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Dark*Matter: Discovery

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Sorry for the delay in Cade's "down time", but it's coming, this past week was finals and I'm looking for work, so I was a smidge busy.

Sorry, more to come, soon.


Breath heavy with exertion, frosting as it puffs from Cade’s mouth, the young man is dressed for jogging in the cold February morning; he is wearing heavy black sweats, a black watch cap, fingerless black gloves with added padding, and cross training shoes. Moving through the dark early morning, Cade cuts an unusual course, as he leaps over concrete planters, vaults off of his hands over tables or hand-traversing ledges and fixtures.

It has been several weeks since the young man added parkour, freerunning, to his morning jog, but Cade is picking the skills up rather quickly. His morning runs fueled by a need to increase his spatial awareness, given the nature of his job, plus playing his favorite tunes over his iPhone hasn’t hurt much, either.

No one knows what its like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

With a quick dive Cade launches himself over the rail of the raised walkway, hurling his body across to an open air patio and rolling to his feet.

No one knows what its like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies

However, Cade tops his forward movement, turning to look back over the jump that he just made, the jump that he couldn’t make that well the week before. It is not that far, only a five food span, but it is over ten feet above the ground below.

“Nice,” says Cade to himself, breathing a sigh of relief before he turns and continues on his run. Only a short distance for home, the young man grows more confident in his surroundings and stunts upon gaining familiar ground.

But my dreams
They arent as empty
As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
Thats never free

No one knows what its like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you

Turning down the alley before his apartment, Cade turns and runs down it at full speed, jumping slightly and using a brick outcropping and his momentum to kick-jump toward a fire-escape ladder. Riding the metallic clatter toward the ground, Cade quickly tries to gain his footing on the rungs, however his feet hit the ground at the same time the ladder does.

“Frak,” says Cade as he starts climbing up the ladder. “Next time.”

No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

But my dreams
They arent as empty
As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
Thats never free

Climbing through his window, after using a remote to unlock it, Cade plugs his iPhone into a speaker mount, filling the apartment with The Who’s Behind Blue Eyes.

Quickly closing the window, Cade strips down and walks into the shower, his body soaked with sweat, grim, and the results of his morning constitutional.

When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool

If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
If I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

No one knows what its like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

Slowly the song fades aware, as it is the usual end to Cade’s workout, and only the sounds of his shower fills the apartment. After fifteen minutes, or so, the sound of water stops. Shortly after which a single meow from Selina, Cade’s cat, attacks the silence.

“I know, I know,” says Cade as he comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waste. “Z takes better care than I do, sheesh.”

The only reply is a second meow.

“She’s got a key, what else do you want,” says Cade as he pours the cat a bowl of hard food, before toping it with a scoop of soft food, that he mixes together. “You wanna go live with her.”

Two meows are his only reply.

“Yeah, well I doubt she’s gonna wanna move in with a hick from the sticks,” says Cade with a chuckle. “We’d be skipping a few steps….a lot of steps.”

However, the conversation is quickly interrupted by a priority page from the Institute and as the feline eats her food, Cade gets quickly dressed, making sure to put on his holster, which turns his sidearm invisible, iPhone, and picks up the pack that holders his gear and rifle.

“Be good, don’t do anything stupid,” says Cade as he leaves the apartment, locking the door behind him.

A single meow is his only reply.


The ring seemed to call to Diego somehow. He felt like it could help him discover more of his mental powers, so he chose it and wore it. He tried concentrating, but nothing seemed to happen. The trainers at the Institute said to give it time, so he let it go for the moment.

He was hanging out with a few of his old friends, when Rich showed off a new red dragon tattoo. It was very detailed, and Diego found himself interested in tattoos all of a sudden. He didn’t have any, though most of his friends do, because he’d wanted to avoid anything that looked like gang signs. Besides, he’d always thought that tattoos looked hot on chicks but a bit odd for guys. He asked Rich where he got the tattoo, and found himself headed there the next day.

Diego waited while the tattoo artist worked on a customer. The artist was a muscular Hispanic man, probably in his forties but still in good shape, and was drawing a ‘tramp stamp’ on an attractive young brunette.

After that was done, Diego introduced himself to the man, who was named Pablo. He explained to Pablo that he wanted to learn how to draw tattoos. “I’ll pay you” he said.

“No” Pablo replied. “You need training for that. To do it right you need to work as an apprentice, which can take years. It’s dangerous if you do it wrong, you can cause infections, and I can’t take any responsibility for that. Besides, why would I want to make competition for my services?”

“It’s hard to explain, but I need to learn from you. I really like your work” Diego said. He sensed something odd, and he concentrated, and his eyes widened in surprise. “I am … like you, Pablo” he said softly.

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Pablo demanded.

Instinctively Diego raised his arm and a translucent red blade flashed forth from his palm. “Oh sh it!!” he exclaimed. A second later the blade was gone.

Pablo sighed. “You have a lot to learn, kid.”
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Sorry I've been lazy, and a little busy. I'll get Nick leveled as soon as I can, but I'm not going to promise a nifty backstory this time. That kinda sucks, really, because I had something planned out as well. Maybe I"ll find the time.

Also, I wanted to ask you about scrolls. Do you use the rules as written, being that I'd have to spend XP to make a scroll? I personally never much saw the point in delaying the advancement of a character in order to use a class ability. But hey, that's why someone smarter than me made the rules, eh? ;)


Also, I wanted to ask you about scrolls. Do you use the rules as written, being that I'd have to spend XP to make a scroll?

Well, given your character's circumstances, I think I'll rule that you can requisition a reasonable number of scrolls from the Institute itself.


Hey, Folks,

I'm sorry for the short notice, but I'm going to be sporadic over the next week or two, due to some issues with my landlord. My landlord is wanting to sell the house that I am renting, which is not longer under a lease, thus he wants me out, ASAP.

In fact, he called today and told me that he is sending a 3-day notice to vacate, which I have to decide if I want to fight, or just move out. On top of all of that, I'm also debating about moving to another state, so as to recover from other economic issues.

Anyhow, please feel free to NPC my character if I do not respond in a reasonable amount of time. I'm posting this message in all of my PbPs, no disrespect intended, I'm just trying to be efficient.

Once again, I'm sorry for the disruption. Thanks for your patience.


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