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di Senzio's Tournament: Road to Fallon [El Jefe Judging]

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Bran jump out of the coach and satrt to run toward Quozen. Delan, seeing the animals under panic, quickly try to calm them as Cepheus hears a small bell sound. The wounded horse seems to answer properly and starts to calm down, the others immitating him.

The farmer continue to run away, and that time, he doesn't bother at all to reply to Cepheus poor aim. Cepheus see that with his short legs, he has no more cance to catch them and with the cover of the trees will make it almost impossible to touch them.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Bran had to stand up form hsi seat and jump from teh coach, so he has covered only half teh distance.
Delan has use attraction power on teh wounded horse and has started to calm him.[/SBLOCK]


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Cepheus not having skill at healing or the strength to lift the driver into the coach, will look over the farmers horse and wagon to see if the horse is injured and if the wagon is useable.


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Delan finish to calm the horse with success, avoiding to see the horse walking on the driver laying next to it.

Bran go to Quozen and quickly patch the hole made by the bolt after removing an hea dthat was still in the wound. With that, Quozen seems to be in a bad state, but the bleeding has stop.

Cepheus see that the farmer's horse is in poor shape and the wagon too, but it could be quickly repaired and easily. It seems to have been meant to be able to quickly disable and repair it, most likely to take it to carry the loot. They also seems they wanted to take the horse, as Cepheus doubt that horse could travel fast or for a long time.

[SBLOCK=Status]Bran: 2 damage
Driver : 8 damage, stable
Farmer: 19 damage
Cepheus: 5 subdual damage
Quozen: 11 damage, stable


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Lets get the wounded loaded in the coach and as comfortable as we can make them and tie the wounded horse to the back of the wagon. Then perhaps we can repair this wagon enough to take it with us.


Bran Olvant

BigB said:
Lets get the wounded loaded in the coach and as comfortable as we can make them and tie the wounded horse to the back of the wagon. Then perhaps we can repair this wagon enough to take it with us.

"Will do," he says, and helps get the unconscious in the wagon.


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Bran, Cepheus and Delan takes Quozen and put in on one of teh seat of the coach. But they quickly see that they won't be able to fit teh two wounded inside the coach easily. If they want to do such, they will need to put the chest on the roof of teh coach, which has all it need to attach it solidely to the roof... or they could put a wounded person there, but not sure it would be as much confortable for the wounded.

As Delan and Bran finally to see how they will put the the wounded into teh coach, Cepheus finish to analyze the situation fo teh otehr wagon. In ten minutes, he thinks he will eb abel to make it so teh farmer's wagon would be abel to roll, but he will have to leave teh timber behind, as he doubt the horse would be able to reach easily Orussu with such charge.


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Considering the situation I believe we will need to put the cargo on top and wounded in the coach. Once that is done Cepheus will work on getting the wagon ready while one of the others stands watch. When ready to move again Cepheus will stay with the coach with either Bran or Delan while the other drives the wagon. We must be ready for another ambush. Have weapons ready and keep watch.


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Bran and Delan take the chest and put it on the top. As Bran solidely attach it, Delan and Cepheus take care of the driver. Then, as Delan watch on the two wounded, Bran and Cepheus finish to repair the wagon.

Cepheus couldn't stop to take a look once in a while, but teh badits seems to have left for good, or at least, for the moment.

[SBLOCK=OOC]You are ready to leave. Who drive what? Where is the third person? Is anyone keep a look at teh wounded? What speed do you want to travel? What is your destination? (Could be next habitation, roadwarden post, Orussus, next crossroad, ect...)[/SBLOCK]


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Cepheus will ride in the coach to watch the wounded and stay with his cargo. Delan will drive the coach and Bran follow driving the wagon. They will travel to the next road warden station or habitation on the way to Orussus. There he will seek aid for the wounded.

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