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Darkness Under Cold Stones


First Post
Scotley said:
Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out that Kragor's a Duskblade. He's got their emblem on his sword with only a leather wrapping to conceal it. He just doesn't have the skill set to pretend to be anything else. And theres the fact that he wears armor uses a sword and casts arcane spells, yet can't sing or play...

But he could be a Spellsword...or Eldritch Knight! ;)

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Dire Lemming

First Post
Ok, I changed my character sheet to reflect the new history.

Name: Shoon (Prince Zhalan)
Class: Monk 2
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: LG

Str: 12 +1		Level: 2		XP: 1000
Dex: 17 +3		BAB: +1			HP: 14 of 14
Con: 10 +0		Grapple: +2
Int: 13 +1		Speed: 30 ft.
Wis: 14 +2		Init: +7
Cha: 10 +0		

	Total	Base	Armor	Shield	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc
AC: 	15	10	0	0	+3	0	0	+2
Touch: 15	Flat-footed: 12

	Total	Base	Mod	Misc
Fort: 	3	+3	+0	0
Ref: 	6	+3	+3	0
Will: 	5	+3	+2	0

Weapon			Attack		Damage		Critical	Range
Unarmed strike		+4		1d6+1		x2
Quarterstaff		+2		1d6+1		x2
Kama			+4		1d6+1		x2
Siangham		+4		1d6+1		x2
Sai			+4		1d4+1		x2		10


Unarmed Strike
Flurry of blows
Stunning Fist x2

Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Weapon Finesse
Improved Initiative

Skills				Total	Ranks	Mod	Misc
Appraise			1	0	1	
Balance				6	3	3	
Climb				4	3	1	
Craft				1	0	1
Diplomacy			5	5	0	
Escape Artist			7	4	3	
Forgery				1	0	1	
Heal				4	2.5	2	
Hide				3	0	3	
Jump				4	3	1	
Listen				2	0	2	
Move Silently			3	0	3	
Ride				3	0	3	
Search				1	0	1	
Sense Motive			2	0	2	
Spot				2	0	2	
Survival			2	0	2	
Swim				4	3	1	
Tumble				7	4	3	
Use Rope			3	0	3
Equipment:				Cost		Weight		Armor/Shield Bonus
Cold Weather Outfit			8 gp		7 lb.
Backpack				2 gp		2 lb.
Quarterstaff				-		4 lb.
Kama					2 gp		2 lb.
Siangham				3 gp		1 lb.
Sai x3					3 gp		3 lb.
Nunchaku				2 gp		2 lb.
Total Weight: 21 lb.

Inside Backpack:
Grappling Hook				1 gp		4 lb.
Rope, Silk				10 gp		5 lb.
Climber’s Kit				80 gp		5 lb.
Healer’s Kit				50 gp		5 lb.
Total Weight: 19 lb.

Light Warhorse				150 gp		-
Bit and bridle				2 gp		1 lb.
Pack Saddle				5 gp		20 lb.
Cart					15 gp		200 lb.

In Pack Saddle/Wagon
Monk’s Outfit				5 gp		2 lb.
Bedroll	x2				2 sp		10 lb.
Flint and steel				1 gp		-
Trail Rations x4			2 gp		4 lb.
Water Skin x2				2 gp		8 lb.
Masterwork Manacles, good lock x2	260 gp		6 lb.
Masterwork Manacles, good lock S x2	260 gp		6 lb.
Tent					10 gp		20 lb.

Money: 31gp 8sp

		Light		Medium		Heavy		Lift		Drag
Weight Limit:	43 lb. or less	44-86 lb.	87-130 lb.	260 lb.		650 lb.
Current Encumbrance: 40 lb.
[/sblock][sblock='Description']Age: 18
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 132
Eyes: greenish blue
Hair: blond
Skin: pale

Shoon's hair is short though not short enough to make you think it would stick up in the way it does. He has a lean, athletic build. He wouldn't stand out as someone who might be skilled in combat were it not for the large assortment of weapons attached to various parts of his clothing.[/sblock][sblock='History'] War came suddenly to the Queendom of Felunus, though not unexpectedly. The nearby Kingdom of Dowain had been expanding its borders for years now, ever since Duke Rolgarth had gained supreme command of its army. At first Felunus had attempted to remain neutral in the conflict, but as it’s weaker neighbors slowly succumbed it became clear that something must be done. Overruling the majority of the senate, Queen Kellena declared war on Dowain. Despite the initial doubts the war went extremely well. The queen’s husband Lord Cerod, Commander of the Queen’s Knights, was as masterful a military leader as his wife was a politician, and many expected Dowain to sue for peace as they were pushed farther and farther back towards their original territory.

In fact, Dowain had lost more soldiers to desertion than to Falunan steel, but Duke Rolgarth refused to surrender, doing everything in his power to hide the truth about the war from the king. He desperately required new allies and he called for help from the Order of Dusk, who had thus far remained neutral in the conflict, observing the war from their great citadel high in the northern mountains. They refused, and Rolgarth, furious but helpless could do nothing but continue losing troops. One night he received a strange visitor, a young man appeared in his bedchamber, soundlessly, and spoke to him, in a quiet, emotionless voice. “Rolgarth of Dowain, you have need of allies at this time, your last hope, the Order of Dusk, has refused you. Know that we are Nether Blade, w are darkness given thought and we shall assist you. In return, we merely request that when you are victorious, you remember our aid.” He said, his face an empty mask. Rolgarth’s agreement was immediate, nodding eagerly he said, “Yes, yes, anything you desire. I will tell you what to do. In the temples to the east and west of Sol Felunas there are a shield and a sword. The Shield of Dawn and the Sword of Dusk. Take them, without their power Felunus shall falter, then you may slay their pitiful wench, queen. I shall have my victory and you, your reward.” The man nodded silently, “Very well, know this Rolgarth, do not attempt to betray us, you will not enjoy the consequences.” And with that, he leapt from the bedroom window, and was gone. Not a week later he received word that there had been a massacre within the east and west sun temples of Felunus and that the sword and shield were gone. With that he redirected his forces for revenge on the Duskblades for what he saw as their betrayal.

Prince Zhalan, despite being the eldest child of the queen was never raised to rule, since as a male he was not in line for the throne. Still, as a member of the royal family he had many obligations. He was often send as a diplomat to various neighboring lands and so learned to appreciate the ways of others. His father also insisted that he learn physical combat as the wilderness was still dangerous, even with his personal bodyguard, Sion at his side at almost all times. The Prince took to these lessons eagerly, not only because of his father’s praise but also because of Sion, they had known each other since his father had brought her to the palace as a small child and at the age of 7 allowed her to become a squire in the Queen’s Knights, something unheard of at the time. In any case, she had been his shadow since then and though she was supposed to protect him, and was quite capable of it, he didn’t wish to see her put herself in harms way. While his mother was a compassionate and good woman, she was a queen, and was always very busy with royal affairs, so he spent most of his free time playing with his younger sister, and future queen, Princess Elesia and other members of the royal court, or training with Sion. He was popular with the Queen’s Knight’s who saw in him both the spirit of his mother and (despite also physically resembling his mother) the strength of his father, well most of them did. The war did little to affect his life, he was sent out less, and he saw his father and the knights less often as well, but other than that there was little he could notice. This however, would soon change for the worse. The massacres at the temples of Dawn and Dusk came as a shock to him as he had thought that there would never be such violence so deep within Felunus with the war being fought elsewhere. On top of it, the two powerful artifacts stored at the temples had disappeared. While Zhalan had no idea what this meant, his parents did.

Legend said that one who wielded the sword and shield could gain the ultimate power of Falunus’ most ancient and powerful artifact, the Orb of The Sun, said to be a gift from Amaterasu herself to bless Felunus. It was said that it had power to destroy nations, and the power to create life, though there was no historical account of it ever being used. It was clear that whoever had stolen the sword and shield wanted the orb as well, so in secret, Queen Kellena took the orb and used magic to bear it upon her forehead. Less than a week later the castle was assaulted in the night by an unknown group of assassins. To the astonishment of many who lived long enough to experience that emotion they seemed to be Duskblades yet for stealthier than normal, and superhumanly strong. However, the palace was prepared, they put up a strong defense despite the lack of soldiers that had left with the army, and the queen’s knights held there own.

An assassin crept into Zhalan’s room and approached his bed with barely a noise; he raised his sword, preparing to deliver a killing blow. There was a sound of ripping fabric and a blade cut through the blanket and into the assassin’s heart, he looked down at it and then slightly up, to see the woman crouched in front of him, holding it. He brought down his sword only to feel it cut through the soft mattress as she dove to the side, ripping the blade out and leaving a large gash. He collapsed on the remains of the bed, soaking the stuffing with his blood. Sion glanced around as Zhalan emerged from the shadows, “It looks like it’s started your highness, we better find the princess sister.” As they ran down the passage, Sion in front, a shadow suddenly jumped at them, Sion dodged just in time to avoid a grievous wound as a blade clipped her shoulder, rending her chain mail with frightening ease. “Enchantments.” She hissed as she took her turn to deal a far fiercer blow, the assassin went down to his knees but tried to gut Sion from his new position, Zhalak deftly threw his sai right into his head and there was a sickening crack, the assassin collapsed. “Are you alright, said Zhalan, eying the torn armor as he bent down to pick up his sai, “I’m fine,” Sion replied “he just got the armor.” They continued down the hall and into another turn when they run into another dark figure. I was not an assassin though, “Georg!” yelled Zhalan in surprise, “What are you doing here? What’s happened to my mother and father, and Ele?” The knight looked grim as he spoke. “Why are you still here, you need to leave, now. They want her highness alive but they’ll kill you.” “What? But… We have to rescue her.” Zhalan replied. “And what about my mother and father, aren’t you supposed to be with them?” Georg looked strange as he spoke. “The queen and Cerod… are dead.” He said. It took a moment for Zhalan to fully comprehend the meaning of these words. “But…” he said, “But you were right there. How could?” he couldn’t finish. Georg looked at him sadly, almost regretfully. “Well, we have to try to rescue Ele!” he said, trying to run off as Geog restrained him. “No, they won’t hurt her, they need her alive. You they will kill.” He pushed him back and Zhalan struggled to maintain his balance, glaring at the knight. He started to move forward again Sion put a hand to his shoulder. “Your highness…” she said quietly. He turned on her, “Are you going to help me, or just leave Ele to the assassins?!” he shot. Sion looked hurt, but all she said was; “I’m sorry.” As her fist collided with his abdomen and his world went dark.

Zhalan awoke bumping along in a wagon, the sun was low in sky to his left and as he sat up he realized that he was on a road, some distance away, to what he now realized was the south, he could make out the spires of the Sun Palace and Sol Felunus jutting from the lake on which they were built. He glanced around himself and saw Sion turning towards him. “Oh you’re awake!” she said, smiling faintly. “You punched me!” said Zhalan, mostly aghast but also slightly angry. “I’m sorry,” she said, looking over him to see if he was hurt, “but you wouldn’t listen to Sir Georg and he’s right you know.” There was no point in arguing about it now, regardless of the fact that Georg probably was right. So Zhalan set about watching the terrain as they passed by the uncomfortable hours.

Over the next days they stowed their old clothes to don less conspicuous ones than royal garb and knight’s uniforms. Finally they reached the northern border, Gerg said that this was as far as he could go with them and told them to keep traveling north. “Take on an identity, and some sort of profession.” He handed them a sack of gold and looked to the south. “I’m sorry your highness.” He said one more time, before he started to walk. Sion coaxed the horse forward and they set off into the unknown.

Though Zhalan has traveled a great deal, it has always been as part of a royal envoy and thus relatively sheltered. He’s usually only been able to gain random facts about the places he’s visited due in and though curious, is not the book reading type. So he his knowledge of the world outside the queendom is sketchy at best. He is a kind and compassionate person, this is sometimes mistaken weakness but he is in fact skilled with many exotic weapons. As part of his disguise, he has taken the name Shoon, after a famous martial artist of Felunus’ past. He cut his silver hair short and dyed it blond and has taken to wearing plain clothes. He’d never had a fashion sense to begin with so this was easy for him.

He is a bit naïve, generally thinking the best of others and rarely suspicious. Sion has been suspicious enough for the both of them, which has led to more than a few problems. They have taken on the guise of bounty hunters to assist in avoiding detection and to provide an income as they head further north.[/sblock][/sblock]

And here's Sion.
Name: Sion
Class: Fighter 2
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Alignment: NG

Str: 16 +3		Level: 2		XP: 1000
Dex: 14 +2		BAB: +2			HP: 21 of 21
Con: 14 +2		Grapple: +5
Int: 12 +1		Speed: 30 ft.
Wis: 12 +1		Init: +6
Cha: 10 +0

	Total	Base	Armor	Shield	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc
AC:	18	10	+4	+2	+2	0	0	0
Touch: 12	Flat-footed: 16

	Total	Base	Mod	Misc
Fort:	5	+3	+2	
Ref:	2	0	+2	
Will:	1	0	+1	

Weapon			Attack		Damage		Critical
Unarmed Strike		+5		1d3		x2
Bastard Sword		+5		1d10		19-20 x2


Armor Proficiency (light)
Armor Proficiency (medium)
Armor Proficiency (heavy)
Shield Proficiency
Tower Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)
Improved Initiative

Skills				Total	Ranks	Mod	Misc
Appraise			1	0	1
Balance				2	0	2
Climb				6	3	3
Concentration			2	0	2
Craft				1	0	1
Escape Artist			2	0	2
Forgery				1	0	1
Heal				1	0	1
Intimidate			5	5	0
Jump				6	3	3
Listen				4	1	1	2
Move Silently			2	0	2
Ride				2	0	2
Search				1	0	1
Sense Motive			1	0	1
Spot				5	2	1	2
Survival			1	0	1
Swim				6	3	3
Use Rope			2	0	2


Bastard Sword
Heavy Wood Shield
Chain Shirt
Cold Weather Outfit

Age 18
Height: 5’ 10” 
Weight: 137
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Skin: pale
Last edited:

Land Outcast

HUm... problems to access ENworld at school... some filters they put up scrambled everything, not allowing access to hotmail, gmail, ENworld, and other webpages... They didn't know the filters would have that effect... hope they fix it soon

(I've got a midday break which 1-2 a week I spend seeing what's up)

Then I'll go and create a Rogues' Gallery given that characters are mostly finished...

It'd be great for you, Scotley, to add the information of the Brotherhood of the Flame as a footnote.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Sorry to hear about that, school computer's can really be annoying. Especially High School ones that have incompetant people managing them.

Well I posted Shoon and Sion in the gallery.

Heheh, I just realized Shoon might think that Kragor is trying to hunt him down. lol


Voadam said:
There are two listings of spells, one has the full duskblade list, one just lists the new spells from the PH II that duskblades can cast. The full duskblade list is not as easily found as the limited one though.

Okay, so this is a little late, but the reference in the book directs one to the Duskblade spell list on page 98--the shorter list of new spells while the full list is insead at the end of the Duskblade entry. Sorry I'm still unhappy with the PHII.

Anyway, the important thing is that I have posted in the RG and I put up the information about the Brotherhood of Flame in a post of its own.


Dire Lemming said:
Heheh, I just realized Shoon might think that Kragor is trying to hunt him down. lol

If Kragor thinks Shoon is a duke's man instead of just a poorly informed bounty hunter he just might be. :]

Land Outcast

Heheh, I just realized Shoon might think that Kragor is trying to hunt him down. lol
If Kragor thinks Shoon is a duke's man instead of just a poorly informed bounty hunter he just might be.

Hum... then let's see what they think of each other, remember the "Feel free to flesh out the details here at the OOC thread"?

Zhalan - When Zhalan arrived at the Red Dragon Inn, carrying an unconscious body, a small chaos ensued, ending up with Zhalan being housed at the local healer's (Danya's) as well as Sion, who was in dire need of help. (Hadn't expected for the next settlement to be two weeks away from the last)

Kragor - After that night cut by nefarious dreams, Kragor couldn't manage to catch sleep again -actually proved to be favorable, moving him faster... the cold season should be ending, but it seems to be midwinter here- as he collapsed at the tavern's treshold, he was taken to the healer's (Danya's). When he starts waking up he can see another figure in a matress beside him, and a young man sittiong on a stool (Zhalan).

[sblock=Shoon and Kragor]
The room is lighted by a great stone fireplace which bathes the five beds on the room with a warm glow. The walls are made of dark wood, and a pair of doors exit the place at opposed ends.

Shoon: After accompanying Sion to this woman's house -which you noticed to be one of the largest houses in town, almost the size of an inn, you've been waiting besides her bed for her to regain consciousness. The healer presented herself as Danya, Sister of the Flame, and exchanged a pair of words with you.
First of all she commented on the stupidity -or bravery- of tackling a two-week journey in winter, then she offered offer you to stay at her home, you could "pay" for Sion's hosting and your own's if you agreed to provide help on some problems to be explained later. She's allowed you to guard over Sion's rest this night.
On the following bed lies another person, a olive-skinned man with a bundle at his feet, presumably armor for the shape of the sack -the large quiver holding javelins would make one think that presuming an armor to be in the sack is not unreasonable-. The rustic pillow below his head is wet, it seems this man had a bad time in the outside.

Kragor: You feel your skin... you barely feel it, you are almost completly frost... slowly you open your eyes, they hurt. On the roof dance the lights of what you presume to be a great firplace. Your feet, your legs, your arms, your neck, all numb but surprisingly painless. You sit to appreciate the place where you are and see a lean man staring at you with his greenish blue eyes, sitting at the bed besides yours.[/sblock]
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Land Outcast

The spirits have seen fit to show Balund the way into the Rogue's Gallery.

Ivan - Danya asked Ivan to search for any help he knew possible... she had sensed a bad omen, as had the other Brothers and Sisters... they all woke up cold, with cold penetrating to their bones. Balund and his constant speech of spirits was instantly brought to mind to Ivan. He knew where to find Balund, he should wait for at least a week at a given cave in the outskirts of the Winter Wood, eventually Balund should show up... but it's been years...
Ivan was one of the few who wasn't afraid of Balund's spirits, given his own propensity for mysticism. However, with Balund gone into the wilderness for so long, any friendship is likely to have withered.

Balund and Thoma - Ivan arrived searching for Balund and managed to bring them both to town. He spoke about problems with food... about humanoids or beasts to be felled who probably were impeding the arrival of food to the town... and some omens that needed of Balund's walk through the spirit world.

[sblock=Ivan, Thoma, and Balund]
Ivan: It's been four days since you arrived to the cave, a safe resguard from the cold and the gelid winds dancing in the forest... No signs of Balund have appeared (but there is a place where obviously a bonfire is made once in a while)... until you hear some noises at the cave's entrance. Maybe a new wolf since the last you had to drive off to claim the place as yours. You exit the resguarded pocket you've been using most of the time to keep yourself from freezing, and it is, indeed, a wolf.
Now, it is a fiery wolf, it's eyes are burning coals and it's hair are bright red flames... for a moment you are stunned, you realize the snow isn't melting... and the wolf is gone, vanished in thin air.
Just as you are turning around, you hear two voices approaching though the snow...

Thoma and Balund: You've found dead animals of late -hunted-, proof of the appearence of humanoids in the forest. Also something the most disturbing has been happening, the howl of the wind isn't pure, it is tainted, an on the nights you could almost make our the roars of some great beast.
As usual, you two are returning to the cave Balund prefers to enter in comunion with spirits -where Thoma and Balund initially met-the place has a thinner barrier than most between the spirits and the material. Upon approaching the place both of you see a fiery wolfish creature running out of the mouth of the cave and disappearing into your sight... when both of you enter the place -Thoma ahead, with care, given the sight... vision?- and meet with a tall man who's dark red hair is moved by the breeze coming from the entrance...[/sblock]


Ivan is in the RG now as well, with a slightly updated history with everyone else included.

[sblock=Ivan meets Thoma and Balund]Standing oblivious to the biting wind, Ivan is staring after the strange vision when he turns to hear who speaks. He spies the two, a strange pair at that. One man . . . could it be Balund, and . . . an ORC?

He stands firmly in the snow and stares at the new arrivals, he cannot let his guard down until he knows their intent. He hails them in a firm voice, watching their eyes for a reaction.

"My greetings to you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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