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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour - Book II: Inheritance

Jon Potter

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Thanks for the clearing that up. I've been wondering on and off and it always seemed to slip my mind when I was at the keyboard.

And I must say that I'm with Di'Fier on that one: given the nature of combat spells, I'd rather go with a middle-of-the-road "sure thing" than a risky spell that just might fizzle when you need it most!

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Di'Fier used the summon monster when we first entered the temple on taboo island. We were invisible at the time. 2 guards came out cause we made too much noise or something. Dru kiled one, Benares and Shesara each attacked and missed or just injured the second guard. Di'Fier began to summon a monster but it went off early as a bolt of conjuring, killing the last guard. (bolt of conjuring is an attack spell so Dif'Fier became visible) and leaving a celestial dire badger or something. So much for sneaking in. time for the full on frontal assult. Dru needs a ring of invisibility. :D
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Start saving your pennies. Di'fier's about 5 levels away from Forge Ring, unless 3eRev gives spellswords more casting power...

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Jon Potter

First Post
drnuncheon said:
Start saving your pennies. Di'fier's about 5 levels away from Forge Ring, unless 3eRev gives spellswords more casting power...


I imagined him farther away than that, actually. I thought that he'd been concentrating exclusively on Spellsword levels, which, if I'm reading the description in T&B correctly (which, admittedly, I may not be) don't count toward gaining Item Creation Feats.

Where has that pesky Rogue's Gallery thread gotten to anyway?


Jon Potter said:
I imagined him farther away than that, actually. I thought that he'd been concentrating exclusively on Spellsword levels, which, if I'm reading the description in T&B correctly (which, admittedly, I may not be) don't count toward gaining Item Creation Feats.

It's out of arm's reach, but to the best of my knowledge, you can get item creation feats. it only raises you one caster level per two spellsword levels, though, which slows you down quite a bit.

Right now he's an 8th level caster, and I think he's planning on taking his next (13th) level as wizard so he can finally use that teleport spell. Hmm...and then I guess 6 levels of spellsword to get him to 12th caster level. Apparently I can't add, and he's 7 levels away.

Right, so, looks like they need to go get Garto and level him up some. :D

...or Alust, I suppose.
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Jon Potter

First Post
drnuncheon said:

It's out of arm's reach, but to the best of my knowledge, you can get item creation feats. it only raises you one caster level per two spellsword levels, though, which slows you down quite a bit.

I guess I just always interpreted the "Spells" section of the PrC description wrong then. I don't have the book in front of me, but I think it says something about Spellsword levels just adding spells per day and not counting toward Item Creation Feats, Metamagic Feats, etc.

It certainly wouldn't be the first time my rule knowledge was proved lacking. :)

Right, so, looks like they need to go get Garto and level him up some. :D

...or Alust, I suppose.

Alust? I don't exactly think that Dru would jump at the chance to ask him for help.


Session Twenty-Six, Part Four: Hunted by Day

The sobbing forgotten, the trio raced downstairs, charging into the kitchen with blades bristling. The rear door stood open, and a white-faced Gina trembled in the corner as Tomas hid in the pantry.

"A spirit! A ghost!" Gina screamed, over and over, and like a counterpoint Tomas roared, "Shut the door, woman! Shut the door!"

"If it's a ghost, shutting the door won't help," Di'Fier observed mildly, but seeing the lack of effect this had on the household he nodded to Dru, who kicked the wooden barrier shut with a forbidding thump that cut off the cries like a knife.

"Just what was this all about?" he asked, looking from one servant to the other.

Tomas crawled slowly from his hiding place, clearing his throat. "M'sorry, sor," he muttered. "She'm were goin' t'the out-house, an' saw it."

"Is this the first time anything like this has happened?"

"Yes," Tomas said quickly, and after looking at him, Gina nodded.

"You've never heard any crying in the night?"

Again, Tomas' answer came first. "No, sor."

Di'Fier sighed. "Gina, why don't you just use the indoor privy? You should be safe in here. I think we're going to look into whatever that thing was..."


"This porridge isn't bad," Dru said. "I've never had it with bacon crumbled into it before."

Sir Manuel flushed, pushed away his half-empty bowl, and stalked from the room.

"What was that all about?"

Di'fier leaned over, peering at his cousin's breakfast. "Someone didn't get any bacon."

"Someone should be nicer to Gina," observed Shesara.

From above, they heard a strangled cry.

"I hope this doesn't get to be a habit," said Dru, finishing her final spoonful. "Or at least, the ghost starts picking more convenient times to appear."

Di'Fier pushed his chair back. "We probably ought to go see what it is, though. Before it hurts him too badly."

The trio strolled to the second floor landing, where Manuel's pale, trembling finger pointed at empty air. "There...there was a woman!"

Dru nodded sagely. "Terrifying," she agreed.

"A ghost!" Manuel insisted.

"You seem overwrought. Maybe you should rest in the parlor."


"Go on," Dru said, giving him a gentle push. "Go have a drink or something. As he staggered off down the stairs, she turned to her friends. "The Baroness? Or whoever our crying ghost was?"

"I hope so," said Di'Fier. "Otherwise it means that there's three. At least." Below them, the front door opened, admitting Ivanior. "Ivanior!" Di'Fier called. "Do you have a moment?"

"Of course." The elf made his way up the stairs, and listened as Di'Fier described the happenings last night and this morning.

"I'm afraid I can't help you," he said. "I don't know anything about ghosts, either generally or here in specific."

"That was interesting," Dru muttered as the elf walked away. "What is everybody hiding?"

"I'm not sure," said Di'Fier. "But I want to find out."

"Especially if you're going to inherit this place," said Shesara.

Di'Fier looked at her. "What?"

Dru said, "Well, it's pretty obvious. Your sick uncle, estranged from the rest of his family, on his deathbed, wants to meet you...why else?"

"That's probably why Manuel is here," Shesara added. "Hoping to get a part of the inheritance."

Di'Fier looked from one elf to the other. "I...I guess so."

"So come on, almost-Baron. Let's check out your future home."


"It's starting to snow," Shesara said, looking out the window of the Baron's bedroom.

Dru and Di'Fier left off of their search and came to watch.

"I wish we got this in Freeport instead of the rainy season," Dru muttered, as they turned back to their search.

Di'Fier peered behind the dresser, then reached in from the side. "I wonder what this is for?" It was a stick, about three feet long, with a small metal hook on the end.

Dru glanced upward. "There's a trapdoor in the ceiling. It's hidden in the carving. You can probably pull it open with that."

Di'Fier searched out the tiny slot for the hook, and fitted it in. As he began to pull, a voice boomed out from behind them: "Don't go up there!"

They spun, but nobody was there. Shesara hummed softly to herself, then pointed at the portrait of the Baron hanging on the wall. "There's something magical there," she said.

Dru pulled it aside to reveal blank wall beneath, and Shesara confirmed: "It's the portrait."

Footsteps were coming rapidly down the hall, and Dru hastily hung the picture back in its accustomed place. Di'Fier fumbled with the hook, finally detaching it from the ceiling, and as Liadon entered the room he was leaning on the stick as if it were a cane.

"I thought I heard something," Ivanior said, looking over the group.

"You probably did," said Di'Fier. "I was just saying that we needed to go out there," gesturing to the ridge behind the house, "to see if there was any sign of the...well, of whatever Gina saw last night."

"And we'd like to see the grounds," added Shesara.

"Very well. I could show you, if you like."

"That would be splendid."


"That was the orchard...it was originally intended to remind Lady Elena of her home, but orange-trees do not flourish in this climate," Ivanior said. "And if you follow the coastline, you can see the village of Kirkwood, there."

"What are all those men doing on the river?"

"Loggers, I suppose," said the elf with a shrug. "The late Baron had an arrangement with Seskin Lumber. They have a logging camp farther upriver where they cut the trees and float them down here. Every once in a while one of them goes over the falls, sometimes with a logger or two."

Di'Fier looked at Dru. "This is about where Gina saw the thing, right? Let's see if it left any tracks."

Under Ivanior's impatient gaze, the trio fanned out, scoring the rocky ground.

"It's no good," said Di'Fier. "I don't see any-"

His words were cut off as he crashed to the ground with a strangled cry. Blood began to pour from his body as deep, parallel gouges tore themselves open in his flesh, shredding him like so much meat.


Jon Potter said:

I guess I just always interpreted the "Spells" section of the PrC description wrong then. I don't have the book in front of me, but I think it says something about Spellsword levels just adding spells per day and not counting toward Item Creation Feats, Metamagic Feats, etc.

Here it is - ah, I see where you got it! "She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation feats, hit points beyond those she receives from the prestige class, and so on)"

I think that just means that you don't get, for example, the bonus feats that you would get every five levels as a wizard, not that Spellsword doesn't let you qualify for them at all.

Jon Potter said:
Alust? I don't exactly think that Dru would jump at the chance to ask him for help.

"What game is Alust playing?" is a favorite topic of conversation. On the one hand he's a complete prat, he helped Amalyth steal the pirate treasure, and he certainly seemed to be working for her when Dru saw him.

On the other hand, he helped Dru out vs. the Dragon's Claw, he knew where Kennic was hiding and got Dru in touch with him, and he told Di'Fier about the undetectable aura on Amalyth's daggers.

And then vanished again.

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