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Death of characters?


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Let me be clear. Calling someone a hypocrite is not acceptable (thank you for not doing that). A better way to say it would be that they're being hypocritical (if you see the difference?). An even better way is to point out where their opinions and actions differ and then let others draw the conclusion, which was done.

But a post that was unambiguously unacceptable was this one:

"but you've got to bite your tongue and stop wasting people's time"

Users are not allowed to tell other users to shut up. That's a Magi perogative. :p
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Sir Dieterich said:
Yes, I do agree with you Enelya. I hate arguing as well, and I also didn't mean any hard feelings. And yes your right, it doesn't matter if your a Magi or not. And sorry to you, and Trelian, as I missed that post, and said something completely stupid!

No apology needed. People voice opinions daily, and when we start voicing opinions online; the message can easily be misconstrued. I should of made it clear that I was speaking ambiguously, that my responses were not directed entirely at you, but at others in general.

Yes, I'll admit I called you a hypocrite, and if that offended you; I apologize.

My goal was to make it known that we all do things we dislike when it comes to elements of RP, myself included. I've had a character resurrected before, because I couldn't possibly part with them. I see things on a daily basis that really fire me up. I imagine myself grabbing that fellow RPer by the shoulders and shaking them, spouting off, "Why do you do that?! That makes for logical sense!". But then I have to calm myself and realize that not everyone is going to RP the way I want them to.

I love the purpose of a message board, but I feel like that is has been turned into a battle ground of lets point fingers at people who don't RP as l'd like them too, by posting rants that have undertones to offend people ambiguously. Someone got resurrected, and I didn't like that; let me complain so everyone will jump on the band wagon to make them feel bad, or somebody went to an altered plane to quicken their pregnancy and that made me mad because it is unrealistic, let me complain so these people will play more realistically like I want them too.

And when I made the comment, "but you've got to bite your tongue and stop wasting people's time", was not directed at Sir Dieterich or any other user, but as a general comment (which I didn't express correctly), that sometimes it would be easy on us all if we just kept it to ourselves.

Maybe I need a lesson in message board etiquette, because once I get startled I get all jacked up. :(
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*ducks and covers* Well at least you didn't pull out all the insults in the book. But anyway, now to make sure my two stay dead. There's a very low probability of them coming back to life. I need a flamethrower...There that'll keep them dead. Now for roasted marshmellows!


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Ppl ppl plz!!! Stop yelling, bickering, complaining, and riping others heads off for a second and listen! Ok...everyone still alive? Hmm well I'm saying this anyways. Why do we come here? Most of us will say to have fun and escape from life. But what I have witnessed from some is getting fed up on a little issue and explode over it...*watches all the visiters to Enworld run away screaming* I mean...why would any new players want to rp at a place where they are judging by these posts is a place of arguments, moody ppl, and anger. Yes, I know we are all human...well besides them *points to Ru and Ram :p* but thats besides the point, I know we have to complain about some things that we think should change but sometimes, we seem to get outta hand with these things, and this is a prime example here. It all started out as a simple issue and then it became a 'bring in the ole role book* issue, then it turned to a heated argument over something that most of us aren't involved in, and now...it's just getting barbaric!! One thing that I must stress right about now is that if you want to complain about an issue that happened IC, don't bring it to the posts and start making a big deal about it...which we all know leans torward ppl wanting attention but don't take offence, im just saying this upon observations. Talk to the person that you have a problem with and leave the rest of us out of it. Another thing that I think ALL of us need to work on is realizing that some ppl, like many others have stated, have important storylines they are running. But if your saying they shouldn't come back without a good excuse then why do you do this. Have all of your favorite caractors die and not come back and see how much you like it. It's not very fun is it. And my last point of this extensive rant, is to realize that most of us come here to have fun and basicly, we want to convert all of you to the 'Fun" cult. I can't really image it now but in my best dreams, I can see enworld in it's glory days, just like Wizards was. all of us enjoying ourselves...the boards not having a single complaint...can't you guy see it??? Now wouldn't that be fun? Or would you rather sit in front of a computer and sulk, complain, and fight amongst each other to release some anger since we'll all be so misirble that all of us just start to drop from enworld all together and never come back to the corruptment. So plz...everyone do me a big favor, plz?!?! Just try to enjoy yourselves on here, realize the capabilites of FOD, and for the love of cake!!! let this thread die.


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*a cough sounds from behind Keon...and his player. Standing there in the shadows are eleven very large and very dangeruos looking dragons. One cracks it's knuckles as others grab them both.* Our boss would like to have words with you.

*Keon and player are dragged off by the dragon mob!*


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Keon said:
I can see enworld in it's glory days, just like Wizards was. all of us enjoying ourselves...the boards not having a single complaint...can't you guy see it??? Now wouldn't that be fun?
Funny, I don't remember a time when the boards at Wizards were without complaints or rants or criticism of other cliques, or whatever else you can think of. :p

That aside.
Alek said:
In this sad little world populated by characters that stretch thin the concept of contexual realism to its breaking point, anyone has just as much freedom to not die in the first place, as they do to come back. The only reason for death to occur at all, is to create drama and attention. With each subsequent resurrection and return to life, this drama and attention is lessened.

To anyone who has not yet had/let their character die, read on: It is in your own interest to use the ever loved freedom of destiny to avoid death in the first place, and save Death and Resurrection for a truly momentus occasion, and not a minor squabble.
This sums up my opinion as a freeform combat enthusiast quite well, in all honesty. There are enough methods to avoid a totally unintended character death that there's little reason for insta-ressurection to be an issue. Talk to the other party in a duel, and I'd wager 9 out of 10 times an agreement can be reached to conveniently arrange for the survival of both parties without unpleasant end results (outside interference from either side, a desperation attack that drives off the assailant for their own self-preservation, etc).

It's amazing how much out of character conflict can be avoided if people just talk to each other for 30 seconds when their characters cross paths. ;)

And just because I'm obsessive-compulsive about these things, a brief lapse into d20 writer mode:
Itzquahpilli said:
And just a note, at least in 3.5, monks level 20 or above can still be raised despite being outsiders. Lucky for them...
This is absolutely correct. As native outsiders, much like planetouched and half-outsiders, characters who have attained transcendance through any class to obtain the Outsider creature type may be raised or ressurected normally. :)


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I wish I had something really constructive to add to this thread. But heh, needless to say, I'm slow, tedious and boring so ya all have to just put up with me. The realism of death on ISRP, isn't. In my oppinion. So saying I understand exactly where everyone comes from when they do the resurrection thing. Hell I've been dwelling on whether to kill Ariel for quite a while now; as you can see I've been very lazy. But I haven't yet?! Why? Coz I like her, and I like her how she is. It crosses my mind daily, that I could kill her and resurrect her as living, which she isn't now, for those who don't know. *Chuckles evilly* But I'm hesitant to, mainly because I know what everyone'd think! And that's the beauty of Enworld and ISRP in general, you can -do- whatever you feel like, but you have to realise not everyone's gonna love you for it. And that's the only way you can deal with situations involving multiple deaths/ressurrections etc; voice your oppinion in a space like this so that people know exactly how you feel. And I can hear everyone yelping about how we shouldn't really mind what other's think about us. News flash, caring makes the world go 'round. I give thumbs up to everyone who's for it and everyone who's against it, because I'm neither! I love seeing old faces, I love seeing new faces and I love seeing changed faces. Ahhh stuff it, I love yas all!

Ohhh and on a side note...Bhryn, what happens to an naughty elf when they die ;) ? Poor Ariel.

Ladies...gents...enough. Really. This has gone way too far, and has been blown way out of proportion. So, without further adieu, I will say this: let it go. At the end of the day, what happens in the little world of ISRP is not going to amount to a hill of beans in regards to our personal lives outside of this game.

For players that tend to get pissed off about what another player does, get over it. The damn site is NOT gonna impact the rest of your life at all. So, when a dramatic scene plays out, and Player A does not like the way Player B ends it, do NOT send a PM saying to have a nice life and then avoid the other player like the plague. It accomplishes NOTHING. Plus, it creates further complications for gameplay when other characters are involved besides Player A's and Player B's.

We come here to have fun, and escape the lives we lead outside of this site. Let's not complicate things further, hmm?

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