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Donating Gaming Supplies to Military Personnel?


First Post
All the advice above is good. I just wanted to throw in a comment because I find it funny that anyone would consider gaming a 'growing' hobby in the military. I grew up an Air Force brat and got into gaming because of watching my dad's groups gather around the table and play. Gaming's been a staple on military bases since at least the early eighties, and a lot of the people I know that play do so because of their time in the military or interactions with armed forces personnel.

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Don't forget helpful gaming supplies: Graph paper, notebook paper, pencils (and pencil sharpeners), pens, something that could constitute minis, and of course dice.

Here's another idea: If you are a gamer on active duty, find out if there is someplace in your area we can send things to directly- or if there is a specific address the USO wants us to use- and post that address in this thread! You might have better luck than someone asking from outside the system.

And if there are particular things you can (or can't) use, let us know!

I just put a post on a local gaming messageboard asking for donations of gaming books/materials/fiction books, so I am interested in hearing where I need to send the available material.
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First Post
I know quite a few guys that would be thrilled to receive rp books while deployed. It's a good way to pass time downrange and like cards dice or dominoes doesnt need to be plugged in.


One concern is the amount of cash it will take to ship those books. A pile of books grows rather heavy, and that jacks the price.


Staff member
That's why its usually better to go through the USO or MWR for the big donations- they take care of the shipping!

But shipping someone a box containing paper, pencils, dice and a HERO 5Ed brick or the D&D Core 3 won't be too bad.

Ed Gentry

First Post
I contacted Angels Soldiers but was left with little confidence when the response email I got indicated that they had barely (and inaccurately) read my initial query. That said, I still hold them as an option.

Taking the advice from this thread, I've put out a query to the USO. Great thought.

Thanks so much, everyone!

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Hmm, good stuff here. I've got old game books I'd like to get rid that apparently no one is ionterested in buying.

I'll definitely take all this advice into mind. Thanks all!


Staff member
And while we're at it...

In case your product isn't needed by the USO, other charities might be interested in your games- check with clubs and organizations that deal with underprivileged youth.

You never know, some poor kid might find your duplicate 3Ed PHB just what he needs.


My neighbor and I have used the following Web sites to send care packages to our troops. Our service men and women post there about things they and their comrades could use and addresses where they can be sent. I've sent everything from candy and toiletries to sci fi and fantasy paperback novels. I like these sites because they are so personal/one-on-one. And our troops are always so appreciative of the support they get from back home - I've gotten a lot of postcards, letters and photos. Check through the postings - you probably find someone looking for gaming supplies.


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