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Dungeon Raiders: The Wolf's Den

Li Shenron

1. maybe we need to take a long rest in order to level up. that's reasonable, and if so, we can do that here. In that case, Bartleby can cast healing all round beforehand and then spend the time recovering spells.

[OOC: I would like to take a Long Rest even if it doesn't strictly fit with the party's goals, and BTW I still have to level Rejik to 2nd and do the conversion -- hopefully today.]

[OoC: I think this is for the best. This way the transition to 2nd level happens without any oddities, if you just get all the spell slots, dailies, HD and HP back at once]

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First Post
Sulannus paced to the crypt's entrance...the real one, not the crevice they'd creeped in through. She gazed down that dark, dank passageway with a frown that was not even an inch shy of a pout. They were doing everything right, why did it feel wrong? A company of heroes; check. A lonely fortress full of monsters; check. Danger; definitely check. And now recovering old treasures; check. All the ingredients.

She just didn't feel like a hero yet. She was tired, and her arm hurt where a ghoul had got her. The voices of the others arguing were starting to grate on her. Was this really better than what she'd left behind?

Bodies in coffins, laid to rest. Then came the heroes to rip them open and take the little memories peppered around them. It was true that they had no need of them anymore...but was it right?

Remember your history. These were not good folk. This is Lord Wolf! Every one of those things was most likely stolen! His name is still told in tales to frighten children! There is no dishonor that can be done to this place that he has not earned a thousand times over. And just think...the treasures he took are still here somewhere. To find and take the Treasure of the Wolf's Den...

Yes. Her lavender eyes narrowed slightly, and her jaw tightened. THIS might not be better, but what followed WOULD be. She wasn't going back to be kept in a padded room, safe from all harm; safe from all LIFE, until she could be married off. House Phaedran had been founded by great heroes; men and women who's deeds were written across the sky. That would be how she carried the name forward.

Sulannus grimaced slightly and glanced back over her shoulder. Even if these were the ones who would be helping her.

"Don't just smash them. What's inside might be fragile." She waved an elegant hand at the lockboxes. "Crack the hinges. And yes, close the sarcophagi. I've looked at more than enough dead bodies today."


Aeiyan takes out his dagger and one of his light hammers. He lays them on the floor near whoever is holding the wooden boxes.

"Hammer," he says, "and effectively a chisel. Use them to splinter the wood around the hinges. And Rejik's warhammer might make a good anvil."

Having said that, he helps Rejik (and whoever else is involved) to replace the lids on the sarcophagi.

Then (unless someone has something else going on) the group starts to take a long rest. Aeiyan takes early watch, asking to be relieved in four hours so he can trance for a while.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Since no one has asked for specific healing, Bartleby rises to the challenge that has been set, his thick fingers picking up the tools that Aeiyan has dropped. He'll accept help from anyone. After he's taken off his helmet and unbuckled his armour, he begins by looking at the stone boxes. Using his stone cunning (1d20+0 Int (history), advantage = 10), he tries to determine if the value is in the box itself. Uncertain, he proceeds with the wooden boxes first, and will chisel away at the side, as has been suggested, happily taking advice form anyone else who cares to kibitz.

He'll see how it goes with them, and perhaps proceed to the stone boxes afterwards, unless someone stops him.

When that's done, he'll rest, contemplating nature, and if he wakes up take the final shift on watch.

Li Shenron

Since no one has asked for specific healing, Bartleby rises to the challenge that has been set, his thick fingers picking up the tools that Aeiyan has dropped. He'll accept help from anyone. After he's taken off his helmet and unbuckled his armour, he begins by looking at the stone boxes. Using his stone cunning (1d20+0 Int (history), advantage = 10), he tries to determine if the value is in the box itself. Uncertain, he proceeds with the wooden boxes first, and will chisel away at the side, as has been suggested, happily taking advice form anyone else who cares to kibitz.

He'll see how it goes with them, and perhaps proceed to the stone boxes afterwards, unless someone stops him.

When that's done, he'll rest, contemplating nature, and if he wakes up take the final shift on watch.

The wooden boxes look like they were fine crafts, but time has worn them down considerably. Because of that, they won't fetch more than a few silver pieces at an antiquity shop. They look like they can be either easily smashed, or less easily cracked open.

The stone boxes on the other hand were preserved extremely well, which suggest they are worth at the very least 10gp each. The smaller one rattles considerably when shaken, the larger almost makes no sound. They don't have visible locks, only the keyholes are visible, so the lock mechanism is presumably well embedded inside. These will need a truly considerable effort to be smashed or cracked, and a significant lockpicking skill to be open without damaging.


Rejik is happy to help with the boxes in whatever fashion is required, whether as an anvil or as something to smash the stone boxes open. He has no qualms about it.

After accepting Aeiyan's help to re-seal the sarcophagi, he removes his chain armour and, with Aeiyan and Bartleby having volunteered for watch, is soon snoring away with his head resting on his backpack.

He dreams, as he often does, of a game of dice with Vraith, a game in which he is instructed to cheat by his god and yet is never able to win.


Since no one has asked for specific healing, Bartleby rises to the challenge that has been set, his thick fingers picking up the tools that Aeiyan has dropped. He'll accept help from anyone. After he's taken off his helmet and unbuckled his armour, he begins by looking at the stone boxes. Using his stone cunning (1d20+0 Int (history), advantage = 10), he tries to determine if the value is in the box itself. Uncertain, he proceeds with the wooden boxes first, and will chisel away at the side, as has been suggested, happily taking advice form anyone else who cares to kibitz.

He'll see how it goes with them, and perhaps proceed to the stone boxes afterwards, unless someone stops him.

Aeiyan, of course, tries to stop him, saying quietly: "The wooden ones! The wooden ones! Please don't blunt my dagger by trying to chisel stone!"

He amends his comments by adding, "We may have to hold the stone boxes unopened until we can find their keys, or a proper chisel, or some thief who can pick their locks."

[OOC: And I messed up, didn't I? I'm still in a 4E frame of mind -- expecting to recover all lost HP from a night's rest. I don't recall that the playtest said a long rest accomplishes that. However, I do see in the official Basic rules where it says, on page 67: "At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a number of dice equal to half of the character's total number of them." In Aeiyan's case, he has spent one Hit Die (the only one he had); however, at the end of this long rest he will be 2nd level, meaning he then will have two Hit Dice, so he can regain the one he spent. (Is that right?)]

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Having handed the wooden boxes to his colleagues to attempt to break open, Tock takes an opportunity to get a closer look at the damage his leg has sustained from the Ghoul.

The oozing had stopped some time ago, and already whatever strange magic kept his wood and metal body animate had begun it's work - he could already see shiny new metal regrowing around the wound. With a few strips of leather from his pack, he bound the injury, holding the shattered wood tight to support it until it had fully healed. He then took a few moments to tighten some screws on his joints. The clock on his chest, as ever, continued it's erratic ticking.

[OOC: If we're taking a long rest, Tock regains all his HP, and since he hasn't expended any HD on healing yet he's now got 2 HD to spend and a recharged Second Wind?]

Looking up from his self-repairs, Tock finds a quiet spot and settles down for the four or so hours of trance that serves as his sleep. The ticking of his clock grows quieter, but never quite silent, and his eyes take on a duller colour as he slips into trance. After a few moments, he is completely still, almost indistinguishable from a mechanical statue or sculpture.
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Li Shenron

[OOC: And I messed up, didn't I? I'm still in a 4E frame of mind -- expecting to recover all lost HP from a night's rest. I don't recall that the playtest said a long rest accomplishes that. However, I do see in the official Basic rules where it says, on page 67: "At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a number of dice equal to half of the character's total number of them." In Aeiyan's case, he has spent one Hit Die (the only one he had); however, at the end of this long rest he will be 2nd level, meaning he then will have two Hit Dice, so he can regain the one he spent. (Is that right?)]

[OoC:Well, the rules don't say how to handle levelling-up with regard to currently spent resources... but regaining 1 HD sounds right to me. So whoever spent the only HD at 1st level will now have 1 HD again, and whoever didn't spend it now will have 2 HD because of the 2nd level. /OoC]


Looking up from his self-repairs, Tock finds a quiet spot and settles down for the four or so hours of trance that serves as his sleep. The ticking of his clock grows quieter, but never quite silent, and his eyes take on a duller colour as he slips into trance. After a few moments, he is completely still, almost indistinguishable from a mechanical statue or sculpture.
[OOC: Tres cool.]

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