DnD 3.5 - Valley of the Dead

Myth and Legend

First Post
Rogues Gallery
World details
Chapter 1 "A gathering of heroes"
Chapter 2 "Home of the sleepless"

Infinite layers of reality compose the multiverse - everything that could, everything that will and everything that was. To Gods and mortals alike, this is an endless sea of choices, ruled by the laws of causality.

A valley, littered with old crypts and mausoleums, an ancient grave site long forgotten and abandoned, has now resurfaced in the minds of commoners and heroes alike. Thick mists and eery fogs have spread out from the forbidden valley, and men, women and children, have gone missing in the past few weeks. Search parties have spotted apparitions, walking corpses and even worse things near the valley entrance, but none had dared enter further.

The town of Angelwatch has lost half a dozen citizens and even a group of adventurers, that had set out to investigate matters, vanished without a trace. Hordes of undead have been spotted by the local Ranger, and now the church of Lathander is organizing a massive search and destroy mission. Almost as if going to war, the group of Priests and Paladins sent by the Temple of Lathander, have began gathering a large strike force of capable men and women of all professions and skills.

The group starts in the town of Angelwatch, a house-created settlement nested in a continent that encompasses all races, creatures, deities and even setting specific locations. You could say that this is a homebrew world that has everything you need for your hero in terms of creation, classes etc. Recent happenings have stirred the town something fierce, and adventurers from all over have gathered here since the past month, to go out on this grand expedition.

Some are on a mission of extermination, adamant that the undead are foul beings that must be eliminated. Some are on a reconnaissance mission, sent to Angelwatch to estimate the scale and potential danger of the situation... And yet some are here with much darker motives, seeking aid or dominance over the powerful sinister forces at work in the valley.

Whatever your motive, you have all gathered in Angelwatch, ready to dive in the mysteries of the nearby valley...


My very first attempt at DM-ing, for which i will require some aid: one of the players (if a volunteer does arise), will help me as a co-DM, nitpicking characters, looking up sources and advising on rulings. Mind you, they will not know anything related to the story, NPCs or dungeons, and as such their character will not have any advantage over the others. I have the final say on any and all rulings despite the co-DM. In other words, it's a no-pay job that does not get you anything in return, apart from Myth's gratitude :)


A homebrew setting, in which i will use the Faerun pantheon as the dominant Deities, but the continent is so vast that somewhere far off, people could be worshiping Pelor for example, and he would not be conflicting with Lathander for followers and portfolios. House creates Angelwatch, on which you will get the appropriate details, and of course the Valley.

The world will be a medieval Europe type setting, with all the fantasy elements you could need.


This game is mature, meaning obscene language, death, gore, sex and all other "adult only" goodies will be present. This game is not for players that are underage or faint of heart. You start at level 8 but will progress rather quickly to higher levels.

The game will be fast paced, meaning i will require posts every two days tops, especially when you are fighting. I intend to give you combat, but think of this as an immersion heavy game - roleplaying, character depth, background and development are key. I will give rewards for good roleplaying and character interaction. By good roleplaying i mean sticking to the character design, even if something he/she would do is actually not the best solution in the current situation. Combat/Roleplaying will be 50/50, but the latter will be by no means less rewarding than the former.

When fighting does happen, i intend to play the NPCs just as you would play the PCs. Low intelligence enemies will be easy to trick. Cunning ones will pick out the most fragile or dangerous targets first and will not dive in recklessly, so in that regard, refrain from glass cannon type characters.

Allowed Books: any, with the agreement that you list all sources you use in character creation and that you do not exploit them. I will not ban anything other than Pun-Pun, infinite loops, infinite shadows dragons etc. but obviously broken characters will be unfavored by me. Do not go out of your way like an ubermunchkin, gathering PrCs and feats from 20 different books and putting them together only for sheer power playing, especially if they were never meant to be combined and the synergy is not something the creators intended.

Also, i could potentially write anyone and anything in the story, but refrain from picking monster characters or strange, weird races. The ideal (but by no means required) party would be made of predominantly non-evil, non ECL races. As i said, i will make exceptions if you really want to play something different.

Should you RP or powergame? It's up to you. As long as you RP well and everyone is having fun, I don't have anything against an optimized character. But i will require a back story to every single multiclass/PRC you take.

I'd rather not have to deal with Psionics and PCs from Savage Species, honestly it might be too much for me to handle balance wise as a new DM.

Any form of Wish abuse: beware. The powers that grant you favors in the form of wishes do not like to be exploited.

[sblock=Meteoric iron]Roughly a year ago, a star fell from the sky, singing the nearby woods to ashes. After the inferno subsided, the locals sent a party to investigate. In the center of a large, smoldering crater, they found a chunk of strange metal, with properties similar to iron. It was blue-green in colour, and with the most marvelous properties ever discovered.

Meteoric items gain an additional +1 damage/AC regardless of any other enchantments. Meteoric weapons ignore any DR short of Epic. Meteoric armour has a DR of 10/Epic. All weapons/armour created out of Meteoric iron double the damage bonuses for holy/unholy/lawful/axiomatic.

When Meteoric iron is used to create Wondrous Items, very strange effects occur. There are rings that allow you to cast spells at +1 or +2 caster level, amulets that help break trough Spell Resistance, and even a Holy Symbol made out of Meteoric iron, that allows for a stronger connection between a Cleric an his/her Deity.

Meteoric iron is very rare and has already been distributed between master craftsmen (after a bloody guild war), and cannot be found as a raw material. Masterwork items made of Meteoric iron are priceless, as there are very few unenchanted ones left. Magic items made of Meteoric iron cost 50-150 times the base cost, and can take months to be delivered by a vendor.

There are rumors of Artifacts that have been created out of Meteoric iron, but there has been no trace of such items on the open market.

Sample Meteoric weapon:

+5 Holy Meteoric Bastard Sword: Dmg: 1d10+6, BaB: +6, Holy: 4d6 vs Evil, bestows 2 negative levels on Evil creatures wielding it.

The group will find custom, house-made goodies out of this stuff. You will not be starting with any however.

Player Characters:

You start at level appropriate to the current party, 36 point buy (yay right?), but no stat may be lower than 10, standard gold for your level. Yes, you can dump all your gold on a single item, but as i have warned you, going in half arsed and unprepared will get your character in a lot of trouble.

If your character is an ECL0 race he/she gets a free +2/+2 skill feat (example, Acrobatic)

Max HP per level.

What to expect from the game: It will be an Undead heavy game, but there will be the need for all party roles. Other enemies will be present as well (NPCs and other species etc.) All party members will be made use of. The NPCs will act accordingly to their alignment, status and mental skills. You can befriend them, you can kill them, you can do what you like. The world will react however - there will be no plot shield guarding the party.

What to expect from me as a DM A good story. Writing and weaving a plot, creating three-dimensional characters, this is what i'm good at. If you like immersion and roleplaying, this game is for you. I will be learning about DMing in this game, so you can also expect me not to know all the tricks yet. I also don't know all the rules, books and sources, but hopefully one of you guys will be there to help as a CO-dm.

I've noticed one thing - PbP games are very slow, and players lose interest if there is no development. So, i'll be handing out EXP just like in a PC game (say BG2), don't get surprised if you get 10k exp per PC for completing something that involved no combat at all (like making an important choice for example). I will be rewarding roleplaying as well. Think of EXP as milestones along the way in to the adventure.

You can also expect frequent updates and dedication from me - when i'm in the office i have time to check on the forums.

I also make decent maps and will be providing you with such when you have explored a location. This is an example of a map i've made: link

Last but not least, you can expect me to be lenient if i see that it's for the sake of having fun (or more fun)

Now go forth and reply! :)
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First Post
Sounds interesting!

I'm thinking of reflavoring an archivist I never got to play. The only gray area I recall on that character is whether you'd allow Collector of Stories to apply to the Archivist Dark Knowledge ability (and, honestly, I'd take the skill trick for flavor even if you won't).


First Post
I too am interested. Out of curiousity, Myth, which sources do you have access to? I realize you said I can use any, but if I know which sources you are more familiar with, perhaps I can reduce the difficulty on your end by not overextending you.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Shayuri: welcome aboard!

cheshire_grin: Read the Archivist over from Heroes of Horror - a great class and actually of tremendous use to the party in this game! I will see how you make the char and possibly give you a little hint via pm regarding a particular skill. Collector of Stories - a quick google search gave me this link, and I will just double check with Complete Scoundrel to make sure i got the right idea.

As it is right now I will allow the synergy, but will restrict it in the way that you must purchase a specific Skill Trick for every kind of enemy you wish to have a bonus to Dark Knowledge for. For example, you have 5 ranks in Knowledge: Religion, you spend 2 points and get Skill Trick: Undead Knowledge. That gives you a 5 bonus to Dark Knowledge vs Undead. If you use Dark Knowledge to ID a fiend and attempt to grant a bonus to yourself and the party, you must have previously chosen the Skill Trick: Outsiders to get the bonus. Makes sense?

Theroc: Any source you can think of probably. Just make sure and state all used books for the character creation.

On character sheets, as i have seen people use all sorts, will it be too much trouble for you guys to use this format:

[sblock=Silivrenniel, The Sunkeeper]
Silivrenniel Louet

"The Sunkeeper"

Chaotic Good Female Sun Elf Wizard 5 / Elemental Savant (Fire) 10 / Archmage 5

Patron Deity: none (sun worshiper)

EXP: 5,370

(used 1500 for Permanent Arcane sight, 1000 for Permanent See Invisibility,
1500 for Permanent Tongues, 630 for Spell Scroll Scribing)

12 (+1)
Dexterity 20 (+5) (base 14, +6 item)
Constitution 22 (+6) (Base 14, -2 racial, +4 tome, +6 item)
Intelligence 36 (+13) (base 18, +2 racial, +5 tome, +5 level, +6 item)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Size: Medium
Age: 238
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 92 lb
Eyes: Emerald Green with bright yellow marks (Elemental Savant trait) and a blue glow (Arcane sight trait)
Hair: Light Blonde
Skin: Pale Brown with a slight yellow glow (Elemental Savant trait)

A very short and slender elven woman with delicate features, who wears her shoulder length, wheat coloured hair, tucked away in a tight bun at the back of her head. She very rarely undoes her hair, but when she does it shows it's waviness.

Silivrenniel possesses natural elven beauty and elegance, but her stern features and the power and authority emanating from her glowing eyes, make the observant more likely to be intimidated than to find her attractive. Due to delving deep in the mysteries of the element of Fire, Silivrenniel now bears the marks of her ties to it as an Elemental Savant. Her eyes are littered with constantly shifting gold-coloured lights, as if beams of sunlight are reflecting in a pond.

Her skin, the usual light tan colour of a Sun Elf, now seems of a lighter complexion as it emanates a permanent soft glow of a yellow tint, barely noticeable during the day, but present nevertheless.

Silivrenniel is a powerful spellcaster and her strength and knowledge give her confidence, making her bold and decisive. She does not make friends easily, as everything must first be ground to dust by her frighteningly potent mind, before it is allowed a place near her defenses.

Total Hit Points: 181

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 25 = 10 + 3 [natural] +8 [Bracers of Armor] + 4 [dexterity]

Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed: 21

Special: Elemental specialty (Fire), Energy penetration +4, Energy Focus +2

Elemental perfection:

Character does not age, breathe, eat or sleep.

Type: Medium Elemental (Fire)
+3 natural armor
Darkvision 60ft,
Immunity: fire, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, critical hits, flanking
Slam: 1d6+1 bludgeoning, 1d6 fire
Burn (Ex): DC 20+CON
Arcane sight (via Permanency)
See Invisibility (via Permanency)
Tongues (via Permanency)
Spell Resistance: 18 (Robe)
Contingency: Greater Blink: If successfully hit or grappled.

Caster Level: 18 + 3 (Spell Power) + 1 (Ioun stone) + 2 (robe) + 4 (Energy Penetration: Fire) = 22(base)/24(vs SR only)/28(Fire vs SR)
Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + 13 (Int) + 2 (Energy Focus: Fire) + 1 (Spell Focus: Evocation/Conjuraton)

Initiative modifier: + 4 = + 4 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 16 = 5 [base] + 4 [constitution] + 4 [resistance: robe] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] + 2 [Rat familiar]
Reflex save: + 15 = 5 [base] + 5 [dexterity] + 4 [resistance: robe] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Will save: + 20 = 15 [base] + 0 [wisdom] + 4 [resistance: robe] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Attack (handheld): +11 = 9 [base] + 1 [strength] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Attack (missile): +15 = 9 [base] + 5 [dexterity] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Grapple check: +11 = 9 [base] + 1 [strength] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]

Light load: 43 lb.
Medium load: 44-86 lb.
Heavy load: 87-130 lb.
Lift over head: - 130 lb.
Lift off ground: - 260 lb.
Push or drag: - 650 lb.

Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Ignan

Quicken Spell
Energy Substitution: Fire
Spell Focus: Evocation
Spell Focus: Cojuration
Arcane Thesis (Cone of Cold)
Skill Focus: Spellcraft
Searing Spell
Energy Admixture: Cold
Evasion (ring)


Appraise + 14/16 = 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] + 2 [synergy: craft]
Balance + 6 = 5 [Dex] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Bluff + 1 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Climb + 2 = 1 [Str] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Concentration + 30 = + 23 [base] + 6 [Con] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Craft + 14 = 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Craft (Weaponsmithing) + 37 = 23 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Craft (Armorsmithing) + 37 = 23 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Decipher Script + 23 = 9 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Diplomacy + 1 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Disguise + 1 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Escape Artist + 6 = 5 [Dex] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Forgery + 14 = 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Gather Information + 3 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] + 2 [synergy: Knowledge Local]
Heal + 1 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Hide + 6 = 5 [Dex] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Intimidate + 1 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Jump + 2 = 1 [Str] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Knowledge (Arcana) + 37 = 23 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Knowledge (The Planes) + 37 = 23 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Knowledge (Religion) + 37 = 23 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Knowledge (Local) + 23 = 9 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Listen + 3 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] + 2 [racial]
Move Silently + 6 = 5 [Dex] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Ride + 6 = 5 [Dex] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Search + 16 = + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] + 2 [racial]
Spot + 3 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] + 2 [racial]
Sense Motive + 1 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Spellcraft + 42 = 23 [base] + 13 [Int] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] +3 [skill focus] + 2 [synergy: Knowledge Arcana]
Survival + 1/3 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone] + 2 [synergy: Knowledge The Planes]
Swim + 2 = 1 [Str] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Use Rope + 6 = 5 [Dex] + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]

Known Spells:

0 level: (all SRD) Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation

1 level: (5+5, 10 total) Shield, Grease, Magic Missiles, True Strike, Silent Image, Ray of Fire (SC), Backbiter (SC), Benign Transposition (SC), Nerveskitter (SC), Raging Flame (SC)

2 level: (4, 12 bought, 16 total) Mirror Image, Blur, Shatter, Scorching Ray, Glitterdust, Levitate, Body of the Sun (SC), Cloud of Bewilderment (SC), Knock, Bull’s Strength, Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, Eagle's Splendor, Touch of Idiocy

3 level: (4, 6 bought, 10 total) Great Thunderclap (SC), Mind Poison (SC), Spell Vulnerability (SC), Magic Circle against Evil, Stinking Cloud, Fireball, Displacement, Fly, Haste, Shrink Item,

4 level: (4, 8 bought, 12 total) Assay Spell Resistance (SC), Burning Blood (SC), Fire Stride (SC), Forceward (SC), Metal Melt (SC), Orb of Fire (SC), Ray Deflection (SC), Spell Enhancer (SC), Wingbind (SC), Stoneskin, Black Tentacles, Resilient Sphere,

5 level: (4, 11 bought, 15 total) Cone of Cold (thesis spell), Permanency, Mass Fire Shield (SC), Greater Fireburst (SC), Anticold Sphere (SC), Greater Blink (SC), Mass Fly (SC), Indomitability (SC), Lucent Lance (SC), Cloudkill, Major Creation, Teleport, Contact Other Plane, Wall of Force, Telekinesis,

6 level: (4, 11 bought, 15 total) Probe Thoughts (SC), Ray of Entropy (SC), Ruby Ray of Reversal (SC), Tunnel Swallow (SC), Acid Storm (SC), Fires of Purity (SC), Howling Chain (SC), Antimagic Field, Globe of Invulnerability, Repulsion, Analyze Dweomer, True Seeing, Chain Lightning, Contingency, Disintegrate,

7 level: (4, 6 bought, 10 total) Ironguard (SC), Energy Immunity (SC), Limited Wish, Banishment, Spell Turning, Mage’s Magnificent Mansion, Phase Door, Power Word: Blind, Delayed Blast Fireball, Reverse Gravity,

8 level: (4, 4 bought, 8 total) Sunburst, Discern Location, Power Word: Stun, Polar Ray, Horrid Wilting, Iron Body, Polymorph Any Object, Temporal Stasis,

9 level: (4+4, 3 bought, 11 total ) Wish, Absorption (SC), Summon Elemental Monolith (SC), Freedom, Mage’s Disjunction, Gate, Power Word: Kill, Dominate Monster, Crushing Hand, Meteor Swarm, Shapechange

0 level: 4
1 level: 8 = 4 + 4 [Int]
2 level: 8 = 4 + 3 [Int]
3 level: 7 = 4 + 3 [Int]
4 level: 11 = 4 + 3 [Int] + 4 [Ring of Wizardry (IV)]
5 level: 3 = 4 + 3 [Int] - 1 (Spell-Like Ability) - 3 (Spell Power)
6 level: 5 = 4 + 2 [Int] - 1 (Mastery of Shaping)
7 level: 5 = 3 + 2 [Int]
8 level: 5 = 3 + 2 [Int]
9 level: 4 = 2 + 2 [Int]

Prepared spells:

0 level: Message, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
1 level: Shield, Nerveskitter x 2, Benign Transposition, Raging Flame, Magic Missile x2, Backbiter
2 level: Mirror Image x2, Blur, Glitterdust, Cloud of Bewilderment, Combust, Bull’s Strength, Knock, Touch of Idiocy
3 level: Great Thunderclap, 2 x Spell Vulnerability, 2 x Searing Scorching Ray, Fly, Haste
4 level: Searing Fireball x 2, Assay Spell Resistance x 3, Fire Stride, Spell Enhancer x 3, Stoneskin, Black Tentacles
5 level: 1 x Quckened True strike, Mass Fire Shield, Lucent Lance
6 level: Globe of Invulnerability, Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Howling Chain
7 level: Ironguard, Energy Immunity, Spell Turning, Banishment, Reverse Gravity
8 level: Sunburst, Power Word: Stun, Polar Ray, Energy Admixtured (cold) Cone of Cold x 2
9 level: Wish, Absorption, Shapechange, 2 x Meteor Swarm (SLA),


[sblock=Level Advancement]
1: Wizard - Concentration + 4, Decipher script + 4, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (the planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Knowledge (local) +4 Spelllcraft + 4, gain Scribe Scroll

Feat: Quicken Spell

3: Wizard

Feat: Energy Substitution: Fire

4: Wizard Int raised to 21

5: Wizard Concentration + 9, Decipher script + 9, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (the planes) +9, Knowledge (religion) + 9, Knowledge (local) +9 Spelllcraft + 9

Bonus Feat: Spell Focus: Evocation

BAB +2, Fort +1, Ref +1, Wil+4

6: Elemental Savant (Fire) Concentration + 10, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +10, Spellcraft + 10, Craft: Weaponsmithing +1, Craft: Armorsmithing + 2

Feat: Spell Focus: Conjuration

7: Elemental Savant (Fire) Concentration + 11, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Spellcraft + 11, Craft: Weaponsmithing +3, Craft: Armorsmithing + 3

8: Elemental Savant (Fire) Int raised to 22,

Concentration + 12, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (the planes) +12, Spellcraft + 12, Craft: Weaponsmithing +5, Craft: Armorsmithing + 5

9: Elemental Savant (Fire)

Feat: Arcane Thesis (Cone of Cold)

12: Elemental Savant (Fire) Int raised to 23

Feat: Skill Focus: Spellcraft

15: Elemental Savant (Fire) Concentration + 19, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge (the planes) +19, Spellcraft + 19, Craft: Weaponsmithing +19, Craft: Armorsmithing + 19

Feat: Searing Spell

BAB +5, Fort +3, Ref +3, Wil+7

16: Archmage Int raised to 24

Concentration + 20, Knowledge (arcana) +20, Knowledge (the planes) +20, Spellcraft + 20, Craft: Weaponsmithing +20, Craft: Armorsmithing + 20, Knowledge (religion) +12

18: Archmage

Feat: Energy Admixture: Cold

20: Archmage Int raised to 25

BAB +2, Fort +1, Ref +1, Wil+4

High Arcana: Mastery of Shaping, Spell-Like Ability (Meteor Swarm), 3 x Spell Power


BAB +9, Fort +5, Ref +5, Wil+15

Concentration + 24, Knowledge (arcana) +24, Knowledge (the planes) +24, Spellcraft + 24, Craft: Weaponsmithing +24, Craft: Armorsmithing + 24, Knowledge (religion) +24, Knowledge (local) + 9, Decipher script + 9

[sblock=Sun Elf]
* +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution.
* Humanoid (Elf)
* Medium: As Medium creatures, sun elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Sun elf base land speed is 30 feet.
* Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
* Low-Light Vision: A sun elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
* Weapon Proficiency: Sun elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.
* +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A sun elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
* Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Auran, Celestial, Chondathan, Draconic, Gnome, Halfling, Illuskan, Sylvan.
* Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass sun elf’s wizard class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
* Level Adjustment: +0


Familiar: A female white Rat named Heles.

Tome of clear thought +5 (used) 137,500 gp
Manual of bodily health +4 (used) 110,000 gp

Bag of Holding type 4: 10,000 gp
Blessed Book: 12,500 gp
Orange Prism Ioun Stone 30,000 gp
Pale green Prism Ioun Stone 30,000 g
Headband of intellect +6 36,000 gp
Gloves of Dexterity +6 36,000 gp
Amulet of health +6 36,000 gp
Bracers of armor +8 64,000 gp
Robe of the Archmagi 75,000 gp

Pearl of power, 9th-level spell 81,000 gp
2 x Pearl of power, 5th-level spell 50,000 gp
Greater Rod of Metamagic, Empower 73,000 gp
Ring of Wizardry (IV) 100,000 gp
Ring of Evasion 25,000 gp

3 x 9 level scrolls: 11,475 gp
4 x 8 level scrolls: 12,000 gp
6 x 7 level scrolls: 13,650 gp
10 x 6 level scrolls: 16,500 gp
11 x 5 level scrolls: 12,375 gp
8 x 4 level scrolls: 5,600 gp
6 x 3 level scrolls: 2,250 gp
12 x 2 level scrolls: 1,800 gp

Total spell scrolls: 75,650 gp

Contingency focus item: 1500 gp
Ruby Ray of Reversal focus: 500 gp
Howling Chain focus: 500 gp
Ironguard focus: 100 gp
Shapechange focus: 1500 gp
Stoneskin material components x 4: 1000 gp

Scribed scrolls: Anticold Sphere x 2, Indomitability x 2, Teleport x 3 cost 630xp, 7875 gp

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x 5: 3750 gp

Total: 993,625

GP on person: 6375

The Louets were an ordinary human family, living in a rural village nested deep in the fertile farmlands. They owned a farm and had no trouble providing for themselves, but were not rich by anyone's standards. The family consisted of Robert, the grey haired father and patriarch of the family, Milinda his wife and mother of the four children - Jessy, the youngest daughter and Mark, John and Carla.

On a late summer evening the kids found an exquisitely carved wooden cradle, made of cherry wood and adorned with gold and silver, lying across the farm's doorstep. Inside was a tiny, crying baby girl, with a single note written in elaborate script, saying: Silivrenniel

The Louets were kind hearted folk and adopted the girl (who they were surprised to find out was Elven), and Silivrenniel (or Sila as they called her for short) became part of the family. The girl's youth was a happy and care free time, spent playing with her brothers and sisters and helping around the farm. She was different in that she did not sleep as the humans did, and could see much better during the night. But, the other kids did not condemn Silivrenniel for being of Elven descent - on the contrary, she became an oddity and quite popular with the boys, especially once she entered adolescence.

Her older sister Carla, was the only one who did not like Silivrenniel much, and never truly accepted her as a part of the family, since she had been fourteen when the baby girl appeared on the doorstep.

As they worked during the summer and their whole existence was defendant on the mercy of the sun, Silivrenniel became more and more fascinated with it as a symbol of good. The nearby village's priest had already identified Sila as a Sun Elf, and now the girl had began exploring the roots of her existence. But, seeing as how her family lived hundreds of leagues away from any Elven settlements, and no one knew much about Sun Elves in particular, the girl clung to the name and the belief that the sun is indeed the life giving entity that supports the whole world.

As luck would have it, an experienced Wizard decided to settle in the village when Sila was seventeen, the arcane spellcaster trying to evade the distractions of the larger cities. He quickly noticed the girl's aptitude for magic and her quick wits, and Silivrenniel's parents were overjoyed when he offered to tutor her free of charge.

Silivrenniel spent the next eleven years studying with the Wizard. By the time all her brothers and sisters were married and with children, Sila was still blossoming in to womanhood and had just become a full fledged Wizard.

When her mentor decided to go travel the planes, in search of a legendary artifact, Sila decided it was time to part ways with her family. From then on, her life escalated in to much quicker pace, and the girl had become an adventurer.

Silivrenniel was amazed at the vastness of this world and the other worlds she visited with her mentor, and she quickly outgrew the little farm of her foster parents and the boring life of a human peasant. She was eternally grateful, however, and visited them at least once per year, leaving gold and presents each time.

Being an Elf meant that eventually, Silivrenniel would outlive everyone - her parents, siblings, her mentor, even her nephews, nieces and their children as well. For more than two hundred years Sila was known as a benefactor to the Louet family, a recurring ancient relative that would tell them stories of their great great grand parents and that always help out with money, knowledge or even magic.

In her own personal quest to research the sun and it's nature, Silvanriel abandoned the broad studies of general Wizardry, for the more specified path of an Elemental Savant. It took her years of dedicated experimentation and study to become fully attuned with the element of Fire, but Sila's determination never faltered.

She had already made some contact with her own kind - the Sun Elves, but no one recognized her, and as she had been raised by humans, many viewed her as unsophisticated and plain. Silivrenniel did not like the assumptions her own kind made about her, and in stead dedicated herself to study of the sun and it's element.

Years had passed, and Sila had now gained formidable knowledge in the ways of magic. She had already gained immortality trough her link with the plain of fire, and had amassed a small fortune trough adventuring with various groups. The time had come for her to delve in to the high secures of arcane magic, and for that she needed seclusion and time to concentrate. Silivrenniel once again came home, some two hundred and twenty years after she had been brought here as an infant.

The original spot, where her parents had built thier farm so long ago, now housed a much larger building, made of solid bricks and with wooden corrals for cows and horses. Silivrenniel chose a spot in the nearby woods, where she paid masons and laborers to erect a three story stone tower for her, made of white marble. Inside she had several rooms filled with various tomes, magical ingredients and even a small forge (as she had dedicated much of her time to explore the effects fire had over different metals). The last eighteen years, Silivrenniel spent in unlocking the fearsome potential of the best arcane spells she could learn, truly earning the title of Archmage.

Her family was now a bit reluctant to seek her out, as simple folk feared magic and Elves. Sila, however, never forgot the kindness of her foster parents, and thus, the Louet family enjoyed her support nevertheless.[/sblock]


Feel free to copy it and just replace the info and remove unnecessary fields. This way It's easy for me to see what you have, how you got it and when you got it. Skill bonuses, synergies, stat bonuses, racial bonuses, level advancement - it's all needed. I'm open to suggestions if you guys do not like the format though.
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First Post
cheshire_grin: Read the Archivist over from Heroes of Horror - a great class and actually of tremendous use to the party in this game!

Thanks, it seemed ... apropos. ;)

I will see how you make the char and possibly give you a little hint via pm regarding a particular skill. What is Collector of Stories though? Is it a feat? Which book is it in?
It's a skill trick from Complete Scoundrel (Skill Tricks are described on page 82 of that book, basically they're "not quite feats" that you purchase with Skill Points).

[sblock=Collector of Stories]You've heard so many tales of legendary monsters that you remember all sorts of gory details. Prerequisite: Knowledge (any) 5 ranks. Benefit: When you attempt a trained Knowledge check to identify a creature or to learn its special powers or vulnerabilities, you gain a +5 competence bonus on the check.

On character sheets, as i have seen people use all sorts, will it be too much trouble for you guys to use this format
Will do.

Myth and Legend

First Post
I guess you caught me right before i edited.

Collector of Stories - a quick google search gave me this link, and I will just double check with Complete Scoundrel to make sure i got the right idea.

As it is right now I will allow the synergy, but will restrict it in the way that you must purchase a specific Skill Trick for every kind of enemy you wish to have a bonus to Dark Knowledge for. For example, you have 5 ranks in Knowledge: Religion, you spend 2 points and get Skill Trick: Undead Knowledge. That gives you a 5 bonus to Dark Knowledge vs Undead. If you use Dark Knowledge to ID a fiend and attempt to grant a bonus to yourself and the party, you must have previously chosen the Skill Trick: Outsiders to get the bonus. Makes sense?


First Post
Well, before I run around gung-ho in the candy store, I'd like to ask a couple quick questions. Before I even ask, I realize I will need to work on the background of such a character.

1. What is your ruling on the Warshaper PrC(from Complete Warrior), in regards to the Changeling race from the Eberron Campaign setting?
2. Do you feel a Changeling Fighter/Warshaper concept would be too "Powergamey"?

Just as a note, the reason I had this idea, is I really like the idea of the Warshaper PrC, and thought it would make a good 'tank' concept. And since you said you'd prefer no ECL and Druids/Wizards make poor tanks, a Changeling is the best fit I can see in those parameters.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Theroc: go nuts! I'll have to review the Changeling (probably tomorrow as i have to go to bed), but i know of the concept you are talking about. Jemal made a perfect example of how to make a choker/warshaper/bear warrior ubertank. Read more here :) Just propose the character and i'll nitpick it and see if it's too obscene (which it shouldn't be. Although to be honest Druids are very strong)


First Post
The reason I asked for your ruling on it, was there has been debate about whether the Changelings "Minor Shape Change" was sufficient to qualify for the class. So, let me know your feelings on that once you review the Changeling entry.

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