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Dragon #339


No Name said:
I have mixed feelings about the Class Acts format change. I'm glad they're adding stuff for different classes, but leaving out alternate options for each core class is going to suck.

I'm something of the opposite. I found the current Class Acts section to be one of the weakest parts of the magazine. The ideas seemed to be either inherently of no use to me or limited by the amount of space. Plus, they were always rather narrowly scoped, by the nature of the per-class breakdown.

The new grouping is another indication that I may have to start paying attension to Dragon again. There seem to be quite a few of those, lately. I'd meant to pick up the Boccob issue (but forgot that there was actually something interesting coming -- looks like a trip to B&N is in order before they rotate their stock). Astrology is something I've been wanted to add to my setting for a while, but never had time to frame a basic rules structure, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing what Dragon's put together.

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New Publisher
I liked the new class acts a lot more. The Hexblade article was great, even if you don't use the Hexblade, you can use those feats as spell ideas, or hexes for witches, or whatever. That level of detail is much or interesting than what can be squeezed into a page. I thought it was a good, not great, issue. For some reason the spelljammer races did nothing for me.

I am very much looking forward to the next Creature Collection.

I give Erik 4 stars for his work. Really enjoy it. Thanks,


Alzrius said:
The scro don't have any racial hit dice, though they (and the insectare) apparently have a natural +1 to their CR (e.g. a scro fighter 4 is CR 5). They have the same +4 to Strength as orcs, but where orcs then have a -2 to all mental stats, scro have a +2 to Dex and Con. They have the orc blood special quality, darkvision, and a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against elves. Their favored class is monk. For all of this, their LA is +2.

thanks much, satisfied my curiosity ... but Monk? ... okay, I guess they went from frezied warrior (barbarian) to disciplined combatant (monk)


The EN World kitten
Wolf72 said:
thanks much, satisfied my curiosity ... but Monk? ... okay, I guess they went from frezied warrior (barbarian) to disciplined combatant (monk)

Given that they're naturally Lawful Evil, and barbarians can't be lawful, it seems to make sense.


Wolf72 said:
thanks much, satisfied my curiosity ... but Monk? ... okay, I guess they went from frezied warrior (barbarian) to disciplined combatant (monk)
Scro are supposed to be extremely disciplined. Though personally, I see them more as fighters - they're definitely not ones to eschew equipment the way monks do.

Baron Opal

First Post
i for one am excited to see astrological materials forthcoming. That is a large part of my campaign, and one that I'm always interested in more info on.


First Post
Staffan said:
Scro are supposed to be extremely disciplined. Though personally, I see them more as fighters - they're definitely not ones to eschew equipment the way monks do.

According to their MM entry, all scro are trained in unarmed combat and, IIRC - it's been 6+ months since I was researching for the article and my actual home 'Jammer campaign has been on hold for a like span - prefer to fight tooth and fist although they use weapons extensively.

I see almost all scro of military age as fighter/monks, probably with just a level or two of monk, but with those levels probably coming before their fighter/armed combat training.

So a typical scro would be Monk 2/Fighter x.

I can't wait for my copy so I can see how much of the article remains unchanged. Seems the dowhar were excised, at a minimum. :(

BTW, I left out references to some of the specific Spelljammer historical figures/power players (such as Dukgash) to make the races more campaign-portable, figuring 'Jammer purists would know to fill in the blanks while running them in their proper setting. :)


First Post
MoogleEmpMog said:
I can't wait for my copy so I can see how much of the article remains unchanged. Seems the dowhar were excised, at a minimum. :(

The dowhar fell to the abominable Kutforspace Monster, as did four of the originally announced sixteen monsters for the monster article.

Beyond that I don't know how much got changed, as I didn't do the initial edit.


The EN World kitten
MoogleEmpMog said:
BTW, I left out references to some of the specific Spelljammer historical figures/power players (such as Dukgash) to make the races more campaign-portable, figuring 'Jammer purists would know to fill in the blanks while running them in their proper setting. :)

Speaking of which, the name of the scro god is Dukagsh, not Dukgash (the latter incorrect name was used in MC9 Monstrous Compendium Spelljammer Appendix and then again in CGR1 The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook).

Did you use the scro article from Dragon Annual #1 for research? That's the single best entry about the scro pretty much anywhere.


*a little bit of glee*

In the Dead Factions article, the short bit of rumors surrounding the fate of Mercykiller factol Alisohn Nilesia are from some work done by myself and Rip/Ripzerai, and added in by Wesley Schneider as a tip of the hat to us. To be specific, Nilesia confronting, and being splattered by Her Serenity is from my storyhour, or rather a quote from the storyhour that popped up here on Enworld some time back, and the rumor of Nilesia being sold into slavery to the cornugon Amaggel is from a short bit of work that Rip posted in that same thread.

So very cool! Thank you guys! That was like the coolest Xmas gift I could get!

Voidrunner's Codex

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