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Dragon Gods (Aasterinian, Chronepsis, and Faluzure)


Creature Cataloguer
cool krish, that's what i was lookin for. :) my notes are at work, so i will have to go over it there tomorrow. and, in an effort to limit just how many sources you'll need to reference just to use these guys, i think i'll have to leave off the FRCS. sorry. :)
(modify for home game? easy enough!)

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Hmm... The Darkness Domain is also found in Deities and Demigods™ (As well as an alternate version in the BoVD.) so we should be able to use it, as it is pretty much a prerequisite to use the deities allready.

The problem then is Chronepsis, as Deities and Demigods™ says that deities have three (or more) domains. (Deities defined, Page 29, under the heading: grant spells, It is mentioned again on page 32, just above the salient divine abilities paragraph.) And removing the fate domain makes him one short, now if we created a domain to go with him, it would be a different matter...hmm... I think I have a necropolis domain around here somewhere...



Creature Cataloguer
i changed some of these things in the document that will follow, comment if you can think of any changes needed. :)

Krishnath said:
Boz: looking good so far, here are a couple of comments though...

1. In General:

Breathweapons should be useable once every 1d4 rounds, as per standard for dragons.

i think we decided that chronny and fally would have 1d6 instead because their powers are so much more formidable. of course, we could just change it back to 1d4...

Spellcasting: as 20th level sorcerers, but should know some divine spells as arcane.

isn't that what i have it as? (correct me if it's wrong) i listed it as in DDG, by number of spells per day. also, we need to come up with a list for each of sorcerer spells known.

2. Aasternian:

No character levels (Dragon)

thought i took those out?

HD: Should have slightly less than Bahamut.


Should have fire subtype.

i thought i fixed that too. ;)

cast spells as a 20th level sorcerer. (Should have Flame Strike as a 4th level arcane spell.)

fixed that now. :)

Domains: Chaos, Fire, Trickery

consider it fixed! :)

3. Chronepsis

HD: minimum equal to Bahamut, should be at least three higer.

really? you think it should be that high?

Breathweapon: Same as ghost dragon (See Monsters of Faerun) + that disintegration thing... :D

what does the ghost dragon's breath weapon do? is that just going to make him even more out of whack than he already is? ;)

Spells: 20th level sorcerer (knows some cleric spells as arcane spells: Heal and Harm for example)

how should i list this? i'll have to look into it.

Domains: Death, Knowledge, Fate (from FRCS), probably one more (any suggestions?)

nobility or scalykind? (i know, that's kind of reaching...)

Improved Invisibility should be a spell-like ability useable at will. Should have non-detection also.

done! :)

4. Falazure:

HD as great wyrm shadow + a minimum of 3 more.

why's that?

Breathweapon: As great wyrm shadow but 10 negative levels plus whatever you feel fits.

does it actually need to do more damage besides removing 10 levels?? ;)

Spells: As 20th level sorcerer, should concentrate on spells with the shadow and darkness descripitors, as well as some mind affecting (such as fear and symbol)

i'll look into this. :)

Domains: Death, Evil, Darkness (from FRCS), Undeath (Also FRCS)

took death, evil, and darkness then. :)

That's all, so far... :D


thank god! LOL just kidding, you're certainly helping me move this along...


Creature Cataloguer
Now that we’ve got that stuff mostly figured out, we need to give these three Domain Powers, Spell-Like Abilities, Salient Divine Abilities, Sorcerer Spells Known, and Possessions (if needed?). I really don’t know what to do, or even how to do these things. Help! :)

We also need to give them Skills and Feats. Both dragon gods in the DDG have the following:
Skills: Alchemy, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (the planes), Listen, Scry, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Wilderness Lore
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Great Cleave, Hover, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Snatch, Wingover
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First Post
Let's see....

Breathweapons in general: I think it's better as once every 1d4 rounds. We must have some consistency between the dragons... :D

Now on to Aasternian...

Aasternian should have less HD than Bahamut because she is a weaker deity, and a younger one to boot.. :D

On to chronepsis (Yay!)

His HD should be as higher than bahamut, mostly because he *is* the draconic deity of death. Also he is considerably more powerful that his siblings.

The ghost dragon breath-weapon Ages those hit by it (and who fail their save) by d% years. In other words, creatures such as humans and orcs, will pretty much die of old age, while elves and dragons only get older. It's nasty... This of course would be one of multiple breathweapons to chose from (The disintegration thingie the other.)

As for his third domain...hmm... though one...I would say time or fate, but they're not in Deities and Demigods™ or the PHB...so... perhaps the destruction and creation domains (Creation is in Deities and Demigods™).

On to falazure:

his HD: He is the creator of both the Deep Dragons and the Shadow Dragons (although only the latter truely revere him), and he is desribed as a colossal shadow dragon (which lacks the ability to fly) and as such I think giving him at least three HD more than a Great Wyrm Shadow Dragon, would show his superority over the race, as well as making him roughly equal to Tiamat and Bahamut. Maybe it would be better to just give him 46 HD and be done with it... :D

about the breathweapon: I meant as a choice in addition to the 10 negative levels, all the draconic deities have more than one Breathweapon. And Falazure should have that Cone of Level Drain™ in addition to whatever other breathweapon you see fit...

And as I said before:

That's all, so far...



Creature Cataloguer
ok, as promised, i'm getting back to these guys. first thing i noticed, we still have a descrepency with Chronepsis' domains - only 2, Death and Knowledge. is there any other appropriate PHB or DDG domain we can assign to him?

more soon...

Edit: i see in the above post that you suggested Creation and Destruction. still like that, or you got a better idea? :)
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First Post
I do have a better idea, but it's not in neither the PHB or Deities and Demigods™... So creation and destruction are probably the best choices of those that are.



Creature Cataloguer
looking at aasterinian now...

we need to figure out her, and the others', sorcerer spells. worry about that later...

i'm thinking of making her Dawn Magic power a unique SDA...
maybe the Swallow Whole too...

need to do skills, feats, and a number of other things...


Creature Cataloguer
also, for Faluzure:

Undead Mastery (Su): Faluzure has the ability to command undead as a 20th-level cleric. He can animate dead at will, and summon 3d4 undead shadows per round.

i notice now that his spell-like abilities so allow him to animate dead, and summon 1d3 shadows (the 3d4 was my addition, i think), so we really don't need this ability. how can i include commanding undead? Control Creatures?


First Post
First things first, so...

Aasternian: Dawn Magic and Swallow Whole seems to be good choices for unique SDA's so that should be done.

Falazure: Animate Dead, Create Undead, and Create Greater Undead are all part of the death domain, so just give that domain to him, that should take care of the 'animate dead at will' aspect of his being. Next, give him the summon creature SDA, allowing him to summon shadows with ease (Alternatly you can give him a unique SDA called 'shadow summoning' or some such allowing him to summon any type of creature with the shadow subtype.) As for the controlling undead aspect of him, just add it as an either extraordinary ability or as an SDA. If you do it as an SDA increase the 'power' level of his controlling ability to that of a 25th level cleric.

All of the above are just suggestions, hope they'll do :D

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