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Death Is Not The End (Online 3E DnD)


'...a torrent of rain washed over the dark woods, adding to the gloom in this ever-present night. A stray flash of lightning, coupled with a rogue gust of wind, revealed the contents of the caravan slowly making it's way through the gloom. Deep, dark red glared out from countless vials, all safe and secure under the protectorate of the three armored guards walking backwards with the wagon. Blood. Fortunately, no light reflected off their stark black armor.

Mere feet away, they moved silently through the treeline. The elf, his blade blackened and his ceremonial whip bared, moved with ease through the choked undergrowth. Trailing mere inches behind him was a smaller sort, a halfling, a black mask worn about his head and a darkwood bow bent, a shaft of doom noched.

Suddenly, an arrow stood out from the left-most guards neck. A gout of blood splayed across his armor, before he fell, grasping his wound. In an instant, the remaining two had blades bared, deflecting several arrows with their black, steel gauntlets. 'Show yourself!', they roared, lifting their visors to peer into the night. The hail of arrows ceased, and soundlessly, the elf and the halfling lept onto the road, their feet miraciously not sinking into the increasing mud.

The Elf peered at the black-plated guards through slitted eyes. 'You have not yet paid for your Betrayal, human,' he bellowed, the blue paint spread upon his face cracking along the seams of his mouth. His whip cracked once, as he began to advance on the two, yet in an instant all stood still, peering upward at the form levitating above that rear-most wagon.

'Guards, elf, keep your voices and hackles down,' he said in a raspy, sniveling voice, his vampiric heritage obvious from the ivory fangs hindering his speech, 'for there are much greater evils on the prowl.'

All this and more occurs daily in Harnstaide Romuten Harracht, or, in your language, Death Is Not The End. This campaign, set in a demiplane of great evil (and the eventual pennace thereof), consists of horror, Animie-esque action, and whatever else I dream up all thrown in a blender. It is Dark Fantasy taken to it's fullest, in this place where, in fact, Death Is Not The End.

From a game mechanics standpoint, this is a 3E DnD campaign set in a Demiplane of my own creation. Bits and pieces are taken from many sources, and all blended under a dark fantasy brush. Starting characters begin at 5th level, as this is a very scary place to survive in.

Interested yet? If so, you can contact me a myriad ways:

1. Simply reply to this thread.
2. E-mail me at: dave_o@qx.net
3. AIM me at: ultradave o
4. Yahoo me at: ninjadave_o
5. Concentrate...yes.

Experianced role-players only. Thanks!

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I really should have made this clear, sorry, folks.

The game would be played in an IRC channel, with a dice-bot, at a time agreed upon by all.


First Post
I'm game. Do you have any campaign setting material that we can see? Also, what are the character creation guidelines (how are stats determined, what books are allowed, etc.)


First Post
Hmm... I might be interested, but I'd like to know more about the setting, power level of characters, etc.


Races and Planar Attributes

I don't have everything typed up yet, but I have everything done. It's a slow process. ;) I'll post some stuff that I have as of now here, but if you want information about something in specific, simply ask.

The Races of HRH
Humans: As PHB.

Humans are very forlorn and hardy in nature. They establish small, fiercely defended villages complete with palisaides and legions capable of defeating the undead horders, or they do not last for long. Most larger strongholds are ruled over by vampiric lords, either knowingly or unknowingly, yet this is a lesser of two evils situation, for there are darker horrors on the prowl. Their relationship with Elves is strained at best, as the cultural memory of their great Betrayal is fresh in the minds of the Sylvan folk. Human armies march on the Gnomish and Dwarven lands on a regular basis, however, to keep these evil races isolated in their own lands. Elves and Halflings serve as irregulars in Human armies.

Dwarves: +2 Str, -2 Cha; Medium-Sized; Base Speed: 20ft.; Darkvision 60ft.; Stonecunning; +2 vs. Poison saves; +2 on saves vs. Spells and Spell-Like Effects;
+1 on Attacks vs. Goblinoids and Orcs; +4 Dodge bonus vs. Humans; +2 on Appraise checks for insidious items; +2 on Craft checks dealing with stone
and metal; Languages as PHB.

Dwarves are a barbaric, conniving, evil race. Living underground, they make deals with the horrors below to grant them dark powers at terrible costs. They build grand, arrogant halls, as displays of their power which grows daily. They live closely with Gnomes, in fact, seemingly these are two off-shoots of the same race so close is their contact. Gnome serve as the minds behind Dwarves, with Dwarvenkind filling the role of brute force in the relationship. They hate all races, with this hate being only slightly diminished toward Gnomes. Dwarves are enslavers of Orcishkind, and use them as willing, and sometimes unwilling, troops in their armies.

Elves: +2 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Str; Medium-Sized; Base Speed: 30ft.; Magic Immunities as PHB; Darkvision 60ft.; Proficient with Whips and Bows; Skill Bonuses as PHB; Languages as PHB.

Elves are a very elusive and severe race. Being driven to the forests by the great Betrayal of Human and Halflingkind, Elves have honed their skills in all things to perfection. Indeed, every Elf is a prefectionist in his profession of choice. Elves typically keep to the dark bowers of the forest, emerging only to have brief dealings with Humankind. As such, Halflings have also retreated to the forests with the Elves, and are their absolute servants, in pennace for the great Betrayal. Elves tend to paint their faces dark blue, and all have a swath of dark blue on their person, to represent their tears and rememberance of the Betrayal. Halflings also follow this custom.

Gnomes: +2 Con, -2 Str; Small-Sized; Base Speed: 20ft.; Darkvision 60ft.; +2 on saves vs. Illusions; +1 on attacks vs. Goblinoids; +4 Dodge bonus vs. Humans;
+2 on Listen checks; +2 on Alchemy checks; Languages as PHB; Gnomes with an Int of 10+ may cast Darkness 1/day as a Sorcerer of their character level.

Gnomes are the masterminds behind Dwarven culture. They are all at least to a certain degree, innately magical, using their talents for misdirection and trickery. They are very gifted in the mehanical arts, but use these skills to create insidious, wicked devices. Many cruel torture devices are accredited to them, as well as revolutionary seige engines.

Half-Elves: Darkvision 60ft.; As PHB.

Half-Elves are only accepted in Human culture, and are treated as ordinary humans, albiet with a useful ability. They typically rise to high ranks in Human armies. Elves see them as a further spit in the face after the great Betrayal.

Half-Orcs: As PHB.

Half-Orcs fill slave roles in Dwarven lands. They are treated as dirt or worse, but are at times allowed to lead Orcish batallions.

Halflings: Darkvision 60ft.; As PHB.

Halflings spend their entire lives in servitude to the Elves, in pennace for the great Betrayal. They do this willingly, however. At birth, each Halfling is assigned to an Elf, who then raises them. At times, the Halfling is paired with another newborn Elf, and the two are raised together. In either case, Halflings do not speak. They wear clothing similar to that of an Elf, including the trademark dark blue. Halflings also wear facial coverings, and spend their lives in servitude to their Elf. Should their Elf fall, they return to their home for a reassignment, or to work in the Elven community until the end of their days.

<div align="center">* * *</div>

Harnstaide Romuten Harracht or, Death Is Not The End
-Normal Gravity
-Flowing Time (1 Day = 1 Material Plane Year)
-Finite Size (Planar boundries formed by great, infinitely tall glaciers commonly refered to as The End. These sit in the sea surrounding the islands.)
-Sentient (The original creator's essence is one with the plane, although for the most part it is simply an observer.)
-Minor Negative-Dominant (Residents of the Demiplane are immune to it's effects.)
-Mildly Neutral-Aligned
-Wild Magic (DC 15 + Spell Level)
01 Wall of force appears in front of caster
02 Caster smells like the grave for spell duration
03 Caster shoots forth eight nonpoisonous snakes from fingertips; snakes do not attack
04 Caster’s clothes itch (+2 penalty to initiative)
05 Caster glows as per a light spell
06 Spell effect has 60ft. radius centered on caster
07 Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true, lasting for 1 turn
08 Caster’s hair grows one foot in length
09 Caster pivots 180 degrees
10 Caster’s face is blackened by a small explosion
11 Caster develops allergy to his magical items; cannot control sneezing until all magical items are removed (allergy lasts 1d6 turns)
12 Caster’s head enlarges for 1d3 turns
13 Caster reduces (reversed enlarge) for 1d3 turns
14 Caster falls madly in love with target until a remove curse is cast
15 Spell cannot be canceled at will by the caster
16 Caster polymorphs randomly
17 Colorful bubbles come out of caster’s mouth instead of words (words are released when bubbles pop); spells with verbal components cannot be cast for 1 turn
18 Reversed tongues affects all within 60 feet of caster
19 Wall of fire encircles the caster
20 Caster’s feet enlarge, reducing movement to half and adding +4 penalty to initiative rolls for 1d3 turns
21 Caster suffers same spell effect as target
22 Caster levitates 20 feet for 1d4 turns
23 Cause fear within a 60ft. radius centered on the caster; all in radius except caster must make saving throw
24 Caster speaks in a raspy voice for 1d6 days
25 Caster gains True Sight for 1d6 rounds
26 Caster ages 10 years
27 Silence, 15ft. radius centers on caster
28 10ft by 10ft pit appears immediately in front of the caster, 5 feet deep per level of the caster
29 Reverse gravity beneath caster’s feet for 1 round
30 Colored streamers pour from caster’s fingertips
31 Spell effect rebounds on caster
32 Caster becomes invisible
33 Color spray from caster’s fingertips
34 Stream of butterflies pours from caster’s mouth
35 Caster leaves monster-shaped footprints instead of his own until a dispel magic is cast
36 3-30 gems shoot from the caster’s fingertips; each is worth 1d6 X 10 gp
37 Music fills the air
38 Create food and water
39 All normal fires within 60 feet of caster are extinguished
40 One magical item within 30 feet of caster (randomly chosen) is permanently drained
41 One normal item within 30 feet of caster (randomly chosen) becomes permanently magical
42 All magical weapons within 30 feet of caster are increased by +2 for 1 turn
43 Smoke trickles from the ears of all creatures within 60 feet of the caster for 1 turn
44 Dancing lights
45 All creatures within 30 feet of the caster begin to hiccup (+1 to casting times, -1 to Attack Rolls)
46 All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including those locked or barred) within 60 feet of the caster swing open
47 Caster and target exchange places
48 Spell affects random target within 60 feet of caster
49 Spell fails but is not wiped from caster’s mind
50 Monster summoning II
51 Sudden change in weather (temperature rise, snow, rain, etc.) lasting 1d6 turns
52 Deafening bang affects everyone within 60 feet; those who can hear must save vs. Spell or be stunned 1d3 rounds
53 Caster and target exchange voices until a remove curse is cast
54 Gate opens to a randomly chosen Outer Plane; 50% chance for extraplanar creature to appear
55 Spell functions, but shrieks like a shrieker
56 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) decreases by 50%
57 Spell reversed, if reverse is possible
58 Spell takes physical form as free-willed elemental and cannot be controlled by caster; elemental remains for the duration of the spell and its touch causes the spell effect (THAC0 equal to caster’s)
59 All weapons within 60 feet of the caster glow for 1d4 round
60 Spell functions; any applicable saving throw is not allowed
61 Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1-4 rounds later
62 All magical items within 60 feet of caster glow for 2d8 days
63 Caster and target switch personalities for 2d10 rounds
66 Slow spell centered on target
65 Target deluded
66 Lightning bolt shoots toward target
67 Target enlarged
68 Darkness centered on target
69 Plant growth centered on target
70 1,000 lbs. of nonliving matter within 10 feet of target vanishes
71 Fireball centers on target
72 Target turns to stone
73 Spell is cast; material components and memory of spell are retained
74 Every within 10 feet of caster receives the benefit of a heal
75 Target becomes dizzy for 2d4 rounds (-4 AC and THAC0, cannot cast spells)
76 Wall of fire encircles target
77 Target levitates 20 feet for 1d3 turns
78 Target suffers blindness
79 Target is charmed as per charm monster
80 Target forgets
81 Target’s feet enlarge, reducing movement to half normal and adding +4 penalty to all initiative rolls for 1d3 turns
82 Rust monster appears in front of target
83 Target polymorphs randomly
84 Target falls madly in love with caster until a remove curse is cast
85 Target changes sex
86 Small, black raincloud forms over target
87 Stinking cloud centers on target
88 Heavy object (boulder, anvil, safe, etc.) appears over target and falls for 2d20 points of damage
89 Target begins sneezing and is unable to cast spells for 1d6 rounds
90 Spell effect has 60(FM) radius centered on target (all within suffer the effect)
91 Target’s clothes itch (+2 penalty to initiative for 1d10 rounds)
92 Target’s race randomly changes until canceled by a dispel magic
93 Target turns ethereal of 2d4 rounds
94 Target hastened
95 All cloth on target crumbles to dust
96 Target sprouts leaves (no damage caused, can be pruned without harm)
97 Target sprouts new useless appendage (wings, arm, ear, etc.) which remains until dispel magic is cast
98 Target changes color (canceled by dispel magic)
99 Spell has minimum duration of 1 turn (e.g.: a fireball creates a ball of flame that remains for 1 turn, a lightning bolt bounces and continues, possibly rebounding, for 1 turn, etc.)
100 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) increase 200%

<div align="center">* * *</div>

The Wild Magic table is a little iffy, but will so be polished. It's left over from 2E.


First Post
Sounds interesting. Any more info?

Also, I don't have MotP, so a little explanation of the terms used would be appreciated. I assume that the wild magic DC is for spellcraft checks. Is this correct?
Last edited:


Planar Words...EXPLAINED!

Normal Gravity: For an exmaple of this, fall over. Or, drop things. :D

Sentient: Sentience is a Morphic Trait, meaning, as the plane is Sentient is can change itself at will. However, the essence trapped within the plane (and there is a rhyme and reason to this, but it's a secret) rarely makes any changes, although it has been known to let it's presence be known at times. Basically, the plane can bend to the will of the essence trapped within.

Flowing Time: The time here is a bit odd, compared to other planes. A day in HRH is equal to a Material Plane year, however, like the Plane of Faerie mentioned in the back fo MotP, once something/something leaves HRH, the time seemingly 'catches up'. So, a one year old in HRH would be 365 upon going to the Material Plane. This is obviously a preventive measure be the plane's creator to keep things IN.

Minor Negative-Dominant: This means, I think, as this is quoted from memory, being on the plane lose two hit points a round unil they crumble away into ash. However, residents of HRH are immune to this effect. It also explains the eternal night of HRH.

Mildly Neutral-Aligned: The Material Plane Mildly Neutral-Aligned, it simply means that there are no bonuses/minuses to any checks based on alignment.

Wild Magic: Magic in HRH is Wild. First off, I'd like to say the table I'm using hasn't been completely converted to 3E yet, so there might be some archaic terms like THAC0 on there (Ugh. THAC0. My friend named his dog THAC0.), but those will be soon changed. However, there is a palpable layer that must be penetrated in order to cast, to which Spellcasters refer to as the Gloom. All casters must make a caster level check (d20+Caster Level) versus a DC 15 + Spell Level in order to sucessfully cast a spell, otherwise, Wild Surge occurs. The table isn't final, mind you, and odds are I'll simply make a new one up. A nice, dark, evvvvvvil one.


Anyway, as I don't want to lay my Demiplane out here naked for everyone to see, if you wanna hear about the history/origin of HRH, lemmie know. NOTE: PCs would know nothing of this, so I only want people with Meta-Game Repellant Armor +8.282 X 10^99 to ask. :D


First Post
Hmm... I've just had a look at the wild magic rules, and I'd like a clarification - are they designed to discourage people from playing spellcasters?

For a starting character, we're talking about a 50% chance to cast a 1st level spell, 45% of casting a 2nd level one, and 40% to cast a 3rd level spell without incident - maybe it's just me, but I think that makes playing a magic user in this game a VERY bad idea. Not to mention that using d20+Level makes the difficulty of casting vary from class to class - Bards will have an easiest time of all, Paladins or Ranger shouldn't even try, since they have a reduced caster level...

Even if it was a Spellcraft check, these would only go down to (for a 5th level with 18 INT and mazed out Spellcraft) 15%, 20% and 25% - not as crippling as the rule as it is now, but still something to think hard about if you wanted to play a caster...



That's the nature of magic on HRH. I'm working on a new Wild Magic table as we speak, and while it's not meant to discourage spellcasters from being played, it represents the rarity of arcane magic in HRH.

Divine magic in affected by these rules, however, as it is based on Isilme, which the Elves have termed as the good in people, and Humankind simply picked it up as a religion.

As with the Wild Magic, though, a powerful spellcaster is many things. Insane, unreliable, and very dangerous, always. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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