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Doctor Who Season 6 (SPOILERS :p)


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Season 6 Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife


- Neil Gaiman. WOW. His imagination is in full force here. Which is funny because I find his writing somewhat aimless and inconsistent at times. But here it's brilliant. And you can tell it's him, just from the hallmarks alone. Creepy loopy patchwork people, dark and disturbing happenings to ordinary folks, disembodied malevolent entities and barking mad dialogue. Wonderful job. Sure hope he comes back to Doctor Who sometime.

- Idris. Who woulda thunk it? The Tardis conciousness get ripped from it's shell and placed in a living receptacle. An idea which would have been disastrous in the hands of a lesser writer than Neil Gaiman. Credit also to Surrane Jones for playing the part to perfection. That last scene wtih the Doctor was particularly heartbreaking.

- Matt Smith. I've voted my Matt as my favorite new series Doctor, in part because of his wildy eccentric take on the the last Time Lord. Here though he gets to show a side of the Doctor that's not seen often, his emotional vulnerabitly. Particularly in that last scene with Idris, which I thought Matt played brilliantly.


- It ended. :.-( We don't often get perfect episodes like this.

I rank this as one of the best episodes of Doctor Who ever made. Just... brilliant.

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I rather liked it, for the most part. The patchwork people I found rather lame and the Tardis hallways looked like something out of original Star Trek. Those are pretty minor nits though. I was hoping to actually see more eccentric Tardis rooms but it was great to see the 10 control room again like the Tardis holds each doctor incarnation in her memory by saving a room for them.

I liked how they gave Matt Smith some meatier emotional bits and Surrane Jones put on a Helena Bonham-Carter-esque performance without the full-on creepiness.

Remus Lupin

I liked the episode a lot. But my wife disliked it intensely, arguing that Neil Gaiman and Dr. Who are a bad mix. Needless to say, this led to a conversation about the meaning of "Science Fiction."

Loved this episode. My only gripe was using the 10th Dr.s TARDIS console, if you are going for "history" bring back a real Dr's console, 2,3 or 4. Loved the fact that the crack in the Universe was shown again, if only in the background (you all caught that, right?). It's really nice seeing them tie all of these episodes together with little bits of string instead of hitting us over the head like they did last season. Not that last season was bad, but, it's better when it's subtle. ("There's another Ood I failed to save...", brilliant.)

The TARDIS's name is Sexy, who knew? :) I've always loved the TARDIS as a non-speaking part, I've always felt it was more than just a set piece but a background character, nice to know I wasn't the only one. Explaining that she always takes him where he needs to go vice wants to go and that she chose him instead of vice versa was a great piece of writing. A lot of history was done by the writer to get it right, excellent.

I also liked how the TARDIS thinks that Rory is the "pretty one". Although I'm partial to Amy, i am a male, obviously the TARDIS isn't. Maybe Sexy isn't a bad name for the old girl after all.


I had my nephew/Godson over this weekend (8) and it was rainy, cold and crappy Friday night and Saturday so I got him started on Doctor Who. We actually made it in to "Gridlock" and it hit me: the characters of tremendous cool with very limited screen time include one I like even more than Boba Fett. Yes, it's the Face of Boe.


Nobody was the least bit depressed that all those other Timelords were killed and their messages used as ... well bait to sucka in more? All to get accessto Artron energy from a Tardis.

My prediction of a trap was correct, but I would of never predicted the conciousness of a TARDIS in a human force.

Speaking of which, why didnt he grab a Chameleon Circuit whilst he had the chance? :)

Truth Seeker

I watched it twice...and still cried at the end.

Likes or dislikes...it was bloody Brillant.

Season 6 Episode 4: The Doctor's Wife


- Neil Gaiman. WOW. His imagination is in full force here. Which is funny because I find his writing somewhat aimless and inconsistent at times. But here it's brilliant. And you can tell it's him, just from the hallmarks alone. Creepy loopy patchwork people, dark and disturbing happenings to ordinary folks, disembodied malevolent entities and barking mad dialogue. Wonderful job. Sure hope he comes back to Doctor Who sometime.

- Idris. Who woulda thunk it? The Tardis conciousness get ripped from it's shell and placed in a living receptacle. An idea which would have been disastrous in the hands of a lesser writer than Neil Gaiman. Credit also to Surrane Jones for playing the part to perfection. That last scene wtih the Doctor was particularly heartbreaking.

- Matt Smith. I've voted my Matt as my favorite new series Doctor, in part because of his wildy eccentric take on the the last Time Lord. Here though he gets to show a side of the Doctor that's not seen often, his emotional vulnerabitly. Particularly in that last scene with Idris, which I thought Matt played brilliantly.


- It ended. :.-( We don't often get perfect episodes like this.

I rank this as one of the best episodes of Doctor Who ever made. Just... brilliant.


He also hinted as 9 and said as 10 he liked it that way and didn't want to change it.

I liked the forshadowing line of "The only water in the forest is the River."

The only discontinuous thing was Idris' eyes not glowing gold when the Tardis inhabited her but oh well.

My main question is this: Are we going to see Rory dead in EVERY episode now? It's becoming a trend. ;)
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