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DiasExMachina 4ED Update

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
For those wondering what's going on, for the past two weeks (during the holiday season), we here at DEM have decided to return to our vehicles. Our initial rules were simple, and even though no one complained about them, I always had a few issues over their deployment. With that in mind, we've decided to give them an enhancement.

To coincide with these improvements, we added in over a dozen new alternate powers and feats, vehicle modifications, and the biggest addition of all, aircraft. We avoid fixed wing airplanes and kept with vertical takeoff vehicles. So now techans can acquire a York Wasp, an Angel Hammerhead, or even a Mann Pantokrator.


Not leaving echans out, we are also offering blimps and dirigibles.

Yes, you heard right, blimps.

Both techans and echans can acquire lighter than air vehicles to avoid the pesky annoyances of ground monsters. You can outfit them with sails, steam boilers, or photovoltaic cells. As for ground vehicles, you can get increased armor, improved suspension, power upgrades, and one modification I couldn't help but include…

Nawz!: You gain the NAWZ! daily power.

NAWZ! Feat Power
Your customized vehicle has a slight modification you haven’t told anyone else about.
Daily * Martial, Vehicle
Minor Action Personal

Effect: The speed of your vehicle increases by +2 for the rest of the encounter.
Special: This is not counted as a vehicle action

The new vehicle rules are going into the next errata.

Speaking of which, hopefully in the next few days, maybe even for New Years, DEM will be releasing the 2.0 Amethyst Errata, which will update the rules in preparation for the release of Amethyst Evolution. This will include all the rules of the original errata plus a bunch of new ones. Many of these changes are actually enhancements made to adapt Amethyst to the evolving rule system that is 4th Edition D&D.

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Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
We mentioned a second Amethyst Errata. It will be arriving this week. In other news, Evolution is waiting on final artwork before proceeding with layout. Art is a serious subject with us and we've one amazing artist…but he is also only one. The consequence is the delay in quality…it will be worth it.

So let's talk about the upcoming errata. What will it include?

1) Everything from the old Errata. Well, this is a given. All the old fixes will be included.

2) Revised Races. In mid 2010, WOTC released their Essential line, which revised the core races of the original PLAYER'S HANDBOOK. Simultaneously, they released an updated errata for their traditional 4E books which included these new race revisions. So, following their lead, Amethyst will be revising its races to follow the same paradigm shift. These revised races will be in both the errata and in Evolution.

3) Revised Classes & Monsters. The release of PLAYER'S HANDBOOK 3 and MONSTER MANUAL 3 shifted the power slightly with both monsters and classes. As a result, several classes and monsters have received a mild tweak. This comes in the form of an increase in AC or hit points as well as a few new class features.

4) Adjusting to Revised Rules. The recent RULES COMPENDIUM released by WOTC includes all the amendments made with the numerous errata. Some of these rules were changed in such a way as to counter certain elements that Amethyst presented. We have adapted these rules to allow these elements to remain viable.

5) Vehicles. Amethyst Evolution is introducing aircraft into its setting. Because of this, we have been compelled to return to the vehicle rules to make them more effective in combat situations. Both vehicle combat as well as the Vehicle Operation skill have been revised. These revisions have also been reprinted in Evolution.

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
So here it is, Edition 2.0 of the Amethyst errata. As we have said a few times already, this is less a correction and more of an update, intended to amend the current Amethyst rules to be in line with the recent revisions by Wizards of the Coast last year. This errata also includes all the updates from the previous version.

The first change everyone will notice is a relist of all the original Amethyst races. As D&D has updated their races, we've done so as well. The techan classes have also all received a tweak. This once again is intended to match with the power scale offered with later books.

A big revision are the new vehicle rules (taking up a large portion of the errata), including an advanced version of the Vehicle Operation skill. These changes came about because even though the old rules were effective, they were not entirely practical if a GM wanted to create a combat encounter revolving around vehicle movement. So as Ultramodern4 (our non-fantasy universal 4E ruleset coming soon) was featuring more vehicles, we decided to incorporate those rules into Amethyst. It was also important as aircraft are being featured in Amethyst Evolution, the next book. Instead of being offered as a single skill roll, vehicle movement was designed as a sort of "mini-skill challenge) allowing multiple rolls for several stunts to occur all during the same vehicle move action.

Finally, we have updated our monsters to match with the design shift seen with Monster Manual 3.

The revised races and new vehicle rules will be found in Amethyst Evolution as well.


Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
We're finally back. We never went anywhere. There have been no issues. Nothing was set on fire. We have our editor working. We have our artist drawing. And during it, I have been tweaking the game to make it better. Last week, we sent out a file to a few sites that have supported us in the past. This file included all the new "alternate builds" being offered in Amethyst Evolution. Alternate builds are variations on the traditional 4th Edition D&D classes we had in Amethyst Foundations, made to resemble those in the new D&D ESSENTIALS line from Wizards of the Coast. This is only a small portion of the upcoming book, saddled also with dozens of new powers, feats, and weapons. Finally reaching a point where we can show off, DEM is now releasing a sneak preview of these "alternate techans". I sent out a feeler to see which ones people wanted to see the most. We got equal votes for our marshal and our gunslinger stalker…so we decided to include them both. The final product will have eight such classes, so we are not spoiling the book by including two. This product is pre-final edit and final layout. So it may undergo some final changes and won't look like this when it hits digital shelves hopefully sometime soon.

On related news, we have decided to release Ultramodern4 after Amethyst-Evolution. Originally, we planned on the releasing the player-based Evolution and then follow it with the GM-based Amethyst Factions, but seeing that current need for a modern 4th Edition game, we have decided the time has come to push U4 to release. I can't release a date yet, but I will assure you it will be coming before the end of summer.

So with no further adieu, here is the sneak preview for Amethyst Evolution…


Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
The last post proved without hesitation that DEM is committed to 4th Edition D&D and whatever future is in store for it. Next week, there will be an important update about a certain piece of artwork we’ve been teasing about for the better part of the winter but never shown in its entirety.

Meanwhile, the Evolution preview that went up passed 500 downloads in less than a week. Thanks to Enworld for that promotion. As stated, it’s one step before final, so a few more changes are expected to be made. However, I am quite proud of the result. From vernacular, to fluff, to overall power level, I think we did a pretty good job.

As I wait for my editor, artist, and layout guys (all different) to finish their work, I can finally return to Ultramodern4. Up until now, we’ve been checking out power levels and the overall feel of the rules as well as the altered character creation process being introduced. It’s still not complete and the latest draft being done is the largest since September. As a result, those that have signed onto the playtest should check back at the forum, as only people committed to the project will receive the latest update. This new version, let’s say v.0.8, is changing the wording of all the powers to match them with what we learned through writing Amethyst Evolution. Ladders (our new rule mechanic ) are also being tweaked to make them more about altering classes rather than offering their own abilities. Up until recently, U4 and NeuroSpasta was one complete unit. Separated, NeuroSpasta inherits hacking, cybernetics, robots, and the setting, while U4 gets the rest. This latest version reflects that division.

On a related topic, U4’s ladders have always been limited to six options: born leader, juggernaut, runner, savant, veteran, and warrior. I recently announced to the playtesters that there will be a seventh, known as the survivor (Constitution, Wisdom/Intelligence). I’m contemplating offering an eighth to make it a nice even number, but I’ve decided to open this to the readers and testers. Does anyone have an eight ladder path?

Here is what it is required: The ladder must be based around a theme. It must focus on one primary attribute along with a secondary attribute. That pairing cannot be shared by another ladder. So far, these are the ones that are taken:

Born leader – Charisma, Intelligence
Juggernaut – Constitution, Strength
Runner – Dexterity, Intelligence/Wisdom
Savant – Wisdom, Intelligence
Survivor – Constitution, Intelligence/Wisdom
Veteran – Charisma, Intelligence
Warrior – Dexterity, Strength

There are dozens of other pairings but is there a theme that matches them? All we would need is a proposal. The winner gets a special credit in the final book and a free copy of the end result. It’s a first come, first serve contest and applicants can post here, on the DEM forum, or email me directly.

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
Included in Amethyst Evolution, the new techan class, the vanguard. Presented in both tradition 4E and Essentials builds. Here is an exclusive preview:



Role: Defender/Striker. You have been trained from an early age to take punishment and to inflict it upon an enemy. You can either weave through enemy lines to attack the most powerful target or anchor yourself and let enemies come to you.
Key Abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

Armor Proficiencies: All techan light armor, cloth, leather, and hide, chainmail, scale, plate. Select two techan heavy armor.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple one-handed melee, military one-handed melee, unarmed combat, one-handed small arms.
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex

Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 6
Healing Surges per Day: 9 + Constitution modifier.

Trained Skills: From the class skills list below, choose four trained skills at 1st level
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis) History (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex)

Class Features: Combat Stance, Fighting Form, Full Contact

You are specialized in the application of a craft that some people consider primitive. Despite any ranged combat skills you may have, you prefer it personal. You have practiced day and night in the perfection of the craft. There may be countless reasons why you prefer close combat over firearms. Your strengths rely on your lethality in every situation. You require no augmentation, no steel or explosives to articulate your skill. Your weapons cannot be removed. There is no scanner or sensor to identify you as a threat. You often lead a group through the door. You can suppress opponents without causing harm; remove a threat without making a sound. Firearms are a final, violent solution and most times a restrained hand is needed.

As a warrior, you've been trained from an early age by choice or by inheritance to take the role of a combatant. Your natural gifts were discovered and focused into a lifelong dedication. This is not to assume you're a warmonger, as such training comes early with the responsibility to know restraint. For many, having the skills is a means for self-discovery. This can apply in the application of hand-to-hand combat, the use of melee weapons, or in the proficiency of small-arms. You might have devoted your life to the implement of one craft or the broad use of many.

The vanguard can fill a vital role in a techan party. Being a close combat defender means the vanguard may be the only opposition from monsters wishing to close the distance to your ranged allies. Even if opponents attempt to move, you can keep with them and prevent your allies from coming to harm. In a fantasy party, the vanguard fills the same role as any other close combat defender.
With the selection of martial feats, you can specialize in a variety of different regional variations of melee and unarmed combat. This will radically alter how you apply the powers of the class. You can be a direct fist and kick fighter or a wrestler. You can specialize in flips, locks, or direct blunt force trauma.

A sentinel does not hide. You stand brazenly in front of your allies, preventing enemies from passing you. In the middle of close combat, you are not easily evaded. You can track enemies that move out of combat, impede movement, and punish those that don't pay close attention to you. Your talent lies in bringing enemies toward you. For a sentinel, Strength should be your highest concern, as it will assist grappling powers.
Protective Discipline
Suggested Feat:
Improved Unarmed Attack
Martial Power Feat: Evolution of Pankration
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance,
Suggested At-Will Powers: Bone Breaker, Ground & Pound
Suggested Encounter Power: Sack the Mark
Suggested Daily Power: Back Control

Unlike the sentinel, the infiltration vanguard doesn't immediately present himself as a target. You move in close and fast through cover, striking an enemy that is not immediately rushing into combat. Your talent lies in moving closer to your marked target, avoiding the lesser threats. This is especially useful when keeping larger targets away from your allies. For an infiltrator, Dexterity should be your primary attribute as it will aid in maneuverability.
Mobile Discipline
Suggested Feat:
Improved Unarmed Attack
Suggested Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth
Martial Power Feat: Unarmed Expanded Profile
Suggested At-Will Powers: Swift Strike, Fake Out
Suggested Encounter Power: Sudden Leap
Suggested Daily Power: C-C-Combo Breaker

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
We're wondering how much people would spend on a hardcover of Amethyst Evolution. Would you spend $35 for the next book in color or $20 for it in black & white? Full disclosure, the vast amount of artwork in the book is still in B+W—customers would be paying $15 extra for a few color images as well as color-coded powers. Before anyone jumps the gun, these prices are estimates and referring to the print edition, not the eBook edition.

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Dias Ex Machina Games • View topic - How much would you spend for Amethyst?

On another topic, Neuroglyph Games have posted a preview of Amethyst Evolution. Follow the link below.

NEUROGLYPH Games Return of the Techans: A Preview of Amethyst: Evolution

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
There has been a lot of activity around DEM and me in particular in the last few weeks. This revolved around an open letter I posted on Living Dice some weeks back suggesting that WOTC take a more involved role in the RPG community outside of their website, adding that this should involve supporting the 3rd party DUNGEONS & DRAGONS publishers producing content under their GSL license. The letter sparked a debate across the entire internet with vastly polarizing opinions depending on where you surfed. I won't go into detail here about it, but I eventually posted an epilogue to this event a few weeks later. Those that have read it know that DEM is currently investigating converting Amethyst to Paizo's Pathfinder system. Loyal fans will remember that Amethyst was released as a 3.5 D20 sourcebook less than two months before the release of 4th Edition, a line we abandoned in favor of 4E, a decision I must stress that we still do not regret. With the revisions to the GSL and the invitation offered to us by none other than Vic Wertz, technical director of Paizo, DEM is now moving forward with this conversion, with an official announcement sometime in the not-too-distant future. As I have mentioned on the websites that have covered this, this will not be a direct carry-over from the 2008 D20 book but a new book taking the best parts of the D20 edition and the Amethyst Foundations 4E edition. For now, our priority still remains with our 4E lineup, specifically the soon release of Amethyst Evolution and after by Ultramodern4. Future products will depend on the sales of these two books.

In order to prepare for the release of these books in the next few months, we have updated our Games page.

On an unrelated point, I have received a few requests for when/if Evolutions or Ultramodern4 will be made available for pre-order. To put it simply, they probably won't be. Firstly, I don't require pre-order income to fund these books. They will not be made any faster with an injection of funds. Second, because of the unpredictable nature of freelance work, I am oftentimes a slave to people I have little influence over. As a result, a product can be delayed through factors completely out of my control. I don't want to alienate potential loyal customers waiting for months (or longer) for a game that may be delayed. That being said, Evolution "may" take pre-orders but this will only occur once the product is ACTUALLY finished (leaving only "'i" dotting to remain), meaning that only an act of god will prevents it final release (it will be in be a dying wish and mentioned in my will) .

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