December Schedule


OK, December is right around the corner. I guess it is time to talk about gaming schedules. :)

December 2 - Seekers of Legend
December 9 - Seekers of Legend
December 16 - Hmm, check it out. That's Eeralai's birthday! I bet she would rather do something other than gaming. I am also thinking that some folks won't be available much after that.
December 23 - Right before Christmas? Hmm, maybe Agents of the Gods? I would offer up Feng Shui as an alternative, but I know one of the players won't be available. I'm open to suggestions, but maybe we would be better off not gaming?
December 30 - See December 23. :p


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First Post
The Feng Shui was awesome!! The best quote of the night goes to brandon. His character was a tech/repair guy who ended up destroying everything in site. He said "The exploded aquarium, gumball machine and broken lights, that's all just job security :p

Is anyone interested in playing Agent of the Gods on the 17th instead of the 16th?

Also, I suspect we will be having a New Years Eve party full of games as we usually do. Everyone here is welcome to come. I will post details a little closer to the time.


First Post
I can definately make the 9th, the 2nd (this Friday) depends on my car... Iv'e got a leak in one tire that is too bad to drive all the way up one, and I go in tomorrow to try to get a new tire on. If they have a tire for a '97 Buick LeSabre in Socorro, I'll be there, if they end up ordering, I'm out for this week. Sorry guys, I know I've been really out of touch for a while... but things keep on hapening. The 9th is for sure, can't wait to be back.


First Post
Well, I just took my car in, and the mechanic's not sure if he has any tires for a '97 Buick, so I may not make it. Seems like a common enough type of tire, but whatever, this is Socorro. Even if he doesn't have a tire, he's going to call around other places in Socorro, and, failing that, he thinkgs he may still be able to get on from Albuquerque by this Friday. So there is hope. But for now I'm not worrying about it, I've got a mean research paper to get back to. Ugh.


First Post
Given my work scheduel i'm open for all three nights except the 30th. The 30th is a possibility at the moment and I can get a definate answer in about 2 weeks.

Eeralai said:
The Feng Shui was awesome!! The best quote of the night goes to brandon. His character was a tech/repair guy who ended up destroying everything in site. He said "The exploded aquarium, gumball machine and broken lights, that's all just job security
Thanks Eeralai! :) As far as Feng Shui I loved it. For those of you who missed out - It was fantastic and I'd even suggest we play a session on the 23rd or the 30th and get some of you to join!

An explination of the above quote

B.B. Pak (My character's name) is shy of shooting people directly so he decided to try and 'remove' some of the enemies by creative methods (Yes I consider shooting aquarium's and gumball machines creative) to dispose of the enemies. In the end B.B. pak had destroyed

A large aquarium
A florescent beer light
A gumball machine (and it's contents)
A florescent light bulb
A Yamaha motercycle (Which blew up and hurt nearby on-lookers)

and because he's a techie (adept at creating and fixing just about everything) he figured everything broken was just another buck in his bank account! :) But, ironically, in the end he did end up shooting somone directly anyway. :\


First Post
Things are not looking good on the car front... I didn't geta call today, so I'm calling the shop, I'll nkow for sure then.


So who actually checks the forums on Fridays?

Let's find out! Print this post out. I would prefer 1 per person reading it. (I won't accept more than 1 from any given person.) For each print out, I will award the group a minor item. The person with the print out will be responsible for disbursement of the item. So that person can choose to share, or not.

Admittedly, not everyone will have access to a printer before gaming tonight. So you can choose, instead, to email me a copy of this post (Copy/paste works just fine). If you do that, you will be given an item as well. Sure, it will probably be of lesser value, but emailing is less work. ;) But the email headers must show you sent the email before gaming.

So who is reading the forums on a Friday?

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