Did anyone else notice this about Star Wars?

Captain Tagon said:
Off hand I think he says Imperial capitol ships. But what do I know?
Screenplay said:
HAN: I've outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulk cruisers, mind you. I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now.


HAN: Looks like an Imperial Cruiser. Our passengers must be hotter than I thought.

Nope, no direct mention of Star Destroyers in ANH, but its all over the screenplay and such listed as Star Destroyer and not just "Imperial ship".

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"I've outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulk-cruisers, mind you. I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now." - Han Solo
"It looks like an Imperial cruiser. Our passengers must be hotter than I thought." - Han Solo


"General, there's a fleet of Star Destroyers coming out of hyperspace in sector four." - Echo Base Controller
"Two fighters against a Star Destroyer?" - Hobie
"Sir, the odds of surviving a direct assault on an Imperial Star Destroyer..." - C3PO
"Star Destroyer" - Leia

The scene with Vader telling his Star Destroyer to prepare for his arrival, was from ROTJ ... That must have been were I messed up. Can't explain overlooking those four references any other way.

Captain Tagon

First Post
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Nope, no direct mention of Star Destroyers in ANH, but its all over the screenplay and such listed as Star Destroyer and not just "Imperial ship".

Yeah, "Imperial cruiser" was my second choice. Can I say that retroactively?

Beat you to the quotes! :p

aexalon said:
The scene with Vader telling his Star Destroyer to prepare for his arrival, was from ROTJ ... That must have been were I messed up. Can't explain overlooking those four references any other way.

Actually, no, the scene you're thinking of is from the Empire Strikes Back Special Edition. Just as they're leaving Bespin, a scene was put in where Vader says those words. :)


Argh, timing ...

And another error on top of that ... can't I trust online screenplay transcripts then? Dammit! ;)

Anyway, I stand by the rest of my case.
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First Post
aexalon said:
As for how many ships were named in Eps. IV-VI: no on-screen mention was made of Slave One, AT-AT's, AT-ST's, nor any alliance fighter except the X-Wing.
Are you entirely sure about this? I could have sworn they mentioned "A-Wing" by name in RotJ.

arnwyn said:
Are you entirely sure about this? I could have sworn they mentioned "A-Wing" by name in RotJ.
Nope. They never named any of the Rebel starfighters except for the X-Wing. We did get the Green Group in RotJ, which was A-Wings, but never a direct reference to the ships' name.


Gunslinger said:
I think that part of the reason why the OT was more appealing has to do with the the characters themselves. In the old movies you had a relatively small group of mostly ordinary people, who are thrust into extraordinary circumstances. They learn new things about themselves, and accomplish things they never would have thought possible

The new trilogy is focused almost entirely on Jedi, who wield extraordinary powers and are born heroes. We simply can't identify with Jedi masters in the same way that we can identify with the simple farmboy with dreams of glory, or the the roguish smuggler doing his best to earn a living.

Yeah, i'll agree with this.

Part of the reason i started this thread was because i didn't know what ships were quoted where, and if i knew them only because i was a 10 year old fanboy at the time with all the merchandise in my closet.

I don't own any Prequel toys except for a few SW minis (the stormtrooper mounted on the lizard is pretty nifty)

I watched Star Wars and Empire yesterday and was greatly entertained. I noticed that Star Wars DID retain quite a lot of poor dialogue and some shoddy acting, and is speckled with hit or miss humor. It's the charisma of each and every character that pulls it off, even vile charisma from Vader and Grand Admiral Tarkin who both have commanding presences.

Empire i felt made a huge leap in acting maturity for Hamill, Ford, and Fischer who seemed to feel more comfortable in their roles, and more grown up.

I thought AT-AT's were mentioned in Empire but i could be wrong.

aexalon said:
So the conclusion isn't: "Why don't the craft in Eps. I-III have kewl names?", but "How come I don't know any of the kewl names the craft in Eps. I-III?". I can only presume that it's for the same reason many "fans" like Eps. IV-VI, but dislike Eps. I-III: viewer age, and the "kewlness" (or lack thereof) of Star Wars these days.

One small thing i want to point out, and i do agree with the above, but what about named ships in the new trilogy like Millenium Falcon? The Falcon is so engrained in star wars mythos it is a character in and of itself. Han and Lando both had deep feelings concerning her. I can't recall any specific names in the new trilogy, but i'm not real keen on suffering through Menace again to glean a few facts.

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