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di Senzio's Tournement: Arena - Tribune [El Jefe judging]


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-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

Khairi see his scimitar fall to his feet and draw his dagger as a last resort. With a quick trust, he find his blade piercing the chain shirt. She let out a shout of pain before quickly attacking back. She tries to pierce the defence of the Sairundani and saw one blade bounding on his armor, the other on his shield.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Khairi: 0 damages
Feremir: 15 damages [/SBLOCK]

On the side line, Kwella looks at Khairi and comment his last attack. "Figthing in a full plate mail and with a dagger..." Kwella slowly shake his head in dissaproval.

-=-=-= In the Arena's tribunes =-=-=-

As Deos turn back, he see the two voices that was talking in his back were teh two drwaves who were betting on the other day, and where Deos won a nice sum on one fo them.

"Sure lad, if you want." tells one.

"No way! Last time I lost 50 gold to him." tells his friend, teh same on who had lost his money.

"Nothing force you to bet. And maybe your luck will turn. You just won the last bet."

After a moment of hesitation "Ok, I'll hear your bet."

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"I heard you betting on the upcoming match between that woman and the orc. If you'll take the bet, I'll put 20 gold on the woman to win."


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-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

The elf evade the blow and quickly swing her baldes. One fall heavily on the blades arm and Khairi feels the pain for a moment before it dissapear, but his hand feels numb a bit. The second blade pass to far to need to dodge it.

[SBLOCk=OOC]Khairi: 5 damages
Feremir: 15 damages [/SBLOCK]

-=-=-= In the Arena's tribunes =-=-=-

"The woman? You've seen her? She is half teh size of that Orc. I'll take your bet." tells teh dwarf.

"So if you meet an Ogre, I must not count on you to beat it?" asks the other dwarf.

"It's not the same thing. I'm a dwarf and an Ogre is dumb."


"What that 'Oh!' mean?"


[SBLOCK=DH]I hope you are well... I suppose you are in mission, but if you read that, please just give a sign, Jik'tu is about to meet his first opponent.[/SBLOCK]


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Khairi strikes with his dagger again and seem to easily find her opponent with his backup weapon. She also seems to have been hit too many times, as she falls under the last hit. The crowd give a nice cheer at Khairi, but most of them seems to be awaiting for the starts to teh combat between the human women and his orc opponent, as Jik'tu starts to shout his name and some of teh people in the crowd answers him.

On the other circle, replacing Khairi and his opponent, the man with a spike chain and a dwarf with his battle axe prepare themselves for the next combat. The winners of this two combats, with Octavio and Khairi will become the four semi-finalist...

[SBLOCk=OOC]If Wenesday I don't have news form DH, I'll NPC Jik'tu...[/SBLOCK]


First Post
-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

In Khairi's circle is a man figthing with a chain against a knight in full armor and teh classical longsword. The man doesn't take much time to trip his opponeent as he charge him and in the same move, disarm him. The knight take up his short sword as he stand up but the chain master disarm him again. The knight, without a weapon in hands, try to grab the longsword at his feet but get trip again and slashed by the chain master. Finally, the kinght got his hand on the short sword and successfully stab his opponent twice, but it seemed more a scratch to the chain master who easily knock his opponent.

On the other circle Jik'tu shout at the crowd. "Jik'tu! Jik'tu! JIK'TU!". The orc have his ranseur in one hand and his flail in the other. He drive in teh ground his ranseur who find his way between two stone plate and stay upward. He grabs his flail and get ready. As he hears the signal, he charges his opponent. The lady await him and just as he swings his flail at her, he feels the pain. The woman have solidly connected the orc, but it is too late to stop him in his move, and with his great hieght, his arm goes far enough that the ball of the flail turn around the shield and hit tge women in the back.

As they soldly connect, the crowd let out a great cheer. The two exchange a few blows that end to make more noise than anything else as the metal of the weapon is deflected by the armors and shield, but the women finally find the opening she has been manoeuvring for and connect the orc so solidly than he got trip and falled head first on the ground. A moment of silent fill the arena then quickly followed by a loud cheer. The woman raise her sword before going back on the side of the line. She sheet her swaord and then start to look at her back. The armor have bend under the initial connection...

-=-=-= In the Arena's tribunes =-=-=-

"Impossible! They have been cheating!"

"It seems she is tough as a dwarf. And don't forget teh money."

-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

On the arena, Warren takes a moment to gather teh silence. As the people start to calm down, he tells: "For the semi-finals of the novice we will have Octavio Amontillado who will meet Elias Darktower" he tells, showing Octavio and the chain master "and Khairi ai Baheder will meet Melinda Follyr. But before seeing the semi-finals, we will first let our warriors take there time to relax and we will do the semi-finals of Expert division. I'll ask Semabin ai Harudan and Tsing Aramo." Tsing Aramo is a dwarf in good shape who carry no armor and only a staff as a weapon.

Kwella tells to Octavio "You have quite a challenge in front of you I think."

-=-=-= In the Arena's tribunes =-=-=-

"That dwarf is crazy" telsl teh dwarf, as he hands to Deos the 20 gold pieces he had bet.

"He must be a monk. I've heard they can be crazy warrior."

"And you think he can meet a Sairundani? With only a staff?"

"Yes, I think he stand a chance, but the Sairundani's dervish have quite a reputation too."

-=-=-= In the Arena's field =-=-=-

Kwella tells to Semabin "Might the wind be on your side. And if he has made up to here, he must not be understimated. Don't be fool, I want the pleasure to teach you your lesson."

[SBLOCK=OOC]For Jik'tu combat, I must tell I roll it and the odds was for the orc, but a maximum damage on teh first blow and a critical on her fourth attack while Jik'tu was able to pirce her AC only on his charge made teh combat quick enough and the woman won.

I rolled to determine the combat in half final and Octavio finish with the chainmaster, which I had hoped to be the next opponent for Jik'tu while seeing Khairi and Octavio fithing together... Well, the dices told me otherwise.

DH, I hope all is going well for you.[/SBLOCK]
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Velmont said:
Kwella tells to Octavio "You have quite a challenge in front of you I think."

"I concur. You'll find I've got a trick or two up my sleeve, yet," Octavio responds with a grin. "Now, I thought Khairi had manners enough to not keep all the ladies for himself. Seriously, friend, she has managed the orc, she is not to be trifled with. Ah...excuse me a moment...," he says as he approaches one of the judges.

"Excuse me, sir, I have a question. Since it appears I have a break, do the rules permit me to change equipment between rounds?"


First Post
Khairi can not hide the look of shock as the Orc falls to the ground. Khairi has spent every night contemplating strategy to defeat the Orc as he saw Octavio and the Orc as his serious competition.

Semabin may the wind favour you! To no one in particular What a strange turn in events.

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