell, a cleric must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a cleric’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the cleric’s Wisdom modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a cleric can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Cleric. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. A cleric also gets one domain spell of each spell level he can cast, starting at 1st level. When a cleric prepares a spell in a domain spell slot, it must come from one of his two domains (see Deities, Domains, and Domain Spells, below).

Clerics meditate or pray for their spells. Each cleric must choose a time at which he must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain his daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a cleric can prepare spells. A cleric may prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.

Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells: A cleric’s deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. A cleric chooses two domains from among those belonging to his deity. A cleric can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if his alignment matches that domain.

Each domain gives the cleric access to a domain spell at each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up, as well as a granted power. The cleric gets the granted powers of both the domains selected.

With access to two domain spells at a given spell level, a cleric prepares one or the other each day in his domain spell slot. If a domain spell is not on the cleric spell list, a cleric can prepare it only in his domain spell slot.

Spontaneous Casting: A good cleric (or a neutral cleric of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that the cleric did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not a domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name).

An evil cleric (or a neutral cleric of an evil deity), can’t convert prepared spells to cure spells but can convert them to inflict spells (an inflict spell is one with “inflict” in its name).

A cleric who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can convert spells to either cure spells or inflict spells (player’s choice). Once the player makes this choice, it cannot be reversed. This choice also determines whether the cleric channels positive or negative energy (see below).

Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: A cleric can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to his own or his deity’s (if he has one). Spells associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaos, evil, good, and law descriptors in their spell descriptions.

Aura (Su): A cleric of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see the detect evil spell for details). The power of this aura is equal the the cleric’s channeling level (see below).

Channel Energy (Su): Regardless of alignment, a cleric can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. By presenting her holy (or unholy) symbol as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, using this ability results in a burst of energy with a 30ft radius centered on the cleric. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures involved.

A good cleric (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy, healing all chosen living creatures (including himself, if living) and damaging all chosen undead creatures. An evil cleric (or one who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy, dealing damage to all chosen living creatures and healing all chosen undead creatures (including himself, if undead). A neutral cleric who worships a neutral deity must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision must be in pair with whether the cleric casts spontaneous cure or inflict spells (see spontaneous casting, above).

The cleric may channel energy a total number of times per day equivalent to half his effective channeling level. The effective channeling level of a character is equal to his cleric levels + his paladin levels. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage for every two effective channeling levels. Creatures affected by Channel Energy receive a Will save, if so desired, to halve all effects. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the effective channeling level + the character’s Charisma modifier. Undead creatures that fail their save are under a command undead effect (as the spell) for one minute. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. If a character has both cleric and paladin levels he does not gain double daily uses of this ability.

Lay On Hands (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a cleric can choose to use this ability in place of one use of Channel Energy (see above). As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, a cleric that channels positive energy can heal 2 hit points of damage per effective channeling level to one living creature (including himself, if living) or deal 3 hit points of damage per effective channeling level to one undead creature. A cleric that channels negative energy can deal 2 hit points of damage per effective channeling level to one living creature or heal 3 hit points of damage per effective channeling level to one undead creature (including himself, if undead). The cleric must be able to touch the target with one hand to use this ability. Using this ability to deal damage requires a successful melee touch attack that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Targets do not receive a saving throw against this damage.

Eschew Materials: At 2nd level you gain Eschew Materials as a bonus feat.

Mercy (Su): At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a cleric can select one mercy. Each mercy adds an effect to the cleric’s lay on hands ability. Whenever the cleric uses lay on hands to heal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effects from all of the mercies possessed by the cleric. A mercy can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the affliction that causes the condition.

With 3 effective channeling levels, the cleric can select from the following initial mercies.
• Fatigued: The target is no longer fatigued.
• Shaken: The target is no longer shaken.
• Sickened: The target is no longer sickened.

With 6 effective channeling levels add the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected.
• Dazed: The target is no longer dazed.
• Diseased: The cleric’s lay on hands ability also acts as remove disease, using the effective channeling level as the caster level.
• Staggered: The target is no longer staggered, unless the target is at exactly 0 hit points.

With 9 effective channeling levels add the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected.
• Cursed: The cleric’s lay on hands ability also acts as remove curse, using the effective channeling level as the caster level.
• Exhausted: The target is no longer exhausted. The cleric must have the fatigue mercy before selecting this mercy.
• Frightened: The target is no longer frightened. The cleric must have the shaken mercy before selecting this mercy.
• Nauseated: The target is no longer nauseated. The cleric must have the sickened mercy before selecting this mercy.
• Poisoned: The cleric’s lay on hands ability also acts as neutralize poison, using the effective channeling level as the caster level.

With 12 effective channeling levels add the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected.
• Blinded: The target is no longer blinded.
• Deafened: The target is no longer deafened.
• Paralyzed: The target is no longer paralyzed.
• Stunned: The target is no longer stunned.

These abilities are cumulative. For example, the lay on hands ability of a cleric with 12 effective channeling levels heals 6d6 points of damage and might also cure fatigued and exhausted conditions as well as removing diseases and neutralizing poisons. Once a condition or spell effect is chosen, it can’t be changed.

Divine Health (Ex): At 3rd level, a cleric is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Immunity to Possession (Ex): A cleric of 4th level or higher has immunity to magic jar, soul bind, trap the soul, a ghost’s malevolence ability and all other spells or effects that displace or replace a character’s life force. The character can still travel to the planes via astral projection, if so desired.

Exorcism (Su): Starting at 4th level, as a full-round action, a cleric can force a possessing creature or spirit out of the body it inhabits (for example, a ghost with the malevolence ability). To exorcise a possessing creature, she makes a class level check (also adding her Charisma modifi er, if any), against a DC of 10 + the possessing creature’s HD + its Charisma modifi er (if any). If her result equals or exceeds the DC, she succeeds in forcing the possessor from the body, with the normal results based on its method of possession. A spirit so exorcised cannot attempt to possess the same victim for 24 hours.

Bonus Feats: At 5th, 8th, 11th, 17th and 20th level, a cleric gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, she can choose a metamagic feat or an item creation feat. The cleric must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The cleric is not limited to the categories of item creation feats or metamagic feats when choosing these feats.

Aura of Courage (Su): At 7th level, a cleric is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 20 feet per point of Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. The area effect functions only while the cleric is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Courage effects don’t stack.

Aura of Resolve (Su): At 10th level, a cleric is immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 20 feet per point of Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects. The area effect functions only while the cleric is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Resolve effects don’t stack.

Aura of Faith (Su): At 13th level, any attack (be it from him or from another creature) made against an enemy within 20 feet from the cleric per point of her Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) is also treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The area effect functions only while the cleric is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Faith effects don’t stack.

Divine Reach (Su): Beginning at 14th level, a cleric can use touch spells on targets up to 30 feet away. If the spell requires a melee touch attack, the cleric must make a ranged touch attack instead.

Aura of Righteousness (Su): At 16th level, a cleric gains immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 20 feet per point of Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. The area effect functions only while the cleric is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Righteousness effects don’t stack.

Holy Champion (Su): At 19th level, a cleric becomes a conduit for the power of her god. She becomes subject to a constant death ward effect, as the spell. Whenever he successfully attacks and hits an evil outsider, the outsider is also subject to a banishment effect, as the spell, using his cleric level as the caster level (his weapon and holy symbol automatically count as objects that the subject hates). In addition, whenever he channels energy to heal a creature, he heals the maximum possible amount.

A cleric who grossly violates the code of conduct required by his god loses all spells and class features, except for armor and shield proficiencies and proficiency with simple weapons. He cannot thereafter gain levels as a cleric of that god until he atones (see the atonement spell description).
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First Post
03. Classes - 04 - Druid


Alignment: Neutral-good, lawful-neutral, neutral, chaotic-neutral or neutral-evil.

HP/Level: 5.

Class Save Bonuses: +1 Fort, +1 Refl, +1 Will.

Druid Class Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Concentration, Crafts, Knowledge (mystical), Knowledge (wilderness), Outliving, Perception, Persuasion, Ride and Spellcrafts.

Skill Training Feats: Skill Training (Animal Handling), Skill Training (Concentration), Skill Training (Knowledge (wilderness)), Skill Training (Outliving), Skill Training (Spellcrafts).

Proficiency Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse.

Table: The Druid
								———————— Spells per Day1 ——–—————
Level	BAB		Special					0	1st	2nd	3rd	4th	5th	6th	7th	8th	9th
1st	+0		Track, wilderness understanding		3	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
2nd	+1		Speak with animals, eschew materials	4	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
3rd	+2		Wild shape (small)			4	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
4th	+3		Woodland stride				5	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
5th	+3		Wild shape (medium)			5	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—	—	—
6th	+4		Speak with plants			5	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—	—	—
7th	+5		Wild shape (large)			6	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—	—
8th	+6/+1		Trackless step				6	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—	—
9th	+6/+1		Wild shape (huge and tiny)		6	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—	—
10th	+7/+2		Venom immunity				6	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—	—
11th	+8/+3		Wild shape (move action)		6	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—	—
12th	+9/+4		A thousand faces			6	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—	—
13th	+9/+4		Wild shape (gargantuan, treant)		6	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—	—
14th	+10/+5		Divine reach				6	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—	—
15th	+11/+6/+1	Wild shape (elementals)			6	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1	—
16th	+12/+7/+2	Mastery of elements			6	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1	—
17th	+12/+7/+2	Wild shape (dragons)			6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	2+1	1+1
18th	+13/+8/+3	Control weather				6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1	2+1
19th	+14/+9/+4	Wild shape (swift action, at-will)	6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	3+1	3+1
20th	+15/+10/+5	Timeless body				6	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	5+1	4+1	4+1	4+1	4+1

1 In addition to the stated number of spells per day for 1st- through 9th-level spells, a druid gets a domain spell for each spell level, starting at 1st.
The “+1” in the entries on this table represents that spell. Domain spells are in addition to any bonus spells the druid may receive for having a high Wisdom score.

Class Features

Other Proficiencies: Druids are also proficient with the scimitar and all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below).

Restrictions: Druids are prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may wear only padded, leather, or hide armor. (A druid may also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as though it were steel. See the ironwood spell description). Druids are also prohibited from carrying metal shields. A druid who wears prohibited armor or carries a prohibited shield is, while doing so, unable to cast spells gained from her druid levels and also unable to use any druid supernatural or spell-like ability.

Spells: A druid casts divine spells, which are drawn from the druid spell list. Her alignment may restrict her from casting certain spells opposed to her moral or ethical beliefs; see Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells, below. A druid must choose and prepare her spells in advance (see below).

To prepare or cast a spell, the druid must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a druid’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a druid can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Druid. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Wisdom score. She does not have access to any domain spells or granted powers, as a cleric does.

A druid prepares and casts spells the way a cleric does, though she cannot lose a prepared spell to cast a cure spell in its place (but see Spontaneous Casting, below). A druid may prepare and cast any spell on the druid spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation.

Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature’s ally spell of the same level or lower.

Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: A druid can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her deity’s (if she has one). Spells associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaos, evil, good, and law descriptors in their spell descriptions.
Domains, and Domain Spells: Choose one of the following cleric domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant or Water. When determining the powers and bonus spells granted by this domain, the druid’s effective cleric level is equal to her druid level. A druid also receives additional domain spell slots, just like a cleric. She must prepare the spell from her domain in this slot and this spell cannot be used to cast a spell spontaneously.

Bonus Languages: A druid’s bonus language options include Sylvan, the language of woodland creatures. This choice is in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of her race.

A druid also knows Druidic, a secret language known only to druids, which she learns upon becoming a 1st-level druid. Druidic is a free language for a druid; that is, she knows it in addition to her regular allotment of languages and it doesn’t take up a language slot. Druids are forbidden to teach this language to nondruids. Druidic has its own alphabet.
Track: Druids gain Track as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Wilderness Understanding (Ex): Druids add half their class level as a competence bonus to Animal Handling, Knowledge (wilderness) and Outliving checks. Ranger class levels stack with Druid class levels for this ability.

Speak With Animals (Sp): Beginning at 2nd level, a druid is able to use the Speak With Animals spell at-will as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to her druid level.

Eschew Materials: At 2nd level you gain Eschew Materials as a bonus feat.

Wild Shape (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a druid gains the ability to turn herself into an alternate form and back again. This ability can be used once per day per druid level until 18th level, and at-will beginning at 19th level. You may change from alternate form directly to another by spending a normal use, but reverting back to your original form never spends a daily use. The transformation lasts until the druid becomes unconscious or chooses to transform again (to an alternate or back to his original form). Some effects may force a druid to forcefully revert to his original form. Considering he still controls this power, when some effect forcefully transforms a druid to some other form, the druid may use Wild Shape to negate the effect assume one of his alternate forms and then revert to his original form (he may not directly revert to his original form). Changing form (to an alternate or back) is a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. The transformation becomes a move action at 11th level and a swift action at 19th level.
Her options for new forms include all creatures with the animal and vermin types except for swarms and dinosaurs (see the Monster Manual). Her options for new forms also include the treant at 13th level, air, earth, fire and water elementals beginning at 15th level and dragons at 17th level.

At 3rd level she is able to turn into creatures of small size only. She adds in creatures of medium size at 5th, large size at 7th, huge and tiny size at 9th and gargantuan size at 13th. In any case, the new form’s Hit Dice can never exceed the character’s druid level.
Assuming an alternate form via wild shape results in the following changes to the character:

—The druid retains the type and subtype of its original form. It gains the size of its new form. If the new form has the aquatic, air, fire, earth or water subtypes, the druid gains these subtypes as well.

—The druid gains the Strength and Dexterity ability scores of its new form. Apply the changed Strength and Dexterity modifiers in all appropriate areas. It retains the Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability scores of its original form with their original racial ability adjustments. The druid retains the hit points of its original form.

—The druid loses its original form’s racial immunities, vulnerabilities, bonuses to saves, bonuses to skill checks, and bonus feats.

—The druid gains all its new form’s racial immunities, vulnerabilities, bonuses to saves, bonuses to skill checks, and bonus feats. Exception: The druid does not gain immunity to mental effects when assuming a vermin creature form because he retains his Intelligence score and is not considered mindless.

—The druid loses the movement modes (and speeds), natural weapons, natural armor, special attacks (extraordinary and supernatural) and other special qualities (extraordinary and supernatural) of the original form not derived from class levels (such as the barbarian’s rage class feature).

—The druid gains the movement modes (and speeds), natural weapons, natural armor, special attacks (extraordinary and supernatural) and other special qualities (extraordinary and supernatural) of the new form. The druid does not gain any spell-like ability of its new form.

—The druid is considered proficient with all natural weapons gained from its new form.

—The druid retains other special attacks, special qualities and abilities (extraordinary, supernatural and spell-like) of its original form, except for those requiring a body part that the new form does not have.

—The druid retains all other game statistics of its original form, including HD, hit points, skill ranks, feats, base attack bonus, and base save bonuses.

—A druid loses her ability to speak while in animal and vermin form because she is limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal or vermin can make, but she can communicate normally with other animals and vermins of the same general grouping as her new form. (The normal sound a wild parrot makes is a squawk, so changing to this form does not permit speech.) The same does not occur to the elemental forms. Although with a different voice, elementals can speak.

—The druid retains any spellcasting ability it had in its original form, although it must be able to speak intelligibly to cast spells with verbal components and it must have humanlike hands to cast spells with somatic components. The Natural Spell feat lets you circumvent component problems while in a wild shape.

—The druid is effectively camouflaged as a creature of its new form, and it gains a +10 bonus on checks of the Disguise subskill if it uses this ability to create a disguise.

—Any gear worn or carried by the druid melds into the new form. All melded gear becomes nonfunctional except for magic armors with the wild ability, rings and wondrous items. When the druid reverts to her true form, any objects previously melded reappear in the same location on her body that they previously occupied and are all once again functional. New items carried during the wild shape or worn over the assumed form fall off and land at the druid's feet.

—A true seeing spell or ability reveals the druid’s natural form. A druid using wild shape reverts to its natural form when killed, but separated body parts retain the present shape. A druid cannot use wild shape to take the form of an advanced creature or a creature with a template.

Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect her.

Speak With Plants (Sp): Beginning at 6th level, a druid is able to use the Speak With Plants spell at-will as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to her druid level.

Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 8th level, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Venom Immunity (Ex): At 10th level, a druid gains immunity to all poisons.

A Thousand Faces (Su): At 12th level, a druid gains the ability to change her appearance at will, as if using the alter self spell, but only while in her normal form.

Divine Reach (Su): Beginning at 14th level, a druid can use touch spells on targets up to 30 feet away. If the spell requires a melee touch attack, the druid must make a ranged touch attack instead.

Mastery of Elements (Su): Beginning at 16th level, the druid can alter a spell gained by druid levels when cast so that it utilizes a different element from the one it normally uses. For example, a druid could cast a flamestrike that deals sonic damage instead of fire damage. This ability can only alter a spell with the acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic descriptor. The spell’s casting time is unaffected. The caster decides whether to alter the spell’s energy type and chooses the new energy type when he begins casting.

Control Weather (Sp): Beginning at 18th level, a druid is able to use the Control Weather spell at-will as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to her druid level.

Timeless Body (Ex): After attaining 20th level, a druid no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot die of old age or be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue.

A druid who ceases to revere nature, changes to a prohibited alignment, or teaches the Druidic language to a nondruid loses all spells and druid abilities (including her animal companion, but not including weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She cannot thereafter gain levels as a druid until she atones (see the atonement spell description).
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First Post
03. Classes - 05 - Fighter


Alignment: Any.

HP/Level: 6.

Class Save Bonuses: +2 Fort, +1 Refl, +0 Will.

Fighter Class Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Crafts, Outliving, Perception and Ride.

Skill Training Feats: Skill Training (Athletics), Skill Training (Ride).

Proficiency Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon Proficiency (martial), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse.

Table: The Fighter
Level	BAB		Special						AC Bonus
1st 	+1		Bonus feat					+0
2nd	+2		Attack rolls competence bonus (+1)		+0
3rd	+3		Defender (+1)					+1
4th	+4		Treat Injuries, bonus feat			+1
5th	+5		Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+2)	+1
6th	+6/+1		Comander aura (+2, 30ft)			+2
7th	+7/+2		Attack rolls competence bonus (+2)		+2
8th	+8/+3		Defender (+2), armor training (-1)		+2
9th	+9/+4		Attack rolls competence bonus (+3)		+3
10th	+10/+5		Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+4)	+3
11th	+11/+6/+1	Comander aura (+4, 60ft), dodge bonus (+1)	+3
12th	+12/+7/+2	Attack rolls competence bonus (+4)		+4
13th	+13/+8/+3	Defender (+3), armor training (-2)		+4
14th	+14/+9/+4	Attack rolls competence bonus (+5), war cry	+4
15th	+15/+10/+5	Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+6)	+5
16th	+16/+11/+6/+1	Comander aura (+6, 90ft)			+5
17th	+17/+12/+7/+2	Attack rolls competence bonus (+6)		+5
18th	+18/+13/+8/+3	Defender (+4), armor training (-3)		+6
19th	+19/+14/+9/+4	Threatening presence				+6
20th	+20/+15/+10/+5	Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+8)	+6

Class Features

Other Proficiencies: None.

AC Bonus (Ex): When not using a shield of any kind, not using the two-weapon fighting rules to get extra attacks and also not using a melee weapon two-handed, a fighter gains a dodge bonus to Armor Class as indicated on Table: The Fighter. He still gains the bonus when using a ranged weapon with both hands (as long as he is not using a buckler). The fighter loses this bonus if he uses a natural weapon from his off-hand’s arm.

Bonus feat: fighters receive a bonus feat at levels 1st and 4th.

Attack Rolls Competence Bonus (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, fighters gain a +1 competence bonus to all attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 7th, +3 at 9th, +4 at 12th, +5 at 14th and +6 at 17th level. This ability stacks with the monk’s version.

Defender (Ex): At 3rd level, a fighter starts to defend himself better, gaining a +1 competence bonus to AC. This bonus rises to +2 at 8th, +3 at 13th and +4 at 18th level.

Healing Surges (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, a fighter can heal his own wounds. As a standard action he can heal a number of hit points equal to twice his fighter+barbarian+monk total levels. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half his fighter level.

Weapon Damage Rolls Competence Bonus (Ex): Starting at 5th level, fighters gain a +2 competence bonus to damage rolls with all weapons (manufactured or natural, including unarmed strikes). This bonus increases by +2 at levels 10th, 15th and 20th. This ability stacks with the monk’s version.

Commander Aura (Ex): Starting at 6th level, all allies within 30 feet of the fighter gain +2 morale bonus on weapon damage rolls. The range extends to 30 more feet and the bonus increases by +2 each time he gains this ability again, either from fighter levels (at levels 11th and 16th) or barbarian levels. Only creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher and an ECL equal to the fighter or lower are affected by this abillity. A fighter cannot be affected by his own Comander Aura. Multiple Commander Aura effects (either from fighters or barbarians) don’t stack (use only the higher one). Multiple morale bonuses don’t stack either.

Armor Training (Ex): Starting at 8th level, a fighter starts to make better use of armors (light, medium or heavy), but not shields. At 8th level, any armor being used by the fighter has its armor check penalty reduced by 1. At 13th level, the armor check penalty is now reduced by 2. At 18th level, the armor check penalty is now reduced by 3 and the armor is also considered as one category lighter (heavy becomes medium, medium becomes light, but light remains light).

Dodge Bonus (Ex): At 11th level, fighters gain a +1 Dodge bonus to AC against all attacks.

War Cry (Ex): Beginning at 14th level, as a standard action you and all allies within 30 feet gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 4d6 rounds. You can use this ability once per day.

Threatening Presence (Ex): Beginning at 19th level, when using the War Cry ability, all opponents within 30 feet must succeed on a Will save or become shaken for 4d6 rounds. The save DC is equal to 10 + half your fighter level + your charisma modifier. Also, you now can use the War Cry ability twice per day.
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First Post
03. Classes - 06 - Monk


Alignment: Any lawful.

HP/Level: 6.

Class Save Bonuses: +1 Fort, +1 Refl, +1 Will.

Monk Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Concentration, Crafts, Knowledge (mystical), Perception, Persuasion, Ride and Stealth.

Skill Proficiency Feats: Skill Proficiency (Acrobatics), Skill Proficiency (Athletics), Skill Proficiency (Concentration), Skill Proficiency (Perception), Skill Proficiency (Stealth).

Proficiency Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon Proficiency (martial), Armor Proficiency (light), Weapon Finesse.

Table: The Monk
Level	BAB		Special							AC Bonus	Unarmed Damage1
1st	+1		Improved unarmed strike, fast movement +10ft		+0		1d4, 19-20/x2
2nd	+2		Attack rolls competence bonus (+1)			+0		1d6, 19-20/x2
3rd	+3		Evasion, unarmored training				+1		1d6, 19-20/x2
4th	+4		Healing surges, uncanny dodge				+1		1d8, 19-20/x2
5th	+5		Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+2)		+1		1d8, 19-20/x2
6th	+6/+1		Ki strike (magic)					+2		1d8, 19-20/x2
7th	+7/+2		Attack rolls competence bonus (+2)			+2		1d8, 19-20/x2
8th	+8/+3		Ki strike (+1d6 sonic)					+2		1d10, 19-20/x2
9th	+9/+4		Attack rolls competence bonus (+3), fast movement +20ft	+3		1d10, 19-20/x2
10th	+10/+5		Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+4)		+3		1d10, 19-20/x2
11th	+11/+6/+1	Ki strike (adamantine)					+3		1d10, 19-20/x2
12th	+12/+7/+2	Attack rolls competence bonus (+4)			+4		1d10, 19-20/x2
13th	+13/+8/+3	Improved Evasion, improved unarmored training		+4		1d10, 19-20/x2
14th	+14/+9/+4	Attack rolls competence bonus (+5), war Cry		+4		1d10, 19-20/x2
15th	+15/+10/+5	Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+6)		+5		1d10, 19-20/x2
16th	+16/+11/+6/+1	Ki strike (lawful)					+5		1d10, 19-20/x2
17th	+17/+12/+7/+2	Attack rolls competence bonus (+6)			+5		1d10, 19-20/x2
18th	+18/+13/+8/+3	Ki strike (+2d6 sonic)					+6		1d10, 19-20/x2
19th	+19/+14/+9/+4	Threatening Presence					+6		1d10, 19-20/x2
20th	+20/+15/+10/+5	Weapon damage rolls competence bonus (+8)		+6		1d10, 19-20/x2

1 The value shown is for Medium monks. See Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage for Small or Large monks.

Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage
Level		Damage		Damage
 		(Small Monk)	(Large Monk)
1st 		1d3, 19-20/x2	1d6, 19-20/x2
2nd–3rd 	1d4, 19-20/x2	1d8, 19-20/x2
4th–7th 	1d6, 19-20/x2	2d6, 19-20/x2
7th–20th 	1d8, 19-20/x2	2d8, 19-20/x2

Class Features

Other Proficiencies: Monks are also proficient with the special monk weapons (kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken and siangham).

AC Bonus (Ex): When not using a shield of any kind, not using the two-weapon fighting rules to get extra attacks and also not using a melee weapon two-handed, a monk gains a dodge bonus to Armor Class as indicated on Table: The Monk. He still gains the bonus when using a ranged weapon with both hands (as long as he is not using a buckler). The monk loses this bonus if he uses a natural weapon from his off-hand’s arm.

Unarmed Damage (Ex): When not using any armor or shield, a monk’s unarmed strikes deal more damage and get to have a greater threat range than a normal person’s unarmed strikes, as shown on Table: The Monk. The unarmed damage on Table: The Monk is for Medium monks. A Small monk deals less damage than the amount given there, while a Large monk deals more (see Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage). As long as he is still not using any armor or shield, a monk may also substitute the normal damage and threat range of a special monk weapon (kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken and siangham) made for his size by his actual Unarmed Damage values.
Improved Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. For more information on unarmed strikes refer to the Combat chapter and to the Improved Unarmed Strike feat description.

Fast Movement (Ex): A monk’s land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. At 9th level, this bonus increases to +20ft. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the monk’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn.

Attack Rolls Competence Bonus (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, monks gain a +1 competence bonus to all attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 7th, +3 at 9th, +4 at 12th, +5 at 14th and +6 at 17th level. This ability stacks with the fighter’s version.

Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Unarmored Training (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, when not using any armor or shield, a monk gains a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. This ability does not stack with Unarmored Training abilities gained by other classes.

Healing Surges (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, a monk can heal his own wounds. As a standard action he can heal a number of hit points equal to twice his monk+barbarian+ranger total levels. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half his monk level.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, a monk retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Weapon Damage Rolls Competence Bonus (Ex): Starting at 5th level, monks gain a +2 competence bonus to damage rolls with all weapons (manufactured or natural, including unarmed strikes). This bonus increases by +2 at levels 10th, 15th and 20th. This ability stacks with the fighter’s version.

Ki Strike (Su): At 6th level, a monk’s unarmed attacks are empowered with ki. His unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. Ki strike improves with the character’s monk level. At 8th level, his unarmed attacks gain +1d6 sonic damage (similar to the flaming ability of magic weapons). At 11th level, her unarmed strikes are treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 16th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as adamantine weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness. At 18th level, her unarmed attacks sonic damage rises to +2d6.

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 13th level, a monk’s evasion ability improves. She still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Improved Unarmored Training (Ex): Beginning at 13th level, the dodge bonus to Armor Class from Unarmored Training is rises to +2. This ability does not stack with Unarmored Training abilities gained by other classes.

War Cry (Ex): Beginning at 14th level, as a standard action you and all allies within 30 feet gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 4d6 rounds. You can use this ability once per day.

Threatening Presence (Ex): Beginning at 19th level, when using the War Cry ability, all opponents within 30 feet must succeed on a Will save or become shaken for 4d6 rounds. The save DC is equal to 10 + half your monk level + your charisma modifier. Also, you now can use the War Cry ability twice per day.

A monk who becomes nonlawful cannot gain new levels as a monk but retains all monk abilities.
Like a member of any other class, a monk may be a multiclass character, but multiclass monks face a special restriction. A monk who gains a new class or (if already multiclass) raises another class by a level may never again raise her monk level, though he retains all his monk abilities.
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First Post
03. Classes - 07 - Paladin


Alignment: Lawful good.

HP/Level: 6.

Class Save Bonuses: +2 Fort, +0 Refl, +1 Will.

Paladin Class Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Crafts, Knowledge (civilizations), Knowledge (mystical), Perception, Persuasion and Ride.

Skill Training Feats: Skill Training (Perception), Skill Training (Persuasion), Skill Training (Ride).

Proficiency Feats: Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon Proficiency (martial), Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse.

Table: The Paladin
Level	BAB		Special
1st	+1		Aura of good, detect evil, channel energy	
2nd	+2		Weapon damage rolls sacred bonus (+2)		Lay on hands
3rd	+3		Attack rolls sacred bonus (+1)			Mercy
4th	+4		Divine health	
5th	+5		Attack rolls sacred bonus (+2)			Aura of Courage
6th	+6/+1								Mercy
7th	+7/+2		Weapon damage rolls sacred bonus (+4)	
8th	+8/+3		Attack rolls sacred bonus (+3)			Aura of resolve
9th	+9/+4								Mercy
10th	+10/+5		Attack rolls sacred bonus (+4)	
11th	+11/+6/+1	DR 1/-						Aura of faith
12th	+12/+7/+2	Weapon damage rolls sacred bonus (+6)		Mercy
13th	+13/+8/+3	Attack rolls sacred bonus (+5)	
14th	+14/+9/+4	DR 2/-						Aura of righteousness
15th	+15/+10/+5	Attack rolls sacred bonus (+6)			Mercy
16th	+16/+11/+6/+1	DR 3/-, divine grace	
17th	+17/+12/+7/+2	Weapon damage rolls sacred bonus (+8)		Holy champion
18th	+18/+13/+8/+3	Attack rolls sacred bonus (+7)			Mercy
19th	+19/+14/+9/+4	DR 4/-	
20th	+20/+15/+10/+5	Attack rolls sacred bonus (+8)

Class Features

Other Proficiencies: None.

Aura of Good (Su): The power of a paladin’s aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to his channeling level (see below).

Detect Evil (Sp): At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.

Channel Energy (Su): A paladin can release a wave of positive energy by channeling the power of her faith through his holy symbol. By presenting her holy symbol as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, using this ability results in a burst of energy with a 30ft radius centered on the paladin. By channeling positive energy, the paladin heals all chosen living creatures (including himself, if living) and damages all chosen undead creatures. Additionally, undead may suffer a command undead effect (see below).

The paladin may channel energy a total number of times per day equal to half his effective channeling level. The effective channeling level of a character is equal to his paladin levels + his cleric levels. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage for every two effective channeling levels. Creatures affected by Channel Energy receive a Will save, if so desired, to halve all effects. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the effective channeling level + the paladin’s Charisma modifier. Undead creatures that fail their save are under a command undead effect (as the spell) for one minute. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. If a character has both paladin and cleric levels he does not gain double daily uses of this ability.

Attack Rolls Sacred Bonus (Su): Starting at 3rd level, paladin gain a +1 sacred bonus to all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 at levels 5th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 18th and 20th.

Lay On Hands (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can choose to use this ability in place of one use of Channel Energy (see above). As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, a paladin can heal 3 hit points of damage per effective channeling level to one living creature (including himself, if living) or deal 3 hit points of damage per effective channeling level to one undead creature. The paladin must be able to touch the target with one hand to use this ability. Using this ability to deal damage requires a successful melee touch attack that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage.

Mercy (Su): At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, a paladin can select one mercy. Each mercy adds an effect to the paladin’s lay on hands ability. Whenever the paladin uses lay on hands to heal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effects from all of the mercies possessed by the paladin. A mercy can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the affliction that causes the condition.

With 3 effective channeling levels, the paladin can select from the following initial mercies.
• Fatigued: The target is no longer fatigued.
• Shaken: The target is no longer shaken.
• Sickened: The target is no longer sickened.

With 6 effective channeling levels add the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected.
• Dazed: The target is no longer dazed.
• Diseased: The paladin’s lay on hands ability also acts as remove disease, using the effective channeling level as the caster level.
• Staggered: The target is no longer staggered, unless the target is at exactly 0 hit points.

With 9 effective channeling levels add the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected.
• Cursed: The paladin’s lay on hands ability also acts as remove curse, using the effective channeling level as the caster level.
• Exhausted: The target is no longer exhausted. The paladin must have the fatigue mercy before selecting this mercy.
• Frightened: The target is no longer frightened. The paladin must have the shaken mercy before selecting this mercy.
• Nauseated: The target is no longer nauseated. The paladin must have the sickened mercy before selecting this mercy.
• Poisoned: The paladin’s lay on hands ability also acts as neutralize poison, using the effective channeling level as the caster level.

With 12 effective channeling levels add the following mercies to the list of those that can be selected.
• Blinded: The target is no longer blinded.
• Deafened: The target is no longer deafened.
• Paralyzed: The target is no longer paralyzed.
• Stunned: The target is no longer stunned.

These abilities are cumulative. For example, the lay on hands ability of a paladin with 12 effective channeling levels heals 6d6 points of damage and might also cure fatigued and exhausted conditions as well as removing diseases and neutralizing poisons. Once a condition or spell effect is chosen, it can’t be changed.

Weapon Damage Rolls Sacred Bonus (Su): Starting at 3rd level, paladins gain a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls with all weapons (manufactured or natural, including unarmed strikes). This bonus increases by +2 at levels 7th, 12th and 17th.

Divine Health (Su): At 4th level, a paladin is immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.

Aura of Courage (Su): At 5th level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 20 feet per point of Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. The area effect functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Courage effects don’t stack.

Aura of Resolve (Su): At 8th level, a paladin is immune to charm spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 20 feet per point of Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm effects. The area effect functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Resolve effects don’t stack.

Damage Reduction (Su): At 11th level, the paladin gains Damage Reduction 1/-. The damage reduction raises by 1 point at levels 14th, 16th and19th.
Aura of Faith (Su): At 11th level, any attack (be it from him or from another creature) made against an enemy within 20 feet from the paladin per point of her Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) is also treated as good-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The area effect functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Faith effects don’t stack.

Divine Grace (Su): At 16th level, a paladin gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 1) on all saving throws.
Aura of Righteousness (Su): At 14th level, a paladin gains immunity to compulsion spells and spell-like abilities. Each ally within 20 feet per point of Charisma bonus (with a minimum of 20 feet) of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. The area effect functions only while the paladin is conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead. Multiple Aura of Righteousness effects don’t stack.

Holy Champion (Su): At 17th level, a paladin becomes a conduit for the power of her god. He becomes subject to a constant death ward effect, as the spell. Whenever he successfully attacks and hits an evil outsider, the outsider is also subject to a banishment effect, as the spell, using his paladin level as the caster level (his weapon and holy symbol automatically count as objects that the subject hates). In addition, whenever he channels positive energy to heal a creature, he heals the maximum possible amount.

Code of Conduct: A paladin must be of lawful good alignment and loses all supernatural abilities derived from paladin levels if he ever willingly commits an evil act. Additionally, a paladin’s code requires that he respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not cheating, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents.

Associates: While he may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends his moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what he believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should he feel it is doing more harm than good. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good.

A paladin who ceases to be lawful good, who willfully commits an evil act, or who grossly violates the code of conduct loses all supernatural and spell-like abilities from the paladin class. He may not progress any further in levels as a paladin. He regains her abilities and advancement potential if he atones for his violations (see the atonement spell description in Chapter 10), as appropriate.
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