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drnuncheon's Freeport Story Hour - Book II: Inheritance

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Guh, no! This isn't good, this isn't good. . .

*Bangs Head* "Why did you have to catch up? Why?" *Bangs Head* "Stupid, stuipid, Stupid!"

Jon Potter

First Post
Lela, imagine how those of us who were already caught up feel.

It's been... what, 6 months since the last update.

Okay, maybe not 6 months; but it's been a wjile.

Where are you, DrN?

Jon Potter

First Post
drnuncheon said:
Well, I'll have a lot more free time soon as this temp job ends tomorrow. :/

Update tonight.




Not so much about the job ending, mind you. But rather about the update and the increased free time.

Jobs can be good. How else would we afford gaming supplements?
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"You're not Di'Fier."

Dru's sword was in her hand, her eyes cold as she looked at this imposter wearing her friends' face - no, stealing his body. "You're not Di'Fier."

Liadon was in front of her, barely registering as a presence with a drawn blade. Her eyes remained fixed on the tall form that stood diffidently behind him.

"The only reason I'm not poking you full of holes is that I'm afraid of damaging my friend's body," Dru said flatly.

"I apologize," said the man in Di'Fier's body. "The transfer of magical power has disoriented me, and you are clearly distraught. Please, wait. In the morning, you will see that I am me."

Outside, in the darkness, something hammered at the window.

Ampiel's heart battered at his ribcage even as his wings slammed ineffectually against the glass. Inside, he could see the person who was wearing his boss's body - but where was Di'Fier? Somewhere black, where he couldn't move. Did that mean he was dead? Ampiel didn't know. He hadn't been a familiar for that long.

Let me in, let me in! he thought fiercely at anyone who would listen, shrieking his raucous cry. I don't want to go back to just being a raven!

Ampiel saw Dru turn, met her eyes. She lashed out with the hilt of her blade, cracking the window, even as a pale ray of coruscating color fell across her face. She stumbled, stabbed at the approaching elf, but her sword was twisted from her nerveless fingers by his own blade, and fell to the floor.

Di'Fier - or the one wearing his body - had vanished.

Dru pulled her dagger, fighting the weakness that had rolled over her from the wizard's spell. "Get away from me, you f*ck*ng b*st*ard," she growled.

Liadon took a step back. "I don't want to hurt you, Dru. I don't think that Di'Fier did, either."

"Then why did you draw on me?"

"Until I am told that my services are no longer needed, I protect the Baron." Liadon's sword did not waver from its guard position. "You were obviously angry, upset, not thinking clearly."

Dru studied him through narrowed eyes. "He's not your employer, I swear. If he was, then he'd have known the right response."

"Be that as it may," Liadon said, "I can't take any chances. Are you willing to put up your dagger so we can investigate this peacably?"

Dru slid the blade into its home, reached for her rapier as Liadon backed cautiously away. Their eyes locked on each other, the elves slowly sheathed their rapiers.

"Good," said Liadon.

"Your employer has some questions to answer," Dru said, moving past him into the hall. No sign of him, of course, she thought, scanning the hall. Invisibility, stealing someone's face - sounds like the Dragon's Claw to me.

Gradually, she became aware that she was being watched, and her eyes tracked upward to the balcony that overlooked the hall.

Five sets of eyes stared at her from the faces arrayed at varying heights behind the banister. Children? But they- And then one moved, and she saw what the shadows had concealed.

He began to bounce the child on his knee again. The child grinned in toothless delight, and laughed aloud, reaching for Papa's ears. Papa looked at the child dispassionately for a moment, and then cut its throat, much like Dru had its mother just moments before. It didn't even have time to wail.

Dru recoiled as the children began to move down the stairs, their dessicated heads lolling back on their necks, exposing five surgically precise, curiously bloodless cuts stretching across five throats, from ear to ear. She stared in horror...and she promised herself that someone was going to pay.
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Jon Potter said:
And that was a nice bit with Ampiel, too. But as a raven familiar, shouldn't he be able to speak a language?

In fact, he does speak Common, but he tends to forget when he gets overly excited.


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