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Dark Fairytale IC

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The boarded up windows make it hard to see much inside but you can make out what looks like a work shop, benches and tables vials and a assortments of tools.

"Maybe half dozen could be more. We didn't 'ang around to count em and ain't equipped to deal with 'em. A automaton is a well a machine I guess a big metal man. Thing is it doesn't do much unless it has a soul in it so research on them was outlawed. Necromancers ain't common round these parts,Just Felix apparently we thought he stopped was obsessed with his metal man. He Went missing 3days ago now 'bout the time a string 'o murders took place. Don't know owt about 'em just told to stay 'ere."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Maybe he moved his own soul into the machine and his mind broke. Or Felix is the killer and he's collecting souls for the army of machines. Imagine, whole town of souls dead to power the army of golems..." Leonan muses, putting seeds of unease into guards imagination
"We better see this captain as soon as possible. How do we recognize him?"


The guard does not seem impressed at the comments of w certain individual."Oh you'll know when you meet the captain" the dwarf winks.

Navigating the city is easy it is built as a giant ring split up into distinct districts you leave the industrial district and pass through housing in the way to the military district.

Dwarves young and old clad in mail, plate and leather training with various weapons and running drills you easily find the fortified cottage that must be the barracks.

The inside is strange the building clearly wasn't built for purpose it has a quaint cottagey feel with exposed timber beams, nooks and crannies, even a open fire this is at odds with the racks of weapons and and armour along with guards guards everywhere in fact a pair are heading towards you now."You must be lost. You don't belong here." You quickly explain your postion and why you here the guard collers another and sends him away to check your story you assume. A few seconds later you are ushered through into a small room with the oddest sight a Goliath sat behind a dwarven sized desk made carved in ornate fashion, what's more he has a beard.


"Well what day we have 'ere a few pups still attached to there ma's apran strings? Tought the 'cademy would send seasoned warriors. You sure you didn't get sent 'ere by mistake?" The Goliath's voice is soft for a something of his size but there was definitely condescension in his voice and beard.

GM: My autocorrect may have been murdered there if anyone needs a translation feel free to ask.

Shildoor was quite impressed By how they fitted all the armament inside the Cottage, 'They sure know how to use space.' he thought to himself.

As they were send into the small room, Shildoor instantly locked on to the... Bearded Goliath? First Time for everything indeed. Setting down his shield on the floor he adressed the Goliath... quite differently then normale.
"Well, seeing as the 'cademy send us 'ere we mus be more then enough to 'andle your problem."
Catching himself falling back in his Old accent he lets out a loud cough before resuming.
"So you are the Captn' then?"

Shavara steps forward. "Captain Bedrock, I presume? Your assessment of the academy is hopefully incorrect, though I'm afraid we were sent here rather quickly and without a full briefing, so you may not be far off. Would you be so kind as to explain the nature of your problem? I'm sure you are very busy. We are just as hopeful to get out of your way and solve your problem as soon as we can. We understand it may involve a necromancer named Felix Fitzwizzle, perhaps?"


"Ah that blasted gnome. This does not leave this room, if it does you may find yourselves suck on a mountain naked and tied to a rock. Felix fled just as a series of grizzly murders 'appened some may think it a coincidence I know better I examined t'bodies. They had there 'earts literally ripped out of their chests, great big 'ol and everything, this 'ole was big lier metal man big. All three murders where t'same we know Felix was in deep when we found t'Zombies in his basement and he was obsessed with making this automaton work what if he needed a heart with the soul? What next? Brains? Eyes? He needs stopping now!" The Goliath's fist strikes the table with a impressive thud." 'n' it needs doing discretely."

"Not on a first date." Shavara said nonchalantly. "So you want us to find Felix? Who is presumably a gnome necromancer? And his metal automaton? When we find him, do you want him alive or dead? Finally, where's his former house?"


"Alive, if possible I doubt 'e will come quietly but who knows the automaton should be destroyed. I don't feel Felix is a bad person just misguided perhaps. 'is house is in the living quarter one rotation anti clock wise. 'is house will have a guard posted outside his house cant miss it and you know where his workshop is. If my sources are correct. They always are."

OOC: Fun fact this is how I actually talk

"Aside from being a misguided, did Felix have any friends in town? Or places he liked to go? A favorite tavern maybe?"

OOC: If not, workshop and zombies first or residence and unknown first? Shavara will vote zombies first. And she's kicking herself for not asking the guard for his name.

Voidrunner's Codex

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