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Dwimmermount IC:

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The perhaps paladin lets his head go down in despair: going with his 'easy smile', this new one can't read either! Or won't right now, which comes down to the same paddock...

All that effort thinking up a clever comeback (and then actually writing it down in chalk!). Completely wasted. And by such a stupid oversight too!

What had he been thinking...?

On to plan B (and hopefully plan C won't be needed).

His wooden leg goes out and taps the little wooden barrow he's lugged all the way here, drawing attention to it with his hands. Inside is, amongst other things, Midgrim's axe and shield, as well as his 10' pole and short-handled spade -- custom-reinforced so it can be used as a crowbar as well.

(Vindar has obviously been going through his things, as well as Klyman's: the scout's backpack is on his back right now as a matter of fact, still - and probably permanently - stained with dark splotches from the man's explosive demise...)

OOC: In case it's not clear, Vindar is trying to get Gargrim off his duff/out of his drinking binges and back into adventuring. :) Oh, what does Robert look like, by the way Skarsgard?
OOC: I'm thinking we likely buried Klyman in the local cemetery? It probably occurred while Vindar was too weak to do anything, so I don't know the details (obviously :)).

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Yrel, Elf Magic-User / Thief

Yrel says in Dwarvish, "I think what Robert is trying to tell you is that he wants to join your adventuring band. And, for that matter, I do, too." And, in case anyone didn't catch Yrel's description --
OOC: and you probably didn't, since it's at the bottom of his character sheet
Yrel is a tad heavy for an Elf, tipping the scales at 118 pounds. His extra weight is concentrated in his buttocks and thighs, giving him the look of an Elf "Weeble". His large, almond-shaped eyes have large, amber irises, his hair is a dark shade of blonde, and his skin has the tone of bronze that is heavy on the copper.

Yrel's sheet
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Deuce Traveler

Gargrim looks at his now empty flagon and grimaces, "Frack it. I figure I'm all about as full of piss and vinegar as I'm gonna get and those orcs aren't gonna go kill themselves. Alright lads. Come over to my place right now and let's pick through some of the equipment we brought back. You can grab anything that will better arm you over what we have. Then we sell the rest, split up the coin into shares, equip and head out by tomorrow afternoon. We'll go in the same way we left."


Robert smiles his thanks to the elf. Extending a calloused hand he introduces himself.

He cannot help but compare his own size to that of the slender elf. Robert a large muscular man felt like a bumbling oaf next to the fey creature and whilst he was considered handsome by most with his smooth complexion and warm brown eyes; he was aware of an almost otherworldly quality.

"The good elf is most correct master dwarf. I hope to join you on your quest to avenge yourself on the denizens of the mount. I would happily translate any parts of the tome for you." he drains his flagon in one go.

"Lead on master dwarf!"


Yrel, Elf Magic-User / Thief

Uncertain of the particulars of human courtesy, Yrel smiles and gently kisses Robert's offered hand, and blushes again.

Yrel's sheet
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Deuce Traveler

Gargrim looks stunned at this at first, but then breaks out in a huge guffaw and hit Robert on the back hard, "Hah! I think fancy pants likes you! I'm guessing he's the one who's gonna be wearing white down the aisle."


Yrel, Elf Magic-User / Thief

Realizing that he has made a faux pas, Yrel looks mortified, sweats profusely (for an Elf), and wishes he could crawl up his own butthole.

Yrel's sheet
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Robert looks mildly alarmed at first and then laughs loudly at the elf's discomfort.

"My apologies Yrel, I had thought the greeting universal but I now know the folly of assumption."


Yrel, Elf Magic-User / Thief

"And I, the folly of assuming that all humans greet each other in the same fashion. The embarrassment was not intentional, and is purely my own."

[Aside]"Must work on that! They'd be so ashamed of me at SorcerEcole!"

Yrel's sheet
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Magician-an?" picks up Vindar with a questioning gesture towards Yvrel and a tilt of the head.

The man may be scarred inside and out, but scraps of nobility still cling to him, an air of the tragic, of what he once was.

Voidrunner's Codex

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