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Dragonlance: Children of the Dragon : Chapter 1 First Hunt


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Dragonlance: Children of the Dragon
Chapter 1 First Hunt

High in the Kharolis Mountains, 30 miles southwest from the dwarven metropolis of Thorbardin there is mountain capped with snow and ice the year round. The locals call the peak Everwinter and it’s rocky slopes are abundant with dark green spruce and oak, wild elk, sheep and other creatures, and high atop the mountain lives a dragon. Most people believe dragons are terrible beasts, full of cruelty and hate, but not all dragons are evil. Some are the most beautiful and peaceful creatures you could hope to meet. Their gleaming metallic scales sparkle in the sun, their knowledge and wisdom freely offered to any who seek it. No, some dragons are not evil at all. And this dragon, who lived within the mountain called Everwinter, was of the latter kind. Her silvery scales were so fine she seemed sculpted from the metal and her gentle, sweet voice was a delight to hear. Ask any of her neighbors and they would quite proudly say that their dragon, Star, was the finest, most beautiful dragon on all of Krynn. Then they would boast that soon their would be more of the silvery dragons in their valley, for Star watched over a clutch of eggs, and any day now they would hatch and the mountain sides would ring with the wyrmlings playful little snarls.

Today, the 8th of Deepkolt (Feb), 389 AC was a sunny, blustery day, with winter still holding tightly to mountains, but for all that chilly air and swirling snow it was still a great day. Deep beneath Everwinter Peak was a grotto carved out of ice and rock by dragon talons. Lighted by a shaft of sunlight spearing down through a crack in the earth above, was a shallow, sandy bottomed pool filed with icy-cold snowmelt. Nestled in the sand, bathed by the pure mountain water was a clutch of five silvery-white eggs. Each varied slightly in size, but was usually about 2 foot long and laid partially submerged in the pool. For 19 months the eggs lay unmoving, each one lovingly tended by their mother, the little wyrmlings grew and listened to the world beyond their shell, patiently waiting for the right time to emerge. It seems that today is that day, for first one then another egg began to rock back and forth…
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Guest 11456

Vervaerynosz: Male Wyrmling

The first of the eggs cracks open and a blue-gray head pokes out. After 19 months, the first of Levexiskthurkear's eggs is finally hatching. The newhatch looks around at his new environment. He sees the other four eggs. He is exhausted. The struggle to break through the egg was taxing...

Then he realizes that he is the first of his clutch to hatch. He decides that it must be destiny and it is his duty to be clutch protector. He pulls himself from his egg and jumps up with new vigor. he must single handedly protect his siblings. As he tries to stand on his hind legs, he realizes he has never done this before. But who else is there to protect the others except for mom...

He looks up and for the first time sees what he believes is his mother looking down at him. He waves to her and then begins sparring with his egg. No one is gonna get his siblings...

Then suddenly there is a sound. A terrible sound. The young newhatch looks about, frightened by the terrible sound. What could it be. Will he be able to protect the others from the terrible sound. Then he sees the source of the terrible sound. Another of the eggs is beginning to crack open...
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The tiny little wyrmling's first sights and sounds are a confusing rush, the trickle of water into the pool, the cracking of the glacier above, the blinding light that blurs all before his newborn eyes. His first sight, a grey rock outcrop of vaguely dragon like shape, he mistakes for his mother. But it is not, he and his unhatched siblings are alone in the grotto.
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Justyrathrix get his head out of the eggs. His body is not yet out of the egg, his wings trying to break it, that he is looking around. He search his mother, who have told so many history that he was gladly listening, but he saw one dragons, but much more smaller than should his mother be, as he knows she was able to take the eggs in her arms.

He get finally out of his egg and start to walk around, and looks at the cave where he is, and see the light of the day. The small dragon want to see the sun, and try to climb the rocks to fall down. His first attempt did not stop him, and try to flap his wings. He lift a inch high before his wings push him back to the ground... it seems he will need some leasson. Then he hears a familiar sound. Another egg is cracking.
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Khirsahfalithet feet emerge first from the egg, and he topples unceremoniously out of the crumbling egg. He lets out a yelp, unable to right himself immediately, trying to crane his neck about to see where he is. Still new to moving outside the egg, Khirsahfalithet starts to roll back and forth, trying to end up on his stomach so he can look around more easily.

Paxus Asclepius

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Kharasmadrion hears faint crunching noises from outside his shell. No! I'm too late! Something's eating my siblings! He begins tearing his way savagely out of the egg, spraying bits of shell everywhere. Seeing a strangely blurry, grayish figure that has just stopped assailing a now-shattered egg, he leaps upon it with a warcry. After a brief roll and tumble, he looks up into his sibling's stomach, saying "Whoops. Sorry. Mistook you for someone else. My mistake. Won't happen again."


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Paxus Asclepius said:
After a brief roll and tumble, he looks up into his sibling's stomach, saying "Whoops. Sorry. Mistook you for someone else. My mistake. Won't happen again."

Justyrathrix start to laugh "A migthy warrior we have, I already see him with Huma on his back and trying to banish again the Dark Queen" he said trying to mimic the five-headed dragon, and let his breath goes on his youngest borther.


I aim to misbehave
She heard sounds outside of her home for these past months . . . but not sounds of her mother. The soothing, lilting words that her month spoke were silent. Lukisalinari did hear the movement of others - her kin? - and pecked at the shell of her home trying to get out . . . and failing. Lukisalinari's home had become her prison. She mewled plaintively as she struggled, rocking here egg to and fro.


Guest 11456

Vervaerynosz: Male Wyrmling

Vervaerynosz nodded with approval as one by one his siblings left their eggs and joined him in the outside world. But then he counted and noticed that there was only four of them. Looking around he saw the final egg moving but not breaking open. Sensing something was up he quickly moved over to the egg and knocked on it. For the first time the young wyrmling speaks.

"Hello!? You OK?"

Not waiting for a response he starts knocking harder which quickly changes into beating on the egg until it finally cracks from all the strain. He continues beating on the egg until he has made a small hole. He looks inside and repeats his question.

"You OK?"

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