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di Senzio's Tournament: Road to Fallon [El Jefe Judging]


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As Quozen approach the group, Reynold answers him "Thank you, but it is the repsonsabilities of the officials to handle this. Also, any implication of you, who can be biased by the fact your are in teh contest, could come back to you, so I would rather keep that as simple as possible."

He then turns his attention to Jik'tu who gives his speech. Lord Guillaume seems offended by the words, he is about to tell something but finally choose to keep his mouth shut. Reynold gently shook his head as the orc leaves, some kind amused by this. "I've heard enough. Cepheus and Lord Guillaumne will both contniue to participate to the tournament. It seems a third party have tried to hinder Lord Guillaume, and Cepheus have been victim of someone who wanted to disqualify him. I have my idea, but I don't have enough proof to act against anyone I suspect. Manister, is the spells have ended?"

"Only Warren's spell are still in effect."

"Fine, all contestant, to your line!"

SRD(Spellcraft Skill description) said:
Identify a spell that’s already in place and in effect. You must be able to see or detect the effects of the spell. No action required. No retry.
With a spellcraft roll (DC:20 + spell level) you can identify a spell that you have detected with detect magic. Manister doesn't show it much, but is a follower of Gliran, and have been invited to help Reynold and Warren as a specialist of magic for such case. That's how the spell have been indentify, a detect magic and two above the average roll of Spellcraft. (The DC was 21 for both roll)

SRD(Zone Of Truth Description) said:
Therefore, they may avoid answering questions to which they would normally respond with a lie, or they may be evasive as long as they remain within the boundaries of the truth.
The noble isn't lying, he is only telling the truth... as he see it... ;) That's the weak point of zone of truth spell. Choosing your word can allow you to tell one thing literally, but make other things you said more... but you know that he is hiding something already (thanks to a crappy Bluff roll... [The bluff roll was to distort the truth, not to lie])

Finally, as soon as Cepheus have given his answer, there had been no way to disqualify him. I don't disqualify for what a third party can do to the tournament.

Oh, by the way, the man you've seen cast something was Manister, who had his detect magic on... I might have been clearer that you had detect the spell on an official, not a random guy in the public.

Also: nice roleplay everyone, loved it :) , now let's finish this word from the sponsor and we get back to the contest.[/SBLOCK]

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Lord Guillaume doesn't seems pleased to see that both Nirassa and Cepheus have touch twice the bullseye. He takes his first arrow and shoot. It ends in the Orange, near the red bullseye. He seems a bit frustrated. He take his second and take time to relax and shoot again. Another arrow in the orange, near the yellow that time. He seems more nervous and take his last arrow. He take more time to shoot and his arrow fly again... and finish in teh orange again. A big smile is drawn on his face and he seems releaved by some stress.

"I'm third, I'll go on the next round with the hafling and the katara. I hope for you that Quozen will do worst than you... or your friend might not like you. But it also mean that you'll owe me at least 2 days of work. It might be interesting."

[SBLOCK=Score]Halfling Hunter: 30
Nirrassa: 24
Lord Guillaume: 21
Cepheus: 20
Elf Hunter: 15
Gnome Troubadour: 6
Human Farmer: 1
Quozen: ??[/SBLOCK]
Last edited:


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Ok V good all round my good man, good to learn where stuff is coming from.

Understand I'd accept whatever you said but I appreciate the frank answers.

As with the previous adventure I am having fun in this one. You run a great game.

Jik'tu will be watching from outside the area. So I might still include some reactions and stuff.


Kicking at some stones on the ground and muttering to himself -

Dat Cepheus better wins all I gots say fur dat....

If in I gots werk fur dat woman man I will get my venge on him

I be in his ploy and house too or his lands maybe -

Cepheus will habs plans I bet to get rich he do dat all times

Ya know I neber liked not orcs

but dat liddle guy be smarts and ok fur me.

I let hims live even if he loose - I just hurt him liddle bit

Nah...he small might kills by stake...

He then tries to find a high point from which to view the tournament...squinting ginst the sun.


Quozen seems distracted as he approaches the line. There is something here that is definitely incorrect with this competition... but it is the competition he is in.

He fires... and fires... and fires.

He barely notices how his shots go wide. He has hit the target, but definitely without the skill needed to advance.

Somehow, though... He doesn't seem to care. The servitude, the cost to Lord Guillaume... This will all wait for now. Something else is happening, and he wants to find out what.

Quozen heads back to sit and blend in with the crowd.


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Cepheus watches Quozen take his shots and is puzzled by the seeming indifference he shows at the results. He had seemed ready to defend his honor and all that when betting against him with Jik'tu. Cepheus had thought Quozen would advance to the final round.

Whatever the reason he has allowed Cepheus to advance in the tournament and given him another chance to defeat Lord Guillaume. Jik'tu must be thanking his god at this very moment. Cepheus thinks he should talk to Quozen about what is going on but Quozen has seemingly disappeared into the crowd. Ah well, he must want to remain unseen. Maybe later then.


First Post
Jik'tu can barely make out the targets from the hill along the road but he does see that the bet he has with the "little boy" is all settled now with him nit even coming close to beating Cepheus.


Dat boy be mines fur 1 weeks...

He be gret dat fur sure
<smile crossing his face>

Total bediance he greed to total bediance -

hope his honors big as his mouph.

I needs get me new riding crop case he furget dat liddle point.

I hopes he come get me fur to settle - I hate to look fur my servants.


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"Lyan Lightleaf, Lord Gillaume, Cepheus Bommhill and Nirrassa of the Swiftclan will now participate to the next round. From now on, the score will matter, as three will have the chance to win a price. We will continue with the same system, which means only two will participate to teh final round, but the best score between the two eliminated contestant will be awarded the third price."
[SBLOCK=Nirrassa]Trevor approach you while the judge are preparing the next round. "My master is willing to gives you 100 gp, if you keep your score under 10. Tell me now if you accept, and after the trounament, you'll have your money."[/SBLOCK]
After a few minutes, the time the judges review all contestant weapons and that some helper move the target at 150ft, all the contestants move to the line. The three bolt or arrows are given to everyone.

Lord Guillaume shoots his crossbow, and his bolt finish on the yellow ring. Lyan, the halfling, shot his bow and his arrow also finish on the yellow ring. Lord Guillaume seems a bit nervous, but teh hafling gantly shook his head and simply concentrate again. They both shoot again. The hafling shoot on the orange ring. He gives a gentle nod, like aprpoving that shot. Lord Guillaume's luck seems to fade away, as his arrow finish 10 feet behind the target. His visage take some color but take a deep breath before relaoding his crossbow. On there last shot, the hafling hit the bulleyes again. Lord Guillaume arrow's touch the edge of the yellow and orange ring. Warren must go to see, and tells Lord's Guillaume bolt is on the orange ring.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Don't forget, your weapon have 70ft range increament), that make a -4 penalty range (-2 if you have far shot).[/SBLOCK]
[SBLOCK=Score]Lyan (Halfling hunter): 22
Lord Guillaume: 12[/SBLOCK]


From his vantage point within the crowd, he looks around to see who is doing what. Everyone will focus on the contestants, but that is not where the action is. How does the audience react to the contestants? How are they working with each other? There is clearly something wrong with this tournament, and Quozen plans to find out just what it is. Now that he is no longer a contestant, it should be easier.

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