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Doom of the Savage Kings


Catkins shakes his head dismissing Lizt's suspicions. "I go up there on my own and I'll be in for it all again. I go up with you I got a tale to tell my future grandbabies." He grins and it seems like it is all a game for him.

Regardless, as the group advances up the narrow track to the village of Hirot and the great hall perched on the ridge behind the palisade a long mournful horn is sounded echoing down the vale, declaring your approach to all.

By the time you reach the open gate two guards await your arrival, neither familiar to anyone except Lizt. She knows their names are Mocle and Naven and are decent enough fellows for militia. They spot her and call out. "Hey, is that Lizt? We heard you got carried off by the Hound."

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"Nope! In fact, we've made a success of slaying the fell thing. Show 'em the head, Tender!" Lizt grinned disarmingly at Naven. She hoped to put the pair at ease.


The two guards fall into excited babbling when the head is produced. They both seem like they would gladly join the triumphal procession up to make the announcement at Meadhold if they weren't on duty. It is only reluctantly that they let you proceed and only after promising to let them buy you a pint at the Wolf-Spear later.

As you move on up into town many townsfolk poke their heads out of doors or windows to see what the alert was about. They call out greetings and the relief on their faces is obvious and enough to move even the most jaded when they learn the Hound is slain. Continuing on up, the townsfolk begin to gather and follow.

At the village square Father Beacom, accompanied by his two silent acolytes, continues his unending tirade. One one side, beneath the Jarl's tattered, rampant wolf banner is the locked lottery box. Catkins gives out a cry and rushes over to kick the post. A large number of villagers join him now that the Hound is dead and the lottery no longer serves a function. They batter the post and box until it falls over. Amidst the crowd performing the vandalism there is a triumphant cry.

"I knew it!" Catkins emerges from the throng with the battered box in hand. It is broken open but within is a second, smaller box. The crowd falls silent then a muttering begins to travel through the crowd.

Not stopping, the group arrives at the door of Meadhold. The great hall overlooks Hirot and is built from enormous timbers, thatched with straw and hung with trophies celebrating the Jarl's victories. The rampant wolf, the Jarl's symbol, adorns the hall.

A young warrior watches wide-eyed as the heroes advance and are followed by the growing crowd. He steps aside to let them enter unhindered.

Inside the hall the Jarl sits at his table. A weasly-looking man whispers into his ear and his seven thegns sit and lounge around the great room drinking and talking. When the group enters the Jarl looks up. "What is the meaning of this?"

Deuce Traveler

"You, sir, have been proven to be responsible for the sacrifice of innocent men, women and children in order to further your power. You acted in a manner to continue the terror of the Hound, instead of taking your rightful responsibilities into hand and ending the threat. And worst of all, you tried to have I and mine killed, your hunters succeeding against some I called axe brothers. The penalty for your actions is death," Tender rushes forward, Spear of Hilot in hand.

"Well, hell," Boral says. He quickly casts a spell of Enlarge upon Tender.


"At last," Kurl cackles. He also casts Bless upon Tender.


Deuce Traveler

As Tender rushes forth, he tosses the head of the Hound at the surprised Jarl and stabs forth with his weapon.

Deed Die
Hit with Spear (+1 from spear, bless +1 to hit)
Shield Attack (with Bless bonus)

Deed die adds 2...

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The sound of two weapons being drawn from leather sheaths, and the sight of a halfling running into combat, Franko giggles as he watches and casts a spell.

Caster check: 1D20+4 = [12]+4 = 16
enlarge: +25% size;+1 att, dam, AC
A halo glows around his head that expands to envelope him [psychic shield - +2 ac and will save for 1 round

Homer - 2 weapon attack: 1D20-1 = [15]-1 = 14
1D20-1 = [5]-1 = 4
1D6-2 = [1]-2 = -1
1D6-2 = [6]-2 = 4

Att:15,5; Dam 2,5; AC: 12

Hank calls forth badgers to to assist the group
Caster check: 1D20+3 = [3]+3 = 6
at first he is about to fail as his body shifts and morphs into another form, but he draws from the well of himself that leaves him exhausted.
burn 6 strength to keep from losing spell.
Summon a badger to attack the jarl
attack: 1D20-1 = [6]-1 = 5

When all is said and done, a female version of hank appears when the morphing is done.

Lizt targeted the weasley man whispering in the Jarl's ear. She crept along the edge of the crowd, keeping her mark in sight, hedging ever closer.

When Tender sprang forward, Lizt slipped in from the side. She aimed for Weasley's liver with the pointy end of her steel.

Gratien quickly fit an arrow to his bow string. He fired at the thegn closest to the Jarl.

Lizt attack [roll0] for [roll1] damage. She will attempt a backstab.

Gratien attack [roll2] for [roll3] damage.


Boral's enlarge spell fails but Kurl beseeches his god for a blessing on Tender and it is granted. The Jarl flinches back from the head tossed at him by Tender and is taken in the shoulder by the spear. The Jarl roars and his men grab for their weapons and surge to their feet to defend him.

Franko's spell increases Homer's size and the halfling dashes forward but his attacks miss. Hank casts his spell but when it starts to fail he jabs a quill pen through his hand sacrificing strength to power his spell. The badger forms and attacks the Jarl but without success.

In the ensuing chaos Lizt slips around the room and tries to plant her blade in the sorcerers back. Obviously warned by some dark magic he steps aside and her blade misses. Similarly, the thegn Gratien targets leaps forward to engage Tender and the arrow fired at him strikes a support beam and sticks there quivering from the force of the shot.

The sorcerer is already drawing back to release a spell and so doesn't have time to change targets to Lizt. Instead he throws a black ball of energy at Tender. The magic strikes Tender square on the chest, phases through his armor, and burns with a chilling energy.

The Jarl and his men are leaping to their feet and drawing weapons. The battle was upon them before they were ready for it and so are unable to attack this round.

GM: Round Two! Everyone is up.

[sblock=OOC]Scott, 2 weapon attacks are made at one die size lower rather than at a minus one (unless those are strength penalties). That means Homer should roll 1d16 when making 2 weapon attacks.

Scott, assuming you meant to enlarge Homer. You never gave a target so if this is wrong let me know. Also, not certain whom Homer is attacking. Please be sure to give me info on your targets for spells and attacks.

Homer AC 12 (modified); 8/8 hp (Enlarged: +1 hit, dmg, AC, 9/10 rounds)
Hank AC 10; 5/5 hp (STR 4/10 -2 modifier)
Franko AC 10; ?/4+?

Gratien AC 13; 4/4 hp
Lizt AC 14; 4/4

Boral AC 10; 7/7 hp (Lost: Enlarge)
Kurl AC 15; 5/5 hp
Tender AC 18; 8/13 hp (Bless: +1 to all attacks, 9/10 rounds)

Badger AC 14, 7 hp, 359/360 rounds

Jarl AC 18 10/16 hp
Thegns AC 16
-Ofenloch 12/12 hp
-Kreig 12/12 hp
-Orioc 12/12 hp
-Utherl 12/12 hp
-Haedrick 12/12 hp
-Clohn the Bald 12/12 hp
-Haelf Halfson 12/12 hp

Sorcerer AC 10 hp 6/6 Black bolt to Tender: 2d4=5

Voidrunner's Codex

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