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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour - Book II: Inheritance

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Drusilia Nailo said:

Delathin. Amalyth no longer exists. :p

Y'know, because you remember that all the time too. ;) And she was Amalyth at the time.

So, last night we wrapped up Book Two. No more Freeport until 3.5! We decided that converting during the break between books would be easier than trying to do it in the middle of an adventure.


Jon Potter

First Post
drnuncheon said:

So, last night we wrapped up Book Two. No more Freeport until 3.5! We decided that converting during the break between books would be easier than trying to do it in the middle of an adventure.


I hope that you think of the downtime as an apportunity to write up the eight or so sessions that you're behind. :D


First Post
It's probably sufficient to say, that as I'm writing this, it's 5.04 am after reading the entire story hour ...

This is going to come back and bite me in a few hours, but it was worth it.



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Then this might be an evil thing to say at this point. but have you read Book I.; Brotherhood? How about Drusilia Naïlo: The Making of a Watchman or Di'Fier Anton: The Making of a Watchman. They aren't required reading but they are suggested sources that may be on the test.

you can find them in Dr. N's Sig
Last edited:


Session Twenty-Six, Part Five: The Guardian

Dru's blade was out in a split second, thrusting into the seemingly empty air above her partner. She felt the blade grind on unseen bone as she twisted, withdrew.

Di'Fier could feel the thing's hot breath on his neck as he struggled beneath it, but it was too strong. Finally, desperately, he planted his hand on the ground and called his blade forth from the magic glove that stored it. The pommel imbedded itself in the ground, the blade aimed over his shoulder to thrust into his attacker by the force of its sudden growth. A roar in his ear deafened him, and the weight leapt forth from his body as his blade clattered to the ground.

Instantly, Shesara was at his side, the elven songs of healing that had saved him so often on the island once again pouring forth from her mouth. The other two elves stood above him with drawn blades, scanning for any sign of their attacker.

"It's never done such a thing before," muttered Liadon, drawing a sharp look from Dru.

"So you have heard of it," she said. "What is it?"

Di'Fier struggled to his feet, ignoring the blood that stained his tattered clothing. "I think we're all anxious to know."

Liadon glanced at the horizon. "Perhaps inside would be better..."

"Does it come inside?"

"It never has before."

"It's never tried to kill anyone before, either," Dru muttered, yanking open the kitchen door."

Liadon coughed. "That is not entirely true. It has slain several highwaymen and bandits, at the late Baron's command. He claimed it was a guardian, sent to him as a gift."

"From who?" Di'Fier winced as Shesara peeled the bloody cloth away from his back.

"He never said."

"I wonder if it has something to do with my Uncle's rivalry with the rest of my family." Di'Fier tossed the sodden remnants of his shirt into the corner, and tried to look at the wounds on his back. "Maybe it wasn't told I could be trusted."

Dru scowled. "I suspect the Dragon's Claw."

"What about the other ghost, Liadon?" Di'Fier pressed, ignoring his partner's fixation.

"I...that is...some people claim to have heard the Baroness, at times," the elf admitted. "There's not much more to say about it than that."


"Ha. Look at this." Dru spun the thick tome about, thrust it across the table at Di'Fier, her finger stabbing down at the page.

"What, the empty part?"

"Looks just like what attacked you, doesn't it? And apparently it can be seen at night." Indeed, beside the blankness was a picture of a leonine creature, consisting of little more than an outline of blue flame. "...just like what Gina saw," Dru finished triumphantly. "It's called a..." she peered at the upside-down page, "...bezekira."

Di'Fier quickly scanned the passage. "...pounces upon its Foes after the manner of a Lion..." he muttered. "...native to the deserts of Hell."

Downstairs, the front door crashed open, and they dashed forth from the library.

"It's no damned good," roared a voice from the hall. "They said it's the damned 'rainy season' in Freeport, and the damned message can't get...eh?" Peering up at them was a hunchbacked dwarf in worn and stained travel-clothes, a shapeless hat crammed down on top of his head. A look of comprehension swept over his face, and he plucked the mass from its perch and bowed. "Beggin' your pardon, sir. Gaberk, your late uncle's majordomo. We thought you hadn't received the message."

"I did, and I am here," Di'Fier assured him.

"Then I will fetch your uncle's will."

Jon Potter

First Post

It was maddening all day yesterday to see the message in my inbox that Dr N had updated and then not be able to access the boards.

Nice update. Where's the bezekira from?


Jon Potter said:
Where's the bezekira from?

The Monster Manual, actually.

It threw me too when I first saw the entry - on the Summon Monster VI table in the PHB, no less. I kept thinking "that sounds so familiar...but where did I see it?" I had to search for half an hour to find the darn thing (under 'Devil, Hellcat').


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