Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes has a launch date! Mark your calendars for November 12th, 2024. 300+ more monsters for your D&D 2024, or Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition games, plus new horde rules and rules for heroic monsters who level up alongside you--whether they be allies, companions, or foes! Click here to follow on Kickstarter!
"Wonderful strikes Colember! Now for the remainder!" Twisting his enormous posture through the room he closed in on the two non-frosted zombies, flexing his arm he unleashes a mighty back hand trying to impact both zombies.
he then used this momentum to smash his shield down in a defense position.
Noticing that his first attack seemed to stagger the zombie Kaleth continues his assault. He targets the same zombie as before hoping to scramble whatever mental capacity it has left.
[sblock=Action]Using Mind Thrust on a zombie. It will need to make an Intelligence Save DC 16 or take [roll0][/sblock]
Shavra and Shildor both wreck the physical bodies of their targets while Kaleth targets what ever intellect the creatures have left. Shildor fells the target all ready injured by Leo's frosty assault almost splitting the thing right down the middle. Kaleth and Shavra both team up on the zombie Kaleth assaulted before the zombie crumples to the ground under the combined mental and physical assault however it rises again and the pack of Zombies all lash out at the biggest target. Only one of them mannages to cause any lasting damage
Leonan doesn't even bother with approaching. He just moves so he has a clear shot and another ray shoots out leaving twinkling trail of frozen vapor in its wake. While the ray hits directly, it seems this zombie is too dry to freeze properly and the damage done seems minimal.