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Dead Man's Chest -- Spooky Pirate Fun -- COMPLETE! Nov 3/06


Unattainable Ideal
Quinn watched the longboat pull away from the pier, wondering if he'd made the right choice. With him stood Black, Anacoana, the mulatto Dras and the injured Lieutenant Davis. They stood on a narrow wooden pier extending from the gravel shore of Firewatch Island, a tiny spit of rock and sand of the north tip of Barbuda. The Ascot Marine lay off shore, awaiting the return of the longboat.

Bobo the monkey had explained things very clearly.

"The island's home to a black son-of-a-dog who stole my hard-gotten gains some time ago."

There was something deeply terrifying about the high-pitched voice speaking with such seriousness. His words were punctuated with occasional yelps and squeals.

"You'll go ashore, you'll find my riches, and you'll have them waiting on that pier by sunrise tomorrow. Or we start throwing your friends overboard."

And now they stood with their backs to the decrepit structures of Firewatch. They turned as one to contemplate a walled compound, within which lurked a leaning, vine-covered building of two stories with a bell tower on one side. The compound lay between the two spurs of rock that rose up out of the ocean here and formed the island itself. Beyond the buildings they could just make out the shore of Barbuda itself, a desolate-enough-looking place.

"Let's find a place to get the Lieutenant comfortable," said Black, offering the injured man a hand to lead him towards the walled compound. Dras and Quinn moved ahead while Ana helped Black with Davis. Slowly the little group crossed the tough grasses of the island soil, making their way towards the compound.

At first Dras had thought the gates were open. Which they were, after a fashion. The compound wall allowed entrance through a single arched gateway, which lay open -- the gates half-shattered and strewn about the inside of the compound. Dras and Quinn shared a glance and immediately drew their pistols.

Between them and the building two rows of unhealthy-looking apple trees rose, twisted and still carrying the ripe sweetness of spring. The front door of the building inside faced them beyond the trees. It, too, had been broken down. There were no signs of life.

Ana knelt and studied the splinters of the gate. She looked up at the others.

"This hasn't been broken very long. A day or so at most."

"I don't like this. Let's leave the Lieutenant here while we look inside."

Black and Ana guided the injured sailor under one of the apple trees and then they and the other two moved towards the front door. They stood looking in for a few seconds. The doors here, heavy oaken panels, had been splintered inwards as though by a battering ram.

Black studied the wreckage for a second.

"Somebody was trying to shore this up. There was a fight here."

Quinn spat.

"Let's hope it's over."

They moved inside, stepping over jagged panels of blasted oak. Beyond the entrance they found themselves in a broad chamber that reached up to the ceiling, surrounded by a wooden balcony reached by a flight of stairs.

Ana pointed at the flagstones. Masses of blood lay pooled here and there, and footprints tangled all about.

Dras turned and peered through a half-open doorway. With a quick motion, the mulatto led the others into a kitchen. The youth tucked away the pistol and immediately set about opening cupboards and assembling ingredients.

The others stared.

"Dras, what are you doing? This is no time for a meal."

The mulatto pointed outside where the sun slowly approached the horizon.

"Sun's going to be down soon," Dras' voice seemed higher-pitched than normal, "and Agwe likes his dinner at sunset. I'm going to cook him up something. Agwe tried to warn us once already, friends. Maybe we ought to thank him for that. Could be we'll be glad we did."

The others continued staring. Black spoke.

"I have no idea what you just said, lad, but you be about it right sharp. Very good." Nodding to the others, he indicated the rest of the building. "Let's have a look around while the lad... does whatever he's doing."

The stairs creaked as they mounted to the balcony. A number of doors led out from here, and they creaked their way along the unsteady timbers to the nearest. All three looked at each other, and shrugged.

Black pulled the door open. And yelled immediately, as something dug into his ankle.

His yell got even louder as he looked down and saw the top half of a wizened man clawing at his leg. Black recoiled so violently he nearly went over the railing.

The top half half of a wizened man began crawling towards him.

"Holy Mary preserve us. What in the name of -- "

There was a thunderous crack as Quinn leaned down and discharged his pistol into the thing's head at point-blank range. It slumped to the floor.

Quinn looked up.

"If it wasn't dead before, it sure is now."

Black could only nod, still trying to get his heart to slow down. He bent to study the thing.

The top half of a wizened man appeared to be exactly what it was. His flesh was weathered and hardened like driftwood. Its fingers ended in bony claws and its teeth, to Black's horror, had been filed to sharp points.

And it was the top half. There was no sign of the thing's hips or legs. Black peered past the horrible thing into the room. He and Ana and Quinn advanced inside.

It appeared to be a bedroom. There were signs of a struggle -- furniture broken and strewn about, drawers pulled out and dumped, and a number of broken bits of bone and flesh. Possibly enough to make the bottom half of a wizened man.

"What the... What sort of place is this?" wondered Black. "And what was that thing?"

Ana shuddered. "Zombi."

Quinn and Black studied the Arawk woman for a second. Then nodded.

"Yep. Zombi."

They looked through the room. Black browsed a bookcase and pulled out a slim volume bound in black with a French title.

"Le Roy Danz Leh June? Either of you speak-- "

Black's voice stopped suddenly and the former shipping inspector collapsed to the floor. Ana and Quinn turned to study his limp form. Ana caught sight of the book's cover and shuddered, giving an involuntary cry and springing back. Quinn frowned and tugged the book from under Black's leg.

The cover seemed to shift weirdly before his eyes, and Quinn was filled with the sort of unreasoning horror that the sight of maggots inspires. With a shudder he dropped the book and kicked it under the bookcase.

"Black? Come on, sir, there's a good fellow. The book's gone now."

Black uncurled himself and staggered to his feet.

"Can't honestly explain that, friends. The book seemed to... well, I don't quite know."

"We saw it, too."

"Should we look at the rest of this bookshelf?"

Quinn shook his head.

"No, I think we should not. I think I don't need to see anymore."

Ana reached out and took out a roll of parchment from the case. She unfurled it and read intently.

"The Mist of Xibalba. Wasn't Xibalba a place that Balaam was talking about it?"

Quinn nodded.

"That's right, ma'am. Xibalba. Hell. Where the Demon Lords live."

Ana studied the scroll a little more closely.

"I think this is supposed to protect us from them."

"Let's keep it, then. Just, you know, in case of Demon Lords."

Black looked around the room, filled as it was with strange totems and fetishes, shrunken heads, icons and symbols of unsavoury appearance.

"Who on earth lives in this place?"


In the kitchen, Dras stirred a sizzling pan filled with sliced onion and garlic. With a heavy mortar, the youth pounded some peppercorns into powder and shook that into the pan, smiling at the pungent aroma released.

The fire in the stove was burning merrily, flames licking up through gaps in the cast-iron top. Dras reached out for some sliced carrots and threw those in, tossing them quickly as the edges browned in the hot oil.

Dras had learned to cook as a child, in the ghettos of Port Royal, and had found the skill a handy one for getting aboard ships bound hither and yon. One dark hand brushed the rapier's hilt. Father's sword. Dras had gone back to England, looking for Father. Father hadn't been happy to see his half-negro child.

Dras left England, swearing never to return. Aboard the Ascot Marine. And now, cooking on an island full of dead bodies.

With a frown, Dras looked around. Not so much full of dead bodies as... empty of dead bodies. Plenty of blood lay pooled around, but there was no sign of any dead bodies anywhere. The frown darkened.

Dras had acquired the habit of speaking to the stove while cooking.

"Where is everybody?"

"I don't know."

Dras screamed.

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First Post
Man, I have to stop publishing. It's cutting into my story hour time :)
Pirates... insanity....dark primordial forces....
If only we could add vampires and make it a musical.... Call it the Vampirates!
Thanks for the stories Barsoomcore. I got caught up on the other thread, but I still have more of the stewardess game to catch up on. As always, a pleasure.

Bumping so I can dig in tomorrow morning.


Herder of monkies
barsoomcore said:
Hey, thanks!

I'm always up for adding vampires and show tunes. Mm, tasty.
I'm so pretty...
oh so pretty...
I'm so pretty and witty and full of friiiiight!
And I pity
Any girl who's with me tonight.

Mu hua ha ha ha!


Well shoot, I saw that you posted and then rushed in here to find that we're just talking about musicals and not updating, which obviously slung me right into a big nasty patch of temporary insanity. Update, or I shall be forced to jump into numbers from the HMS Pinafore <shudder> :)


Herder of monkies
"I've treacle and toffee,
I've tea and I've coffee,
Soft tommy and succulent chops;
I've chickens and conies, and pretty polonies,
And excellent peppermint drops."

(There's just something so... naughty... about that part)

please update soon... save me from the horror of the musical...

must be this darn hurricane knocking me off line for a couple days
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Unattainable Ideal
Dras, standing at the kitchen counter, turned to find the pantry door open and a woman standing there.

She was white, and small, and dressed in a few filthy rags. Her terrified eyes studied Dras with trepidation and one hand clutched at the doorsill.

"Where did you come from?"

Dras peered past the woman into the large pantry beyond. The mulatto chef had been in the pantry numerous times preparing the feast for Papa Agwe, but there hadn't been anyone hiding in there before. The woman nodded.

"Under the potatoes."

Dras frowned.

"There aren't any potatoes."

The woman nodded and headed back into the pantry. Dras followed, wiping oily hands on a borrowed apron, to see the woman heave open the lid of the potato bin and clamber inside. Looking in, Dras saw the back wall of the bin lever up and expose a narrow shaft descending into the rock.

"Clever. What's down there?"

The woman's voice was flat and empty.


"Hang on."


Newly assembled in the pantry, the four companions from the Ascot Marine peered into the potato bin.


Black was still a little woozy. He leaned on the planks of the bin and frowned at the girl.

"You say there's treasure down there? Whose?"

"Monsignor Domino's."

Quinn frowned.

"That name rings a little brass bell, yes it does."

Ana replied before Quinn could retrace his memories.

"It's the name of that crazy hougan Stormy Jack ran into, same ship he encountered Horse and Red."

"We're on some sorcerer's island?"

Black opened his mouth to scoff at Quinn's suggestion of sorcerers. He considered the top half of a wizened man, a black-bound book and a talking monkey.

"Seems to be the case, lad. Fortunately for us, he seems to be out. If his treasure is down below, let's have a look."

Dras shrugged and turned back to the kitchen.

"I've got an offer to make for Papa Agwe. You folks see about the treasure, I'll see about our future."

Quinn and Black eyed each other with a grin, and Black bowed, chuckling, giving way to the younger man, who scrambled into the bin and lowered himself into the shaft.

Black leaned over to watch.

"What can you see?"

Quinn's voice came echoing up from below.

"It goes down quite a ways... thirty feet, I'd guess. Walls are damp. Slippery-like. But it opens out... there's a light down here. Oh, and a -- "

Quinn suddenly broke off in a high-pitched scream. Black turned to look at the girl, who nodded in her numb fashion.

"What's going on down there?"

"He's being attacked by the zombi."


The screams continued.

"To guard the treasure."

"We should probably ask you a few more questions. Once our friend is safe."

Black levered himself into the shaft and was about to plunge down after Quinn when the girl put a hand on his wrist. She passed him a wooden pendant on a greasy bit of string, and smiled.

"Okay. Thanks."

Ana watched with a worried expression as Black disappeared. There was more yelling, not quite so desperate this time. Black's head emerged from the hole, wearing a glare that was directed at the girl.

"Now we need to ask you a few questions."


"My name is Elizabeth Mallory. My husband James and I were bound for Antigua. Pirates took our ship, and... and I came here. Mister Domino brought me."

Ana brought the girl a cup of water. They'd found some undamaged chairs in an otherwise devasted dining room and she was sitting on one while Black, Quinn and Ana hovered uncertainly, listening.

The afternoon had worn on and the sun's rays slanted sharply across the wreckage-strewn chamber, piercing the nailed-up boards that blocked the windows. The stink of blood was still clear in the air.

Black asked, "Who is this Mister Domino?"

The girl's eyes widened in terror.

"He's the worst man, sir. He's a demon. He brings corpses to life, like you saw, and he says the foulest things to me. He says I will serve him and I'm so afraid..."

"It's okay, child," Black patted her shoulder, never at his best with crying women, "We'll take you away from here."

Quinn, his face drawn up in a scowl, leaned forward.

"What happened last night? Why were you down in that cellar?"

"Something came here. Last night. Something terrible. I'm sure it will come again tonight."

Black considered the destroyed barricades that had once sealed off the front doors of the mansion. Barricades that had been torn apart and thrown down, but that nevertheless provided some measure of protection.

"Let's get to work. I'm in no mood for something terrible."


Dras stood at the top of the gravel beach, watching the waves come rolling in and tumble over the platter of roasted vegetables, decorated with flowers and what festive sorts of objects the youth had been able to find. The sun was just setting behind Dras, casting a lurid glow across the dark waves.

"Agwe, I'm afraid. Thank you for your warnings and your care. I hope you will protect us tonight. Please."

With a brief bow the young mulatto turned and headed back to the mansion, unaware that a figure had risen from the waves. A figure dripping with seawater and ichor, its face rotted and festooned with barnacles and waving branches of seaweed. It hissed, and dozens more crawled up onto the gravel beach, watching the youth disappear into the compound beyond.

The sun set. The figures started forward.


"Just put the damn thing on, lad."

"It's ugly. And creepy."

Black glared at Dras.

"And it evidently renders us invisible to certain members of the undead, so put it on."

"Fine, fine."

The dark-skinned youth took the greasy string with the strange wooden pendant, and despite obvious misgivings, put it on.

"Now what?"

Black pointed up the stairs where Quinn and Ana were struggling with a large copper tub.

"Upstairs. We've rigged the stairs to fall, in case they get in. Did you get done your... thing?"

Dras nodded and was about to speak when there suddenly came a heavy crashing at the barricaded front door. Black grinned.

"Our guests arrive. Please, after you."

Pistols were drawn from belts and hammers pulled back as Dras and Black joined Ana and Quinn at the top of the stairs. Everyone stared down into the central hall, watching the shuddering of the front door. Dras frowned.

"Where's Elizabeth? And if these pendants make us invisible, why are we hiding up here?"

Ana scowled as she answered.

"Elizabeth went back into the treasure hole. She thinks we'll die up here."

Quinn chimed in, "Apparently whatever those things are out there, these pendants don't help against them. Elizabeth says that yesterday there were about twenty people living here, with a bunch of Domino's zombis running around. Now they're all dead."

Crash crash crash went the front door. Dras' voice got a little high-pitched again.

"How do we know they're dead? And where in the Devil did those things come from? I was just out there, there wasn't a soul around. There's nowhere to hide on this island."

"Perhaps," said Black politely, "If you ask again, even louder this time, they'll hear you and explain."

The door downstairs burst open. Ana and Quinn both muttered curses.

In through the shattered panels of the door shambled hideous figures, deformed and dripping. The fetid stink of brine and rot filled the air. Black choked.

Dras shuddered. These things were long, long dead, the bodies of drowned seamen given foul animation through sorcery. The cook's mate cried out in disgust and fired a pistol.

The bullet smacked into one of the figures, blowing a hole right through the thing's water-logged body. It looked up at the four. Its eyes were hollow sockets where white grubs writhed.

Two others found the stairway and made their lumbering way up the unsteady wooden steps. They were half-way to the top when Black pulled on a length of rope and a post tilted out from underneath, sending the entire construction plunging to the flagstones below, crushing the horrible creatures under heavy beams.

Quinn cheered.

"Lucky these beams are so rotted."

Ana frowned as several of the undead creatures took hold of one of the posts supporting the balcony she and her friends were standing on. They began to shake it, and the whole balcony wobbled.

"Maybe not so lucky."


Herder of monkies
Great update! Ah, nice tense moment to end on...

EDIT: oops, I meant "Avast ye scurvy dogs, tis a fine piece o' gum-flappin' ye be spreadin' 'ere... yarrrr", but I'm a day late.

I knew Pinafore would work... I just knew it...
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barsoomcore said:
Hey, thanks!

I'm always up for adding vampires and show tunes. Mm, tasty.

Hey I know it's your game barsoomcore but please don't let the MVC break out into song! And for those who don't know who the MVC is just you wait! ;)

Great Story hour! You are a wonderful writer. I would love to be in one of your games!

"The Mist of Xibalba!" boy are they in trouble!! :p

How is your game going? Everyone, yourself included having fun with it?
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