Diaglo's Latest Debaucle - Rogue's Run

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Instructions in life

Omar latest mission had him once again as instructor to young noble minds. He was good at his trade. And his charges and their patrons loved him. It was not hard for him to influence them with just a hint of his magic or better with his flowery words and songs. This was, of course, the way of a Thought Stealer. How he gathered information and fulfilled his place in the Circle.

Plus it gave Sargazzo something to do. He was the new bodyguard of the patron of this house. He was not so moody when he had a job to do. Well, moody was one way of being nice. The big brute could be downright destructive. As Omar learned many times when they were between jobs. Omar had paid for more than one round of drinks or new furniture or even cast a few of his charms to calm nerves and help the two shift back into the shadows. No use in letting Hakim find Omar too soon. They weren't yet ready to take on the old Master.

So it was a little, but only a little bit of surprise, when Teseus appeared as his replacement. Teseus and the brute he brought with him were much higher in the Circle than Omar or Sargazzo. Omar was handed a scroll. Teseus smiled. A hint of pride showed at the corners of his mouth and in his eyes. Omar bowed and exited with Sargazzo.

Lady Blue...the time had come. Omar's mind raced. Soon, he would face his toughest challenge. He must be prepared.


5 keys in 5 days

The others were already there. Omar was renown for his tardiness. A circular chamber deep in the bowels of an abandoned sewer. Directly above the city was mostly asleep. He played a little tune on his whistle.

"I'm glad you all decided to make it," a soft commanding voice spoke. "The group will be needing all of the talents gathered here."

A beam of light appeared in the darkness. As one they turned. A beautiful feminine creature strode out of the light. Lady Blue. But she still couldn't hold a candle to Guldare in Omar's mind.

"Introduction are in order," Omar spoke. He swept out his hand and bowed with a flourish.

"Are you ready?" she asked. She was all business.

"Aye," Omar replied for the group. "We are prepared. What must we do?"

"You will need to recover 5 keys in 5 days. The challenge will be fatal to some or all if you fail. A member of each Fellowship will be needed to pass this test. So you must work together if you are survive. Places of rest are located throughout the maze. You may take the items of treasure you recover. And each of you will be allowed to ask 1 question while you are inside. You may also ask freely how much time is left. Good luck and good hunting."

"Wait," Khalil blurted out. "How will we know who can use what key and if the key even works?"

"Ah, the innocence of youth, so full of questions," Lady Blue laughed. "It will be plainly obvious. You will know. Any more questions?"

"When do we start?" Kem smirked. "I'm not much on working with a bunch of clumsy..."

"You earn the name well," Solafien interrupted. "Weasel. I agree. The sooner we start the sooner we are finished."

"Hold," Omar said again. "First let us talk strategy. I have some magic and potions. And I can cure some minor or slightly more harmful wounds. I also can change form or disappear from sight or look in on others."

"I concur," Ruen agreed. And then each of the party went into a brief description of their talents.

"Are you done?" Lady Blue spoke. "Then, begin." The chamber shifted.


The first test

Omar hated the disorientation spells of that nature always caused. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. The sounds of battle came to his ears. A scream and the hiss of scales on scales were the next sounds that registered. He summoned his light. They were in another circular domed chamber. The floor was covered knee deep in raw sewage. The footing was difficult but manageable with a pronounced crunch to each step. The only other remarkable things about the place were four closed doors and a...

Huge dark, snakelike monster with a humanoid head swayed in front of one of the doors. Solafien was already in the thick of battle with the thing. It was purple-green in color, with green-white, glistening eyes and a brownish tail. Tiny tentacles around its mouth sported rings and wands.

The creature struck Solafien. Ruen and Sargazzo joined the fray. Sargazzo's let his orcblood take him. He raged. Omar began to play. His mind raced back to the lessons on creatures of this nature. Naga, Serpent, Yuan-ti, ...Banelar. That was it. A Banelar..a magical beast of myth and power. Their wounds wound heal. They were immune to poisons. Poor Solafien would need to know that. They had magic and poison of their own. Poison.

Khalil and Kem were out of combat. Kem and Khalil hid behind Zyff. Zyff pulled out a crossbow. His first shot struck the monster.

Solafien repositioned. He, Ruen, and Sargazzo had the creature in a triangle. They struck from all sides. The creature hissed. It buried its tail in the sewage. Something happened. Omar quivered but fought off the effects. So did most of the group. Solafien and Kem wavered. Poison. Too late Omar thought. I was too late to warn anyone. Ruen and Sargazzo chopped deeply into the serpentine body. Omar stopped playing and shifted to protect Sargazzo's side with his rapier. Kem scurried up the wall. Khalil pulled his dagger and stood by Zyff still. Zyff fired another bolt this one hit the wall.

Solafien ended the game. A couple well placed strokes of his blades finished the creature. He quickly attacked the tail to recover some of the poison. Omar went to his side and cured some of his wounds.

The sewage drained away.


The search begins

"Poison," Omar said aloud. "Did anyone feel its effects?"

"Aye," Solafien admitted. Kem too nodded.

"I have nothing for you," Omar admitted. "Does anyone else have something to cure their ails?"

Khalil began to dig thru his pack. "Nope."

After a moment of silence, Zyff spoke up. "I do, but only enough for these two and myself for later. I'm sure this is not the last time we encounter troubles like this one."

He applied an ointment to the forehead of both of the injured party members. They both looked better, but not complete.

In the meantime, Ruen, Khalil, and Sargazzo had been scouring the chamber. The crunch was old bones. Piles of them. The Banelar had done its job well. The four doors were made of different material. One brass, one wood, one iron and one bone. The Banelar had guarded the bone door. Kem, Omar, Zyff, and Solafien joined in the search.

"How much time do we have?" Khalil asked.

A voice spoke, "4 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes, 12 seconds."

"Cool," the youth beamed. "How much time..."

"Don't make me reached over there and bust you in the chops," Solafien warned.

And a warning from a known assassin was enough. Khalil went quiet.

Kem found a hidden panel above the bone door. The party also recovered a few objects. A suit of fine armor, a sword, and a dagger with a hollow hilt. All of these were from the Underdark. A skeleton of an elf was still inside the armor. Solafien smiled. Other items from the Banelar included: a fine wooden wand, two ornate rings, a small jade statuette, an amulet, and a jeweled thigh bone. Plus an odd assortment of coins.

Some of loot, Omar told them, were magical. He noted the type of magic. But would not be able to identify its true nature.

"I can do that," Zyff again helped. "I have a wand with some power to determine key words for use of items."

Omar filed this information away in his mind for later reflection. The wand Zyff carried alone was worth 5500gp. And the 3 doses of ointment weren't cheap either. Why again, besides being the only Face Dancer, was Zyff interested in helping the party.


Keystone criminals

Chaos ensued. The group split up. In a 40' diameter room it is hard to imagine. But that's what happened. Individually, each party member picked his own thing to do or concentrate on. Omar found a spot and sat down. His head still hurt from the teleportation and all of this wandering, meandering, or pettiness wasn't helping him.

Khalil went flying thru the air and landed a bit bruised and embarrassed in the center of the room. The hidden panel opened into a hidden alcove. Zyff and Kem stood in front of another door. Solafien and Ruen by another. Sargazzo just watched while guarding Omar. Omar looked up at the mute and smiled.

"If someone would just inspire me," Kem started. "I might be able to attempt one of these doors. Or maybe if Khalil were inspired."

Omar ignored the goading. Without a plan he wasn't wasting his talent on half-arsed hi-jinxes. And he also wasn't going to suggest a plan to this rabble. When things settled down some maybe he would speak. They still had time. Plenty of time as far as he could determine.

Dumb luck spoiled even Omar's waiting. Khalil noticed something while he was above. He inspected a block in the center of the room. The others finally worked together to help him clear a space. He inserted the jeweled wand. CLick.

The party tried the doors. They were easy to open now. Chaos returned as the party scattered to try everything at the same time. This bothered Omar. He was wondering just how the more rigid and formalized of the party could stand it.

The Bone door opened. Spears flew out of the darkness. The way beyond was a very long corridor with poorly constructed walls. The floor had rubble. And a dark void blocked the end.

The other doors opened into similar fun places. One had a 60' deep pit covered with poison coated spears and a slick wall with a rope stretched taut. A gust of wind blew in the face of those in the doorway. Another had a small chamber with yet another door. The room practically screamed trap. Solafien found to interesting crevices in the walls which indicated blade traps. And the last well it wasn't any better. Of course the group was scattered. So neither knew what the other was doing or what troubles lay beyond each door.

Omar smacked his forehead and joined Solafien and Ruen. Sargazzo followed. Zyff and Kem stood by the tightrope. While Khalil kept tabs on the crumpled room.


watch your step

Trap alright. And Solafien and Omar felt it. Omar quickly healed himself. Solafien downed a potion. Kem and Zyff came to investigate the commotion.

"We should pick one room and investigate it together," Kem said. "Isn't that what Lady Blue meant by us working together."

"Well, duh," Zyff smirked. "And just which room should be the first."

"I could push the kid into one of the rooms," Solafien hinted. "I am a Hammer. and all the world is a nail for me to drive into place."

Omar stepped a little away from the darkly skinned half breed assassin. So did everyone else. Sargazzo signed to Omar.

"Our friend here thinks the best choice for the rope room is the weasel," Omar translated. "He also thinks the kid maybe useful later, so we'd best not get him killed yet. Not at least until he completes his assigned task."

Sargazzo grunted. Not an exact translation of "What should we do?" but it left the others guessing and that was what Omar wanted. He wanted them guessing if he or Sargazzo were the ones to watch.

The party went to Khalil. He was convinced they could accomplish the crumpled room. A few feet in, however, he started to have second thoughts. The floor was a trigger for multiple dart traps.

Zyff sprouted bat wings. "Perhaps I should fly across and attach a rope. Does anyone have rope?"

Everyone nodded. Kem tied 250' rope together. Omar assumed Avariel form just in case a backup was needed. Zyff flew to the other end and attached the rope. To what. No one knew until they got there. A rod. An immoveable rod. Another 5000gp...plus the bat wings...a cloak of the bat...26000gp and he revealed he had other items on his person. Zyff definitely needed watching.

Along the way Kem and Khalil made note of the trapped pathway from above. The void at the end refused all guessing. Ruen plunged ahead. Sargazzo followed. Omar pulled out his mirror and began to sing. He pictured the half-orc. He was alive and in a jungle setting with Ruen. Everyone else followed.


End of session 1.

(I cut out here to host a Super Bowl party ;) but from what i gather we had another battle with some spiders and their queen...although, spiders don't have queens in RL. :p The party burned out the nest.)

The spider queen lay dead. Her bloated corpse soon rotted and disappeared. All that remained were magic baubles, jewelry, and coins: the spoils of the victory. Omar's magic was all but spent. He had sustained some injuries during the battle. And he used what was left to heal himself.

"Now what?" Kem asked the obvious.

"Well now we rest," Omar said. "Solafien still needs to be tended too. The Banelar's poison has some lasting effect on his system. And I must need recover my magic. Plus we have no way back. That void was a one way ticket here. My guess is we need the key to return."

Another disturbing peculiarity inhabited this jungle. It never got dark. It was always day. And the light of the day hung low on the horizon. Something the party needed to investigate.

They took turns on watch. The noises around the blast site were unusual to say the least. Omar had a hard time sleeping, he tried to parrot the sounds. They would add much to his repertoire. But the need for sleep finally overcame him. Omar warned Sargazzo to keep an eye on Zyff. Sargazzo needed little sleep and no water or food. He possessed a curious ring which took care of those needs.

And the magic just kept on coming. Zyff busily identified the Spider Queen's hoard with his wand. By now the party had a wand of 3 magic missles with 13 charges, a wand of enervative healing, a suit of magical darkened studded leather, a magical darkwood buckler, a jade statuette which could heal once per day, a ring for detecting thoughts, a ring for fast healing, an amulet of armor, a long dagger of venom, a shirt of drow made chain, a drow shortsword, and a magical short sword. They also had assorted coins and jewelry worth in excess of 19000gp. This was indeed a very nice haul for a gang of thieves.


First Post
He goes through the air with the greatest of ease

I guess I’ll be filling in for the parts Diaglo missed.

Amateurs Kem thought to himself, I’m dealing with a bunch of amateurs. If this is what the other fellowships were turning out Kem was surprised the circle managed to keep the whole mess together. Kem had no problem with Kahlil, and Zyff and Omar were spell casters, always useful in their proper place, but the other three, uggh, they were little better than petty thugs. “I suppose I COULD have simply jumped over those trapped plates,” he thought to himself “but why do things the hard way when we have other people so willing to volunteer.”

As he exited the next teleportation circle he found himself in a fog filled jungle. It was impossible to see the sky, or even more than 50 feet in any direction. The party had arrived in a circular clearing in the jungle. At the each of the compass points was a tree with a black gem inside it. No one was really quite sure what to do. Kem suggested perhaps he could climb a tree and maybe the top would be above the fog. No one objected so he began to go up. It was a tree, he’s been climbing those since he could walk. As he ascended, the fog didn’t lessen and it looked like he was starting to reach the top of the tree. That’s when it happened. Kem had never felt such a mossy branch before. As he pulled himself up with he, he found himself looking into the eyes of a large, angry spider. The creature snapped at him, but Kem ducked out of the way. From behind the creature the branches stirred. More of them seemed to be coming. The guild didn’t raise a fool. In one motion he jumped out of the tree and let himself fall to the ground. He was able to grab some of the branches to slow his descent, and absorb most of the shock of falling with a well timed summersault, but even still, he landed hard and hurt his back in the tumble. “SPIDERS!” he shouted just in time to warn the party as the creatures dropped out of the trees.

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