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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell. [The game]

Lambert and Hart, I'm going to assume that the ship has some lab space. Organize what you have and work with HAR-V if you need anything else. Beyond that I believe you'll work more closely with Mr. Collins on this operation so I'll let him direct your day to day schedule.

For perhaps the first time Lambert shows an interest among the crew who aren't scientists.

Collins and Tobermory seemed to be taking command. So long as they weren't too pushy...

"So, Mr. Collins... I take it you've done things like this before. How long have you been doing so?"

Lambert is going to take a look at "exit protocols" for the station, such as how long does it take for an airlock to cycle, the way the Talarion will dock, and so forth.

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Jay Purr

First Post
To Tobermory:

Yes sir, on my way to perform the walk-around, then on to the bridge. I notice from the roster that several of the other crew members have pilot qualifications. Who else are you assigning to flight crew? Are you yourself going to take the right seat? Since I am the best pilot for the star fighter, we should designate at least two alternates for pilot & co-pilot if possible.

Jay Purr begins a complete pre-flight check of the ship, starting with the external walk-around. Once that is complete, he will check the star fighter, at least as best as possible in the bay where it is stored.

Question to Turanil: how long will it take to get the star fighter prepped for launch should it be needed. Can it be brought to a standby condition for an extended period of time, such that it can be launched rapidly?


First Post
HAR-Vee: your last equipment request has just been accepted (it's a great thing to be a computer and order online). Now it is processed and will be delivered to the spaceship in a few hours along the spare parts requested ten minutes ago.

Any chance of getting a gauntlet that combines the functions of a sensor geocomp, sensor chemocomp, sensor armacomp, sensor democomp, sensor electricomp, sensor mechanicomp?
You mean a "Tricorder"? :p

Other than these I would be interested in a mesh vest, deluxe mechanical and electrical kits.
Liam, the mesh vest, deluxe mechanical and electrical kits are also added to the shipment. However, you will have to forget about the "magical" gauntlet. The SIA is not Santa Klaus... :D

Oh and what is needed to use the space suit?
Ahem... According to the d20 future book, use of a spacesuit requires to have the Heavy Armor Proficiency feat. I will houserule that you only need this feat to use a spacesuit as an armor (it provides an excellent AC bonus!) on ground of a planet with at least a gravity of 0.45 G (Mars). Now, in zero-gravity environments (typically the vacuum of space), and not in combat situations, you won't need a feat.

Jay Purr begins a complete pre-flight check of the ship, starting with the external walk-around. Once that is complete, he will check the star fighter, at least as best as possible in the bay where it is stored.
Right now, all the characters are in a private meeting room of the SIA headquarters in Washington (in 2108 it is in Washington ;) ). The Telarion is in orbit around Earth; going there will take a couple of hours and a shuttle. I will have to read either Tobermory or Collins say something like "Okay, we go now". After all, I don't know if you are going to go in the spaceship first, or onto Ashira_29 with a shuttle, or maybe some of you to the spaceship while one or two to the suspect station.

Question to Turanil: how long will it take to get the star fighter prepped for launch should it be needed. Can it be brought to a standby condition for an extended period of time, such that it can be launched rapidly?
The Telarion is a huge spaceship. It has four bays. Two of them have been converted: one holds the shuttle, the other the starfighter. It's just necessary to open the bay's pannels to let go the spacecraft inside. The whole process must take about one or two minutes.
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Vincent Collins

First Post
Vincent, addressing the Major, "Very good Mr. Tobermory. With permission I'd like to begin by utilizing our science team for a bit of research: specifically into the nature of the work being done on the Ashira_29 station. It is my hope to pose as buyers interested in whatever brand of scientific technology they are working on in order to gain docking access to the station, and distract them while we dispatch a recon team to discover what, if any, link there is between the station's proprietors and the disappearance of the antimatter devices."

Vincent pauses to light a long Turkish cigarette, then turns to Dr. Lambert, " Yes, I indeed do have quite a bit of experience in this area, Mr. Lambert. My experience is the reason for my presence here. Since both yourself and Dr. Hart are accomplished researchers and have a knowledge base I could not hope to approximate regarding the scientific disciplines, I think we will make a prudent team for accomplishing the immediate objective. I would like the two of you to dig through the SIA computerized archives, as well as some independent sources on external databases and compile some relevant information regarding the activities and personalities of the Ashira_29 station. I will spend the next 24 hours convening with my intelligence sources regarding the station."

OOC: This assumes we have a day to make preparations before we take the shuttle up to the Telarion, sorry if that's not the case. Also, I'd like to utilize my "contact" or something of that nature, or possibly a gather info check? I'd like to get the above stated info, such as individuals we might be dealing with etc. as well as some files on our own crew's background/experience etc. Just tell me what needs to happen, roll wise. I'd imagine Vincent would upload this stuff to a private database on the Telarion and access via his HUD/display...


First Post
OOC: This assumes we have a day to make preparations before we take the shuttle up to the Telarion, sorry if that's not the case.
You take all the time you need to make your investigations, even if faster is better. Now, your team (or well, you and Tobermory) decides where to go and what to do. A spaceship has been provided in case you would need to go to Jupiter. but who knows where your investigations will lead you to? By the way: going to Jupiter takes weeks if not months. As such, a couple of days more or less...

Also, I'd like to utilize my "contact" or something of that nature, or possibly a gather info check? I'd like to get the above stated info, such as individuals we might be dealing with etc. as well as some files on our own crew's background/experience etc. Just tell me what needs to happen, roll wise. I'd imagine Vincent would upload this stuff to a private database on the Telarion and access via his HUD/display...
More about that later (I must go to work now :( ). The SIA will give you all the info they already gathered, and you will do some Investigate roll (I will give info according to the skill check result). HAR-Vee has already expressed an intent to process the info regarding the lost starships (near Jupiter). In fact, as he is a multitask computer, he has already begun to process this info, and so far doesn't find anything.

Caine Freerover

First Post
Caine will check the medical bay inventories and make sure there is a full pharmacoepia abord, as well as ample supplies of the more advanced antitoxins, anti-radiation serums, and so forth. [essentially anything listed in the d20 Future equipment list]

He will then requisition the mecical records of the entire crew and scans them while the discussion progresses. He appears not to be paying much attention, absorbed in his reading, but as the conversation wanes he pipes up.

"Are we approaching the station as investors or inventors? If there's free space for rent, the latter might provide us better cover. On the other hand, acting as if we are potential investors might allow us more opportunity to explore the research going on there. Does our corporation have enough capital for this to be believable?

In any case, it seems likely that the station might be the source of this new technology. Structured plasma is an idea that I haven't heard in a long time, but it sounds familiar--I think I read an article on the subject once."

Caine pauses, and colored lights flicker across his glasses. He doesn't yet have a computer uplink for a research check, but he'll attempt to recall the name of a researcher who published an article on the subject of "structured plasma containment". When he gets the chance he'll do research looking for someone publishing in the field who then dropped out of sight.

"Also, anyone who is interested in cybernetic enhancements should requisition them now from the SIA--they'll probably be happy to supply you with basic upgrades. I can implant them on the voyage when you have some recovery time ahead of you. The implants would of course belong to the SIA and would be removed again after the mission is over."

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John Tobermory

First Post
"OK if that's everything we'll meet at the shuttle pad tomorrow at 08:00. Don't be late."

OOC: What does huge translate into in game terms because huge isn't all that big in D20.
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Brendan Radley

First Post
Kecia Tavernier said:
"United States Marine Corps, genemod division" Kecia said to Brendan. Her muscles, while not overly developed, had a certain strength to them that only genetic engineering could achieve. "I'm on loan to the SIA for the duration of this assignment. I'm certified in explosives and stealth operations. I'm bringing a lot of my equipment as well."

Brendan nods, impressed, and an unpsoken question is answered.

"Just part of the in-house military myself, Zero-G Tactical Response Unit. I'm Brendan Radley," he extends a hand to shake as he formally introduces himself.


First Post
"At 470 feet long the ship is classified as 'Light' and is considered a 'Collosal' object.

I'll begin pre-flight checks as soon as I arrive Captain."

Jay Purr

First Post
Turanil said:
Right now, all the characters are in a private meeting room of the SIA headquarters in Washington (in 2108 it is in Washington ;) ). The Telarion is in orbit around Earth; going there will take a couple of hours and a shuttle. I will have to read either Tobermory or Collins say something like "Okay, we go now". After all, I don't know if you are going to go in the spaceship first, or onto Ashira_29 with a shuttle, or maybe some of you to the spaceship while one or two to the suspect station.

WOOC! (WAY Out Of Character) Sorry, I misunderstood what point we had reached in the discussion, nor did I appreciate that Telarion is in orbit. I suppose that Jay had best suit-up for that walk-around inspection. {8->

Jay suggests,

"Possibly myself and other technical members of the crew can go directly to the ship, while Mr. Collins and the researchers prepare a visit to Ashira_29?"

Tobermory said:
OK if that's everything we'll meet at the shuttle pad tomorrow at 08:00. Don't be late.

Jay's shoulders droop at the prospect of another night mired at the bottom of a gravity well.

"Yes, sir."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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