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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour - Book II: Inheritance


paulewaug said:
I like the addition of the Note graphic to the story
extra eye-candy is always nice!
The sketch is nice also.

Expect a little more 'eye candy' along these lines in this book - for some reason I never got to it in the last one, but I'm going to try to be better about it this time around. There's some puzzles I'll put up for you guys to solve when Dru and Di'Fier get them, too. (drnuncheon's Interactive Story Hour for Kids!)

paulewaug said:
Well what is 'standard issue' for the Watch?
Club, Shortsword, Spear?
That must have been a 'picture' from back when Di'Fier was in basic training/the academy.

The answer to that question is back in Book One, somewhere around the time I changed over to 'story' mode. (<- cheap ploy to get more hits) And 'the academy' for the City Watch mostly consists of 'here's your badge, there's your partner, try not to get killed' - but yeah, I think it's a DF very new to the job. You can see that he's been warned by his father about the 'Freeport Noose' though.

paulewaug said:
Do you guys play with minis? Maybe some pics of those some time would be nice...

Actually, we use (plug time - I should get paid) a Crystal Caste battlemat and the absolutely wonderful Counter Collections from Fiery Dragon. I'm too cheap to buy minis for all the different people they face and too busy to paint them, so the pre-made counters really appeal. Plus, Claudio's a much better artist than I am. Maybe if I get masochistic I'll put up the counters I started to make that conviced me I needed to drop the money on the FDP ones.

I'd love to scan in the counters we use but Claudio and FDP might get a touch upset that I was distributing their copyrighted artwork across the net. ;)

Anyway, I promised myself that I'd post an update when we recovered from the hijack, so here it comes...


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Session One, Part Two: The Perpetrators

In the house that had once been Councilor Verlaine's, delicate strands of magic coalesced, shaping themselves into an unseen eye. Slowly it turned, inspecting the room it found itself in.

The room was once a lushly furnished study, although little remained of that now. The furniture had been sold by the city government, just as the house was scheduled to be, and the only sign that remained were patches of wall that were slightly lighter in color where they had been covered. The rug on the floor had been left for the next owner to dispose of - probably due to the enormous scorch mark covering half of it.

Standing in the room were two figures: man and woman, human and elf respectively. The man was unarmored, but with a large sword strapped across his back. His face was haggard and unshaven, and a crude patch covered his left eye. The elf was equally rough-looking - her hair looked as if it had been roughly hacked with a dagger, and then left to grow for a few months. A thin white line ran down the right side of her face, and an intricate web of scars laced her forearms. A rapier hung low on her left hip, and over her shoulder was slung a quiver and bow.

Glunnyn knew them, of course. Everyone on the Watch knew them, and quite a few people outside as well. After all, they'd shaken the city to its foundations when they exposed the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign.


"Naïlo's in the hallway," the gnome reported. "She drank a potion of spider climb and she's on the ceiling. Di'Fier is still in the room. There's no sign of the Captain - he must be out of sight, in the closet."

Katya nodded, and took a breath, letting it out slowly. Pulling up her hood, she crossed the road to where Jemis and Quooral were hunched over the door. "Any luck?"

Jemis shook his head. "The lock's too good."

"All right, we do it the old-fashioned way. Quooral...the ram."

The big man nodded, picking up the wide wooden beam easily. "Ashrem 'n' I got the bars off of one of the windows," he reported. "He's ready to go up when we go in."

Katya took up a place on the other side of the ram. "Let's do it, then."


On the second floor, Di'Fier frowned. He stuck his head out the door of the room and called to Dru. "Ampiel says that the gnome is still casting spells. They're coming in two places at once - the front door, and somewhere around the back. Be careful."

The elf nodded from where she hung from the ceiling, and reached slowly into her pouch. The door shuddered under the impact of the ram, with a splintering sound - but it held. And again. Again.

Di'Fier stepped into the hallway. "Time to give them some company, I guess." Placing a candle on the banister in front of him, he raised his hands and began to chant. The candle sparked to life, and eldritch energy began to flow to the stairs below. The scent of brimstone hung heavy in the air. Below, the door bucked in its frame, twisting in a vain attempt to escape the punishment being wrought on its outer surface.

There was a tearing sound as reality was rent asunder below them, and a dark shape with eyes that burned a hellish green crawled forward from the rift. The long, naked tail twitched as it rose onto its hind feet to sniff the air, and then crawled forward towards the door.

Without pause, Di'Fier uttered the keyword to another spell, and his face shimmered and changed. His body expanded, his hair lightened, and in an instant he had been replaced by a duplicate of Donnach.

The door gave way, flying back into the hallway, and an instant later, the massive form of Quooral followed it. The massive head of his hammer arced through the air, slamming into the summoned hell-rat. The creature burst from the impact, spraying the genasi and the walls with the black ichor it used for blood.

Suddenly, the hammer-wielding watchman was coated in a thick, gluey substance, binding him to the floor. Katya and Jemis dodged around his once again immobile form and headed for the stairs as Dru scuttled away along the ceiling. As she pounded up the stairs, Katya looked at the figure standing in the hallway - and hesitated. "Captain?"

Jemis saw, too - but there was something wrong. The Captain didn't wear his sword over the shoulder..."It's not him! It's Di'Fier!"

At the warning shout, the false Captain dove back into the study, followed closely by Dru. Katya and Jemis rounded the corner as Ashrem emerged from the master bedroom, and the three heard a whispered voice. "Be careful, he's gone invisible." A moment later, it spoke again. "They've got the captain out - Dru's got her blade at his throat."

Katya nodded as they encircled the door, and whispered: "Got it. Get in here, Glunnyn, we might need your counterspells." She looked at the others. "All right. You know what we've got to do. The Captain's always said that we can't give in to hostage takers - but we're going to bring him out alive." Footsteps on the stairs announced the approach of Glunnyn - and Quooral, still trailing streamers of sticky goo. "I'll go in first and make her let him go. The rest of you follow me."

The auburn-haired woman stepped through the door, her empty hands held high. Donnach was bound and gagged, and Dru had laid her blade across his throat.

The elf's eyes narrowed as Katya entered, and she spoke each word with low menace. "Where's. My. Father?"

The other woman's smile was disarming. "We're doing everything we can...but right now I want you to release Donnach." As she spoke, the amulet in her hand fell into sight - a golden wheel made of bound stalks of grain - and in that instant, her voice was the voice of a god. Drusilia Naïlo stepped away from Donnach and lowered her sword, and Katya turned to the door.

Just as it slammed firmly closed and latched.


DM's Notes

Poor Quooral. The guy just can't get a break. First he flubs his Reflex save (no surprise there) and ends up hit by the sepia snake sigil, then his door-opening rolls start to tank. Even the bull's strength that Katya put on him only gave him 2 points. And when he finally did get through the door, he gets glued to the floor.

Jon, I don't know why, but the characters you sent me have the worst luck. It must have all leaked out around the edges of the e-mail. At least Quooral's alive...for now, anyway.


Since we've got another cleric around, I might as well share a bit of information about how religion works in this world, aka "How to turn laziness into a virtue."

As you might have guessed, the gods represent archetypes or concepts - Knowledge, Strength, Retribution. In fact, that is how they are usually referred to by lay people, although occasionally a god will have an epithet that is used instead. 'Temple of Knowledge', for example, is a direct and literal translation from the Common.

The true names of the deities are known only to their priests. In fact, most priests don't even know the full true names of their deities - knowledge is power, and there is power in names. The domain abilities and spells stem from the priest's knowledge of the deities name, imparted piecemeal through gnostic revelations as the cleric increases in level.

Katya is an interesting case. Her holy symbol - the sheaves of grain bound into a wheel - might lead one to assume she serves some kind of harvest goddess or Earth mother, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The Wheel is the Wheel of Fate: a perfect circle representing the fixed path of destiny and the endless cycles of the ages. Most priests of the faith bear only the wheel, and look upon fate and destiny as fixed things.

A small sect, however, has splintered off from (and been declared heretical by) the main body of the church. They view Fate as 'karma' - and take an active hand in enforcing it. The sheaves are a reminder of a saying that is roughly equivalent to: "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap".

It is worth noting that these 'heretical' priests receive the gnostic visions the same as their more accepted brethren. Theologists have long debated the point, and Fate himself is silent on the issue.

(See how cleverly I avoided having to name the gods? Laziness as a virtue.)


Jon Potter

First Post
Re: DM's Notes

drnuncheon said:
Jon, I don't know why, but the characters you sent me have the worst luck. It must have all leaked out around the edges of the e-mail. At least Quooral's alive...for now, anyway.


Perhaps I should have Min/Maxed them a little more. ;-)


Some characters are just doomed from the outset, to humiliation if not outright death.

Freeport is cooking again and all is right with the world...
Last edited:


First Post
Hey Doc, can we still submit character ideas to you? And if so, can we use some of the prestige classes from Swashbuckling Adventures? Heh, the rules need some help, and there were a lot of editing mistakes, but the prestige classes for all the various sword schools are great! I can see Freeport and Theah melding together easily.

BTW, I personally love the new banner, very well done!


Boss said:
Hey Doc, can we still submit character ideas to you? And if so, can we use some of the prestige classes from Swashbuckling Adventures? Heh, the rules need some help, and there were a lot of editing mistakes, but the prestige classes for all the various sword schools are great! I can see Freeport and Theah melding together easily.

BTW, I personally love the new banner, very well done!

I'll always take NPCs, but if you use anything from SA you need to send me the book too, cos I don't have it. ;) I've toyed with the idea of picking it up once I'm gainfully employed again, but the constant reference to the editing problems and shoddy rules makes me kind of wary. I can make decent rules on my own for free...

Anyway, I think I'm OK on cohorts for now, but there are a few other areas I need to fill in, like the underworld (Finn's gang and the Naïlo organization, for example). Drop me a line and I'll let you know more.

Thanks on the banner - it's all part of my push for 'more eye candy'. :D I hope people realize that it's a poor man's image map, and the Book One and Book Two areas are actually links, but I couldn't think of a way to make it more obvious while still making it look nice.



Session One, Part Three: Last Stand

"Sh-t!" Jemis screamed. "Quooral - get it open!"

The huge man put his shoulder to the door, and shoved. Somehow, the thin wood resisted his advance, and a strange expression crossed his face, as if he didn't understand why his luck was so terrible today. From behind the door, they could hear Katya cry out - and then the door flew open.

Captain Donnach - no, Di'Fier - stood there, blade in his hands. The sword whistled through the air as it slammed into Quooral's ribs, rebounding harmlessly from his armor. The genasi brought his hammer up across his chest to catch the next blow, and began to lumber forward, forcing the smaller swordsman back into the room. Ashrem and Jemis dove through the door behind him, and the elf sent an arrow towards Dru that her buckler deflected from the air.

Dru shook her head, and reached forward, grabbing the Captain again and pulling back with her sword. Katya was doubled over, one arm wrapped across her stomach, but still she straightened enough to raise the hand holding her amulet. A single word and a gesture at Donnach, and as Dru's blow landed, the priestess staggered as her magic enabled her to take part of the wound. She folded to one knee, and gasped out, "Quooral..."

The big man whirled his hammer, bringing it down onto Di'Fier's blade and snapping it two inches from the hilt. The startled kidnapper barely managed to get out of the way as his opponent stepped forward again.

Dru raised her sword for another blow to the helpless Captain - when a scream of half rage, half panic distracted her. Looking up, she saw the slight form of Jemis hurtling into the room, diving between her and Katya...and what was that he'd thrown? The leather bag burst open as it hit her, and thick ropes of goo expanded, sticking to the floor, her blade, her body. As she struggled with the hardening substance, she saw Katya pull the Captain away. "Di'Fier!" she shouted. "Get the hell out of here!"

"Better surrender," Quooral told his opponent. "Don't run."

Di'Fier looked at the massive genasi - and Ashrem, who had drawn his blade. The odds were lousy, and with Dru caught, they weren't going to get any better. He flung the useless sword-hilt at the elf and dove for the door.

Quooral's hammer whistled through the air, clipping him across the back and sending him staggering out into the hall. He slammed into the banister, pushed himself upright, and took a step...

...right into the scintillating burst of color from Glunnyn's wand. Something in the display short-circuited his brain - he wanted to run, but the colors swam in front of his eyes, and he wasn't sure where his legs were anymore. He couldn't feel them.

On the other hand, he felt Quooral's hammer impacting the back of his skull just fine.

Ashrem looked into the hallway at the crumpled form, and placed his sword-point carefully at Dru's throat. "It's over," he said simply.

Dru closed her eyes and bowed her head, letting the dagger she'd been using to cut her way free drop to the floor.


First Post
I just got caught back up on the story hour after a brief hiatus and Dru and Di'fier are holding the captain hostage? I know I must have missed something. Can someone lend a brotha a clue?

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