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Dwimmermount IC:

Deuce Traveler

Gargrim still had orc blood all over his weapons and hands from when he hacked to death the three sleeping orcs in retaliation for his brother's death. Gargrim helped drag Migrim's body all the way back to the gates, and so when Corporal Danthan asks his question, all he can do in response is lay his brother's cold body in front of the guard. He then gives a loud wail and falls to his nears as his body racks in sobs. His sobs fluctuate between pain and rage as he promises in rage, "I care not for your barriers and fables! My brother died today because of those orc scum. And I'm telling you what's going to happen here. First, we are all gonna get piss drunk. I mean raging piss drunk as I toast his deeds, of how he faced death from kobolds, orcs and other horrors. Then I'm gonna to collect the baddest group of cut throats this side of the mountain pass and we're going back into Dwimmermount, and we are going to slaughter every last one of those orcs in such an epic bloodbath that there'll be drunken songs heard about it for years upon years. Time to cash in our treasures boys, and let's get the ales passed along. Time to get ragin' shitfaced!"

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Danthan looks shocked, first at the state that Vindar is in, and then even morso when Gargrim goes on his tirade.

Snapping out of it he jumps into action.

"Walters! Go wake Sister Emilise! Have her meet us at the great hall. This man needs tending. Karanth! Go wake the cooks at the barracks. These men need food. Master Gargrim. Please, come with me. I'll wake Sir Verodart. If the mountain is truely open and inhabited by orcs, then he must know of what you found... He may also be the best man to help equip your expedition of revenge.

Assuming you follow him, he leads you towards the inner bailey. He shouts for the inner gate to be opened and escorts you to the great hall (number 16 on the map). He asks you to remain there and then leaves the room for a few minutes returning with a middle aged man of military bearing who has obviously been awoken from his slumber as he has a robe thrown about his shoulders over his nightshirt. He none the less seems to be awake and alert, and sits at the table across from you, runs his hand through his disheveled hair and says.

"So Dwimmermount has indeed been opened? The party that preceded you caused quite a stir with their rumors, but they spoke only to Proctor Had, and even he refused to speak to me about it."

In the mean time Sister Emelisse also arrives in the hall and begins tending to Vindar's leg.

"I know that you are likely an adherent of Typhon, but Proctor Had has followed the other survivors from Typhons Fist to Adamas. If you will accept the aid of a Tychian I will do what she may."

OOC: OOC: From a gear and treasure perspective it would have been entirely possible to take whatever you wanted really. Gargrim dragged Midgrim's body, and Pieter could have easily managed Klyman. The rest of the treasure was relatively portable with the exception being, as you mentioned the silver box.

OOC pt.2: As for Vindar's view on Gods and Typhon. Paladin's are quite expressly anti-theist. They follow an overarching philosophy of "LAW" which is actually at odds with the Thulian dieties. From the Dwimmermount book.

Unlike clerics, paladins serve no known god. Indeed, they generally consider all gods to be, at best, merely powerful otherworldly beings and, at worst, demons masquerading as divinities. Paladins serve only Law, whom they consider synonymous with Goodness and the only true god. Some have surmised that “Law” is simply another manifestation of the abstract Thulian deity, Anyastos (see p. 37). If this is true, no paladin has ever been heard to assert it.

Regardless, members of this sub-class take particularly umbrage at gods who claim to be Lawful and yet subvert Law for evil ends, like Typhon. Paladins travel the world singly or in pairs, spreading their particular interpretation of Law and rooting out cults devoted to Turms Termax, which they consider particularly dangerous, moreso even than the temple of Typhon. Interestingly, paladins do not shun those who do not share their beliefs, even Termaxians. Instead, they seek them out and often join their adventuring parties, hoping to use their unique abilities and charisma to sway the wayward to their cause. However, a paladin may accept only henchmen or hirelings who are Lawful.

Paladins are uncommon in the region surrounding Dwimmermount. Most paladins are travelers from a far-off land known only as the Kingdom of the Priest-King, about which little is known. From this realm, paladins set out on their unusual mission, often finding others whom they believe are good candidates to serve as Law’s chosen champions. These facts, coupled with their penchant for traveling incognito makes paladins a mysterious group about whom many tall tales and legends have sprung up. Given their rarity and secretiveness, most people have no idea whether any of the stories are true, only that paladins are unusual fighting men, unlike any others in the world.

My own interpretation of their philosophy is basically that they are Stoics in the vein of Marcus Aurelius. It would make sense for Emilesse to mistake Vindar for a Typhonite as Paladins often travel incognito, and while outright lying, and professing to follow another god would likely cause them considerable discomfort they are usually perfectly happy to have people simply assume that they are fighters and they're OK with playing along with the prayers and rites of other faiths as long as it doesn't contravene their own code.
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Deuce Traveler

Gargrim lets out some of his frustration and anger, "I dannae know if it was opened. Why doncha you go on and send a third expedition to go find out? Or maybe a fourth? Balls! Threaten to force out there Proctor Had himself an' see what happens when he pisses himself in fear. Why the group of you are bothering me and my fellows when we be needin' rest and kegs of ale are beyond me. Stop wasting me time with ye questions, unless ye got some answers to gib me. We've got fallen to bury and ye ain't keepin' us dawdling and disrespectin' them!"


Sir Verodart cups his forehead in his hands rubs his palms against his temples and takes a deep breath before returning his gaze to you. "My apologies master dwarf. I know the pain you must feel at the death of a kinsman before his time, and I have no desire to keep you from what rites you may perform in his honor. I have ordered the cooks awakened to bring food and drink for you, but I must beg of you some of your time. I swore an oath to safeguard this pass against all who might threaten the town of Muntburg, or Adamas itself, and if the seals on Dwimmermount have been broken, then the threat is very, very real. If the rumors of Termaxians about the mountain are true, and the seals are broken, then they will inevitably attempt to release Turms Termax from his imprisonment and unleash a reign of blood and vengeance that will kill thousands. If Orcs are present within the mountain I need to know so that I might prepare defenses and call for aid from Adamas. If I had the troops to mount an expedition, believe me I would.

I am willing to pay in gold for any information or maps that you might be able to provide. Corporal Danthan mentioned that you may be planning another expedition to exact vengeance. If this is the case I will also speak with Adryen Herman at the bonding house on your behalf, and I will pay his fee for any retainers you might wish to hire.

Sister Emelese speaks up as well "If you wish, come morning I will help you in laying Klyman to rest. I would offer to extend the rites to Midgrim as well, but... would you want that?"

OOC: regarding dwarven funerals. Dwarves are oftentimes left where they fall, and it isn't seen as disrespectful to do so. This is largely because of their lithification, and the logistics behind moving a 9 cubic foot block of granite around. Indeed, part of the reason you have arrived at Muntburg so late is because Midgrim had turned to stone half way down the mountain. When dwarves are 'interred' it's usually in what the dwarves call a "hall of memories" which is a room, sometimes even a garden where the statues of the deceased are placed, typically with a small plaque commemorating their deeds. However, these halls typically only exist in larger dwarven communities. There is no such place in Muntburg, the nearest one being in Adamas.

Bindar, the dwarf you rescued then pipes up. "Iffen ya want I think I be heading back ta Adamas. I can be escortin' Master Midgrim there to place him wit our folk there." He then turns to Verodart and says "Aye. There be several score o' Orcs on the second level. I donna think they be much threat to ye walls here though. Leastwise not yet... They be caught up fightin' a bunch o' Gnolls fer control o' da old Eldrich laboratories down dere. Once one side or da other be winnin' they may be a problem but dey too focused on killen each other fer now. More dan dat I canna be saying witout speaken first ta me elders in Adamas.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Assuming you follow him, [Danthan] leads you towards the inner bailey.

"B-b-b-Beyond pppPPain n-now," offers Vindar to the grieving dwarven brother during a pause on the way. He goes for a weird sort of lean on Gargrim's shoulder with his supporting spear, not really able to let it go without collapsing right now.

In the mean time Sister Emelisse also arrives in the hall and begins tending to Vindar's leg.

"I know that you are likely an adherent of Typhon, but Proctor Had has followed the other survivors from Typhons Fist to Adamas. If you will accept the aid of a Tychian I will do what she may."
The wounded man opens his mouth, but sadness and futility closes it back up again. He had faith once, but no more, not after the Dungeon. How do you explain that when you don't half know it yourself? When every syllable out of your mouth is a drawn out horror?

So Vindar just silently nods in defeated, bitter agreement, not too proud to beg, beg for what crumbs the gods deign sell hapless mortals!

He manages a (barely) controlled collapse before sister Emelisse, letting go of Pieter's shoulder and sliding down his spear before painfully impacting the floor with his rear end. "KUmph!"

Then Gargrim explodes and for some reason, THAT causes a bitter smile to crease Vindar's cracked lips. It's pained beyond measure, but it IS a smile. He pushes Pieter's leg towards Sir Verodart, incredibly feebly... "G-Go. Pr-prevent-t-t war." Though whether he means between orcs and dwarves or Gargrim and Verodart is not entirely clear.... Probably the latter though. :)

Deuce Traveler

Gargrim deflates a bit after the offers from Sister Emelese and Bindar, "These offers 'twould be fine, I suppose. I know I shoulda left Midgrim where he had fell, but it just didn't seem right leaving him there in that evil place where there be nothing to keep him company except for orcs and mad kobolds... and maybe the occasional mad dwarf like the one we killed. Let him go to Adamas then."

Once he is calmed down Gargrim becomes more open, sharing the maps they had made and the encounters they had.


Food and drinks are brought into the hall as you sit in consultation with Sir Verodart. It takes a couple hours while he orders a scribe to transcribe your map (though you have carefully left the secret entrance off) You describe your battles with the kobolds, Climent describes his theories about how someone may have gained access through an old Eldrich portal, and you walk him through your encounter with Sigur. It is late in the night by the time everything is finished and he gives you a pouch of 100 GP for the information. He does request that you not provide copies of your map to anyone else unless they are members of your return expedition. He is greatly concerned about the potential for Termaxian spies gaining intelligence on the dungeon. He then offers to let you sleep in the garrison barracks and the next morning you are provided with a full breakfast along with the garrison troops before the inner gate is unbarred and you are permitted to go about your business in the town.

As you leave Bindar says to Gargrim "Afor I go, I should be givin you a map of what I know o' the second level. I dunno too much, but it may be of help. I dinna want ta give it ta Verodart as there is some stuff dat shoulda be known only ta dwarves."

So, you've got the run of the town. Anything in particular you want to get done while you're here.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
For Vindar, the next few days are a blur of little scenelets, the rest lost in pain and worry, and sometimes anger and soul-searching as well.

The news for his leg and speech isn't good -- he could still see sister Emelisse's face when she told him. The weakness would go away, in time - has already started to - but the rest... is here to stay.

The fitting for his new pegleg, an ugly, heavy thing of rough wood and padded leather. You can just tell it's been made by the local wheelwright.

That place had hurt him. Had hurt him bad...

Does he really want to go back in there?

Gargrim has his vengeance. Others have their greed. What does that leave him?

One sentence. One ideal. One... conviction, is what it left him: There HAS to be a better way!

Vindar had never been a man of letters, but now he could be seem either hobbling about the keep, or bent over forgotten pages, lips labouriously moving with the written words.

[sblock=OOC]Trying to find info on Thurms Turmax in particular, the rest (on the Dwimmermount in general) being just cover for his true research: what did he do to become a god? What did he do after becoming one? (just how mad was he?) How, where and by whom was he sealed up again, etc. He'd also be interested in anything related to why the present Gods screwed it up so bad (according to him, of course).

He'll start with sister Emelisse and then move on to Verodart and/or any local scholars. Just locating where the info might be could be enough at this point (has he heard of any forbidden/indexed books while he was a Thyphonian for example?).

In short: Info search on Thurms Turmax and the Dwimmermount in general (second), please. ;)[/sblock]


As Vindar spends his days pouring over the dessicated archives in the basement of the keep he comes across a manuscript dated over 300 years ago. It looks as though it is a partially complete chronicle written by Marcus Ophilion, a companion and follower of Turms Termax. It begins with Marcus explaining that he is writing this while awaiting execution at the hands of the Typhonites having been captured along with Turms himself and sentenced to death for heresy and his repeated refusal to acknowledge the divinity of the Thulian gods.

The execution of Turms is reasonably common knowledge, though the details of it are long forgotten. You do know that after many years on the run from the Thulians, Turms was captured and beheaded in Dwimmermount itself. When the execution was carried out however he did not die, at least not completely. His head survived, and the miracle caused the witnesses to declare him Man-Become-God, which in turn led to the Termaxians seizing control of the Empire for the next hundred years until the rebellion of the citystates overthrew them and sealed Dwimmermount.

In the manuscript Marcus explains that Turms and his followers believed that the gods were actually the creations of ancient men who betrayed their creators thousands of years ago, and would do so again. He believed that they should be subservient to humanity, not the other way around. He makes numerous references to a woman named Sarana who made these claims and said that by embodying the divine principals of Law and Justice and the use of ancient magics mankind could become divine themselves. Marcus refers to those on the quest to uphold those principals as Paladins (an ancient word meaning "seeker") and claims that he follows the path himself and even goes so far as to explain some of the meditative techniques that he uses to focus his mind and spirit hoping that others will find his writings and feel the call themselves.

The manuscript leaves you with more questions than answers. Marcus makes repeated references to Law, Justice, and divinity for all mankind, and he seems genuine in his beliefs. It was obviously written prior to the ascension of Turms Termax, so Marcus never saw the terrible corruption of Termax himself, but according to Marcus, prior to his execution Termax was just as adamant in his beliefs as Marcus and was a genuinely good man. How could a man like that go on to lead an empire that ruled through chaos, terror, necromancy and all manner of dark sorcery? Who was this Sarana? Where did she learn what she knew? What happened to her? She doesn't appear in any other stories of the Termaxian Empire that you have heard. Was she executed as well? How did man create the gods? What manner of sorcery could allow a man to become a god?

As you pour over the manuscript, laboriously translating the old Thulian script you feel your body begin to strengthen and your vitality return. Sister Emilesse spends the first few days following you like a mother hen, continually checking the state of your leg. She is particularly concerned about the fact that it seems the wound has allowed for the onset of the wasting disease and she is concerned that it may need to be amputated at the hip to save your life. However by following some of the techniques provided by Marcus you can almost feel your body fighting off the disease, and after a few more days Emilesse comments that your injury seems to have made a full and remarkable recovery. Even the crude peg leg doesn't seem to bother you anywhere near as much as it first did, and you find yourself able to make your way around the castle town without the aid of a cane.
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Deuce Traveler

When Vindar explains his discovery to Gargrim, the dwarf is still deep into an epic bender, face on a bar table and a flagon in hand. He lifts himself up party with some effort and stares Vindar in the eyes, "By the gods, man! Why would I give a pig turd? Now quiet down and grab a drink."

Voidrunner's Codex

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