Dockside Diversion/Still Waters


The gnome does not look well, as she removes herself from the swarm once again (adding a tumble to avoid any AoOs 1d20+8=28) After moving a short distance, the gnome becomes rather sick dropping to one knee to keep herself from falling...

(move to what would be 5 Q )

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The double burst of Nathan's snapdragon fireworks breaks up the swarm and those that survive buzz off in solo, unthreatening flight. Borric finds he doesn't need his alchemist fire after all and Zelena quickly recovers from the brief bout of nausea induced by all those bugs crawling over her.

The heavy tread of footsteps on the wooden dock behind them catches everyone's attention as a massive lizardfolk male, easily topping seven feet tall and with scales the dark gray-green of hanging moss, strides the length of the dock towards them. He wears a loose wrap of cloth about his waist, either an affectation or a nod to human modesty, and several pieces of heavy, gold jewelry tightly around his thick biceps.

He surveys the scene with his yellow, reptilian eyes, glancing at each member of the impromptu group and sizing up Borric in particular before bowing in Nathan and Sylvain's direction.

"I am Sekmun, sailing on the Eel of K'issp. Misfortune released my cargo of beetles. You have my gratitude for cleaning up this mess. Accept this gift of my gratitude."

Sekmun twists a heavy gold band from his arm and presents it to Zelena who is closest to him.

OOC: Combat: Complete, and barely scratched if at all. Looks like I need to re-assess my DM tactics...

[sblock=Combat Information]

Party Status
Borric: 39/43 hp remaining
Nathan: 22/22 hp remaining
Sylvain: 34/34 hp remaining
Zelena: 22/34 hp remaining

Spells Cast: Snapdragon Fireworks (Nathan), Flaming Sphere (Sylvain)
Conditions: Arcane Strike (Zelena), Mage Armor (Nathan)

Enemy Status
Beetle 1: 29 dmg; dead
Beetle 2: 33 dmg.; dead
Beetle 3: 23 dmg; dead
Swarm: 30 dmg; dead[/sblock][sblock=Rewards]2,400 xp (600 xp ea) & 3,000 gp (750 gp ea); not including Time XP/GP yet.[/sblock]


First Post
Nathan Tchanlach, human sorcerer

As the lizardfolk offers the gnome his bracelet, Nathan smiles and bows.

"A pleasure to help out, especially for such a generous reward," he says.

OOC: For the record, I'm perfectly fine with Nathan making it out of a fight without a scratch. :)


The gnome nods to the lizardman... "Them bugs were a nasty lot. But we help were we can. Thank you for your kindness." She accepts the gift. "If you and your crew care for a drink, stop by the Dunn Wright. My treat."

The gnome then calls upon her divine magics and casts a CLW on herself. ((1d8+2=9))


First Post
Syl dismisses his ball of fire and took a deep breath, examining his companions. "Is everyone okay? Lucky we were close by or that could have been a real problem. Oh, and hey, nice dog, Zelena!"


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

OOC: Well, we did start combat off with a critical hit for a kill. ;)

Go ahead and make the lizardman a CR5 classed character with some CR3 henchmen and we can continue the fracas. I offered you some IC help. :p

Putting away his flask and collecting his chakram, Borric then flings beetle guts and pieces of carapace off his weapon, accidentally getting some on the lizardman.

"You should be more careful, snakeman. Perhaps you should not be transporting such things into Venza."

"Say, do you have a permit for importing exotic creatures? Or are you smuggling them."

Not trusting the lizardfolk sailor nor his hissing voice with a forked tongue, the fighter believes that the alleged reward could actually be a bribe to look the other way.

Borric keeps his guisarme ready.

[sblock=Actions]Free Action: Talking
Standard Action:
Move Action: [/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (26 with shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 39 Current: 43
CMB: +7 CMD: 20 (22 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +6 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: 10ft reach

Current Weapon in Hand: MWK Guisarme
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins


Sekmun, the lizardfolk male, nods respectfully to Nathan and Zelena.

"It is an honor that Wise Ones of the humans and gnomes would see fit to help with my problem."

Disregarding the splatter of ichor that spots his chest and cloth wrap Sekmun laughs at Borric's words with an airy laugh.

"Your cloak is looking rather soiled. Perhaps when you've bathed, monkeyboy, and you've returned your cloak to its pristine white color I'll answer your questions. Until then..."

A loud ratcheting sound draws the attention of Sekmun who looks up to the deck of the ship moored nearby. An older human man with gray hair and clad in a rather restrictive coat that declares him a man of some standing, perhaps an officer of the ship, cranks back the winch of a heavy crossbow pointed at the lizardfolk. Ignoring the man Sekmun turns his attention back to Borric.

"You've skill with that polearm and the advice of your Wise Ones. I could use that. If you've interest, the Eel of K'issp sails in two days, after I've disposed of the rest of my cargo and loaded on new."

[sblock=OOC]Sorry for the delay. I was more tired after my trip than I expected.[/sblock]
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First Post
"You've skill with that polearm and the advice of your Wise Ones. I could use that. If you've interest, the Eel of K'issp sails in two days, after I've disposed of the rest of my cargo and loaded on new."

OOC: Is this an adventure hook, or just flavor? Was thinking about trying to get in on the 3rd level addy at the Dunn Wright, but don't want to leave the others in the lurch if this is meant to be longer (thought it was a single-encounter 'filler'?).


Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter

OOC: I believe GE is working on an adventure for this crew. :)

Borric doesn't take offense and chuckles in return.

"Har, I ain't no fookin' cloak, mate. Seeing as your gold is good and you pay on time, I could be persuaded to help ye."

"But, what's this scallywag doing pointing a crossbow at your back?"

Borric's right hand drops to his belt ready to quick draw and send a whirling blade up at the man if necessary.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (26 with shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 39 Current: 43
CMB: +7 CMD: 20 (22 vs. Trip/Disarm) Fort: +6 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 (+3 vs. Fear)
Conditions in Effect: 10ft reach

Current Weapon in Hand: MWK Guisarme
Chakram: 2/2 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]___________________________

Borric Hawkins

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